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Simon Courtois edited this page Mar 8, 2015 · 10 revisions

simple-navigation is a ruby gem for creating navigations (with multiple levels) for your Rails3, Rails4, Sinatra or Padrino applications. You can render your navigation as HTML list, link list or breadcrumbs.

To see the gem/plugin in action please visit the online demo.

Update: v3.12.0 has been released. This release introduces the option consider_item_names_as_safe. All item names will be considered unsafe by default as of v3.13.0. So if you have HTML in your item names, please add this option and set it to true.

Table of contents

Ruby/Rails Compliance

The simple-navigation gem is tested against the following versions of Ruby:

  • 2.0.0
  • 2.1.5
  • 2.2.1

and the following versions of Rails:

  • last stable 3.2
  • last stable 4.1
  • last stable 4.2


We would like to thank the whole community for the feedback and inspiration. Special thanks goes to the following contributors for providing patches, enhancements, ideas and support.

Please also check out the complete list of contributors.

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