![](<?php echo WPT_Product_Table::getPath( 'BASE_URL' ); ?>assets/images/rate_us.png)
diff --git a/admin/menu_plugin_setting_link.php b/admin/menu_plugin_setting_link.php
index dba145f9..e6ea4579 100644
--- a/admin/menu_plugin_setting_link.php
+++ b/admin/menu_plugin_setting_link.php
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ function wpt_add_action_links($links) {
function wpt_admin_menu() {
add_submenu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=wpt_product_table', esc_html__( 'Configuration WPTpro', 'wpt_pro' ), esc_html__( 'Configure', 'wpt_pro' ), WPT_CAPABILITY, 'woo-product-table-config', 'wpt_configuration_page' );
- add_submenu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=wpt_product_table', esc_html__( 'Contribute Here', 'wpt_pro' ), sprintf( esc_html__( 'Contribute %s& Repo%s', 'wpt_pro' ), '
', ''), WPT_CAPABILITY, 'https://github.com/codersaiful/woo-product-table' );
+ add_submenu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=wpt_product_table', esc_html__( 'Contribute Here', 'wpt_pro' ), sprintf( esc_html__( 'Contribute %s Repo%s', 'wpt_pro' ), '
', ''), WPT_CAPABILITY, 'https://github.com/codersaiful/woo-product-table' );
add_submenu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=wpt_product_table', esc_html__( 'FAQ & Support page - Contact With US', 'wpt_pro' ), sprintf( esc_html__( 'FAQ %s& Contact%s', 'wpt_pro' ), '
', ''), WPT_CAPABILITY, 'wpt_fac_contact_page', 'wpt_fac_support_page' );
add_submenu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=wpt_product_table', esc_html__( 'GET PRO VERSION', 'wpt_pro' ), __( '
Get Pro', 'wpt_pro' ), WPT_CAPABILITY, 'https://codecanyon.net/item/woo-product-table-pro/20676867' );
add_submenu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=wpt_product_table', esc_html__( 'Pro Features', 'wpt_pro' ), __( 'Pro Features', 'wpt_pro' ), 'manage_options', 'wpt-pro-features', 'wpt_pro_features_content' );
diff --git a/admin/post_metabox.php b/admin/post_metabox.php
index fb28f011..b62994a1 100644
--- a/admin/post_metabox.php
+++ b/admin/post_metabox.php
@@ -69,10 +69,26 @@ function wpt_shortcode_metabox_render(){
global $post;
$curent_post_id = $post->ID;
$post_title = preg_replace( '/[#$%^&*()+=\-\[\]\';,.\/{}|":<>?~\\\\]/',"$1", $post->post_title );
+ echo '
echo '
'; // class='wpt_auto_select_n_copy'
echo '
echo '
+ echo '
+ ?>
+ .
+ |
+ li.wpt_sortable_peritem.enabled{display: flex;}
svg.octicon.octicon-mark-github.v-align-middle {
margin-bottom: -3px;
+span.fork-button-wpt>a {
+ font-size: 25px;
+ color: #304a56;
+ background: #dddddd52;
+ padding: 22px;
+ display: block;
+ transition: all .3s;
+ margin: 10px 0;
+span.fork-button-wpt>a:hover {
+ color: #ffffff;
+ background: #607D8B;
+.wpt-tips-github p {
+ opacity: 0.6;
+ margin: 0;
+ padding: 0;
/* Responsive Design Starts */
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