diff --git a/dev/annotated.html b/dev/annotated.html
index 5014e45bd..44a3c9981 100644
--- a/dev/annotated.html
+++ b/dev/annotated.html
@@ -84,8 +84,10 @@
CEngine | |
CGraphListener | |
CIGraph | |
- CLoader | |
- CLog | |
+ ►CLoader | |
+ Cformat | |
+ ►CLog | |
+ COperation | |
CQueryGraphVisitor | Visitor Design Pattern to rewrite an RDF Graph into a SPARQL BGP Query Graph |
CTagger | |
CValueResolver | |
@@ -206,734 +208,740 @@
CEdgeTriple | Graph Edge for the defaultGraph |
CEdgeTripleNode | Edge(g, t) where t = s p o and t : Node as triple reference s p o {| q v |} ::= Edge(g, t = (s p o)) Edge(g, a = (t q v)) |
CTripleNode | Node that is a Triple Can be used as Node in the graph Can be subject/object of an Edge |
- ►Pextension | |
- ►Pcore | |
- CCore | Root of external java function evaluator for SPARQL extension function with JavaCompiler : class Datashape extends Core environment and producer are set by Extern function call |
- CAgent | Agent Java object accessible in LDScript with xt:agent() (see function/system.rq) It has a singleton, hence each ag:fun() function call is performed on the same object The singleton can be accessed in LDScript using xt:agent() |
- CCallback | |
- CCore | Super class for Java extension function class public class Myclass extends Core Extension function called with prefix: function://fr.inria.corese.core.extension.Myclass See sparql.triple.function.core.Extern |
- CExtension | Generic Java Extension function public class prefix fun: <function://fr.inria.corese.core.extension.Extension> fun:test(xt:graph()) |
- CJavaCompiler | |
- CReport | |
- ►Pindex | |
- CEdgeManager | Edge List of a predicate Edge may be stored without predicate Node to spare memory Edges are sorted according to 1- focus node index and then by compareTo when they have same index 2- other nodes (object, graph) index 0: g1 s1 p o1 ; g2 s1 p o1 ; g1 s1 p o2 ; g2 s2 p o3 ; .. |
- CEdgeManagerIndexer | Table property node -> List<Edge> Edge may be stored using internal structure without property Node to spare memory Sorted by getNode(index), getNode(other) At the beginning, only table of index 0 is fed with edges Other index are built at runtime on demand: ?x p ?y |
- ►CNodeManager | Manage a table of list of properties for each node Node ni -> (p1, |
- CPredicateTable | |
- CNodeManagerBasic | Manage a table of list of properties for each node Node ni -> (p1, |
- ►CPredicateList | List of predicates of a given Node in NodeManager List of positions of node in edge list of each predicate pi (p1, |
- CCursor | |
- ►Pkgram | |
- ►Papi | |
- ►Pcore | |
- CDatatypeValue | Olivier Corby - Wimmics, Inria, I3S, 2015 |
- CDatatypeValueFactory | |
- CEdge | Interface for Producer iterator that encapsulate Edge or Node with its Graph Node |
- CExpPattern | |
- CExpr | Expr api refer to sparql.triple.parser.Expression |
- CExprLabel | |
- CExprType | |
- CExpType | Types of expression of KGRAM query language |
- CFilter | Interface of Filter that contains an evaluable expression Filter (and Expr) api refer to sparql.triple.parser.Expression |
- CGraph | |
- CLoopable | Interface for (var in exp) {} |
- CNode | Interface of Node provided by graph implementation and also by KGRAM query Node |
- CPointerable | Interface for objects that can be object of a CoresePointer |
- CPointerType | Pointer type for object that can be object of CoresePointer |
- CRegex | Interface of Property Path Regex |
- CTripleStore | |
- ►Pquery | |
- CAST | Olivier Corby - Wimmics INRIA I3S - 2020 |
- CASTQ | Olivier Corby - Wimmics INRIA I3S - 2020 |
- CBinder | |
- CDQPFactory | |
- CEnvironment | Interface of the binding environment provided by KGRAM e.g |
- CEvaluator | Interface for the connector that evaluates filters |
- CGraphable | Olivier Corby - Wimmics INRIA I3S - 2014 |
- CHierarchy | |
- CMatcher | Interface for the Matcher that checks conformity of candidate edges and nodes with respect to their query edge/node for KGRAM |
- CPlugin | Draft KGRAM Plugin for EXTERN expression |
- CProcessVisitor | |
- CProducer | Interface for the Connector that produces candidate edges for KGRAM |
- CProvider | Service Provider |
- CResult | Interface to KGRAM elementary result (a mapping) |
- CResults | Interface to KGRAM results (mappings) |
- CSPARQLEngine | |
- ►Pcore | |
- CBgpGenerator | |
- CChecker | Query Type Checker |
- CCompleteSPARQL | Compute select expression, Compute value of group by, order by
+ |
►Pelasticsearch | |
+ CEdgeChangeListener | |
+ ►Pextension | |
+ ►Pcore | |
+ CCore | Root of external java function evaluator for SPARQL extension function with JavaCompiler : class Datashape extends Core environment and producer are set by Extern function call |
+ CAgent | Agent Java object accessible in LDScript with xt:agent() (see function/system.rq) It has a singleton, hence each ag:fun() function call is performed on the same object The singleton can be accessed in LDScript using xt:agent() |
+ CCallback | |
+ CCore | Super class for Java extension function class public class Myclass extends Core Extension function called with prefix: function://fr.inria.corese.core.extension.Myclass See sparql.triple.function.core.Extern |
+ CExtension | Generic Java Extension function public class prefix fun: <function://fr.inria.corese.core.extension.Extension> fun:test(xt:graph()) |
+ CJavaCompiler | |
+ CReport | |
+ ►Pindex | |
+ CEdgeManager | Edge List of a predicate Edge may be stored without predicate Node to spare memory Edges are sorted according to 1- focus node index and then by compareTo when they have same index 2- other nodes (object, graph) index 0: g1 s1 p o1 ; g2 s1 p o1 ; g1 s1 p o2 ; g2 s2 p o3 ; .. |
+ CEdgeManagerIndexer | Table property node -> List<Edge> Edge may be stored using internal structure without property Node to spare memory Sorted by getNode(index), getNode(other) At the beginning, only table of index 0 is fed with edges Other index are built at runtime on demand: ?x p ?y |
+ ►CNodeManager | Manage a table of list of properties for each node Node ni -> (p1, |
+ CPredicateTable | |
+ CNodeManagerBasic | Manage a table of list of properties for each node Node ni -> (p1, |
+ ►CPredicateList | List of predicates of a given Node in NodeManager List of positions of node in edge list of each predicate pi (p1, |
+ CCursor | |
+ ►Pkgram | |
+ ►Papi | |
+ ►Pcore | |
+ CDatatypeValue | Olivier Corby - Wimmics, Inria, I3S, 2015 |
+ CDatatypeValueFactory | |
+ CEdge | Interface for Producer iterator that encapsulate Edge or Node with its Graph Node |
+ CExpPattern | |
+ CExpr | Expr api refer to sparql.triple.parser.Expression |
+ CExprLabel | |
+ CExprType | |
+ CExpType | Types of expression of KGRAM query language |
+ CFilter | Interface of Filter that contains an evaluable expression Filter (and Expr) api refer to sparql.triple.parser.Expression |
+ CGraph | |
+ CLoopable | Interface for (var in exp) {} |
+ CNode | Interface of Node provided by graph implementation and also by KGRAM query Node |
+ CPointerable | Interface for objects that can be object of a CoresePointer |
+ CPointerType | Pointer type for object that can be object of CoresePointer |
+ CRegex | Interface of Property Path Regex |
+ CTripleStore | |
+ ►Pquery | |
+ CAST | Olivier Corby - Wimmics INRIA I3S - 2020 |
+ CASTQ | Olivier Corby - Wimmics INRIA I3S - 2020 |
+ CBinder | |
+ CDQPFactory | |
+ CEnvironment | Interface of the binding environment provided by KGRAM e.g |
+ CEvaluator | Interface for the connector that evaluates filters |
+ CGraphable | Olivier Corby - Wimmics INRIA I3S - 2014 |
+ CHierarchy | |
+ CMatcher | Interface for the Matcher that checks conformity of candidate edges and nodes with respect to their query edge/node for KGRAM |
+ CPlugin | Draft KGRAM Plugin for EXTERN expression |
+ CProcessVisitor | |
+ CProducer | Interface for the Connector that produces candidate edges for KGRAM |
+ CProvider | Service Provider |
+ CResult | Interface to KGRAM elementary result (a mapping) |
+ CResults | Interface to KGRAM results (mappings) |
+ CSPARQLEngine | |
+ ►Pcore | |
+ CBgpGenerator | |
+ CChecker | Query Type Checker |
+ CCompleteSPARQL | Compute select expression, Compute value of group by, order by
- CDistinct | Alternative implementation of select distinct * Used by RuleEngine ResultWatcher |
- CEval | KGRAM Knowledge Graph Abstract Machine Compute graph homomorphism and (extended) SPARQL Use: a Stack of expression Exp a Memory for Node/Edge bindings an abstract Producer of candidate Node/Edge an abstract Evaluator of Filter an abstract Matcher of Node/Edge |
- CEvalGraph | |
- CEvalJoin | |
- CEvalOptional | |
- CEvalSPARQL | SPARQL Statements implemented as SPARQL Algebra on Mappings Alternative interpreter not used |
- CExp | KGRAM/SPARQL expressions: bgp, union, optional, etc |
- CExpEdge | |
- CExpHandler | |
- CGroup | Select distinct ?x ?y select (count(distinct *) as ?c) |
- CMapping | |
- CMappings | |
- CMappingSet | Utilitary class for Join Minus Optional Compute common variables in left and right expression and whether common variables are always bound Select subset of Mappings from left exp relevant for right expression optional(s p o, minus(o q t, t r s)) variable o can be used in minus expression, variable s cannot special case for union: join(s p o, union(s q t, o q t)) there is no common variable bound in branches of union return complete Mappings, then union() will process it in the branches: left s and right o In addition, in case of successful subset of Mappings, return also the original Mappings in case there is an union in right expression If union is in subquery, the subquery may skip the original Mappings depending on its select |
- CMemory | Node and Edge binding stacks for KGRAM evaluator |
- ►CMerge | |
- CListMappings | |
- CPointerObject | |
- CProcessVisitorDefault | |
- CQuery | KGRAM Query also used for subquery |
- CQuerySorter | Sort query edges to optimize query processing Including exists {} edges Insert filters at place where variables are bound |
- CSorter | Sort KGRAM edges in connected order before query process |
- CSorterNew | A new sorter for QP |
- CSparqlException | |
- CStack | KGRAM stack of expressions |
- ►Pevent | |
- CEvalListener | Event Listener to trace KGRAM execution |
- CEvent | Event to trace KGRAM execution |
- CEventImpl | Event to trace KGRAM execution |
- CEventListener | Event Listener to trace KGRAM execution |
- CEventManager | Event Manager to trace KGRAM execution |
- CResultListener | Result Listener to process KGRAM result on the fly |
- CStatListener | Event Listener to trace KGRAM execution with statistics |
- CUser | Model user interaction with debugger |
- CUserImpl | Model user interaction with debugger |
- ►Pfilter | |
- CChecker | Filter Exp Checker |
- CCompile | Filter Exp Compiler for Optimizations If Filter leads to optimization, we tag the Filter Exp with e.g |
- CExtension | Manage extension functions Expr exp must have executed exp.local() to tag local variables |
- CMatchBind | Manage bindings of Matcher Can bind and unbind |
- CMatcher | Filter Exp Matcher |
- CPattern | Filter Exp Pattern Matcher |
- ►Ppath | |
- CAutomaton | Compile Reg Exp into NDFSA |
- CBuffer | Synchronized buffer to put/get path edges Edges are consumed by an iterator |
- CGraphPath | Draft to compute path in the graph |
- CPath | List of relations between two resources found by path Can be used as a Producer to enumerate path edges/nodes |
- CPathFinder | |
- CRecord | Stack of Regex + Visit for loop check |
- CStack | Stack of epsilon transitions with path lengths |
- CVisit | Record intermediate nodes that are visited by a loop path expression such as exp+ exp* exp{n,} Prevent loop among intermediate nodes |
- ►Psorter | |
- ►Pcore | |
- CAbstractCostModel | CostModel.java Cost model used to estimate the cost for node or edge in a QPG |
- CConst | Constants |
- CIEstimate | Interface for estimating the cost of nodes and edges in QPGraph |
- CIProducerQP | Interface for calling Producer from kgraph, these methods are implemented without the needs of stats data, only depending on the structure/index of graph |
- CISort | Interface for sorting and rewriting the QPG nodes |
- CQPGEdge | Basic Query triple Pattern Graph edge used to connect two QPG nodes |
- CQPGNode | The node for triple pattern graph, which encapsualtes an expression (contain an object exp) with cost |
- CQPGraph | Query Pattern Graph (QPG) used to encapsulate a SPARQL statement and represent exp in a graph |
- ►Pimpl | |
- ►Pqpv1 | |
- CBasicPatternGenerator | Generate the basic patterns ordering by the selectivity acorrding to the size of Subject, Predicate and Object Ns, Np and No |
- CDepthFirstBestSearch | An implementation for sorting the triple pattern depth-first & best greedy algorithm |
- CDepthFirstSearch | An implementation for sorting the triple pattern Pure depth-first greedy algorithm |
- CHeuristicsBasedEstimation | Estimate the selectivity of triple pattern by heuristics |
- CQPGEdgeCostModel | Cost model for QPG edge |
- CQPGNodeCostModel | Class for constructing the pattern of a triple, including many parameters |
- ►Ptool | |
- CApproximateSearchEnv | Data structure: Key -> (node -> Value) |
- CDistinctNode | |
- CEdgeInv | |
- CEnvironmentImpl | |
- CMatcherDefault | |
- CMessage | |
- CMetaIterator | Iterator over iterators meta.next(meta) |
- CMetaIteratorCast | Iterator over iterators meta.next(meta) |
- CMetaProducer | Meta Producer that manages several Producer Uses a generic MetaIterator that iterates over Producer iterators |
- CNodeImpl | |
- CProducerDefault | |
- CResultsImpl | |
- ►Pload | |
- ►Pjsonld | |
- CCoreseJsonTripleCallback | Implementation of interface from Jsonld-java (json-ld parser) for adding triples to corese graph |
- CJsonldLoader | Load JSON-LD |
- ►Prdfa | |
- CCoreseRDFaTripleSink | Implements the interface TripleSink (from semargl) in order to add the triples (that are parsed by parser of semargl) to the graph of corese system |
- CRDFaLoader | Load RDFa |
- ►Presult | |
- CSPARQLRDFResult | |
- CSPARQLResult | |
- CSPARQLResultParser | |
- ►CXMLResult | SPARQL XML Results Format Parser into Mappings |
- CMyHandler | SAX Handler |
- CVTable | |
- CAddTripleHelper | Helper class to aid the parsers (ex.jsonld, rdfa) for adding triples to corese graph |
- CAddTripleHelperDataManager | |
- CBuild | Translate an RDF/XML document into a Graph |
- CBuildImpl | Graph creation Methods are public, Design to be refined |
- CCreateImpl | Create Edge on the fly for Turtle parser |
- CCreateTriple | |
- CExtensionFilter | |
- CILoadSerialization | Interface that needs to be implemented when loading serialization(mainly
+ |
CDistinct | Alternative implementation of select distinct * Used by RuleEngine ResultWatcher |
+ CEval | KGRAM Knowledge Graph Abstract Machine Compute graph homomorphism and (extended) SPARQL Use: a Stack of expression Exp a Memory for Node/Edge bindings an abstract Producer of candidate Node/Edge an abstract Evaluator of Filter an abstract Matcher of Node/Edge |
+ CEvalGraph | |
+ CEvalJoin | |
+ CEvalOptional | |
+ CEvalSPARQL | SPARQL Statements implemented as SPARQL Algebra on Mappings Alternative interpreter not used |
+ CExp | KGRAM/SPARQL expressions: bgp, union, optional, etc |
+ CExpEdge | |
+ CExpHandler | |
+ CGroup | Select distinct ?x ?y select (count(distinct *) as ?c) |
+ CMapping | |
+ CMappings | |
+ CMappingSet | Utilitary class for Join Minus Optional Compute common variables in left and right expression and whether common variables are always bound Select subset of Mappings from left exp relevant for right expression optional(s p o, minus(o q t, t r s)) variable o can be used in minus expression, variable s cannot special case for union: join(s p o, union(s q t, o q t)) there is no common variable bound in branches of union return complete Mappings, then union() will process it in the branches: left s and right o In addition, in case of successful subset of Mappings, return also the original Mappings in case there is an union in right expression If union is in subquery, the subquery may skip the original Mappings depending on its select |
+ CMemory | Node and Edge binding stacks for KGRAM evaluator |
+ ►CMerge | |
+ CListMappings | |
+ CPointerObject | |
+ CProcessVisitorDefault | |
+ CQuery | KGRAM Query also used for subquery |
+ CQuerySorter | Sort query edges to optimize query processing Including exists {} edges Insert filters at place where variables are bound |
+ CSorter | Sort KGRAM edges in connected order before query process |
+ CSorterNew | A new sorter for QP |
+ CSparqlException | |
+ CStack | KGRAM stack of expressions |
+ ►Pevent | |
+ CEvalListener | Event Listener to trace KGRAM execution |
+ CEvent | Event to trace KGRAM execution |
+ CEventImpl | Event to trace KGRAM execution |
+ CEventListener | Event Listener to trace KGRAM execution |
+ CEventManager | Event Manager to trace KGRAM execution |
+ CResultListener | Result Listener to process KGRAM result on the fly |
+ CStatListener | Event Listener to trace KGRAM execution with statistics |
+ CUser | Model user interaction with debugger |
+ CUserImpl | Model user interaction with debugger |
+ ►Pfilter | |
+ CChecker | Filter Exp Checker |
+ CCompile | Filter Exp Compiler for Optimizations If Filter leads to optimization, we tag the Filter Exp with e.g |
+ CExtension | Manage extension functions Expr exp must have executed exp.local() to tag local variables |
+ CMatchBind | Manage bindings of Matcher Can bind and unbind |
+ CMatcher | Filter Exp Matcher |
+ CPattern | Filter Exp Pattern Matcher |
+ ►Ppath | |
+ CAutomaton | Compile Reg Exp into NDFSA |
+ CBuffer | Synchronized buffer to put/get path edges Edges are consumed by an iterator |
+ CGraphPath | Draft to compute path in the graph |
+ CPath | List of relations between two resources found by path Can be used as a Producer to enumerate path edges/nodes |
+ CPathFinder | |
+ CRecord | Stack of Regex + Visit for loop check |
+ CStack | Stack of epsilon transitions with path lengths |
+ CVisit | Record intermediate nodes that are visited by a loop path expression such as exp+ exp* exp{n,} Prevent loop among intermediate nodes |
+ ►Psorter | |
+ ►Pcore | |
+ CAbstractCostModel | CostModel.java Cost model used to estimate the cost for node or edge in a QPG |
+ CConst | Constants |
+ CIEstimate | Interface for estimating the cost of nodes and edges in QPGraph |
+ CIProducerQP | Interface for calling Producer from kgraph, these methods are implemented without the needs of stats data, only depending on the structure/index of graph |
+ CISort | Interface for sorting and rewriting the QPG nodes |
+ CQPGEdge | Basic Query triple Pattern Graph edge used to connect two QPG nodes |
+ CQPGNode | The node for triple pattern graph, which encapsualtes an expression (contain an object exp) with cost |
+ CQPGraph | Query Pattern Graph (QPG) used to encapsulate a SPARQL statement and represent exp in a graph |
+ ►Pimpl | |
+ ►Pqpv1 | |
+ CBasicPatternGenerator | Generate the basic patterns ordering by the selectivity acorrding to the size of Subject, Predicate and Object Ns, Np and No |
+ CDepthFirstBestSearch | An implementation for sorting the triple pattern depth-first & best greedy algorithm |
+ CDepthFirstSearch | An implementation for sorting the triple pattern Pure depth-first greedy algorithm |
+ CHeuristicsBasedEstimation | Estimate the selectivity of triple pattern by heuristics |
+ CQPGEdgeCostModel | Cost model for QPG edge |
+ CQPGNodeCostModel | Class for constructing the pattern of a triple, including many parameters |
+ ►Ptool | |
+ CApproximateSearchEnv | Data structure: Key -> (node -> Value) |
+ CDistinctNode | |
+ CEdgeInv | |
+ CEnvironmentImpl | |
+ CMatcherDefault | |
+ CMessage | |
+ CMetaIterator | Iterator over iterators meta.next(meta) |
+ CMetaIteratorCast | Iterator over iterators meta.next(meta) |
+ CMetaProducer | Meta Producer that manages several Producer Uses a generic MetaIterator that iterates over Producer iterators |
+ CNodeImpl | |
+ CProducerDefault | |
+ CResultsImpl | |
+ ►Pload | |
+ ►Pjsonld | |
+ CCoreseJsonTripleCallback | Implementation of interface from Jsonld-java (json-ld parser) for adding triples to corese graph |
+ CJsonldLoader | Load JSON-LD |
+ ►Prdfa | |
+ CCoreseRDFaTripleSink | Implements the interface TripleSink (from semargl) in order to add the triples (that are parsed by parser of semargl) to the graph of corese system |
+ CRDFaLoader | Load RDFa |
+ ►Presult | |
+ CSPARQLRDFResult | |
+ CSPARQLResult | |
+ CSPARQLResultParser | |
+ ►CXMLResult | SPARQL XML Results Format Parser into Mappings |
+ CMyHandler | SAX Handler |
+ CVTable | |
+ CAddTripleHelper | Helper class to aid the parsers (ex.jsonld, rdfa) for adding triples to corese graph |
+ CAddTripleHelperDataManager | |
+ CBuild | Translate an RDF/XML document into a Graph |
+ CBuildImpl | Graph creation Methods are public, Design to be refined |
+ CCreateImpl | Create Edge on the fly for Turtle parser |
+ CCreateTriple | |
+ CExtensionFilter | |
+ CILoadSerialization | Interface that needs to be implemented when loading serialization(mainly
for adding triples) (ex |
- CLoad | Translate an RDF/XML document into a Graph use ARP |
- CLoadException | |
- CLoadFormat | |
- CQueryLoad | |
- CRuleLoad | Rule Loader as construct-where SPARQL Queries Can also load Corese rule format |
- CService | Send a SPARQL query to a SPARQL endpoint Return a Mappings |
- CServiceParser | Parser for service result |
- CServiceReport | Generate service execution report as IDatatype json object recorded in Mappings as additional variable ?_service_report_n ASTParser declare such variables in query AST in preprocessing phase Report process when metadata @record or Property SERVICE_REPORT = true or url parameter mode=report record subset of key value: @record server url generate record when service return empty results: @record empty |
- ►Plogic | |
- CBrokerDistance | Provide access to graph for distance processing |
- CBrokerDistanceDataManager | Provide access to graph for distance processing |
- CClosure | Transitive Closure of one property, e.g |
- CClosureDataManager | |
- CDistance | Semantic distance & similarity with Corese 2.4 Algorithm Extended to property hierarchy distance: kg:pSimilarity |
- CEntailment | RDFS Entailment |
- COWL | |
- COWLProfile | OWL Profile type checker |
- COWLRule | Generate rules for some OWL statements such as: property chain |
- CRDF | |
- CRDFS | |
- CSKOS | |
- ►Pprint | |
- ►Prdfc10 | |
- CCanonicalIssuer | This class manages the issuance of canonical identifiers for blank nodes |
- CCanonicalizationState | This class manages the state of canonicalization, particularly handling the associations between blank nodes and their corresponding quads, maintaining a mapping from hash values to blank nodes and maintaining a mapping from blank node identifiers to canonical blank node identifiers |
- CCanonicalizedDataset | Represents a dataset that has undergone canonicalization |
- ►CCanonicalRdf10 | The CanonicalRdf10Format class extends RDFFormat to provide RDF canonicalization in alignment with the RDF 1.0 specification |
- CCanonicalizationException | Thrown to indicate that an error occurred during the canonicalization of an RDF dataset |
- ►CHashingUtility | Utility class for hashing functionalities |
- CHashAlgorithm | Represents the hash algorithm to use |
- CListMap | A map structure where each key is associated with a list of values |
- CCanonicalRdf10Format | This class provides functionality to convert a Graph object to a string in Canonical RDF 1.0 format |
- CCSVFormat | |
- CHTMLFormat | Apply HTML Transformation on Query result Mappings or on Graph dataset Used by STTL Server construct : result graph select : serialization of Mappings into RDF used by corese server SPIN service |
- CJSOND3Format | |
- CJSONFormat | SPARQL JSON Result Format for KGRAM Mappings |
- CJSONLDFormat | Pretty printing for JSON-LD format |
- CLogManager | Manager for Exception throwned during query processing Manager generates Turtle representation of exceptions |
- CMapper | |
- CMarkdownFormat | Format the results of a SPARQL query in Markdown |
- CNQuadsFormat | |
- CNTriplesFormat | This class provides functionality to convert a Graph object to a string in N-Triples format |
- CQueryResultFormat | Root class for Result Format |
- CRDFFormat | RDF Format for Graph construct-where result RDF Format for Mapping edges |
- CRDFResultFormat | Generate Turtle W3C RDF Format for Mappings (bindings in RDF) |
- CResultFormat | Select Result format according to query form and @display annotation., Olivier Corby Edelweiss INRIA 2011 - Wimmics 2016 |
- CTemplateFormat | |
- CTripleFormat | Turtle & Trig Format |
- CTSVFormat | |
- CXMLFormat | SPARQL XML Result Format for KGRAM Mappings |
- CXSLTQuery | Exec a sparql query inside XSLT using KGRAM |
- ►Pproducer | |
- CDataBrokerConstructExtern | Broker between GraphManager and external graph DataManager For SPARQL Update Update -> GraphManager -> DataBrokerUpdateExtern -> DataManager -> external graph DataBroker is here to adapt api between GraphManager and DataManager For example: Constant -> Node DataBrokerUpdateExtern implement relevant subset of DataBrokerConstruct |
- CDataBrokerConstructLocal | Broker between GraphManager and Corese graph Used by: sparql construct/update with corese graph sparql construct when external graph Hence, construct always a corese graph |
- CDataBrokerExtern | Broker between ProducerImpl and external DataManager |
- CDataBrokerLocal | Broker between ProducerImpl and corese graph |
- CDataFilter | Simple filter applied to object or subject of current edge during iteration iterate().filter(">=", 10) |
- CDataFilterAnd | |
- CDataFilterBoolean | |
- CDataFilterFactory | |
- CDataFilterNot | |
- CDataFilterOr | |
- CDataFrom | From, from named dataset for edge iteration getNamed().from|minus(list|node).iterate() getDefault().from|minus(list|node).iterate() |
- CDataProducer | Transient Dataset over graph in order to iterate edges Use case: Producer getEdges() default or named graphs, from or from named Default graph: eliminate duplicate edges during iteration May take edge level into account for RuleEngine optimization Example: graph.getDefault().from(g1).iterate(foaf:knows) graph.getNamed().minus(list(g1 g2)).iterate(us:John, 0) graph.getDefault().iterate().filter(ExprType.GE, 100) – filter (?object >= 100) |
- CDFFactory | |
- CMetadataManager | Corese object associated to DataManager enables corese core to manage additional data and computation such as: Distance, transitiveRelation |
- ►Pquery | |
- ►Pupdate | |
- CGraphManager | Graph Manager for Construct and Update operations Partially used by RuleEngine By convention Edges are Quads, they all have a named graph which may be the default graph name |
- CManager | SPARQL 1.1 Update |
- CManagerImpl | SPARQL 1.1 Update |
- CUpdateProcess | SPARQL 1.1 Update |
- CCache | Cache: store subsumption between query and target node |
- CClassHierarchy | Given a graph with a class hierarchy, emulate method inheritance return the class list of an rdf term |
- CCompileService | |
- CCompileServiceResult | |
- ►CConstruct | Query construct describe
+ |
CLoad | Translate an RDF/XML document into a Graph use ARP |
+ CLoadException | |
+ CLoadFormat | |
+ CQueryLoad | |
+ CRuleLoad | Rule Loader as construct-where SPARQL Queries Can also load Corese rule format |
+ CService | Send a SPARQL query to a SPARQL endpoint Return a Mappings |
+ CServiceParser | Parser for service result |
+ CServiceReport | Generate service execution report as IDatatype json object recorded in Mappings as additional variable ?_service_report_n ASTParser declare such variables in query AST in preprocessing phase Report process when metadata @record or Property SERVICE_REPORT = true or url parameter mode=report record subset of key value: @record server url generate record when service return empty results: @record empty |
+ ►Plogic | |
+ CBrokerDistance | Provide access to graph for distance processing |
+ CBrokerDistanceDataManager | Provide access to graph for distance processing |
+ CClosure | Transitive Closure of one property, e.g |
+ CClosureDataManager | |
+ CDistance | Semantic distance & similarity with Corese 2.4 Algorithm Extended to property hierarchy distance: kg:pSimilarity |
+ CEntailment | RDFS Entailment |
+ COWL | |
+ COWLProfile | OWL Profile type checker |
+ COWLRule | Generate rules for some OWL statements such as: property chain |
+ CRDF | |
+ CRDFS | |
+ CSKOS | |
+ ►Pprint | |
+ ►Prdfc10 | |
+ CCanonicalIssuer | This class manages the issuance of canonical identifiers for blank nodes |
+ CCanonicalizationState | This class manages the state of canonicalization, particularly handling the associations between blank nodes and their corresponding quads, maintaining a mapping from hash values to blank nodes and maintaining a mapping from blank node identifiers to canonical blank node identifiers |
+ CCanonicalizedDataset | Represents a dataset that has undergone canonicalization |
+ ►CCanonicalRdf10 | The CanonicalRdf10Format class extends RDFFormat to provide RDF canonicalization in alignment with the RDF 1.0 specification |
+ CCanonicalizationException | Thrown to indicate that an error occurred during the canonicalization of an RDF dataset |
+ ►CHashingUtility | Utility class for hashing functionalities |
+ CHashAlgorithm | Represents the hash algorithm to use |
+ CListMap | A map structure where each key is associated with a list of values |
+ ►CAbstractNestedResultFormat | Mother class for the query result formats such as XML and JSON |
+ CAbstractTitle | |
+ CTitle | |
+ CCanonicalRdf10Format | This class provides functionality to convert a Graph object to a string in Canonical RDF 1.0 format |
+ CCSVFormat | |
+ CHTMLFormat | Apply HTML Transformation on Query result Mappings or on Graph dataset Used by STTL Server construct : result graph select : serialization of Mappings into RDF used by corese server SPIN service |
+ CJSOND3Format | |
+ CJSONFormat | SPARQL JSON Result Format for KGRAM Mappings |
+ CJSONLDFormat | Pretty printing for JSON-LD format |
+ CLogManager | Manager for Exception throwned during query processing Manager generates Turtle representation of exceptions |
+ CMapper | |
+ CMarkdownFormat | Format the results of a SPARQL query in Markdown |
+ CNQuadsFormat | |
+ CNTriplesFormat | This class provides functionality to convert a Graph object to a string in N-Triples format |
+ CQueryResultFormat | Root class for Result Format |
+ CRDFFormat | RDF Format for Graph construct-where result RDF Format for Mapping edges |
+ CRDFResultFormat | Generate Turtle W3C RDF Format for Mappings (bindings in RDF) |
+ CResultFormat | Select Result format according to query form and @display annotation., Olivier Corby Edelweiss INRIA 2011 - Wimmics 2016 |
+ CTemplateFormat | |
+ CTripleFormat | Turtle & Trig Format |
+ CTSVFormat | |
+ CXMLFormat | SPARQL XML Result Format for KGRAM Mappings |
+ CXSLTQuery | Exec a sparql query inside XSLT using KGRAM |
+ ►Pproducer | |
+ CDataBrokerConstructExtern | Broker between GraphManager and external graph DataManager For SPARQL Update Update -> GraphManager -> DataBrokerUpdateExtern -> DataManager -> external graph DataBroker is here to adapt api between GraphManager and DataManager For example: Constant -> Node DataBrokerUpdateExtern implement relevant subset of DataBrokerConstruct |
+ CDataBrokerConstructLocal | Broker between GraphManager and Corese graph Used by: sparql construct/update with corese graph sparql construct when external graph Hence, construct always a corese graph |
+ CDataBrokerExtern | Broker between ProducerImpl and external DataManager |
+ CDataBrokerLocal | Broker between ProducerImpl and corese graph |
+ CDataFilter | Simple filter applied to object or subject of current edge during iteration iterate().filter(">=", 10) |
+ CDataFilterAnd | |
+ CDataFilterBoolean | |
+ CDataFilterFactory | |
+ CDataFilterNot | |
+ CDataFilterOr | |
+ CDataFrom | From, from named dataset for edge iteration getNamed().from|minus(list|node).iterate() getDefault().from|minus(list|node).iterate() |
+ CDataProducer | Transient Dataset over graph in order to iterate edges Use case: Producer getEdges() default or named graphs, from or from named Default graph: eliminate duplicate edges during iteration May take edge level into account for RuleEngine optimization Example: graph.getDefault().from(g1).iterate(foaf:knows) graph.getNamed().minus(list(g1 g2)).iterate(us:John, 0) graph.getDefault().iterate().filter(ExprType.GE, 100) – filter (?object >= 100) |
+ CDFFactory | |
+ CMetadataManager | Corese object associated to DataManager enables corese core to manage additional data and computation such as: Distance, transitiveRelation |
+ ►Pquery | |
+ ►Pupdate | |
+ CGraphManager | Graph Manager for Construct and Update operations Partially used by RuleEngine By convention Edges are Quads, they all have a named graph which may be the default graph name |
+ CManager | SPARQL 1.1 Update |
+ CManagerImpl | SPARQL 1.1 Update |
+ CUpdateProcess | SPARQL 1.1 Update |
+ CCache | Cache: store subsumption between query and target node |
+ CClassHierarchy | Given a graph with a class hierarchy, emulate method inheritance return the class list of an rdf term |
+ CCompileService | |
+ CCompileServiceResult | |
+ ►CConstruct | Query construct describe
update insert delete rule construct where |
- CTreeNode | |
- ►CDatasetManager | Manage dataset and/or db storage according to Property Create one DataManager in StorageFactory for each db path STORAGE = type1,id1,[param1];type2,id2,[param2] STORAGE_MODE = dataset|db|db_all |
- CTypeDataBase | |
- CDescribe | Implement pragma status |
- CExtendGraph | Manage extended named graph |
- CFederatedQueryProcess | Specific class for Federated Query Processing Define a federation Execute query on federation |
- CLogImpl | Log activity (load, query, etc.) |
- CMapper | Implements unnest() statement values ?var { unnest(exp) } bind (unnest(?exp) as ?var) bind (unnest(?exp) as (?x, ?y)) |
- CMapperSQL | Translation from SQL Java ResultSet to KGRAM Mapping |
- ►CMatchBNode | Given two bnodes representing OWL expressions test if they represent the same expression |
- CTreeNode | |
- CMatcherImpl | Match |
- CMatchIterator | Iterator of Entity that perform match.match() It checks subsumption in the Producer Return one occurrence of each resource for ?x rdf:type aClass |
- CPluginImpl | Plugin for filter evaluator Compute semantic similarity of classes and solutions Implement graph specific function for LDScript |
- CPluginTransform | Transformer LDScript functions |
- CPragmaImpl | Pragma specific to kgraph kgram pragma are run later |
- CProducerImpl | Producer Implement getEdges() for KGRAM interpreter rely on graph.getDataStore().getDefault() graph.getDataStore().getNamed() |
- CProducerImplNode | Node iterator for Property Path |
- CProviderImpl | Implements service expression There may be local QueryProcess for some URI (use case: W3C test case) Send query to sparql endpoint using HTTP POST query There may be a default QueryProcess |
- CProviderService | Service call Service Report is recorded by ServiceParser -> ServiceReport |
- CProviderThread | |
- CQueryCheck | Draft check if query may succeed on graph PRAGMA: no RDFS entailments, simple RDF match |
- CQueryEngine | Equivalent of RuleEngine for Query and Template Run a set of query Used by Transformer to manage set of templates |
- CQueryGraph | Translate a Graph into a Query Use case: let g = eval(construct {} where {}) let q = query(g) eval(q) |
- CQueryProcess | Evaluator of SPARQL query by KGRAM |
- CQueryProcessUpdate | SPARQL Update |
- CRDFizer | |
- CResultMessage | Create JSON message with Context and ContextLog Message sent back to client as LinkedResult |
- CSorterImpl | Sort KGRAM edges in connected order before query process Take cardinality into account |
- CStorageFactory | |
- ►Prule | |
- CCleaner | Remove redundant bnodes from an RDF/OWL graph |
- CRecord | Record property cardinality of rule where clause |
- CResultWatcher | Watch kgram query solutions of rules for RuleEngine 1 Check that a solution at loop n contains at least one edge deduced at loop n-1 (that is a new edge) 2 Eliminate duplicate solution by a select distinct * on construct variables 3 Create Edge directly (without Mapping created) Does not optimize with: exists {} Property Path subquery |
- CRule | |
- ►CRuleEngine | Forward Rule Engine Use construct {} where {} SPARQL Query as Rule Optimizations: Do not create Mappings, create triples directly Consider rules for which new relevant triples are available Consider solutions with new triple Focus on new triples using specific Graph Index sorted by timestamp Eval transitive rule at saturation using specific Java code Eval pseudo transitive rule just after it's transitive rule (cf rdf:type & rdfs:subClassOf) |
- CProfile | |
- CRuleError | |
- ►Pshacl | |
- CShacl | API for LDScript SHACL Interpreter Interpreter is defined in corese-core resources/function/datashape |
- ►Pshex | |
- ►Pshacl | |
- CConstant | |
- CContext | |
- CQualified | Detect several occurrences of same property in order to generate sh:qualifiedValueShape Store information in Context as TripleExpr -> Boolean |
- CShex | Shex to Shacl translator |
- CShexConstraint | |
- CShexShacl | Contains the text of the Shex to Shacl translation |
- ►Psparql | |
- ►Papi | |
- CComputer | Interface for Interpreter |
- CComputerProxy | Implemented by fr.inria.corese.core.query.PluginTransform |
- CGraph | |
- CGraphProcessor | Interface of fr.inria.corese.core.query.PluginImpl see fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.proxy.GraphSpecificFunction |
- ►CIDatatype | Interface for Corese XSD datatypes |
- CNodeKind | |
- CIDatatypeList | |
- CIModel | This class is a model for given parameters; it allows us to to parameterize a query |
- CQueryVisitor | |
- CResultFormatDef | |
- CTransformProcessor | Transformer API |
- CTransformVisitor | Visitor that can be associated to a transformation use case: filter(st:visit(st:exp, ?x, true)) |
- ►Pcompiler | |
- ►Pjava | |
- CDatatype | Generate IDatatype constant and IDatatype variable |
- CHeader | |
- CJavaCompiler | Java Compiler for LDScript Take an AST as input and compile the LDScript function definitions in Java |
- CPattern | Compile exists {} and subquery clause with kgram() function Pass bound variables as parameters: kgram(query, "?x", x) |
- CRewrite | Add return statement if needed |
- CStack | Stack record bound variables for parameter passing to exists and subquery Bound variables are function parameters and let local variables TODO: for (?x in exp) |
- ►Pdatatype | |
- ►Pextension | |
- CCoreseExtension | Extension datatypes for list, map, xml, json |
- CCoreseIterate | |
- CCoreseJSON | |
- CCoreseList | |
- CCoreseMap | |
- CCoresePointer | Extension IDatatype that contains LDScript Pointerable object These objects implement an API that enables them to be processed by LDScript statements such as for (?e in ?g), xt:gget(?e, "?x", 0) mainly speaking they are iterable Pointerable objects have specific extension datatypes such as dt:graph |
- CCoreseUndefFuture | Encapsulate an expression Expr to be evaluated later such as concat(str, st:number(), str) use case: template with st:number() Exist only during template processing |
- CCoreseXML | Datatype to manage XML objects as DOM Node, Document, etc |
- ►Pfunction | |
- CSQLFun | |
- CStringHelper | Extended functionalities on String objects like "containsIgnoreCase" |
- CVariableResolver | |
- CVariableResolverImpl | Variable resolver for XPath see Processor and XPathFunction |
- CXPathFun | |
- CCoreseBlankNode | Title: Corese Description: A Semantic Search Engine Copyright: Copyright INRIA (c) 2007 Company: INRIA Project: Acacia |
- CCoreseBoolean | |
- CCoreseCalendar | |
- CCoreseDatatype | |
- CCoreseDate | An implementation of the xsd:date datatype used by Corese |
- CCoreseDateElement | |
- CCoreseDateTime | |
- CCoreseDay | |
- CCoreseDecimal | |
- CCoreseDouble | |
- CCoreseFloat | |
- CCoreseGeneric | Generic datatype for other such as dayTimeDuration |
- CCoreseGenericInteger | Int short .. |
- CCoreseInteger | |
- CCoreseLiteral | |
- CCoreseMonth | |
- CCoreseNumber | |
- CCoreseResource | |
- CCoreseString | |
- CCoreseStringableImpl | |
- CCoreseStringBuilder | |
- CCoreseStringLiteral | |
- CCoreseTriple | Edge reference datatype for edge reference node <> q v -> edge(s p o t) t q v where t is reference node e.referenceNode = t t.edge = edge(s p o t) |
- CCoreseUndefLiteral | |
- CCoreseURI | |
- CCoreseURILiteral | |
- CCoreseXMLLiteral | |
- CCoreseYear | |
- CCst | |
- CDatatypeHierarchy | Emulate method inheritance on datatype hierarchy return datatype list of rdf term datatype hierarchy is: dt:entity dt:resource dt:uri dt:bnode dt:literal dt:standard dt:extended |
- CDatatypeMap | |
- CPointerObject | Encapsulate an Object which is not a Pointerable To be used in CoresePointer Use case: DatatypeMap.createObject(object) on any Object |
- CRDF | |
- CXSD | |
- ►Pexceptions | |
- CCompileException | |
- CCoreseDatatypeException | |
- CCoreseException | |
- CEngineException | This class gathers all the exceptions that can be thrown in Corese |
- CLDScriptException | |
- CQueryLexicalException | This exception is used when errors are detected by the lexical analyser
+ |
CTreeNode | |
+ ►CDatasetManager | Manage dataset and/or db storage according to Property Create one DataManager in StorageFactory for each db path STORAGE = type1,id1,[param1];type2,id2,[param2] STORAGE_MODE = dataset|db|db_all |
+ CTypeDataBase | |
+ CDescribe | Implement pragma status |
+ CExtendGraph | Manage extended named graph |
+ CFederatedQueryProcess | Specific class for Federated Query Processing Define a federation Execute query on federation |
+ CLogImpl | Log activity (load, query, etc.) |
+ CMapper | Implements unnest() statement values ?var { unnest(exp) } bind (unnest(?exp) as ?var) bind (unnest(?exp) as (?x, ?y)) |
+ CMapperSQL | Translation from SQL Java ResultSet to KGRAM Mapping |
+ ►CMatchBNode | Given two bnodes representing OWL expressions test if they represent the same expression |
+ CTreeNode | |
+ CMatcherImpl | Match |
+ CMatchIterator | Iterator of Entity that perform match.match() It checks subsumption in the Producer Return one occurrence of each resource for ?x rdf:type aClass |
+ CPluginImpl | Plugin for filter evaluator Compute semantic similarity of classes and solutions Implement graph specific function for LDScript |
+ CPluginTransform | Transformer LDScript functions |
+ CPragmaImpl | Pragma specific to kgraph kgram pragma are run later |
+ CProducerImpl | Producer Implement getEdges() for KGRAM interpreter rely on graph.getDataStore().getDefault() graph.getDataStore().getNamed() |
+ CProducerImplNode | Node iterator for Property Path |
+ CProviderImpl | Implements service expression There may be local QueryProcess for some URI (use case: W3C test case) Send query to sparql endpoint using HTTP POST query There may be a default QueryProcess |
+ CProviderService | Service call Service Report is recorded by ServiceParser -> ServiceReport |
+ CProviderThread | |
+ CQueryCheck | Draft check if query may succeed on graph PRAGMA: no RDFS entailments, simple RDF match |
+ CQueryEngine | Equivalent of RuleEngine for Query and Template Run a set of query Used by Transformer to manage set of templates |
+ CQueryProcess | Evaluator of SPARQL query by KGRAM |
+ CQueryProcessUpdate | SPARQL Update |
+ CRDFizer | |
+ CResultMessage | Create JSON message with Context and ContextLog Message sent back to client as LinkedResult |
+ CSorterImpl | Sort KGRAM edges in connected order before query process Take cardinality into account |
+ CStorageFactory | |
+ ►Prule | |
+ CCleaner | Remove redundant bnodes from an RDF/OWL graph |
+ CRecord | Record property cardinality of rule where clause |
+ CResultWatcher | Watch kgram query solutions of rules for RuleEngine 1 Check that a solution at loop n contains at least one edge deduced at loop n-1 (that is a new edge) 2 Eliminate duplicate solution by a select distinct * on construct variables 3 Create Edge directly (without Mapping created) Does not optimize with: exists {} Property Path subquery |
+ CRule | |
+ ►CRuleEngine | Forward Rule Engine Use construct {} where {} SPARQL Query as Rule Optimizations: Do not create Mappings, create triples directly Consider rules for which new relevant triples are available Consider solutions with new triple Focus on new triples using specific Graph Index sorted by timestamp Eval transitive rule at saturation using specific Java code Eval pseudo transitive rule just after it's transitive rule (cf rdf:type & rdfs:subClassOf) |
+ CProfile | |
+ CRuleError | |
+ ►Pshacl | |
+ CShacl | API for LDScript SHACL Interpreter Interpreter is defined in corese-core resources/function/datashape |
+ ►Pshex | |
+ ►Pshacl | |
+ CConstant | |
+ CContext | |
+ CQualified | Detect several occurrences of same property in order to generate sh:qualifiedValueShape Store information in Context as TripleExpr -> Boolean |
+ CShex | Shex to Shacl translator |
+ CShexConstraint | |
+ CShexShacl | Contains the text of the Shex to Shacl translation |
+ ►Psparql | |
+ ►Papi | |
+ CComputer | Interface for Interpreter |
+ CComputerProxy | Implemented by fr.inria.corese.core.query.PluginTransform |
+ CGraph | |
+ CGraphProcessor | Interface of fr.inria.corese.core.query.PluginImpl see fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.proxy.GraphSpecificFunction |
+ ►CIDatatype | Interface for Corese XSD datatypes |
+ CNodeKind | |
+ CIDatatypeList | |
+ CIModel | This class is a model for given parameters; it allows us to to parameterize a query |
+ CQueryVisitor | |
+ ►CResultFormatDef | |
+ Cformat | |
+ CTransformProcessor | Transformer API |
+ CTransformVisitor | Visitor that can be associated to a transformation use case: filter(st:visit(st:exp, ?x, true)) |
+ ►Pcompiler | |
+ ►Pjava | |
+ CDatatype | Generate IDatatype constant and IDatatype variable |
+ CHeader | |
+ CJavaCompiler | Java Compiler for LDScript Take an AST as input and compile the LDScript function definitions in Java |
+ CPattern | Compile exists {} and subquery clause with kgram() function Pass bound variables as parameters: kgram(query, "?x", x) |
+ CRewrite | Add return statement if needed |
+ CStack | Stack record bound variables for parameter passing to exists and subquery Bound variables are function parameters and let local variables TODO: for (?x in exp) |
+ ►Pdatatype | |
+ ►Pextension | |
+ CCoreseExtension | Extension datatypes for list, map, xml, json |
+ CCoreseIterate | |
+ CCoreseJSON | |
+ CCoreseList | |
+ CCoreseMap | |
+ CCoresePointer | Extension IDatatype that contains LDScript Pointerable object These objects implement an API that enables them to be processed by LDScript statements such as for (?e in ?g), xt:gget(?e, "?x", 0) mainly speaking they are iterable Pointerable objects have specific extension datatypes such as dt:graph |
+ CCoreseUndefFuture | Encapsulate an expression Expr to be evaluated later such as concat(str, st:number(), str) use case: template with st:number() Exist only during template processing |
+ CCoreseXML | Datatype to manage XML objects as DOM Node, Document, etc |
+ ►Pfunction | |
+ CSQLFun | |
+ CStringHelper | Extended functionalities on String objects like "containsIgnoreCase" |
+ CVariableResolver | |
+ CVariableResolverImpl | Variable resolver for XPath see Processor and XPathFunction |
+ CXPathFun | |
+ CCoreseBlankNode | Title: Corese Description: A Semantic Search Engine Copyright: Copyright INRIA (c) 2007 Company: INRIA Project: Acacia |
+ CCoreseBoolean | |
+ CCoreseCalendar | |
+ CCoreseDatatype | |
+ CCoreseDate | An implementation of the xsd:date datatype used by Corese |
+ CCoreseDateElement | |
+ CCoreseDateTime | |
+ CCoreseDay | |
+ CCoreseDecimal | |
+ CCoreseDouble | |
+ CCoreseFloat | |
+ CCoreseGeneric | Generic datatype for other such as dayTimeDuration |
+ CCoreseGenericInteger | Int short .. |
+ CCoreseInteger | |
+ CCoreseLiteral | |
+ CCoreseMonth | |
+ CCoreseNumber | |
+ CCoreseResource | |
+ CCoreseString | |
+ CCoreseStringableImpl | |
+ CCoreseStringBuilder | |
+ CCoreseStringLiteral | |
+ CCoreseTriple | Edge reference datatype for edge reference node <> q v -> edge(s p o t) t q v where t is reference node e.referenceNode = t t.edge = edge(s p o t) |
+ CCoreseUndefLiteral | |
+ CCoreseURI | |
+ CCoreseURILiteral | |
+ CCoreseXMLLiteral | |
+ CCoreseYear | |
+ CCst | |
+ CDatatypeHierarchy | Emulate method inheritance on datatype hierarchy return datatype list of rdf term datatype hierarchy is: dt:entity dt:resource dt:uri dt:bnode dt:literal dt:standard dt:extended |
+ CDatatypeMap | |
+ CPointerObject | Encapsulate an Object which is not a Pointerable To be used in CoresePointer Use case: DatatypeMap.createObject(object) on any Object |
+ CRDF | |
+ CXSD | |
+ ►Pexceptions | |
+ CCompileException | |
+ CCoreseDatatypeException | |
+ CCoreseException | |
+ CEngineException | This class gathers all the exceptions that can be thrown in Corese |
+ CLDScriptException | |
+ CQueryLexicalException | This exception is used when errors are detected by the lexical analyser
- CQuerySemanticException | This exception is used for semantic errors: (one exception is raised for all the semantic errors that may occur)
+ |
CQuerySemanticException | This exception is used for semantic errors: (one exception is raised for all the semantic errors that may occur)
- CQuerySyntaxException | This exception is thrown when there is an error in the syntax of the query |
- CSafetyException | |
- CStopException | |
- CUndefinedExpressionException | |
- ►Pstorage | |
- ►Papi | |
- CIStorage | Interface that needs to be implemented for persistenting literal/string |
- ►CParameters | Parameters for initlizing/running the storage manager |
- Ctype | |
- ►Pcache | |
- CICache | Interface for implementing cache ICache.java |
- CLRUCache | Latest recently used cache Cache.java |
- ►Pfs | |
- CConstants | Constants |
- CFileHandler | Handler for manipulating disk file, channel, buffer, etc |
- CFileHandlersManager | Manager all the files and file handlers, including a poop of handlers for quick access to disk file |
- CStringManager | Manager all the strings that have been stored in file, including a cache for quick access the read strings |
- CStringManagerDelegate | Delegate class for read/write/delete string from file via file handler |
- CStringMeta | Store meta infor of string stored in file |
- ►Putil | |
- CStorageFactory | Generate the persistent manager |
- ►Ptriple | |
- ►Papi | |
- CASTVisitable | |
- CASTVisitor | |
- CCreator | Interface to create edges from Turtle parser |
- CElementClause | API of Atom for backward engine |
- CExpressionVisitor | |
- CFederateMerge | Criteria to merge several triple into one connected bgp |
- CWalker | ASTQuery process(walker) walk through every Exp, Expression and Function and call enter() leave() on each of them |
- ►Pcst | |
- CKeyword | |
- CKeywordPP | |
- CLogKey | |
- CRDFS | |
- ►Pfunction | |
- ►Paggregate | |
- CAggregate | |
- CAggregateAnd | |
- CAggregateCount | |
- CAggregateGroupConcat | |
- CAggregateList | |
- CAggregateMinMax | |
- CAggregateSumAvg | |
- CAggregateTemplate | |
- CDistinct | |
- ►Pcore | |
- CBinaryFunction | |
- CBiTriFunction | |
- CBlankNode | |
- CBound | |
- CCoalesce | |
- CConcat | |
- CDateFunction | |
- CExistFunction | |
- CExtern | |
- CFunctionEvaluator | |
- CHash | |
- CHashFunction | |
- CIfThenElseTerm | |
- CStrPredicate | |
- CUnaryFunction | |
- CUUIDFunction | |
- CZeroaryFunction | |
- ►Pextension | |
- CBinaryExtension | |
- CCast | Dt:list(term) -> cast term to list dt:graph(dt:mappings amap) -> create the Mappings graph with W3C Results schema |
- CDisplay | |
- CFocus | |
- CGet | |
- CGetGen | |
- CIOFunction | |
- CIterate | |
- CJSONTerm | |
- CListBinary | |
- CListNary | |
- CListSort | |
- CListTerm | |
- CListUnary | |
- CMapTerm | |
- CNamespace | |
- CPathLength | |
- CRest | |
- CResultFormater | |
- CSize | |
- CSPINFormater | |
- CSwap | |
- CSystemFunction | |
- CTernaryExtension | |
- CTripleAccess | |
- CUnaryExtension | |
- CXML | |
- CZeroAry | |
- ►Pproxy | |
- CGraphFunction | |
- CGraphSpecificFunction | |
- CIntrospection | |
- ►Pscript | |
- CErrorFunction | |
- CEval | |
- CEventCall | |
- CExtension | LDScript function call |
- CForLoop | |
- CFuncall | Funcall(fun, exp) apply(fun, list) |
- CFunction | Function definition function xt:fun(x) { exp } |
- CFunctionDefined | |
- CJavacall | Call Corese Java function with parameters as getObject() or Java values of IDatatype parameters and this object possibly as getObject() |
- CJavaCast | Cast:node(exp) return eval(exp) |
- CJavaDScall | Call Corese Java function with parameters as IDatatype values and this object possibly as getObject() |
- CJavaFunction | |
- CLDScript | |
- CLet | |
- CMapAnyEvery | |
- CMapFunction | |
- CMethodCall | |
- CMethodTypeCall | |
- CReduce | Reduce(rq:plus, list) get a binary function, apply it on elements two by two a kind of aggregate |
- CReturn | |
- CSelf | |
- CSequence | |
- CSetFunction | |
- CStatement | Toplevel of extended statements: Function Let Loop IfElse |
- CThrow | |
- CTryCatch | |
- ►Ptemplate | |
- CApplyTemplates | |
- CApplyTemplatesWith | |
- CApplyTemplatesWithGraph | |
- CCallTemplate | |
- CCallTemplateWith | |
- CCGetSetContext | |
- CFocusNode | |
- CGetSetContext | |
- CPrefix | |
- CTemplateAccess | |
- CTemplateFormat | |
- CTemplateFunction | |
- CTemplateFuture | |
- CTemplateNumber | |
- CTemplateProcess | St:process(?x) can be overloaded by function st:process(?x) { body } |
- CTemplateVisitor | |
- CTurtle | |
- ►Pterm | |
- CAndTerm | |
- ►CBinding | Stack vor LDScript variable bindings Variable have a relative index stack index = level + var index level is the level of current function call in the stack |
- CShare | |
- CDivTerm | |
- CEQ | |
- CGE | |
- CGT | |
- CIn | |
- CLE | |
- CLT | |
- CMinusTerm | |
- CMultTerm | |
- CNEQ | |
- CNotTerm | |
- COperation | |
- COrTerm | |
- CPlusTerm | |
- CTermEval | |
- ►Pjavacc1 | |
- CJavaccParseException | |
- CJavaCharStream | An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (with java-like unicode escape processing) |
- CParseException | This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered |
- CSimpleCharStream | An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing) |
- CSparqlCorese | |
- CSparqlCoreseConstants | Token literal values and constants |
- CSparqlCoreseTokenManager | Token Manager |
- CToken | Describes the input token stream |
- CTokenMgrError | Token Manager Error |
- ►Pparser | |
- ►Pcontext | |
- CContextLog | Service logger Used by corese core ProviderService and Service Stored in Binding and federated query AST Designed to be serialized as RDF |
- CLinkedResultLog | Store Linked Result URLs about federated query processing JSON object exchanged between server and client as Linked Result of Query Result |
- CPropertyMap | Property -> value |
- CSubjectMap | Subject -> property map |
- ►Pvisitor | |
- CASTParser | Walker just after parsing to complete the AST |
- CASTWalker | ASTQuery process(walker) walk through every Exp, Expression and Function and call enter() leave() on each of them This Walker check security issue and reports to Transformer in a Record List We are at compile time, hence before query execution |
- CExpressionVisitorVariable | Visit filter/select/bind expressions function, let, map: declare arguments as local variables, generate variable index |
- CRecord | |
- ►CAccess | Access model for features |
- CFeature | |
- CLevel | Protection Level Access Right: feature has access level, user action (query) has access level action is granted access to feature when action.level >= feature.level PUBLIC is access level granted to user query on protected server for ex, LDScript use is PUBLIC, the rest is PRIVATE or RESTRICTED RESTRICTED is access level for specific protected user query PRIVATE is default level: function definition is private SUPER USER is access level for LinkedFunction |
- CMode | |
- CAccessNamespace | Accept/reject namespace for @import and LinkedFunction define(ns, true|false) if there are accept ns, other ns are rejected if there is only reject ns, other ns are accepted |
- CAccessRight | |
- ►CAccessRightDefinition | Access right granted for specific URI or namespace It overloads the default access right given by AccessRight It may increase or reduce the default access right Semantics: access right given to the user for insert and delete |
- CAccessMap | |
- CAnd | |
- CASTBuffer | |
- ►CASTExtension | Manage extension functions Function exp must have executed exp.local() to tag local variables |
- CFunMap | |
- CASTFactory | |
- CASTObject | |
- CASTPrinter | |
- CASTQuery | |
- CASTSelector | |
- CASTTemplate | |
- CAtom | |
- CBasicGraphPattern | |
- CBinary | |
- CBind | |
- CBinding | |
- CConstant | |
- CContext | Execution Context for SPARQL Query and Template |
- CDataset | SPARQL Dataset from or named may be null |
- CExist | |
- CExp | |
- CExpression | |
- CExpressionList | |
- CExtractList | |
- CFilter | |
- CHashMapList | |
- CJoin | |
- CLoadTurtle | |
- CMessage | |
- CMetadata | |
- CMinus | |
- CNSManager | |
- COptional | |
- CParserHandler | |
- CParserSparql1 | |
- CProcessor | |
- CQuery | |
- CRDFList | |
- CScope | |
- CScore | |
- CService | SPARQL 1.1 Service |
- CSource | |
- CSourceExp | |
- CTerm | |
- CTopExp | Root of SPARQL Expression (filter) and Exp (triple, option, ...) |
- CTriple | |
- CUnion | |
- CURLParam | |
- CURLServer | Manage service URL with parameters |
- CValues | |
- CVariable | |
- CVariableLocal | |
- ►CVariableScope | Used by TopExp getVariables(scope) |
- CScope | |
- ►Pprinter | |
- CSPIN | Pretty Printer: SPARQL AST to SPIN Turtle |
- ►Pupdate | |
- CASTUpdate | |
- CBasic | Load clear drop create add move copy |
- CComposite | |
- CUpdate | |
- ►Pstats | |
- ►Pdata | |
- CBaseMap | The statistics data in fact is a map, this base class implements the basic map between distinct node and its number |
- CHashBucket | Save map between nodes ( convert to hash code) and their count |
- CReducedMap | Save part of the map between nodes and their count, in order to reduce the size of mapping |
- CSimpleAverage | Simple average, number of all triples/number of distinct resources |
- CTripleHashTable | TripleHashTable.java |
- CTripleHashTable2 | TripleHashTable.java |
- CWrappedNode | Mainly for overriding the hashCode and equals methods of Node, same object if with same label, that is all |
- CIStats | Interface for calling Producer from kgraph to do statistics |
- COptions | Options and parameters for setting meta data statistics |
- CStatsBasedEstimation | An implementation for estimating the selectivity based on statistics data |
- ►Pstorage | |
- ►Papi | |
- ►PdataManager | |
- CDataManager | Interface to adapt an external storage system to Corese |
- CDataManagerBuilder | Builder for DataManager |
- CDataManagerRead | Interface to adapt an external storage system to Corese |
- CDataManagerUpdate | Interface to adapt an external storage system to Corese |
- CCoreseGraphDataManager | DataManager for corese Graph for testing purpose |
- CCoreseGraphDataManagerBuilder | |
- CDataManagerJava | DataManager on top of json (or xml) document |
- ►Ptransform | |
- CContextBuilder | Extract a Transformer Context from a profile.ttl graph st:param object st:cal a st:Profile ; st:transform st:calendar ; st:param [ st:arg value ; st:title value ] |
- CDefaultVisitor | Transformer Visitor to be used in a transformation Store and/or log visited nodes, enumerate visited nodes |
- CLoader | Manage load, import, profile TODO: level() |
- CStack | Keep track of nodes already printed to prevent loop Variant: check the pair (dt, template) do not to loop on the same template ; may use several templates on same node dt |
- CTable | Map pprinter name to pprinter resource path |
- CTemplatePrinter | Generate a file in rule format from a QueryEngine or a directory of templates Olivier Corby, Wimmics INRIA 2013 |
- CTemplateVisitor | Visitor that can be associated to a transformation use case: filter(st:visit(st:exp, ?x, true)) |
- CTransformer | SPARQL Template Transformation Engine |
- CTransformerMapping | |
- CTransformerVisitor | QueryVisitor for Transformation templates May optimize template execution |
- ►Putil | |
- CCompareMappings | |
- CCoreseInfo | The CoreseInfo class provides information about the Corese application |
- CDuplicate | Remove duplicate candidate edge in Construct Use case: Rule Engine Optimization |
- CExample | Hello World KGRAM Example |
- CExtension | |
- CGraphListen | Graph Listener implements callbacks as FunSPARQL functions Manage an Eval initialized with function definitions Execute callback functions with this Eval |
- CGraphListenerImpl | Graph Listener: survey the size of the graph and may skip insert above max size log insert and delete : kg:listen kg:insert true log insert that match a triple pattern graph kg:insert { ?x a c:Person } |
- CMappingComparator | Compare Mappings (e.g |
- CMappingsGraph | Generate RDF Result Format Graph for Mappings (bindings in RDF) |
- CParameter | Manage Turtle Property file to tune corese behavior Authorized namespace for @import and LinkedFunction |
- ►CProperty | Corese configuration with properties such as: LOAD_IN_DEFAULT_GRAPH Usage: Property.set(LOAD_IN_DEFAULT_GRAPH, true); Property.load(property-file-path); Property.init(graph); corese-gui.jar -init property-file-path corese-server.jar -init property-file-path A property file example is in core resources/data/corese/property.properties Define variable: VARIABLE = $home=/user/home/ LOAD_DATASET = $home/file.ttl |
- CPair | |
- CValue | |
- CQueryGraphVisitorImpl | QueryGraph Visitor for query(RDF Graph) Replace RDF List by rdf:rest* / rdf:first in query graph Match lists in different order: (a b) match (b a) Use Case: match SPIN Graph |
- CSPINProcess | Compile SPARQL Query in SPIN format |
- CTool | |
- ►Pvisitor | |
- ►Pldpath | |
- CAST | |
- CLinkedDataPath | Given query, endpoint URI and size compute paths starting from query solution resources with path size leq length If a second endpoint URI is given, compute paths from first endpoint to second endpoint |
- CQueryProcessThread | |
- CResult | Results managed in a table ASTQuery -> Mappings |
- ►Psolver | |
- CQuerySolverVisitorRule | |
- CQuerySolverVisitorRuleUser | |
- CQuerySolverVisitorTransformer | |
- CQuerySolverVisitorTransformerUser | |
- CQuerySolverVisitorUser | |
- ►Pworkflow | |
- CAbstractProcess | |
- CAssertProcess | |
- CCompositeProcess | |
- CData | |
- CDatasetProcess | Generic Process to be programmed Select behavior with sw:mode attribute Use cases: Produce a structured dataset from parallel process result graphs Compare two graphs |
- CFunctionProcess | |
- CLoadProcess | Load a directory |
- CParallelProcess | Run Processes as in parallel with copy of input Graph |
- CPreProcessor | |
- CProbeProcess | Execute a sub Process but return the input Data Used for e.g trace purpose |
- CResultProcess | |
- CRuleProcess | |
- CSemanticProcess | Super class of Process with a Process List (Test, Parallel, ..) |
- CSemanticWorkflow | Workflow of Query | Update | RuleBase | Transformation Each Process pass a Data with Graph to next Process |
- CShapeWorkflow | Domain Specific Workflow to process DataShape on RDF Graph |
- CSPARQLProcess | |
- CTestProcess | |
- CTransformationProcess | |
- CWorkflowParser | Parse a graph that describes a Workflow [] a sw:Workflow ; sw:body ( [ a sw:Query ; sw:uri <q1.rq>] [ a sw:Rule ; sw:uri sw:owlrl ] [ a sw:Workflow ; sw:uri <wf.ttl> ] [ a sw:Template ; sw:uri st:turtle ] )] |
- CWorkflowProcess | Root class |
- CWorkflowVisitor | |
- CContext | Graph Execution Context Store History |
- CDataStore | Simple DataStore to define what is the default graph By default it is the union of named graphs It can be redefined using addDefaultGraph(node) Producer uses getDefault() getDefault().iterate() getNamed().iterate() |
- CEdgeFactory | |
- CEvent | Collection of events trapped by graph event manager in order to ensure consistency of graph index and entailments w.r.t graph modifications |
- CEventHandler | |
- CEventLogger | |
- CEventManager | Event Manager for consistency and trace Update and Inference are tracked Debug mode traces events Show and hide events |
- ►CGraph | Graph Manager Edges are stored in an index An index is a table: predicate -> List<Edge> Edge List are sorted Join on a Node is computed by dichotomy getEdges() return edges of all named graphs as quads Default Graph: g.getDefault().iterate() Named Graphs: g.getNamed().iterate() See DataProducer for more iterators |
- CTreeNode | With CompareNode: manage 1, 01, 1.0 as different Node (with same index) With CompareIndex: manage IDatatype(1) IDatatype(01) IDatatype(1.0) with same index With CompareIndexStrict: manage IDatatype(1) IDatatype(01) with same index and 1.0 with different index (sparql compliant) |
- CGraphCompare | |
- ►CGraphDistance | |
- CMode | |
- CGraphObject | |
- CGraphStore | Draft Graph Store where named graphs are hidden for system use |
- CIndex | Interface for Index for Graph |
- CNodeGraph | Node that contain the named graph of node, only for PP query |
- CNodeGraphIndex | Manage Nodes of a graph, for each graph name |
- CNodeImpl | Node |
- CNodeIterator | |
- CSerializer | Serialize a Java Object in RDF Turtle |
- CStart | |
- CValueResolverImpl | Manage Node values in a table: key -> IDatatype key is MD5 hash of IDatatype label |
- CWorkflow | Manage a set of inference engines Loop until no inference is performed It is automatically called when isUpdate==true to perform inference and restore consistency |
+ CQuerySyntaxException | This exception is thrown when there is an error in the syntax of the query |
+ CSafetyException | |
+ CStopException | |
+ CUndefinedExpressionException | |
+ ►Pstorage | |
+ ►Papi | |
+ CIStorage | Interface that needs to be implemented for persistenting literal/string |
+ ►CParameters | Parameters for initlizing/running the storage manager |
+ Ctype | |
+ ►Pcache | |
+ CICache | Interface for implementing cache ICache.java |
+ CLRUCache | Latest recently used cache Cache.java |
+ ►Pfs | |
+ CConstants | Constants |
+ CFileHandler | Handler for manipulating disk file, channel, buffer, etc |
+ CFileHandlersManager | Manager all the files and file handlers, including a poop of handlers for quick access to disk file |
+ CStringManager | Manager all the strings that have been stored in file, including a cache for quick access the read strings |
+ CStringManagerDelegate | Delegate class for read/write/delete string from file via file handler |
+ CStringMeta | Store meta infor of string stored in file |
+ ►Putil | |
+ CStorageFactory | Generate the persistent manager |
+ ►Ptriple | |
+ ►Papi | |
+ CASTVisitable | |
+ CASTVisitor | |
+ CCreator | Interface to create edges from Turtle parser |
+ CElementClause | API of Atom for backward engine |
+ CExpressionVisitor | |
+ CFederateMerge | Criteria to merge several triple into one connected bgp |
+ CWalker | ASTQuery process(walker) walk through every Exp, Expression and Function and call enter() leave() on each of them |
+ ►Pcst | |
+ CKeyword | |
+ CKeywordPP | |
+ CLogKey | |
+ CRDFS | |
+ ►Pfunction | |
+ ►Paggregate | |
+ CAggregate | |
+ CAggregateAnd | |
+ CAggregateCount | |
+ CAggregateGroupConcat | |
+ CAggregateList | |
+ CAggregateMinMax | |
+ CAggregateSumAvg | |
+ CAggregateTemplate | |
+ CDistinct | |
+ ►Pcore | |
+ CBinaryFunction | |
+ CBiTriFunction | |
+ CBlankNode | |
+ CBound | |
+ CCoalesce | |
+ CConcat | |
+ CDateFunction | |
+ CExistFunction | |
+ CExtern | |
+ CFunctionEvaluator | |
+ CHash | |
+ CHashFunction | |
+ CIfThenElseTerm | |
+ CStrPredicate | |
+ CUnaryFunction | |
+ CUUIDFunction | |
+ CZeroaryFunction | |
+ ►Pextension | |
+ CBinaryExtension | |
+ CCast | Dt:list(term) -> cast term to list dt:graph(dt:mappings amap) -> create the Mappings graph with W3C Results schema |
+ CDisplay | |
+ CFocus | |
+ CGet | |
+ CGetGen | |
+ CIOFunction | |
+ CIterate | |
+ CJSONTerm | |
+ CListBinary | |
+ CListNary | |
+ CListSort | |
+ CListTerm | |
+ CListUnary | |
+ CMapTerm | |
+ CNamespace | |
+ CPathLength | |
+ CRest | |
+ CResultFormater | |
+ CSize | |
+ CSPINFormater | |
+ CSwap | |
+ CSystemFunction | |
+ CTernaryExtension | |
+ CTripleAccess | |
+ CUnaryExtension | |
+ CXML | |
+ CZeroAry | |
+ ►Pproxy | |
+ CGraphFunction | |
+ CGraphSpecificFunction | |
+ CIntrospection | |
+ ►Pscript | |
+ CErrorFunction | |
+ CEval | |
+ CEventCall | |
+ CExtension | LDScript function call |
+ CForLoop | |
+ CFuncall | Funcall(fun, exp) apply(fun, list) |
+ CFunction | Function definition function xt:fun(x) { exp } |
+ CFunctionDefined | |
+ CJavacall | Call Corese Java function with parameters as getObject() or Java values of IDatatype parameters and this object possibly as getObject() |
+ CJavaCast | Cast:node(exp) return eval(exp) |
+ CJavaDScall | Call Corese Java function with parameters as IDatatype values and this object possibly as getObject() |
+ CJavaFunction | |
+ CLDScript | |
+ CLet | |
+ CMapAnyEvery | |
+ CMapFunction | |
+ CMethodCall | |
+ CMethodTypeCall | |
+ CReduce | Reduce(rq:plus, list) get a binary function, apply it on elements two by two a kind of aggregate |
+ CReturn | |
+ CSelf | |
+ CSequence | |
+ CSetFunction | |
+ CStatement | Toplevel of extended statements: Function Let Loop IfElse |
+ CThrow | |
+ CTryCatch | |
+ ►Ptemplate | |
+ CApplyTemplates | |
+ CApplyTemplatesWith | |
+ CApplyTemplatesWithGraph | |
+ CCallTemplate | |
+ CCallTemplateWith | |
+ CCGetSetContext | |
+ CFocusNode | |
+ CGetSetContext | |
+ CPrefix | |
+ CTemplateAccess | |
+ CTemplateFormat | |
+ CTemplateFunction | |
+ CTemplateFuture | |
+ CTemplateNumber | |
+ CTemplateProcess | St:process(?x) can be overloaded by function st:process(?x) { body } |
+ CTemplateVisitor | |
+ CTurtle | |
+ ►Pterm | |
+ CAndTerm | |
+ ►CBinding | Stack vor LDScript variable bindings Variable have a relative index stack index = level + var index level is the level of current function call in the stack |
+ CShare | |
+ CDivTerm | |
+ CEQ | |
+ CGE | |
+ CGT | |
+ CIn | |
+ CLE | |
+ CLT | |
+ CMinusTerm | |
+ CMultTerm | |
+ CNEQ | |
+ CNotTerm | |
+ COperation | |
+ COrTerm | |
+ CPlusTerm | |
+ CTermEval | |
+ ►Pjavacc1 | |
+ CJavaccParseException | |
+ CJavaCharStream | An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (with java-like unicode escape processing) |
+ CParseException | This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered |
+ CSimpleCharStream | An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing) |
+ CSparqlCorese | |
+ CSparqlCoreseConstants | Token literal values and constants |
+ CSparqlCoreseTokenManager | Token Manager |
+ CToken | Describes the input token stream |
+ CTokenMgrError | Token Manager Error |
+ ►Pparser | |
+ ►Pcontext | |
+ CContextLog | Service logger Used by corese core ProviderService and Service Stored in Binding and federated query AST Designed to be serialized as RDF |
+ CLinkedResultLog | Store Linked Result URLs about federated query processing JSON object exchanged between server and client as Linked Result of Query Result |
+ CPropertyMap | Property -> value |
+ CSubjectMap | Subject -> property map |
+ ►Pvisitor | |
+ CASTParser | Walker just after parsing to complete the AST |
+ CASTWalker | ASTQuery process(walker) walk through every Exp, Expression and Function and call enter() leave() on each of them This Walker check security issue and reports to Transformer in a Record List We are at compile time, hence before query execution |
+ CExpressionVisitorVariable | Visit filter/select/bind expressions function, let, map: declare arguments as local variables, generate variable index |
+ CRecord | |
+ ►CAccess | Access model for features |
+ CFeature | |
+ CLevel | Protection Level Access Right: feature has access level, user action (query) has access level action is granted access to feature when action.level >= feature.level PUBLIC is access level granted to user query on protected server for ex, LDScript use is PUBLIC, the rest is PRIVATE or RESTRICTED RESTRICTED is access level for specific protected user query PRIVATE is default level: function definition is private SUPER USER is access level for LinkedFunction |
+ CMode | |
+ CAccessNamespace | Accept/reject namespace for @import and LinkedFunction define(ns, true|false) if there are accept ns, other ns are rejected if there is only reject ns, other ns are accepted |
+ CAccessRight | |
+ ►CAccessRightDefinition | Access right granted for specific URI or namespace It overloads the default access right given by AccessRight It may increase or reduce the default access right Semantics: access right given to the user for insert and delete |
+ CAccessMap | |
+ CAnd | |
+ CASTBuffer | |
+ ►CASTExtension | Manage extension functions Function exp must have executed exp.local() to tag local variables |
+ CFunMap | |
+ CASTFactory | |
+ CASTObject | |
+ CASTPrinter | |
+ CASTQuery | |
+ CASTSelector | |
+ CASTTemplate | |
+ CAtom | |
+ CBasicGraphPattern | |
+ CBinary | |
+ CBind | |
+ CBinding | |
+ CConstant | |
+ CContext | Execution Context for SPARQL Query and Template |
+ CDataset | SPARQL Dataset from or named may be null |
+ CExist | |
+ CExp | |
+ CExpression | |
+ CExpressionList | |
+ CExtractList | |
+ CFilter | |
+ CHashMapList | |
+ CJoin | |
+ CLoadTurtle | |
+ CMessage | |
+ CMetadata | |
+ CMinus | |
+ CNSManager | |
+ COptional | |
+ CParserHandler | |
+ CParserSparql1 | |
+ CProcessor | |
+ CQuery | |
+ CRDFList | |
+ CScope | |
+ CScore | |
+ CService | SPARQL 1.1 Service |
+ CSource | |
+ CSourceExp | |
+ CTerm | |
+ CTopExp | Root of SPARQL Expression (filter) and Exp (triple, option, ...) |
+ CTriple | |
+ CUnion | |
+ CURLParam | |
+ CURLServer | Manage service URL with parameters |
+ CValues | |
+ CVariable | |
+ CVariableLocal | |
+ ►CVariableScope | Used by TopExp getVariables(scope) |
+ CScope | |
+ ►Pprinter | |
+ CSPIN | Pretty Printer: SPARQL AST to SPIN Turtle |
+ ►Pupdate | |
+ CASTUpdate | |
+ CBasic | Load clear drop create add move copy |
+ CComposite | |
+ CUpdate | |
+ ►Pstats | |
+ ►Pdata | |
+ CBaseMap | The statistics data in fact is a map, this base class implements the basic map between distinct node and its number |
+ CHashBucket | Save map between nodes ( convert to hash code) and their count |
+ CReducedMap | Save part of the map between nodes and their count, in order to reduce the size of mapping |
+ CSimpleAverage | Simple average, number of all triples/number of distinct resources |
+ CTripleHashTable | TripleHashTable.java |
+ CTripleHashTable2 | TripleHashTable.java |
+ CWrappedNode | Mainly for overriding the hashCode and equals methods of Node, same object if with same label, that is all |
+ CIStats | Interface for calling Producer from kgraph to do statistics |
+ COptions | Options and parameters for setting meta data statistics |
+ CStatsBasedEstimation | An implementation for estimating the selectivity based on statistics data |
+ ►Pstorage | |
+ ►Papi | |
+ ►PdataManager | |
+ CDataManager | Interface to adapt an external storage system to Corese |
+ CDataManagerBuilder | Builder for DataManager |
+ CDataManagerRead | Interface to adapt an external storage system to Corese |
+ CDataManagerUpdate | Interface to adapt an external storage system to Corese |
+ CCoreseGraphDataManager | DataManager for corese Graph for testing purpose |
+ CCoreseGraphDataManagerBuilder | |
+ CDataManagerJava | DataManager on top of json (or xml) document |
+ ►Ptransform | |
+ CContextBuilder | Extract a Transformer Context from a profile.ttl graph st:param object st:cal a st:Profile ; st:transform st:calendar ; st:param [ st:arg value ; st:title value ] |
+ CDefaultVisitor | Transformer Visitor to be used in a transformation Store and/or log visited nodes, enumerate visited nodes |
+ CLoader | Manage load, import, profile TODO: level() |
+ CStack | Keep track of nodes already printed to prevent loop Variant: check the pair (dt, template) do not to loop on the same template ; may use several templates on same node dt |
+ CTable | Map pprinter name to pprinter resource path |
+ CTemplatePrinter | Generate a file in rule format from a QueryEngine or a directory of templates Olivier Corby, Wimmics INRIA 2013 |
+ CTemplateVisitor | Visitor that can be associated to a transformation use case: filter(st:visit(st:exp, ?x, true)) |
+ CTransformer | SPARQL Template Transformation Engine |
+ CTransformerMapping | |
+ CTransformerVisitor | QueryVisitor for Transformation templates May optimize template execution |
+ ►Putil | |
+ CCompareMappings | |
+ CCoreseInfo | The CoreseInfo class provides information about the Corese application |
+ CDuplicate | Remove duplicate candidate edge in Construct Use case: Rule Engine Optimization |
+ CExtension | |
+ CGraphListen | Graph Listener implements callbacks as FunSPARQL functions Manage an Eval initialized with function definitions Execute callback functions with this Eval |
+ CGraphListenerImpl | Graph Listener: survey the size of the graph and may skip insert above max size log insert and delete : kg:listen kg:insert true log insert that match a triple pattern graph kg:insert { ?x a c:Person } |
+ CHTTPHeaders | |
+ CMappingComparator | Compare Mappings (e.g |
+ CMappingsGraph | Generate RDF Result Format Graph for Mappings (bindings in RDF) |
+ CParameter | Manage Turtle Property file to tune corese behavior, Authorized namespace for @import and LinkedFunction |
+ ►CProperty | Corese configuration with properties such as: LOAD_IN_DEFAULT_GRAPH Usage: Property.set(LOAD_IN_DEFAULT_GRAPH, true); Property.load(property-file-path); Property.init(graph); corese-gui.jar -init property-file-path corese-server.jar -init property-file-path A property file example is in core resources/data/corese/property.properties Define variable: VARIABLE = $home=/user/home/ LOAD_DATASET = $home/file.ttl |
+ CPair | |
+ CValue | |
+ CQueryGraphVisitorImpl | QueryGraph Visitor for query(RDF Graph) Replace RDF List by rdf:rest* / rdf:first in query graph Match lists in different order: (a b) match (b a) Use Case: match SPIN Graph |
+ CSPINProcess | Compile SPARQL Query in SPIN format |
+ CTool | |
+ ►Pvisitor | |
+ ►Pldpath | |
+ CAST | |
+ CLinkedDataPath | Given query, endpoint URI and size compute paths starting from query solution resources with path size leq length If a second endpoint URI is given, compute paths from first endpoint to second endpoint |
+ CQueryProcessThread | |
+ CResult | Results managed in a table ASTQuery -> Mappings |
+ ►Psolver | |
+ CQuerySolverVisitorRule | |
+ CQuerySolverVisitorRuleUser | |
+ CQuerySolverVisitorTransformer | |
+ CQuerySolverVisitorTransformerUser | |
+ CQuerySolverVisitorUser | |
+ ►Pworkflow | |
+ CAbstractProcess | |
+ CAssertProcess | |
+ CCompositeProcess | |
+ CData | |
+ CDatasetProcess | Generic Process to be programmed Select behavior with sw:mode attribute Use cases: Produce a structured dataset from parallel process result graphs Compare two graphs |
+ CFunctionProcess | |
+ CLoadProcess | Load a directory |
+ CParallelProcess | Run Processes as in parallel with copy of input Graph |
+ CPreProcessor | |
+ CProbeProcess | Execute a sub Process but return the input Data Used for e.g trace purpose |
+ CResultProcess | |
+ CRuleProcess | |
+ CSemanticProcess | Super class of Process with a Process List (Test, Parallel, ..) |
+ CSemanticWorkflow | Workflow of Query | Update | RuleBase | Transformation Each Process pass a Data with Graph to next Process |
+ CShapeWorkflow | Domain Specific Workflow to process DataShape on RDF Graph |
+ CSPARQLProcess | |
+ CTestProcess | |
+ CTransformationProcess | |
+ CWorkflowParser | Parse a graph that describes a Workflow [] a sw:Workflow ; sw:body ( [ a sw:Query ; sw:uri <q1.rq>] [ a sw:Rule ; sw:uri sw:owlrl ] [ a sw:Workflow ; sw:uri <wf.ttl> ] [ a sw:Template ; sw:uri st:turtle ] )] |
+ CWorkflowProcess | Root class |
+ CWorkflowVisitor | |
+ CContext | Graph Execution Context Store History |
+ CDataStore | Simple DataStore to define what is the default graph By default it is the union of named graphs It can be redefined using addDefaultGraph(node) Producer uses getDefault() getDefault().iterate() getNamed().iterate() |
+ CEdgeFactory | |
+ CEvent | Collection of events trapped by graph event manager in order to ensure consistency of graph index and entailments w.r.t graph modifications |
+ CEventHandler | |
+ CEventLogger | |
+ CEventManager | Event Manager for consistency and trace Update and Inference are tracked Debug mode traces events Show and hide events |
+ ►CGraph | Graph Manager Edges are stored in an index An index is a table: predicate -> List<Edge> Edge List are sorted Join on a Node is computed by dichotomy getEdges() return edges of all named graphs as quads Default Graph: g.getDefault().iterate() Named Graphs: g.getNamed().iterate() See DataProducer for more iterators |
+ CTreeNode | With CompareNode: manage 1, 01, 1.0 as different Node (with same index) With CompareIndex: manage IDatatype(1) IDatatype(01) IDatatype(1.0) with same index With CompareIndexStrict: manage IDatatype(1) IDatatype(01) with same index and 1.0 with different index (sparql compliant) |
+ CGraphCompare | |
+ ►CGraphDistance | |
+ CMode | |
+ CGraphObject | |
+ CGraphStore | Draft Graph Store where named graphs are hidden for system use |
+ CIndex | Interface for Index for Graph |
+ CNodeGraph | Node that contain the named graph of node, only for PP query |
+ CNodeGraphIndex | Manage Nodes of a graph, for each graph name |
+ CNodeImpl | Node |
+ CNodeIterator | |
+ CSerializer | Serialize a Java Object in RDF Turtle |
+ CStart | |
+ CValueResolverImpl | Manage Node values in a table: key -> IDatatype key is MD5 hash of IDatatype label |
+ CWorkflow | Manage a set of inference engines Loop until no inference is performed It is automatically called when isUpdate==true to perform inference and restore consistency |
diff --git a/dev/classes.html b/dev/classes.html
index c675ce7e2..7be03e4d1 100644
--- a/dev/classes.html
+++ b/dev/classes.html
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
- A
-- AbstractCostModel (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.core)
- AbstractProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)
- Access (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- AccessRightDefinition.AccessMap (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- AccessNamespace (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- AccessRight (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- AccessRightDefinition (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- AddTripleHelper (fr.inria.corese.core.load)
- AddTripleHelperDataManager (fr.inria.corese.core.load)
- Agent (fr.inria.corese.core.extension)
- Aggregate (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.aggregate)
- AggregateAnd (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.aggregate)
- AggregateCount (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.aggregate)
- AggregateGroupConcat (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.aggregate)
- AggregateList (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.aggregate)
- AggregateMinMax (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.aggregate)
- AggregateSumAvg (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.aggregate)
- AggregateTemplate (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.aggregate)
- AlgType (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.strategy)
- And (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- AndTerm (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)
- ApplyTemplates (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)
- ApplyTemplatesWith (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)
- ApplyTemplatesWithGraph (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)
- ApproximateSearchEnv (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.tool)
- ApproximateStrategy (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.strategy)
- AppxSearchPlugin (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.ext)
- AssertProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)
- AST (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)
- AST (fr.inria.corese.core.visitor.ldpath)
- ASTBuffer (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- ASTExtension (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- ASTFactory (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- ASTObject (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- ASTParser (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser.visitor)
- ASTPrinter (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- ASTQ (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)
- ASTQuery (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- ASTRewriter (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.ext)
- ASTSelector (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- ASTTemplate (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- ASTUpdate (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.update)
- ASTVisitable (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.api)
- ASTVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.api)
- ASTWalker (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser.visitor)
- Atom (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- Automaton (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.path)
AbstractCostModel (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.core)AbstractNestedResultFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.print)AbstractProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)AbstractNestedResultFormat.AbstractTitle (fr.inria.corese.core.print)Access (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)AccessRightDefinition.AccessMap (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)AccessNamespace (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)AccessRight (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)AccessRightDefinition (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)AddTripleHelper (fr.inria.corese.core.load)AddTripleHelperDataManager (fr.inria.corese.core.load)Agent (fr.inria.corese.core.extension)Aggregate (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.aggregate)AggregateAnd (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.aggregate)AggregateCount (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.aggregate)AggregateGroupConcat (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.aggregate)AggregateList (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.aggregate)AggregateMinMax (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.aggregate)AggregateSumAvg (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.aggregate)AggregateTemplate (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.aggregate)AlgType (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.strategy)And (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)AndTerm (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)ApplyTemplates (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)ApplyTemplatesWith (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)ApplyTemplatesWithGraph (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)ApproximateSearchEnv (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.tool)ApproximateStrategy (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.strategy)AppxSearchPlugin (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.ext)AssertProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)AST (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)AST (fr.inria.corese.core.visitor.ldpath)ASTBuffer (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)ASTExtension (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)ASTFactory (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)ASTObject (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)ASTParser (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser.visitor)ASTPrinter (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)ASTQ (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)ASTQuery (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)ASTRewriter (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.ext)ASTSelector (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)ASTTemplate (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)ASTUpdate (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.update)ASTVisitable (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.api)ASTVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.api)ASTWalker (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser.visitor)Atom (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)Automaton (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.path)
- B
- BaseAlgorithm (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.algorithm.impl)
- BaseMap (fr.inria.corese.core.stats.data)
- Basic (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.update)
- BasicGraphPattern (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- BasicPatternGenerator (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.impl.qpv1)
- BgpGenerator (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)
- Binary (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- BinaryExtension (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)
- BinaryFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)
- Bind (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- Binder (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)
- Binding (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)
- Binding (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- BiTriFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)
- BlankNode (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)
- Bound (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)
- BrokerDistance (fr.inria.corese.core.logic)
- BrokerDistanceDataManager (fr.inria.corese.core.logic)
- Buffer (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.path)
- Build (fr.inria.corese.core.load)
- BuildImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.load)
@@ -88,16 +88,16 @@
Data (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)DataBroker (fr.inria.corese.core.api)DataBrokerConstruct (fr.inria.corese.core.api)DataBrokerConstructExtern (fr.inria.corese.core.producer)DataBrokerConstructLocal (fr.inria.corese.core.producer)DataBrokerExtern (fr.inria.corese.core.producer)DataBrokerLocal (fr.inria.corese.core.producer)DataFilter (fr.inria.corese.core.producer)DataFilterAnd (fr.inria.corese.core.producer)DataFilterBoolean (fr.inria.corese.core.producer)DataFilterFactory (fr.inria.corese.core.producer)DataFilterNot (fr.inria.corese.core.producer)DataFilterOr (fr.inria.corese.core.producer)DataFrom (fr.inria.corese.core.producer)DataManager (fr.inria.corese.core.storage.api.dataManager)DataManagerBuilder (fr.inria.corese.core.storage.api.dataManager)DataManagerJava (fr.inria.corese.core.storage)DataManagerRead (fr.inria.corese.core.storage.api.dataManager)DataManagerUpdate (fr.inria.corese.core.storage.api.dataManager)DataProducer (fr.inria.corese.core.producer)Dataset (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)DatasetManager (fr.inria.corese.core.query)DatasetProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)DataStore (fr.inria.corese.core)Datatype (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.compiler.java)DatatypeHierarchy (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.datatype)DatatypeMap (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.datatype)DatatypeValue (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)DatatypeValueFactory (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)DateFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)DefaultVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.transform)DepthFirstBestSearch (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.impl.qpv1)DepthFirstSearch (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.impl.qpv1)Describe (fr.inria.corese.core.query)DFFactory (fr.inria.corese.core.producer)Display (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)Distance (fr.inria.corese.core.logic)Distinct (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)Distinct (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.aggregate)DistinctNode (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.tool)DivTerm (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)DQPFactory (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)Duplicate (fr.inria.corese.core.util)
- E
-- Edge (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)
- EdgeBinary (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)
- EdgeBinaryFirst (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.binary)
- EdgeBinaryLabel (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.binary)
- EdgeBinaryRest (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.binary)
- EdgeBinarySubclass (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.binary)
- EdgeBinaryType (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.binary)
- EdgeDefault (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)
- EdgeEntail (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)
- EdgeFactory (fr.inria.corese.core)
- EdgeGeneric (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)
- EdgeImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.parser)
- EdgeImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)
- EdgeInternal (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.internal)
- EdgeInternalDefault (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.internal)
- EdgeInternalEntail (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.internal)
- EdgeInternalRule (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.internal)
- EdgeInv (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.tool)
- EdgeManager (fr.inria.corese.core.index)
- EdgeManagerIndexer (fr.inria.corese.core.index)
- EdgeQuad (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)
- EdgeRule (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.rule)
- EdgeRuleGraph (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.rule)
- EdgeRuleSubclass (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.rule)
- EdgeRuleTop (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.rule)
- EdgeRuleType (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.rule)
- EdgeTop (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)
- EdgeTriple (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)
- EdgeTripleNode (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)
- ElementClause (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.api)
- Engine (fr.inria.corese.core.api)
- EngineException (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.exceptions)
- Entailment (fr.inria.corese.core.logic)
- Environment (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)
- EnvironmentImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.tool)
- EQ (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)
- Equality (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.algorithm.impl)
- ErrorFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)
- Eval (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)
- Eval (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)
- EvalGraph (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)
- EvalJoin (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)
- EvalListener (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.event)
- EvalOptional (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)
- EvalSPARQL (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)
- Evaluator (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)
- Event (fr.inria.corese.core)
- Event (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.event)
- EventCall (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)
- EventHandler (fr.inria.corese.core)
- EventImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.event)
- EventListener (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.event)
- EventLogger (fr.inria.corese.core)
- EventManager (fr.inria.corese.core)
- EventManager (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.event)
- Example (fr.inria.corese.core.util)
- Exist (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- ExistFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)
- Exp (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)
- Exp (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- ExpandList (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.parser)
- ExpandPath (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.parser)
- ExpEdge (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)
- ExpHandler (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)
- ExpPattern (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)
- Expr (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)
- Expression (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- ExpressionList (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- ExpressionVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.api)
- ExpressionVisitorVariable (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser.visitor)
- ExprLabel (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)
- ExprType (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)
- ExpType (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)
- ExtendGraph (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- Extension (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.parser)
- Extension (fr.inria.corese.core.extension)
- Extension (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.filter)
- Extension (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)
- Extension (fr.inria.corese.core.util)
- ExtensionFilter (fr.inria.corese.core.load)
- Extern (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)
- ExtractList (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
Edge (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)EdgeBinary (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)EdgeBinaryFirst (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.binary)EdgeBinaryLabel (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.binary)EdgeBinaryRest (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.binary)EdgeBinarySubclass (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.binary)EdgeBinaryType (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.binary)EdgeChangeListener (fr.inria.corese.core.elasticsearch)EdgeDefault (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)EdgeEntail (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)EdgeFactory (fr.inria.corese.core)EdgeGeneric (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)EdgeImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)EdgeImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.parser)EdgeInternal (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.internal)EdgeInternalDefault (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.internal)EdgeInternalEntail (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.internal)EdgeInternalRule (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.internal)EdgeInv (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.tool)EdgeManager (fr.inria.corese.core.index)EdgeManagerIndexer (fr.inria.corese.core.index)EdgeQuad (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)EdgeRule (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.rule)EdgeRuleGraph (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.rule)EdgeRuleSubclass (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.rule)EdgeRuleTop (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.rule)EdgeRuleType (fr.inria.corese.core.edge.rule)EdgeTop (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)EdgeTriple (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)EdgeTripleNode (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)ElementClause (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.api)Engine (fr.inria.corese.core.api)EngineException (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.exceptions)Entailment (fr.inria.corese.core.logic)Environment (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)EnvironmentImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.tool)EQ (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)Equality (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.algorithm.impl)ErrorFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)Eval (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)Eval (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)EvalGraph (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)EvalJoin (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)EvalListener (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.event)EvalOptional (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)EvalSPARQL (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)Evaluator (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)Event (fr.inria.corese.core)Event (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.event)EventCall (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)EventHandler (fr.inria.corese.core)EventImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.event)EventListener (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.event)EventLogger (fr.inria.corese.core)EventManager (fr.inria.corese.core)EventManager (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.event)Exist (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)ExistFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)Exp (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)Exp (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)ExpandList (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.parser)ExpandPath (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.parser)ExpEdge (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)ExpHandler (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)ExpPattern (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)Expr (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)Expression (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)ExpressionList (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)ExpressionVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.api)ExpressionVisitorVariable (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser.visitor)ExprLabel (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)ExprType (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)ExpType (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)ExtendGraph (fr.inria.corese.core.query)Extension (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.parser)Extension (fr.inria.corese.core.extension)Extension (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.filter)Extension (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)Extension (fr.inria.corese.core.util)ExtensionFilter (fr.inria.corese.core.load)Extern (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)ExtractList (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- F
-- Access.Feature (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- FederatedQueryProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- FederateMerge (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.api)
- FederateVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)
- FileHandler (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.storage.fs)
- FileHandlersManager (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.storage.fs)
- Filter (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)
- Filter (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- Focus (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)
- FocusNode (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)
- ForLoop (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)
- Funcall (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)
- Function (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)
- FunctionCompiler (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.parser)
- FunctionDefined (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)
- FunctionEvaluator (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)
- FunctionProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)
- ASTExtension.FunMap (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
Access.Feature (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)FederatedQueryProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.query)FederateMerge (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.api)FederateVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)FileHandler (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.storage.fs)FileHandlersManager (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.storage.fs)Filter (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)Filter (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)Focus (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)FocusNode (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)ForLoop (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)Loader.format (fr.inria.corese.core.api)ResultFormatDef.format (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.api)Funcall (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)Function (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)FunctionCompiler (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.parser)FunctionDefined (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)FunctionEvaluator (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)FunctionProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)ASTExtension.FunMap (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- G
-- GE (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)
- Get (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)
- GetGen (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)
- GetSetContext (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)
- Graph (fr.inria.corese.core)
- Graph (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)
- Graph (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.api)
- Graphable (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)
- GraphCompare (fr.inria.corese.core)
- GraphDistance (fr.inria.corese.core)
- GraphFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.proxy)
- GraphListen (fr.inria.corese.core.util)
- GraphListener (fr.inria.corese.core.api)
- GraphListenerImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.util)
- GraphManager (fr.inria.corese.core.query.update)
- GraphObject (fr.inria.corese.core)
- GraphPath (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.path)
- GraphProcessor (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.api)
- GraphSpecificFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.proxy)
- GraphStore (fr.inria.corese.core)
- Group (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)
- GT (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)
GE (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)Get (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)GetGen (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)GetSetContext (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)Graph (fr.inria.corese.core)Graph (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)Graph (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.api)Graph.GRAPH_OPERATION (fr.inria.corese.core)Graphable (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)GraphCompare (fr.inria.corese.core)GraphDistance (fr.inria.corese.core)GraphFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.proxy)GraphListen (fr.inria.corese.core.util)GraphListener (fr.inria.corese.core.api)GraphListenerImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.util)GraphManager (fr.inria.corese.core.query.update)GraphObject (fr.inria.corese.core)GraphPath (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.path)GraphProcessor (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.api)GraphSpecificFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.proxy)GraphStore (fr.inria.corese.core)Group (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)GT (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)
- H
-- Hash (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.eval)
- Hash (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)
- HashingUtility.HashAlgorithm (fr.inria.corese.core.print.rdfc10)
- HashBucket (fr.inria.corese.core.stats.data)
- HashFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)
- HashingUtility (fr.inria.corese.core.print.rdfc10)
- HashMapList (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- Header (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.compiler.java)
- HeuristicsBasedEstimation (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.impl.qpv1)
- Hierarchy (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)
- HTMLFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.print)
Hash (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.eval)Hash (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)HashingUtility.HashAlgorithm (fr.inria.corese.core.print.rdfc10)HashBucket (fr.inria.corese.core.stats.data)HashFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)HashingUtility (fr.inria.corese.core.print.rdfc10)HashMapList (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)Header (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.compiler.java)HeuristicsBasedEstimation (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.impl.qpv1)Hierarchy (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)HTMLFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.print)HTTPHeaders (fr.inria.corese.core.util)
- I
- ICache (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.storage.cache)
- IDatatype (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.api)
- IDatatypeList (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.api)
- IEstimate (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.core)
- IfThenElseTerm (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)
- IGraph (fr.inria.corese.core.api)
- ILoadSerialization (fr.inria.corese.core.load)
- IModel (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.api)
- In (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)
- Index (fr.inria.corese.core)
- Interpreter (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.eval)
- Introspection (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.proxy)
- IOFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)
- IProducerQP (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.core)
- ISimAlgorithm (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.algorithm)
- ISort (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.core)
- IStats (fr.inria.corese.core.stats)
- IStorage (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.storage.api)
- Iterate (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)
@@ -118,13 +118,13 @@
Namespace (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)NEQ (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)NGram (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.algorithm.impl)Node (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)NodeGraph (fr.inria.corese.core)NodeGraphIndex (fr.inria.corese.core)NodeImpl (fr.inria.corese.core)NodeImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.tool)NodeImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.parser)NodeIterator (fr.inria.corese.core)IDatatype.NodeKind (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.api)NodeManager (fr.inria.corese.core.index)NodeManagerBasic (fr.inria.corese.core.index)NotTerm (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)NQuadsFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.print)NSManager (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)NTriplesFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.print)
- O
-- Operation (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)
- Optional (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- Options (fr.inria.corese.core.stats)
- OrTerm (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)
- OWL (fr.inria.corese.core.logic)
- OWLProfile (fr.inria.corese.core.logic)
- OWLRule (fr.inria.corese.core.logic)
Log.Operation (fr.inria.corese.core.api)Operation (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)Optional (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)Options (fr.inria.corese.core.stats)OrTerm (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)OWL (fr.inria.corese.core.logic)OWLProfile (fr.inria.corese.core.logic)OWLRule (fr.inria.corese.core.logic)
- P
- Property.Pair (fr.inria.corese.core.util)
- ParallelProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)
- Parameter (fr.inria.corese.core.util)
- Parameters (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.algorithm)
- Parameters (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.storage.api)
- ParseException (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.javacc1)
- ParserHandler (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- ParserSparql1 (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- Path (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.path)
- PathFinder (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.path)
- PathLength (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)
- Pattern (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.filter)
- Pattern (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.compiler.java)
- Plugin (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)
- PluginImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- PluginTransform (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- PlusTerm (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)
- Pointerable (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)
- PointerObject (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)
- PointerObject (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.datatype)
- PointerType (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)
- Pragma (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.parser)
- PragmaImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- PredicateList (fr.inria.corese.core.index)
- NodeManager.PredicateTable (fr.inria.corese.core.index)
- Prefix (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)
- PrepareBGP (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)
- PreProcessor (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)
- Priority (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.strategy)
- ProbeProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)
- Processor (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- ProcessVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)
- ProcessVisitorDefault (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)
- Producer (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)
- ProducerDefault (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.tool)
- ProducerImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- ProducerImplNode (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- RuleEngine.Profile (fr.inria.corese.core.rule)
- Property (fr.inria.corese.core.util)
- PropertyMap (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser.context)
- Provenance (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)
- Provider (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)
- ProviderImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- ProviderService (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- ProviderThread (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- ProxyInterpreter (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.eval)
- Q
-- QPGEdge (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.core)
- QPGEdgeCostModel (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.impl.qpv1)
- QPGNode (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.core)
- QPGNodeCostModel (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.impl.qpv1)
- QPGraph (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.core)
- Qualified (fr.inria.corese.core.shex.shacl)
- Query (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)
- Query (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- QueryCheck (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- QueryEngine (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- QueryGraph (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- QueryGraphVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.api)
- QueryGraphVisitorImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.util)
- QueryLexicalException (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.exceptions)
- QueryLoad (fr.inria.corese.core.load)
- QueryProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- QueryProcessThread (fr.inria.corese.core.visitor.ldpath)
- QueryProcessUpdate (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- QueryProfile (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.parser)
- QueryResultFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.print)
- QuerySemanticException (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.exceptions)
- QuerySolver (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.eval)
- QuerySolverOverload (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.eval)
- QuerySolverVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.eval)
- QuerySolverVisitorBasic (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.eval)
- QuerySolverVisitorExtension (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.eval)
- QuerySolverVisitorRule (fr.inria.corese.core.visitor.solver)
- QuerySolverVisitorRuleUser (fr.inria.corese.core.visitor.solver)
- QuerySolverVisitorTransformer (fr.inria.corese.core.visitor.solver)
- QuerySolverVisitorTransformerUser (fr.inria.corese.core.visitor.solver)
- QuerySolverVisitorUser (fr.inria.corese.core.visitor.solver)
- QuerySorter (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)
- QuerySyntaxException (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.exceptions)
- QueryVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.api)
- QueryVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.api)
QPGEdge (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.core)QPGEdgeCostModel (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.impl.qpv1)QPGNode (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.core)QPGNodeCostModel (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.impl.qpv1)QPGraph (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.sorter.core)Qualified (fr.inria.corese.core.shex.shacl)Query (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)Query (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)QueryCheck (fr.inria.corese.core.query)QueryEngine (fr.inria.corese.core.query)QueryGraphVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.api)QueryGraphVisitorImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.util)QueryLexicalException (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.exceptions)QueryLoad (fr.inria.corese.core.load)QueryProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.query)QueryProcessThread (fr.inria.corese.core.visitor.ldpath)QueryProcessUpdate (fr.inria.corese.core.query)QueryProfile (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.parser)QueryResultFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.print)QuerySemanticException (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.exceptions)QuerySolver (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.eval)QuerySolverOverload (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.eval)QuerySolverVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.eval)QuerySolverVisitorBasic (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.eval)QuerySolverVisitorExtension (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.eval)QuerySolverVisitorRule (fr.inria.corese.core.visitor.solver)QuerySolverVisitorRuleUser (fr.inria.corese.core.visitor.solver)QuerySolverVisitorTransformer (fr.inria.corese.core.visitor.solver)QuerySolverVisitorTransformerUser (fr.inria.corese.core.visitor.solver)QuerySolverVisitorUser (fr.inria.corese.core.visitor.solver)QuerySorter (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)QuerySyntaxException (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.exceptions)QueryVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.api)QueryVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.api)
- R
- RDF (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.datatype)
- RDF (fr.inria.corese.core.logic)
- RDFaLoader (fr.inria.corese.core.load.rdfa)
- RDFFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.print)
- RDFizer (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- RDFList (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- RDFResultFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.print)
- RDFS (fr.inria.corese.core.logic)
- RDFS (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.cst)
- Record (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.path)
- Record (fr.inria.corese.core.rule)
- Record (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser.visitor)
- Reduce (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)
- ReducedMap (fr.inria.corese.core.stats.data)
- Regex (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)
- Report (fr.inria.corese.core.extension)
- ResourceReader (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate.util)
- Rest (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)
- Result (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)
- Result (fr.inria.corese.core.visitor.ldpath)
- ResultFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.print)
- ResultFormatDef (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.api)
- ResultFormater (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)
- ResultListener (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.event)
- ResultMessage (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- ResultProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)
- Results (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)
- ResultsImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.tool)
- ResultWatcher (fr.inria.corese.core.rule)
- Return (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)
- Rewrite (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.compiler.java)
- RewriteBGPList (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)
- RewriteError (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate.util)
- RewriteErrorManager (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate.util)
- RewriteErrorMessage (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate.util)
- RewriteList (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)
- RewriteNamedGraph (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)
- RewriteService (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)
- RewriteServiceGraph (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)
- RewriteServiceSelect (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)
- RewriteTriple (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)
- Rule (fr.inria.corese.core.rule)
- RuleEngine (fr.inria.corese.core.rule)
- RuleError (fr.inria.corese.core.rule)
- RuleLoad (fr.inria.corese.core.load)
- RuleProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
SafetyException (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.exceptions)Scope (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)VariableScope.Scope (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)Score (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)Selector (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)SelectorFilter (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)SelectorIndex (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)Self (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)SemanticProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)SemanticWorkflow (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)Sequence (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)Serializer (fr.inria.corese.core)Service (fr.inria.corese.core.load)Service (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)ServiceParser (fr.inria.corese.core.load)ServiceReport (fr.inria.corese.core.load)SetFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)Shacl (fr.inria.corese.core.shacl)ShapeWorkflow (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)Binding.Share (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)Shex (fr.inria.corese.core.shex.shacl)ShexConstraint (fr.inria.corese.core.shex.shacl)ShexShacl (fr.inria.corese.core.shex.shacl)SimAlgorithmFactory (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.algorithm)SimpleAverage (fr.inria.corese.core.stats.data)SimpleCharStream (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.javacc1)Simplify (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)SimplifyService (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)Size (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)SKOS (fr.inria.corese.core.logic)Sorter (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)Sorter (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)SorterImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.query)SorterNew (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)SorterResult (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)Source (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)SourceExp (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)SparqlCorese (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.javacc1)SparqlCoreseConstants (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.javacc1)SparqlCoreseTokenManager (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.javacc1)SPARQLEngine (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.query)SparqlException (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)SPARQLJSONResult (fr.inria.corese.core.load.result)SPARQLProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)SPARQLRDFResult (fr.inria.corese.core.load.result)SPARQLResult (fr.inria.corese.core.load.result)SPARQLResultParser (fr.inria.corese.core.load.result)SPIN (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.printer)SPINFormater (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)SPINProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.util)SQLFun (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.eval)SQLFun (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.datatype.function)SQLResult (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.eval)Stack (fr.inria.corese.core.transform)Stack (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.compiler.java)Stack (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core)Stack (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)Stack (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.path)Start (fr.inria.corese.core)Statement (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)StatListener (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.event)StatsBasedEstimation (fr.inria.corese.core.stats)StopException (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.exceptions)StorageFactory (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.storage.util)StorageFactory (fr.inria.corese.core.query)StrategyType (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.strategy)StringHelper (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.datatype.function)StringManager (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.storage.fs)StringManagerDelegate (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.storage.fs)StringMeta (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.storage.fs)StrPredicate (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)SubjectMap (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser.context)Swap (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)SystemFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)
- T
-- Table (fr.inria.corese.core.transform)
- Tagger (fr.inria.corese.core.api)
- TemplateAccess (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)
- TemplateFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.print)
- TemplateFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)
- TemplateFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)
- TemplateFuture (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)
- TemplateNumber (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)
- TemplatePrinter (fr.inria.corese.core.transform)
- TemplateProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)
- TemplateVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)
- TemplateVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.transform)
- Term (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- TermEval (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)
- TernaryExtension (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)
- TestProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)
- Throw (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)
- Token (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.javacc1)
- TokenMgrError (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.javacc1)
- Tool (fr.inria.corese.core.util)
- TopExp (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- TraceVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.visitor)
- TransformationProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)
- Transformer (fr.inria.corese.core.transform)
- Transformer (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.parser)
- TransformerMapping (fr.inria.corese.core.transform)
- TransformerVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.transform)
- TransformProcessor (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.api)
- TransformVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.api)
- Graph.TreeNode (fr.inria.corese.core)
- Construct.TreeNode (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- MatchBNode.TreeNode (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- Triple (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- TripleAccess (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)
- TripleFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.print)
- TripleHashTable (fr.inria.corese.core.stats.data)
- TripleHashTable2 (fr.inria.corese.core.stats.data)
- TripleNode (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)
- TripleStore (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)
- TryCatch (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)
- TSVFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.print)
- Turtle (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)
- Parameters.type (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.storage.api)
- DatasetManager.TypeDataBase (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
Table (fr.inria.corese.core.transform)Tagger (fr.inria.corese.core.api)TemplateAccess (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)TemplateFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.print)TemplateFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)TemplateFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)TemplateFuture (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)TemplateNumber (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)TemplatePrinter (fr.inria.corese.core.transform)TemplateProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)TemplateVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)TemplateVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.transform)Term (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)TermEval (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term)TernaryExtension (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)TestProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)Throw (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)AbstractNestedResultFormat.Title (fr.inria.corese.core.print)Token (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.javacc1)TokenMgrError (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.javacc1)Tool (fr.inria.corese.core.util)TopExp (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)TraceVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.visitor)TransformationProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.workflow)Transformer (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.parser)Transformer (fr.inria.corese.core.transform)TransformerMapping (fr.inria.corese.core.transform)TransformerVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.transform)TransformProcessor (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.api)TransformVisitor (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.api)Graph.TreeNode (fr.inria.corese.core)Construct.TreeNode (fr.inria.corese.core.query)MatchBNode.TreeNode (fr.inria.corese.core.query)Triple (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)TripleAccess (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)TripleFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.print)TripleHashTable (fr.inria.corese.core.stats.data)TripleHashTable2 (fr.inria.corese.core.stats.data)TripleNode (fr.inria.corese.core.edge)TripleStore (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core)TryCatch (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.script)TSVFormat (fr.inria.corese.core.print)Turtle (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.template)Parameters.type (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.storage.api)DatasetManager.TypeDataBase (fr.inria.corese.core.query)
- U
- UnaryExtension (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.extension)
- UnaryFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)
- UndefinedExpressionException (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.exceptions)
- Union (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- Update (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.update)
- UpdateProcess (fr.inria.corese.core.query.update)
- URI2BGPList (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)
- URLParam (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- URLServer (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser)
- User (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.event)
- UserImpl (fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.event)
- Util (fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.federate)
- Utils (fr.inria.corese.core.approximate.algorithm)
- UUIDFunction (fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.core)
diff --git a/dev/classfr_1_1inria_1_1corese_1_1core_1_1EventManager-members.html b/dev/classfr_1_1inria_1_1corese_1_1core_1_1EventManager-members.html
index da1f251b1..4177bdaa8 100644
--- a/dev/classfr_1_1inria_1_1corese_1_1core_1_1EventManager-members.html
+++ b/dev/classfr_1_1inria_1_1corese_1_1core_1_1EventManager-members.html
@@ -79,20 +79,18 @@
This is the complete list of members for EventManager, including all inherited members.
- DEFAULT_VERBOSE (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | static |
- delete(Edge q, Edge t) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
- finish(Event e) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
- finish(Event e, Object o) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
- finish() | EventManager | |
- focus() (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
- getEventHandler() (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
- hide(Event e) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
- hide(Event e, boolean status) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
- insert(Edge e) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
- isDelete() (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
- isEntail() (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
- isUpdate() (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
- isVerbose() | EventManager | |
+ delete(Edge q, Edge t) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
+ finish(Event e) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
+ finish(Event e, Object o) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
+ finish() | EventManager | |
+ focus() (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
+ getEventHandler() (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
+ hide(Event e) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
+ hide(Event e, boolean status) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
+ insert(Edge e) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
+ isDelete() (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
+ isEntail() (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
+ isUpdate() (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
process(Event e) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
process(Event e, Object o1, Object o2) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
process(Event e, Edge o1) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
@@ -102,8 +100,6 @@
setEventHandler(EventHandler handler) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
setGraph(Graph graph) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
setMethod(boolean b) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
- setTrackUpdate(boolean track) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
- setVerbose(boolean debug) | EventManager | |
show(Event e) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
show(Event e, boolean status) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
start(Event e) (defined in EventManager) | EventManager | |
diff --git a/dev/classfr_1_1inria_1_1corese_1_1core_1_1EventManager.html b/dev/classfr_1_1inria_1_1corese_1_1core_1_1EventManager.html
index e26715e5d..ad44568db 100644
--- a/dev/classfr_1_1inria_1_1corese_1_1core_1_1EventManager.html
+++ b/dev/classfr_1_1inria_1_1corese_1_1core_1_1EventManager.html
@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@
@@ -158,13 +157,6 @@
boolean | isEntail () |
-boolean | isVerbose () |
- |
-void | setVerbose (boolean debug) |
- |
-void | setTrackUpdate (boolean track) |
- |
void | setDeletion (boolean deletion) |
@@ -177,12 +169,6 @@
void | setEventHandler (EventHandler handler) |
- |
-static boolean | DEFAULT_VERBOSE = false |
- |
Event Manager for consistency and trace Update and Inference are tracked Debug mode traces events Show and hide events.
@@ -236,48 +222,6 @@
-◆ isVerbose()
- boolean isVerbose |
- ( |
- | ) |
- |
-◆ setVerbose()
- void setVerbose |
- ( |
- boolean |
- debug | ) |
- |
- Parameters
- debug | the debug to set |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
diff --git a/dev/classfr_1_1inria_1_1corese_1_1core_1_1Graph-members.html b/dev/classfr_1_1inria_1_1corese_1_1core_1_1Graph-members.html
index 036f671bd..20965dee3 100644
--- a/dev/classfr_1_1inria_1_1corese_1_1core_1_1Graph-members.html
+++ b/dev/classfr_1_1inria_1_1corese_1_1core_1_1Graph-members.html
@@ -79,22 +79,22 @@
This is the complete list of members for Graph, including all inherited members.
- ADD (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
- add(Edge edge) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- add(Edge edge, boolean duplicate) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- add(Node node) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- add(Node node, int n) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- add(String source, String target, boolean isSilent) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- add(Node source, Node subject, Node predicate, Node value) | Graph | |
- addBlank(String label) | Graph | |
- addBlank() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- addConstraintGraphNode() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- addDefaultGraphNode() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- addEdge(Edge edge) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- addEdge(Edge edge, boolean duplicate) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- addEdge(Node source, Node subject, Node predicate, Node value) | Graph | |
- addEdge(Node subject, Node predicate, Node value) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- addEdge(Node source, Node predicate, List< Node > list) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ add(Edge edge) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ add(Edge edge, boolean duplicate) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ add(Node node) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ add(Node node, int n) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ add(String source, String target, boolean isSilent) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ add(Node source, Node subject, Node predicate, Node value) | Graph | |
+ addBlank(String label) | Graph | |
+ addBlank() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ addConstraintGraphNode() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ addDefaultGraphNode() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ addEdge(Edge edge) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ addEdge(Edge edge, boolean duplicate) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ addEdge(Node source, Node subject, Node predicate, Node value) | Graph | |
+ addEdge(Node subject, Node predicate, Node value) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ addEdge(Node source, Node predicate, List< Node > list) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ addEdgeChangeListener(EdgeChangeListener el) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
addEdgeNode(Edge ee) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
addEdgeWithNode(Edge ee) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
addEngine(Engine e) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
@@ -134,24 +134,22 @@
clean() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
cleanEdge() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
cleanIndex() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- CLEAR (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
- clear() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- clear(String uri, boolean isSilent) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- clear(String graph_name) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- clearDefault() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- clearNamed() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- clearNodeManager() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- compact() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- compare(Graph g) | Graph | |
- compare(Graph g, boolean isGraph) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- compare(Graph g2, boolean isGraph, boolean detail, boolean isDebug) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- conform() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- CONSTRAINT_GRAPH (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
- CONSTRAINT_NAMED_GRAPH (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
- construct() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- contains(Node graph, Node node) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- containsCoreseNode(Node node) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- COPY (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
+ clear() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ clear(String uri, boolean isSilent) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ clear(String graph_name) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ clearDefault() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ clearNamed() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ clearNodeManager() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ compact() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ compare(Graph g) | Graph | |
+ compare(Graph g, boolean isGraph) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ compare(Graph g2, boolean isGraph, boolean detail) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ conform() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ CONSTRAINT_GRAPH (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
+ CONSTRAINT_NAMED_GRAPH (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
+ construct() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ contains(Node graph, Node node) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ containsCoreseNode(Node node) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
copy(List< Edge > list) | Graph | |
copy(Node node) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
copy(String source, String target, boolean isSilent) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
@@ -179,13 +177,9 @@
createTripleReference(Node s, Node p, Node o) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
createTripleReference(Edge edge) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
createTripleReference() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- DEBUG_SPARQL (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
- declareUpdate(boolean b) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- DEFAULT (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
- DEFAULT_GRAPH (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
- DEFAULT_GRAPH_MODE (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
- DEFAULT_INDEX (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
- DEFAULT_UNION (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
+ declareUpdate(boolean b) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ DEFAULT (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
+ DEFAULT_INDEX (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
define(Edge ent) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
delete(Node s, Node p, Node o, List< Node > contexts) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
delete(Edge edge) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
@@ -219,23 +213,21 @@
getAllNodeIterator2() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
getBlankNode(IDatatype dt, boolean create, boolean add) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
getBlankNode(String name) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getBlankNode1(IDatatype dt, boolean create, boolean add) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getBlankNode1(String name) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getBlankNodeBasic(String name) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getBlankNodeGraph(String name) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getBlankNodes() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getClassDistance() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getConstraintGraph() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getConstraintGraphNode() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getContext() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getDataset() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getDataStore() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getDatatypeLabel() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getDatatypeList(IDatatype dt) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getDatatypeList(Node node) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getDefault() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getDefaultGraphDatatypeValue() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getDefaultGraphMode() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ getBlankNode1(String name) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ getBlankNodeBasic(String name) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ getBlankNodeGraph(String name) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ getBlankNodes() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ getClassDistance() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ getConstraintGraph() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ getConstraintGraphNode() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ getContext() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ getDataset() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ getDataStore() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ getDatatypeLabel() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ getDatatypeList(IDatatype dt) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ getDatatypeList(Node node) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ getDefault() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ getDefaultGraphDatatypeValue() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
getDefaultGraphNode() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
getEdge(Node pred, Node node, int index) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
getEdge(String name, Node node, int index) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
@@ -255,7 +247,7 @@
getEdges(Node predicate) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
getEdgesRDF4J(Node s, Node p, Node o, Node... from) | Graph | |
getEntailment() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getEventManager() | Graph | |
+ getEventManager() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
getExtLiteralNode(IDatatype dt) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
getExtNode(Node node) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
getGraph() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
@@ -343,7 +335,7 @@
getValue(String name, IDatatype dt) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
getValue(String name, Node node) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
getValue(Node node) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- getValueResolver() | Graph | |
+ getValueResolver() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
getVertex(Node node) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
getVertex(Node dt) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
getWorkflow() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
@@ -359,18 +351,16 @@
indexNodeManager() | Graph | |
indexResources() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
init() | Graph | |
- initPath() | Graph | |
- insert(Node s, Node p, Node o, List< Node > contexts) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- insert(Edge ent) | Graph | |
- insert(Node s, Node p, Node o) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- insert(Node g, Node s, Node p, Node o) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- insert(IDatatype subject, IDatatype predicate, IDatatype value) | Graph | |
- insert(IDatatype source, IDatatype subject, IDatatype predicate, IDatatype value) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- insertEdgeWithTargetNode(Edge ee) | Graph | |
- isAllGraphNode() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- isByIndex() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- isCorrect() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- isDebugSparql() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ insert(Node s, Node p, Node o, List< Node > contexts) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ insert(Edge ent) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ insert(Node s, Node p, Node o) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ insert(Node g, Node s, Node p, Node o) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ insert(IDatatype subject, IDatatype predicate, IDatatype value) | Graph | |
+ insert(IDatatype source, IDatatype subject, IDatatype predicate, IDatatype value) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ insertEdgeWithTargetNode(Edge ee) | Graph | |
+ isAllGraphNode() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ isByIndex() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ isCorrect() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
isDefaultGraphNode(Node g) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
isDefaultGraphNode(String name) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
isEdgeMetadata() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
@@ -393,25 +383,23 @@
isTuple() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
isType(Edge edge) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
isType(Node pred) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- isVerbose() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- iterate(Node s, Node p, Node o, List< Node > from) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- iterator() | Graph | |
- LABEL_INDEX (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
- LENGTH (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
- list(Node node) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- log(int type, Object obj) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- log(int type, Object obj1, Object obj2) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- logDelete(Edge ent) | Graph | |
- logFinish(Query q) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- logFinish(Query q, Mappings m) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- logInsert(Edge ent) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- logLoad(String path) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- logStart(Query q) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- match(ASTQuery ast) | Graph | |
- match(ASTQuery ast, int d) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- merge(Graph g) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- METADATA_DEFAULT (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
- MOVE (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
+ iterate(Node s, Node p, Node o, List< Node > from) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ iterator() | Graph | |
+ LABEL_INDEX (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
+ LENGTH (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
+ list(Node node) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ log(Log.Operation type, Object obj) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ log(Log.Operation type, Object obj1, Object obj2) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ logDelete(Edge ent) | Graph | |
+ logFinish(Query q) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ logFinish(Query q, Mappings m) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ logInsert(Edge ent) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ logLoad(String path) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ logStart(Query q) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ match(ASTQuery ast) | Graph | |
+ match(ASTQuery ast, int d) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ merge(Graph g) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ METADATA_DEFAULT (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
move(String source, String target, boolean isSilent) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
nbBlanks() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
nbGraphNodes() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
@@ -446,16 +434,12 @@
set(IDatatype key, IDatatype value) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
setAllGraphNode(boolean allGraphNode) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
setByIndex(boolean b) | Graph | |
- setClassDistance(Distance distance) | Graph | |
- setClassDistance() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ setClassDistance() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ setClassDistance(Distance distance) | Graph | |
setClearEntailment(boolean b) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
setCompareIndex(boolean b) | Graph | static |
setCompareKey(boolean b) (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
setContext(Context context) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- setDebug(boolean b) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- setDebugMode(boolean b) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- setDebugSparql(boolean debugSparql) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- setDefaultGraphMode(int defaultGraph) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
setDefaultSkolem(boolean b) (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
setDefaultVerbose(boolean b) (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
setDistinctDatatype(boolean b) (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
@@ -477,8 +461,8 @@
setNamedGraph(String name, Graph g) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
setNodeAsDatatype(boolean b) (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
setOptimize(boolean b) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- setPropertyDistance(Distance distance) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- setPropertyDistance() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ setPropertyDistance() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ setPropertyDistance(Distance distance) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
setRDFSEntailment(boolean b) | Graph | |
setRDFStar(boolean b) (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
setSize(int n) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
@@ -503,13 +487,11 @@
startLoad() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
SUBCLASS_INDEX (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
SYSTEM (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
- tag(Edge ent) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ tag(Edge ent) | Graph | |
toGraph() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
TOPREL (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
toRDF() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
toString() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- toString2() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- trace(String format, Object... obj) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
treeNode() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
TRIPLE_REF (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
TRIPLE_UNIQUE_NAME (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
@@ -517,7 +499,7 @@
TYPE_INDEX (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
typeCheck() (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
union(Graph g) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
- update(String source, String target, boolean isSilent, int mode) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
+ update(String source, String target, boolean isSilent, GRAPH_OPERATION mode) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
value(Node subj, Node pred, int n) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
value(Node subject, Node predicate, int n) (defined in Graph) | Graph | |
valueOut (defined in Graph) | Graph | static |
diff --git a/dev/classfr_1_1inria_1_1corese_1_1core_1_1Graph.html b/dev/classfr_1_1inria_1_1corese_1_1core_1_1Graph.html
index e1daf8a92..b609b715e 100644
--- a/dev/classfr_1_1inria_1_1corese_1_1core_1_1Graph.html
+++ b/dev/classfr_1_1inria_1_1corese_1_1core_1_1Graph.html
@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@
class | CompareNode |
| Comparator for Node allocation where 1 and 01 have different Node with same Node index This Comparator enables to retrieve an occurrence of a given Literal already existing in graph in such a way that two occurrences of same Literal be represented by same Node It represents (1 integer) and (01 integer) as two different nodes that will be assigned the same node index in order to join in SPARQL.
+ |
class | GTable |
class | TreeNode |
@@ -109,6 +111,9 @@
+ | Graph (int length) |
+ |
boolean | isSkolem () |
@@ -149,18 +154,20 @@
String | toGraph () |
-void | setGraph (Object obj) |
- |
Object | getGraph () |
+void | setGraph (Object obj) |
+ |
Graph | getTripleStore () |
String | getDatatypeLabel () |
+void | addEdgeChangeListener (EdgeChangeListener el) |
+ |
Iterable< Edge > | getLoop () |
| Return copy edges in specific objects.
@@ -182,18 +189,9 @@
PointerType | pointerType () |
-int | getDefaultGraphMode () |
- |
-void | setDefaultGraphMode (int defaultGraph) |
- |
TreeNode | treeNode () |
- | Graph (int length) |
- |
Node | getNode (int n) |
@@ -212,13 +210,13 @@
void | setOptimize (boolean b) |
+boolean | isByIndex () |
+ |
void | setByIndex (boolean b) |
| set byIndex on this graph only reset EdgeIndex as well and sort edge list accordingly
-boolean | isByIndex () |
- |
boolean | isLog () |
@@ -228,12 +226,12 @@
void | setLog (Log l) |
-void | log (int type, Object obj) |
- |
-void | log (int type, Object obj1, Object obj2) |
- |
+void | log (Log.Operation type, Object obj) |
+ |
+void | log (Log.Operation type, Object obj1, Object obj2) |
+ |
void | addEngine (Engine e) |
@@ -269,12 +267,12 @@
void | removeListener () |
-void | setTagger (Tagger t) |
- |
Tagger | getTagger () |
+void | setTagger (Tagger t) |
+ |
Lock | readLock () |
@@ -320,9 +318,6 @@
Graphable describe () |
| Generate an RDF Graph that describes the KGRAM system and the current RDF graph.
-String | toString2 () |
- |
String | display (int max) |
@@ -347,7 +342,8 @@
boolean | isSubClassOf (Node node, Node sup) |
-EventManager | getEventManager () |
+EventManager | getEventManager () |
void | setEventHandler (EventHandler h) |
@@ -355,18 +351,15 @@
void | setVerbose (boolean b) |
-boolean | isVerbose () |
- |
boolean | isEdgeMetadata () |
-boolean | isRDFStar () |
- |
void | setEdgeMetadata (boolean b) |
+boolean | isRDFStar () |
+ |
synchronized void | init () |
| EventManager call init() before query execution First time: Index graph: edge list sorted and reduced, compute graph node index Next time: recompute graph node index All time: Perform entailment.
@@ -395,10 +388,8 @@
void | setIndexed (boolean b) |
-void | initPath () |
- | Property Path start a new shortest path Only with one user (no thread here)
- |
-ValueResolver | getValueResolver () |
+ValueResolver | getValueResolver () |
EdgeManagerIndexer | getIndex () |
@@ -502,7 +493,7 @@
void | addOpt (List< Edge > list) |
- | Use cas: RuleEngine PRAGMA: edges in list do not exists in graph (no duplicate)
+ | Use case: RuleEngine PRAGMA: edges in list do not exists in graph (no duplicate)
List< Edge > | copy (List< Edge > list) |
@@ -616,9 +607,6 @@
Node | getResourceNode (IDatatype dt, boolean create, boolean add) |
-Node | getBlankNode1 (IDatatype dt, boolean create, boolean add) |
- |
Node | getBlankNode (IDatatype dt, boolean create, boolean add) |
@@ -744,9 +732,6 @@
Iterable< Node > | getNodes (Node pred, Node node, int n) |
-void | trace (String format, Object... obj) |
- |
Iterable< Edge > | properGetEdges (Node predicate, Node node, Node node2, int n) |
@@ -800,6 +785,9 @@
List< EdgeManagerIndexer > | getIndexList () |
+void | setIndexList (ArrayList< EdgeManagerIndexer > tables) |
+ |
EdgeManagerIndexer | getIndex (int n) |
@@ -939,9 +927,9 @@
boolean | compare (Graph g, boolean isGraph) |
-boolean | compare (Graph g2, boolean isGraph, boolean detail, boolean isDebug) |
- |
+boolean | compare (Graph g2, boolean isGraph, boolean detail) |
+ |
List< Graph > | split () |
| Create a graph for each named graph.
@@ -953,7 +941,8 @@
List< Edge > getEdgeListSimple (Node n) |
| Without rule entailment.
-Edge | insert (Edge ent) |
+Edge | insert (Edge ent) |
List< Edge > | delete (Edge edge) |
@@ -979,9 +968,9 @@
boolean | clear (String graph_name) |
-boolean | update (String source, String target, boolean isSilent, int mode) |
- |
+boolean | update (String source, String target, boolean isSilent, GRAPH_OPERATION mode) |
+ |
boolean | add (String source, String target, boolean isSilent) |
@@ -991,29 +980,29 @@
boolean | copy (String source, String target, boolean isSilent) |
-void | setClassDistance (Distance distance) |
- |
synchronized Distance | setClassDistance () |
Distance | getClassDistance () |
-void | setPropertyDistance (Distance distance) |
- |
+void | setClassDistance (Distance distance) |
+ |
synchronized Distance | setPropertyDistance () |
Distance | getPropertyDistance () |
-Edge | copy (Edge edge) |
- | Add a copy of edge Use case: edge comes from another graph, create a local copy of nodes.
+void | setPropertyDistance (Distance distance) |
+ |
+Edge | copy (Edge edge) |
+ | Add a copy of edge Use case: edge comes from another graph, create a local copy of nodes.
-Edge | copy (Node gNode, Node pred, Edge ent) |
- | TODO: setUpdate(true)
+Edge | copy (Node gNode, Node pred, Edge ent) |
+ | TODO: setUpdate(true)
void | copy (Graph g) |
@@ -1190,14 +1179,7 @@
Node | addLiteral (boolean n) |
-void | setDebug (boolean b) |
- |
-void | setDebugMode (boolean b) |
- |
-void | tag (Edge ent) |
+void | tag (Edge ent) |
boolean | hasTag () |
@@ -1258,15 +1240,15 @@
boolean | isMetadata () |
+void | setMetadata (boolean metadata) |
+ |
boolean | isMetadataNode () |
boolean | isFormerMetadata () |
-void | setMetadata (boolean metadata) |
- |
JSONObject | match (ASTQuery ast) |
| @Draft For each triple pattern: Search if there exists graph name, subject, property, object in the graph with similar URI mode=message¶m=sv:distance~n => levenshtein distance <= n
@@ -1298,15 +1280,6 @@
EdgeManagerIndexer | getSubjectIndex () |
-void | setIndexList (ArrayList< EdgeManagerIndexer > tables) |
- |
-boolean | isDebugSparql () |
- |
-void | setDebugSparql (boolean debugSparql) |
- |
List< GraphListener > | getListenerList () |
@@ -1356,9 +1329,6 @@
static void | setEdgeMetadataDefault (boolean b) |
-static void | setRDFStar (boolean b) |
- |
static boolean | isTopRelation (Node predicate) |
@@ -1368,6 +1338,9 @@
static void | setDefaultSkolem (boolean b) |
+static void | setRDFStar (boolean b) |
+ |
@@ -1377,9 +1350,6 @@
static final String | TOPREL = fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.cst.RDFS.RootPropertyURI |
-static boolean | valueOut = !true |
- |
static final int | IGRAPH = -1 |
@@ -1395,18 +1365,36 @@
static final int | EXTENSION = 1 |
-static final int | COPY = 0 |
- |
-static final int | MOVE = 1 |
- |
-static final int | ADD = 2 |
- |
-static final int | CLEAR = 3 |
- |
+static final int | DEFAULT_INDEX = 0 |
+ |
+static final int | ENTAIL_INDEX = 1 |
+ |
+static final int | RULE_INDEX = 2 |
+ |
+static final int | RULE_CONSTRAINT = 3 |
+ |
+static final int | SUBCLASS_INDEX = 4 |
+ |
+static final int | LABEL_INDEX = 5 |
+ |
+static final int | TYPE_INDEX = 6 |
+ |
+static final int | FIRST_INDEX = 7 |
+ |
+static final int | REST_INDEX = 8 |
+ |
+static boolean | valueOut = !true |
+ |
static String | BLANK = "_:b" |
@@ -1416,9 +1404,6 @@
static boolean | VERBOSE = false |
-static boolean | DEBUG_SPARQL = false |
- |
static boolean | SKOLEM_DEFAULT = false |
@@ -1443,47 +1428,31 @@
static boolean | TRIPLE_UNIQUE_NAME = true |
-static final int | DEFAULT_INDEX = 0 |
- |
-static final int | ENTAIL_INDEX = 1 |
- |
-static final int | RULE_INDEX = 2 |
- |
-static final int | RULE_CONSTRAINT = 3 |
- |
-static final int | SUBCLASS_INDEX = 4 |
- |
-static final int | LABEL_INDEX = 5 |
- |
-static final int | TYPE_INDEX = 6 |
- |
-static final int | FIRST_INDEX = 7 |
- |
-static final int | REST_INDEX = 8 |
- |
-static final int | DEFAULT_UNION = 0 |
- |
-static final int | DEFAULT_GRAPH = 1 |
- |
- |
Graph Manager Edges are stored in an index An index is a table: predicate -> List<Edge> Edge List are sorted Join on a Node is computed by dichotomy getEdges() return edges of all named graphs as quads Default Graph: g.getDefault().iterate() Named Graphs: g.getNamed().iterate() See DataProducer for more iterators.
- Author
- Olivier Corby, Edelweiss INRIA 2010
+◆ addEdgeChangeListener()
+ void addEdgeChangeListener |
+ ( |
+ EdgeChangeListener |
+ el | ) |
+ |
◆ compare()
@@ -1500,12 +1469,13 @@