A JavaScript library for editing PDF files. For example:
- Quality Split and Merge, keeping bookmarks. Extract pages. Split on Bookmarks.
- Impose files n-up
- Create new PDFs. Convert text files to PDF
- Losslessly squeeze files to reduce their size
- Encrypt and Decrypt (including AES 128 and AES 256 encryption)
- Read and set info and metadata from a PDF file. Set and read XMP Metadata.
- Scale, rotate, crop and flip pages. Scale pages to fit.
- Copy, Remove and Add bookmarks. Build table of contents from bookmarks.
- Stamp logos, shapes, watermarks, page numbers and multiline text. Transparency.
- List, copy or remove annotations
- Add and remove file attachments to document or page. Extract attachments.
- Thicken hairlines, blacken text, make draft documents
- Reconstruct malformed files
- Detect missing fonts, low resolution images. Remove images. Extract images.
- Add printer's marks
- Add, modify, remove, or print page labels.
- Export PDF file to / Import PDF file from JSON.
- Manipulate optional content groups
coherentpdf.js is distributed under the AGPL - see LICENSE.md. If you are unable to abide by the terms of the AGPL, you will need a commercial license.
For commercial licenses, email [email protected]
coherentpdf.js can be used from both node and the browser.
The file cpdflibtest.js
uses every function in coherentpdf.js. Call ./run
to run it in node.
In the dist/
For development server-side with node: coherentpdf.js
(minified version
). Load with const coherentpdf = require('coherentpdf')
if installed in npm, or const coherentpdf = require('./coherentpdf.js')
load from current directory.
For development client-side with the browser : coherentpdf.browser.js
(minified version for deployment : coherentpdf.browser.min.js
). Load with
<script src="coherentpdf.browser.js"></script>
or similar.
contains the API documentation interleaved with the coherentpdf.js API. This is the primary source of documentation:https://coherentpdf.com/cpdfjsmanual.pdf
The command line tools can be found at:
API documentation online at
Arguments are numbers, strings, or arrays (of type UInt8Array for data). Page ranges are represented by arrays of numbers.
must be explicitly deallocated with deletePdf(p)
Any function may raise an exception, containing a string describing the problem.
coherentpdf.js is synchronous and non-re-entrant. In the browser, best used in a worker.
Server-side: cpdflibtest.js
tests every function in coherentpdf.js.
Client-side: index.html
is an interactive browser example with the worker
. You will need to run this from a real server, for example
, rather than just loading index.html
For commercial licenses, email [email protected]