Please Note: Coinfloor BIST API Version 1 can be found here
Coinfloor offers an API gateway called BIST that approximately emulates Bitstamp's v1 HTTP API. This following document is provided as a quick reference to this API. For complete details, please consult the documentation of Bitstamp's v1 HTTP API and our document detailing the differences between Bitstamp's v1 HTTP API and BIST.
Bitstamp was not a multi-currency exchange at the time this emulation layer was implemented. Because Coinfloor is a multi-currency exchange, Coinfloor emulates the entire Bitstamp v1 API at multiple separate endpoints, one for each market that Coinfloor operates.
The version 2 of Bitstamp-like API can be accessed at the following API endpoints:<base>/<counter>/
and <counter>
are placeholders for asset codes listed in the "Asset Type" column of
These endpoint URIs replace the
portion of Bitstamp's URIs.
N.B: All examples below use the XBT/GBP asset pair on the Coinfloor UK platform, but this can be changed to the asset pair and platform of your choice.
Coinfloor's application programming interface (API) allows our clients to access and control their accounts or view our market data using custom-written software. To protect the performance of the system, we impose certain limits. See for details.
Returns JSON dictionary:
- last - last BTC price
- high - last 24 hours price high
- low - last 24 hours price low
- volume - last 24 hours volume
- bid - highest buy order
- ask - lowest sell order
Please refer to the Date HTTP response header for any date or time information you may require.
Coinfloor returns null for any ticker fields that are not populated, as may happen if no trade has occurred in the past 24 hours.
Returns JSON dictionary with "bids" and "asks". Each is a list of open orders and each order is represented as a list of price and amount.
- Please refer to the Date HTTP response header for any date or time information you may require.
This resource has been removed. Please refer to for an alternative.
- quantity - an amount of the base asset that would be bought OR
- total - an amount of the counter asset with which the base asset would be bought
Returns JSON dictionary representing estimate:
- quantity - amount of the base asset that would have been traded
- total - amount of the counter asset that would have been traded
- quantity - an amount of the base asset that would be sold OR
- total - an amount of the counter asset for which the base asset would be sold
Returns JSON dictionary representing estimate:
- quantity - amount of the base asset that would have been traded
- total - amount of the counter asset that would have been traded
All private API calls require authentication. You need to provide 3 parameters to authenticate a request:
- User ID
- API key
- Passphrase
To get your User ID (sometimes referred to as a Core ID), go to the Dashboard
To get your API key (referred to as a "Cookie" in the WebSocket API documentation), go to the Dashboard
Is the password you use to log into Coinfloor.
Coinfloor authenticates requests using standard HTTP Basic authentication. The username portion of the Basic credentials is constructed by concatenating the numeric user ID, a slash, and the user's API authentication cookie. The password portion is simply the user's login passphrase.
Many off-the-shelf HTTP clients (including cURL and all web browsers) can generate the HTTP Basic Authorization request header.
This is an example of how to make a balance request with curl:
curl -k -u '[User ID]/[API key]:[Passphrase]'
User ID
andAPI key
are provided on your Coinfloor logged in Dashboard page.Passphrase
is your Coinfloor passphrase.
- User ID - user ID
- API key - api key
- Passphrase - passphrase
Returns JSON dictionary:
- gbp_balance - GBP balance
- usd_balance - USD balance
- eur_balance - EUR balance
- pln_balance - PLN balance
- xbt_balance - XBT balance
- gbp_reserved - GBP reserved in open orders
- usd_reserved - USD reserved in open orders
- eur_reserved - EUR reserved in open orders
- pln_reserved - PLN reserved in open orders
- xbt_reserved - XBT reserved in open orders
- gbp_available- GBP available for trading
- usd_available- USD available for trading
- eur_available- EUR available for trading
- pln_available- PLN available for trading
- xbt_available - XBT available for trading
Bitstamp returns fields whose names are constructed by appending _balance, _reserved, or _available to a currency code, which is either btc or usd. Coinfloor constructs these field names using currency codes xbt, eur,gbp, usd, and/or pln, depending on the specific API endpoint being accessed.
Coinfloor does not include the fee field in the response.
- User ID - user ID
- API key - api key
- Passphrase - passphrase
- offset - skip that many transactions before beginning to return results. Default: 0.
- limit - limit result to that many transactions. Default: 100. Maximum: 1000.
- sort - sorting by date and time (asc - ascending; desc - descending). Default: desc.
Returns descending JSON list of transactions. Every transaction (dictionary) contains:
- datetime - date and time
- id - transaction id
- type - transaction type (0 - deposit; 1 - withdrawal; 2 - market trade)
- gbp - GBP amount
- xbt - XBT amount
- xbt_gbp - GBP/XBT price
- fee - transaction fee
- order_id - executed order id
- Bitstamp returns the quantity and total of each trade in the btc and usd fields, respectively, and returns the trade price in the (undocumented) btc_usd field. Coinfloor names these fields using currency codes xbt, eur, gbp, usd, and/or pln, depending on the specific API endpoint being accessed.
- User ID - user ID
- API key - api key
- Passphrase - passphrase
Returns JSON list of open orders. Each order is represented as dictionary:
- id - order id
- datetime - date and time
- type - buy or sell (0 - buy; 1 - sell)
- price - price
- amount - amount
- User ID - user ID
- API key - api key
- Passphrase - passphrase
- id - order ID
Returns 'true' if order has been found and canceled.
If the specified order could not be found, Coinfloor returns false.
If the specified order was found and canceled, Coinfloor returns true with a Content-Type: text/plain header in this case.
- User ID - user ID
- API key - api key
- Passphrase - passphrase
- amount - amount
- price - price
- nonce - optional nonce parameter. If given, it must be positive
- ttl - optional parameter that specifies a time-to-live for the order in seconds. If given, it must be positive and must not exceed 86400 (24 hours)
Returns JSON dictionary representing order:
- id - order id
- datetime - date and time
- type - buy or sell (0 - buy; 1 - sell)
- price - price
- amount - amount
Coinfloor supports the use of tonces via the optional nonce request parameter. When used, each order placed must specify a tonce that is greater than that specified on any previous order since the nonce counter was last reset. The nonce counter can only be reset via the WebSocket API.
Coinfloor supports an optional time-to-live parameter on orders. If given, the placed order will be canceled automatically after the specified time if it has not already been closed otherwise. It must be positive and must not exceed 86400 (24 hours).
a. Note that extenuating circumstances (such as heavy traffic or system upgrades) may force orders placed with times-to-live to be canceled sooner than specified. (This proviso does not apply to orders placed without a time-to-live.)
Coinfloor returns a datetime field with whole-second precision.
- User ID - user ID
- API key - api key
- Passphrase - passphrase
- amount - amount
- price - price
- nonce - optional nonce parameter. If given, it must be positive
- ttl - optional parameter that specifies a time-to-live for the order in seconds. If given, it must be positive and must not exceed 86400 (24 hours)
Returns JSON dictionary representing order:
- id - order id
- datetime - date and time
- type - buy or sell (0 - buy; 1 - sell)
- price - price
- amount - amount
Coinfloor supports the use of tonces via the optional nonce request parameter. When used, each order placed must specify a tonce that is greater than that specified on any previous order since the nonce counter was last reset. The nonce counter can only be reset via the WebSocket API.
Coinfloor supports an optional time-to-live parameter on orders. If given, the placed order will be canceled automatically after the specified time if it has not already been closed otherwise. It must be positive and must not exceed 86400 (24 hours).
a. Note that extenuating circumstances (such as heavy traffic or system upgrades) may force orders placed with times-to-live to be canceled sooner than specified. (This proviso does not apply to orders placed without a time-to-live.)
Coinfloor returns a datetime field with whole-second precision.
- quantity - an amount of the base asset to buy OR
- total - an amount of the counter asset with which to buy the base asset
Returns JSON dictionary representing order:
- remaining - how much of the requested quantity or total could not be traded
- quantity - an amount of the base asset to sell OR
- total - an amount of the counter asset for which to sell the base asset
Returns JSON dictionary representing order:
- remaining - how much of the requested quantity or total could not be traded