diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt
index e69de29b..198dc4b9 100644
--- a/readme.txt
+++ b/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+=== Product Table for WooCommerce (wooproducttable) ===
+Contributors: codersaiful,codeastrology
+Donate link: https://codecanyon.net/item/woo-product-table-pro/20676867?ref=CodeAstrology&utm_source=WPT_Installed_DonateLink
+Tags: wc product table, wooproducttable,woocommerce product table, product table, wc table, quick order table, wholesale table, restaurants table
+Requires at least: 4.0.0
+Tested up to: 5.8.1
+Stable tag: 3.0.2
+Requires PHP: 5.6
+License: GPLv2 or later
+License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
+Easily display your products as table by tiny shortcode. Such: [Product_Table id='1']. Support default editor, any Page Builder & Gutenberg.
+== Description ==
+Product Table plugin helps you to display your WooCommerce products in a searchable table layout with filters. Add a table on any page or post via a shortcode. You can create tables as many as you want.
+Create a table for restaurant order systems, Online music sell, Mobile Wholesale, Course Booking, or Selling books any many more.
+**Shortcode Example**
+`[Product_Table ID='123' name='Table Name']`
+*ID* - will be post's ID(required).It will generate automatically when you create your table.
+*name* - only for identifying your table's shortcode.(Optional)
+**[Visit Official Site](https://wooproducttable.com/#discount)**
+**Demo table list**
+* [Advanced Search Table](https://demo.wooproducttable.com/demo-list/clean-blue-table-with-advanced-search/)
Our most valuable feature is search & filter. Customers can filter products by any taxonomy or attribute like products categories, tags, color, or size. Also can filter by any custom field data. Have an option to search from specific areas.
+* [A table on Single Variable Product Page](https://demo.wooproducttable.com/product/samsung-galaxy/)
If you select a table and enable 'Variation Table' then it will replace the default variation dropdown select options and will display that table on every variable product page.
+* [A table on an archive page.](https://demo.wooproducttable.com/shop/)
You can override the default archive page and display our table.
+* [Product Variant In Separate Row](https://demo.wooproducttable.com/product-variant-in-separate-row/)
If you have variable products and you want to show every variation as a single product, this table is like that.
+* [Filter By Custom Field](https://demo.wooproducttable.com/filter-by-custom-field/)
Here you can filter products by custom filed. This will give you the freedom to filter products by any keyword.
+* [Quick Order Table](https://demo.wooproducttable.com/quick-cart-update-quick-order-table/)
This is a special table. If you want to add a product to the cart just increase the quantity. The product will automatically add to the cart.
+* [User Conditional Table](https://demo.wooproducttable.com/demo-list/user-conditional-table/)
Hide any column for Guest users. Users only can see some columns if they are logged in.
+* [Attributes in Different Column](https://demo.wooproducttable.com/demo-list/product-attributes-in-different-column-and-search-box/)
You can show product Attributes in a different column as well as in the Search Box.
+* [Redirect to checkout/cart page](Redirect to checkout/cart page)
On this table, if a customer adds a product to the cart then will atomically redirect to the cart/check out page.
+* [Restaurant Table](https://demo.wooproducttable.com/restaurant-table-two/)
This table is made for a restaurant. Users will easily order products from the table.
+* [Mobile Wholesale](https://demo.wooproducttable.com/mobile-wholesale/)
Create a table to sell mobile. Show products specifications using our description column.
+* [Audio Player Table](https://demo.wooproducttable.com/demo-list/audio-player-table/)
This is an audio table. User paly audio from the table.
+* [Online Music Sale](https://demo.wooproducttable.com/demo-list/online-music-sale/)
Create a table to sell your music. Users also can listen to demo audio.
+* [Books Table](https://demo.wooproducttable.com/books-table-with-custom-link/)
Sell your books with the help of a table and increase user engagement.
+* [Course Booking Table](https://demo.wooproducttable.com/course/)
Create a table for selling online courses. Users can book any course to learn about their interests.
+* [Quotation Table](https://demo.wooproducttable.com/demo-list/send-your-quotation/)
Users can send quotations using our plugin. Here is the demo table for that.
+Please Visit our demo site to see all our demo tables. [All Demo](https://demo.wooproducttable.com/)
Our main features ( Pro and Free )
+**Drag and Drop**
+We have a rich column list. Such as product Title, Attributes, thumbnails, quantity, short message, variation, and many more. Users can show or hide multiple columns with one click. Also easily can Change position by drag and drop.
+**Design Customizable**
+We have some pre-built design templates. You can switch between design templates to change table design. On the other hand, you can design pretty much table’s every section as you want. For example table header, footer, body. You can design each column individually also.
+**Advance Filter (Taxonomy/cf/title)**
+Our most valuable feature is search & filter. Customers can filter products by any taxonomy or attribute like products categories, tags, color, or size. Also can filter by any custom field data. Have an option to search from specific areas. ( Only from SKU or price ). Also, you can use a mini-filter that filters only current page products.
+**Override Archive page**
+This is an awesome feature of our plugin. you can display your table on your archive pages.
+You can display a table on every archive page or you can choose some specific archive pages to display specific tables. All you have to do is, select and turn on the table for archive pages.
+**Quick Cart Update**
+Add a product to the cart, you don’t have to click any button anymore. You just need to update the quantity and that product will automatically add to the cart. The cart will auto-update by Increasing or decreasing quantity.
+**Dozens of Integration**
+We have integrated our plugin with the necessary plugins. By default, it supports most of the plugins. On the other hand, you can turn on our third-party plugin support feature to make them work with our plugin.
+**Export & Import**
+This is an important feature of our table. You can easily create a table as it is shown on our demo site by importing that table’s encoded code. Also can export your table data as well.
+**Developer Friendly**
+We provide our plugin’s complete control to the developers. You can pass query arguments by shortcode attributes. We have tons of action and filter hooks, so you have the power to customize any of our plugin functionality.
+*Get help from our [documentation](https://wooproducttable.com/documentation/).*
+Our [YouTube Playlist](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrFzReNAohkHglbF91ZEYA/playlists).
+**Important feature ( Pro and Free )**
+* Add custom column
+* Design columns individually
+* Columns only for login user
+* Show multiple inner items
+* Create A Variation Product Table
+* Table On Variation Product Page
+* Show Variation Label
+* Include/Exclude Products
+* Include/Exclude Categories
+* Show or Hide Mini Cart
+* Customizable floating cart
+* Instant Search Filter
+* Display Limited Products
+* Load More Button
+* Enable /Disable Pagination
+* Customizable Add To Cart Button
+* Pre-Select Product Option
+* Product Sorting by values
+* Showing Popup Notices
+* Redirect to Checkout Page
+**list of Integration plugin**
+* Addons - UltraAddons Elementor Lite
+* Quantity Plus Minus Button for WooCommerce
+* WooCommerce Min Max Quantity & Step Control
+* WooCommerce Product Filter by WooBeWoo
+* Elementor
+* Advanced Custom Fields
+* Loco Translate
+* YITH WooCommerce Quick View
+* WOOF – Products Filter for WooCommerce
+* YITH WooCommerce Wishlist
+**Columns/Item Load from Theme/ChildTheme**
+To get Item's Template From Active Theme, Use following Directory.
+* `[YourTheme]/woo-product-table/items/[YourItemFileName].php`
+Suppose: Item name is price, than location/directory from theme will be:
+* `[YourTheme]/woo-product-table/items/price.php`
+**Have a looks in short**
+== Installation ==
+1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/woo-product-table` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
+2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
+3. Use the PRODUCT TABLE -> Configure screen to configure the plugin's default setting.
+== Frequently Asked Questions ==
+= Why Product Table for WooCommerce? =
+To see your all products as a table in a page by shortcode.User friendly interface with easy options.If you want to increase user engagement in your site then it's the best solution.
+= What is default Shortcode? =
+Default Shortcode is [Product_Table id='123' name='Home Table'] as well as also able to change. Go to Product Table page from dashboard.
+= Can I set product limitation to show in one table? =
+Yes. You can set the product limit to show in you able. Eg. You have 100 products in your site then you can easily show 50 of them.
+= How to use? =
+Install and activate. Then go to ( Dashboard -> Product Table-> Add New ). Give a suitable name of your table. Configure your table according to your need and click publish. Finally, copy the shortcode and paste it to your desired page or post.
+That's it. So easy, Right !!!
+= How to show specific Category products ? =
+You can easily show specific category products. While creating new table click on the basic tab. You will find an option to select your category. You can also choose multiple categories.
+= Is it suitable for any theme ? =
+ Yes. *Product Table for WooCommerce* will adapt with your theme design.
+= Configuration data is not saving for old table. How can I fix it. =
+ Please follow the link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10303714/php-max-input-vars#answer-14166562
+== Screenshots ==
+1. Enabled table columns by checking the boxes
+2. Show/Hide columns on mobile and tablet devices
+3. Drag-n-drop ordering system for column's inners items
+4. WooCommerce Product Table with inner column items
+5. Restaurant menu with inner column items
+6. WooCommerce Product Table with top mini cart
+7. Enable/Disable columns by checking the boxes
+8. Basic query on table
+9. Set different types of conditions here
+10. Advanced search box with search from
+11. Add new custom taxonomy column
+12. WooCommerce Product Table with pagination
+13. Clean WooCommerce Product Table
+14. Duplicate product table
+15. Popup notification
+16. Lots of popup notification
+17. WooCommerce product table with instant search
+18. WooCommerce default product image popup
+19. WooCommerce default product image popup
+20. Popup notification
+21. WooCommerce product table with Mini Filter
+22. Advanced Search Box
+23. WooCommerce product table with Mini Cart
+24. Auto Selected Checked Table – Automatically All Item Selected
+25. Manually responsive for mobile devices
+== Changelog ==
+= 3.0.1 =
+ * Bug fix
+ * Spelling fix
+= 3.0.1 =
+ * product_cat_ids confliction error solved for new user
+= 3.0.0 =
+ * array filter issue has solved
+ * Elementor Minicart CSS issue has fixed
+ * Variation's Change issue has solved
+= 2.9.9 =
+ * Variation's Change issue has solved
+= 2.9.9 =
+ * Bug fix (Undefined Array issue) in array_filter
+ * recommended message updated
+= 2.9.8 =
+ * Advance Search for Variable Product
+ * Integrate with sold indivisual
+ * UI Design Update for Admin panel
+= 2.9.7 =
+ * Search issue for Advance Search has been fixed
+= 2.9.6 =
+ * Fixed: YITH qutoe request premium button quantity issue solved.
+= 2.9.5 =
+ * Added: short description column as individual column.
+ * Added: logn description column as individual column.
+ * Fixed: Quote Request (premium version) has been fixed.
+= 2.9.4 =
+ * Fixed: Load Button on archvie page issue has been fixed.
+= 2.9.3 =
+ * Fixed: Shop page quantity issue
+ * Fixed: After add to cart quantity issue
+ * Fixed: Quote button issue
+ * Fixed: YITH Quote button issue
+ * Fixed: Short Message not sending issue
+ * Fixed: Advance Search on latest verion
+ * Added: Query by URL - on off from Configuraton page and tab
+ * Bug Fix
+= 2.9.1 =
+ * escapping issue fixed
+= 2.8.9 =
+ * Name change to Product Table for WooCommerce
+= 2.8.8 =
+ * move icon and checkbox position at topside always
+ * Priority Added PHP_INT_MAX Version: date 12.5.2021
+ * first-time-enabled class added for first time load element
+ * Variation's stock message showing issue fixed
+ * Documentation menu added in submenu
+ * import box issue fixed
+ * Description Hide on product column issue fixed
+ * Ajax Save change issue fixed
+= 2.8.7 =
+ * Product Table Preview added
+ * Export/Import Features Added
+= 2.8.6 =
+ * Illegal Offset issue fixed
+= 2.8.5 =
+ * Device wise column setting feature added
+= 2.8.4 =
+ * Fixed: Product not found issue solved
+ * Fixed: ShortMessage send issue has fixe. To see short message field in single product. Use: `add_action( 'woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_quantity', 'wpt_add_custom_message_field' );`
+ * Added: Taxonomy Relation Operation Added. eg: IN, AND
+= 2.8.3 =
+ * Fixed: Taxonomy hierarchy added.
+ * Fixed: Short Message showing in order issue has fixed.
+ * Fixed: add new column hook issue fixed.
+ * Fixed: Bug Fix.
+= 2.8.2 =
+ * Fixed: Responsive Tab Issue fixed.
+= 2.8.1 =
+ * Fixed: Illegal offset issue, When creating new Table.
+= 2.8.0 =
+ * Updated: Quantity value return to min issue has fixed.
+ * Added: Filter Added [wpto_qty_return_zero] support: true,false
+ * Added: Filter Added [wpto_qty_return_quanity] support: true,false
+ * Bug Fixed
+= 2.7.9 =
+ * Fixed: Responsive/Mobile Tab issue fixed
+ * Fixed: admin body class issue fixed
+ * Bug Fixed
+= 2.7.8 =
+ * Added: Column Tab - Update User Experience
+ * Fixed: Variation Issue for sorting
+ * Fixed: return to min Quantity after Add to cart issue has fixed
+ * Added: few message added for user experience on Backend.
+ * Bug Fixed
+= 2.7.7 =
+ * Fixed: Checkbox click and scroll issue fixed
+ * Fixed: JavaScript Console Error issue fixed for 'variation_data.forEach is not a function'
+ * Added: Add Class for TD tag based on Array Key and Value, When String value
+ * Bug Fixed and some few new feature added.
+= 2.7.6 =
+* Fixed: Product Weight calculation issue fixed.
+* Added: Elementor Widget Features Added.
+* Fixed: Table on Product Page (Not showing product issue) has solved
+= 2.7.5 =
+* Fixed: Chrome Scrollbar Issue fixed.
+* Added: Overflow Scrollbar Added at the top of the Table.
+* Added: Action Hook 'wpto_action_before_table' added for just before table
+* Added: Action Hook 'wpto_action_after_table' added for just after table
+= 2.7.4 =
+* New: a attribute on tr tag added for more customize feature from javascript
+* New: js Trigger Event added on custom.js to control plugin from different addons plugin.
+= 2.7.3 =
+* New: Columns/Item's Template file load from Theme. Location: [YourTheme]/woo-product-table/items/[YourItemFileName].php
+* New: A new Filter `wpto_item_final_loc` Added
+* Doc's link Updated
+= 2.7.2 =
+* Fixed: Guest Purchase Issue Fixed
+= 2.7.1 =
+* Fixed: Plugin Permission Issue Fixed
+= 2.7 =
+* Fixed: Export Import Issue Fix
+* Added: Lots of Filter Hooks
+* Added: Lots of Action Hooks
+* Added: Changable user permission
+* Added: Freeze column start of table
+* Added: Lots of new features
+* Added: Manually enable/disable column for mobile and tablet
+* Added: Plugin Recommendation on/off feature
+* Added: Device Wise Different Column Feature
+* Fixed: Jetpack Conflict/ Tab Conflict Issue
+* Fixed: JavaScript Bug Fix
+* Fixed: PHP Bug Fix
+= 2.0 =
+* Auto Responsive for Mobile
+* Auto Responsive for Tab
+* More Clean Design
+* Bug Fix
+= 1.9 =
+* Fixed - javascript conflict issue of other cart plugin
+* custom field supported
+* custom taxonomy supported
+* Undefine index issue fixed for free version
+* Pagination is free now
+* Column Move added in Free
+= 1.8 =
+* YITH Quick View Added at Free
+* Attribute Collumn Added at Free
+= 1.7 =
+* Many pro feature in free now.
+* Translation issue fixed
+* Different Configuration available for different table shortcode
+* Bug Fix
+* SSL issue fix for style and js file
+= 1.6 =
+* Bug Fix
+* Supported with latest WooCommerce
+* Supported with latest WordPress
+= 1.6 =
+* Removed old Shortcode
+* Awesome Footer Cart Added
+* Per product cart count and will update globally
+* Cart quantity will display with per [Add to cart] button - for added item
+* YITH Quote request Supported
+* YITH Wishlist Supported
+* YITH Quick View Supported
+* Adding spin for loading - add to cart.
+* Quote Request issue fix,
+* js issue fixed,
+* All text - Translateable
+* Old shortcode's feature has totally removed
+* Added and Adding text removed from basic tab
+= 1.5 =
+* Easy shortcode System
+* Table Manage by only one ID.
+* Bug Fix
+= 1.4 =
+* Bug Fix
+* Mobile Responsive
+* Configure Page
+* Column Move
+* Ajax Add to cart
+* So many pro feature in Free Version
+= 1.3 =
+* Shortcode Supporting in Custom Field.
+* Default value issue fixed for Variation of product.
+* Variations/Attribute in different column issue fixed.
+* Now able to add Attributes as Individual Column.
+* Popup Notice Enable/Disable Feature added.
+* Cart Validation Message
+* Compatible with all Min Max Plugin
+* Removed default quantity from configuration page
+* Code Optimized for better performance and speed.
+* Load More button show/hide option
+* Speed fast
+* Advance search box's added default search order and order_by based on shortcode
+* date and modied_date collumn added at Table
+* Configure Page's design changed - So smart/so cool
+* "On Back Order" available now in Table
+* Mini cart update
+* Advance Cart Update
+* send 'add_to_cart','added_to_cart' event
+* Configuration's value Reset option fix when plugin update
+* Filter Text change option of Filter
+* Reset Button Text change option of Filter
+* Thumbs image size issue fix
+* Mini-cart Update automatically
+* Fix Responsive Issue for TD's height
+* Fix Responsive Issue for TD's width
+= 1.2 =
+* Bug Fix
+* Stable with latest WooCommerce
+* Stable with latest WordPress
+* Ajax Add to cart
+* Template for Table
+* Quantity Bug fix
+= 1.1 =
+* Fix issue for no_woocommerce_fact.
+= 1.0 =
+* Just Start First version.
\ No newline at end of file