diff --git a/src/main/java/module-info.java b/src/main/java/module-info.java
index 0265cbf82..7f6fd50ea 100644
--- a/src/main/java/module-info.java
+++ b/src/main/java/module-info.java
@@ -1,22 +1,19 @@
module fr.inria.corese.corese_core {
- requires org.slf4j;
requires org.apache.commons.text;
requires java.xml;
- requires jsonld.java;
requires semargl.core;
- requires arp;
+ requires arp; //
requires java.logging;
requires java.sql;
requires jakarta.ws.rs;
requires java.management;
requires java.desktop;
- requires commons.lang;
- requires semargl.rdfa;
+ requires semargl.rdfa; //
requires jdk.management;
- requires org.json;
+ requires org.json; //
requires org.apache.commons.lang3;
requires shexjava.core;
- requires rdf4j.model;
+ requires junit; //
exports fr.inria.corese.core.load;
exports fr.inria.corese.core.load.result;
diff --git a/src/test/java/fr/inria/corese/compiler/eval/HashTest.java b/src/test/java/fr/inria/corese/core/compiler/eval/HashTest.java
similarity index 100%
rename from src/test/java/fr/inria/corese/compiler/eval/HashTest.java
rename to src/test/java/fr/inria/corese/core/compiler/eval/HashTest.java
diff --git a/src/test/java/fr/inria/corese/core/datatype/CoreseDateTest.java b/src/test/java/fr/inria/corese/core/datatype/CoreseDateTest.java
index 8d6a7ea9d..6b24ce47f 100644
--- a/src/test/java/fr/inria/corese/core/datatype/CoreseDateTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/fr/inria/corese/core/datatype/CoreseDateTest.java
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package fr.inria.corese.datatype;
+package fr.inria.corese.core.datatype;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
diff --git a/src/test/java/fr/inria/corese/core/datatype/CoreseDecimalTest.java b/src/test/java/fr/inria/corese/core/datatype/CoreseDecimalTest.java
index abb246a89..7eec1724f 100644
--- a/src/test/java/fr/inria/corese/core/datatype/CoreseDecimalTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/fr/inria/corese/core/datatype/CoreseDecimalTest.java
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package fr.inria.corese.datatype;
+package fr.inria.corese.core.datatype;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
diff --git a/src/test/java/fr/inria/corese/core/engine/TestQuery1.java b/src/test/java/fr/inria/corese/core/engine/TestQuery1.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e66cc0de..000000000
--- a/src/test/java/fr/inria/corese/core/engine/TestQuery1.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8781 +0,0 @@
-package fr.inria.corese.engine;
-import static fr.inria.corese.core.util.Property.Value.LOAD_IN_DEFAULT_GRAPH;
-import static fr.inria.corese.core.util.Property.Value.SPARQL_COMPLIANT;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
-import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
-import java.io.File;
-import java.io.IOException;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.net.MalformedURLException;
-import java.net.URISyntaxException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
-import org.junit.AfterClass;
-import org.junit.Assert;
-import org.junit.BeforeClass;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.eval.QuerySolver;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.result.XMLResult;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.Graph;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.GraphStore;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.load.Load;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.load.LoadException;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.load.QueryLoad;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.logic.RDFS;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.print.JSONLDFormat;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.print.NTriplesFormat;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.print.ResultFormat;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.print.XMLFormat;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.producer.DataFilter;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.producer.DataFilterFactory;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.query.QueryEngine;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.query.QueryProcess;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.transform.Loader;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.transform.Transformer;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.util.Property;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.util.SPINProcess;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core.DatatypeValue;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core.Edge;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core.ExprType;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core.Node;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.api.core.PointerType;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core.Mapping;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core.Mappings;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.core.Query;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.kgram.event.StatListener;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.api.IDatatype;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.datatype.DatatypeMap;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.datatype.RDF;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.datatype.extension.CoresePointer;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.exceptions.EngineException;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.exceptions.LDScriptException;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.exceptions.UndefinedExpressionException;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.storage.api.IStorage;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.storage.api.Parameters;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.function.term.Binding;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser.ASTQuery;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser.Access;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser.Access.Feature;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser.Context;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser.Dataset;
-import fr.inria.corese.core.sparql.triple.parser.NSManager;
-public class TestQuery1 {
- // private static org.slf4j.Logger logger =
- // LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestQuery1.class);
- static String data = TestQuery1.class.getResource("/data/").getPath();
- // static String QUERY = TestQuery1.class.getResource("query/").getPath();
- // static String test = TestQuery1.class.getResource("test/").getPath();
- // static String text = TestQuery1.class.getResource("text/").getPath();
- private static final String FOAF = "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/";
- // private static final String SPIN_PREF = "prefix sp: <" + NSManager.SPIN +
- // ">\n";
- private static final String FOAF_PREF = "prefix foaf: \n";
- // private static final String SQL_PREF = "prefix sql:
- // \n";
- static Graph graph;
- @BeforeClass
- static public void init() {
- // Query.STD_PLAN = Query.PLAN_RULE_BASED;
- // Property.set(GRAPH_NODE_AS_DATATYPE, true);
- Property.set(LOAD_IN_DEFAULT_GRAPH, true);
- // Property.set(INTERPRETER_TEST, true);
- QueryProcess.DISPLAY_QUERY = true;
- System.out.println("Property: " + Property.display());
- QueryProcess.definePrefix("c", "http://www.inria.fr/acacia/comma#");
- // QueryProcess.definePrefix("foaf", "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/");
- graph = Graph.create(true);
- // graph.setOptimize(true);
- Load ld = Load.create(graph);
- try {
- init(graph, ld);
- } catch (LoadException ex) {
- }
- // Option.isOption = false;
- // QueryProcess.setJoin(true);
- // fr.inria.corese.core.compiler.parser.Transformer.ISBGP = !true;
- // QueryProcess.setPlanDefault(Query.QP_HEURISTICS_BASED);
- QueryProcess.testAlgebra(!true);
- Property.set(LOAD_IN_DEFAULT_GRAPH, false);
- // QueryProcess.setSolverVisitorName("fr.inria.corese.test.engine.MyVisitor");
- // QueryProcess.setVisitorable(true);
- }
- @AfterClass
- static public void finish() {
- // after2();
- }
- static void before() {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "@public {"
- + "@error function us:error(?e, ?x , ?y) { "
- + "xt:print('****************** error') ; "
- + "xt:print(java:getAST(xt:query())) ;"
- + "xt:display( ?e, ?x, ?y) ; "
- + "error() "
- + "}"
- + "}";
- try {
- exec.compile(q);
- } catch (EngineException ex) {
- }
- QuerySolver.setVisitorable(true);
- }
- static void before2() {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- QuerySolver.setVisitorable(true);
- IDatatype map = DatatypeMap.map();
- map.set(DatatypeMap.newResource(NSManager.USER, "error"), DatatypeMap.newList());
- DatatypeMap.setPublicDatatypeValue(map);
- String q = "@public {"
- + "@error "
- + "function us:error(?e, ?x , ?y) { "
- + "us:recerror(?e, ?x, ?y) ; "
- + "error() "
- + "}"
- + "@filter "
- + "function us:filter(?g, ?e, ?b) { "
- // + "xt:print(?e);"
- + "us:record(?e) ;"
- + "?b "
- + "}"
- + "@select "
- + "function us:select(?e, ?b) { "
- // + "xt:print(?e);"
- + "us:record(?e) ;"
- + "?b "
- + "}"
- + "function us:map() { ds:getPublicDatatypeValue(true) }"
- + "function us:record(?e) {"
- + "if (java:isTerm(?e)) {"
- + "xt:set(us:map(), java:getLabel(?e), coalesce(1 + xt:get(us:map(), java:getLabel(?e)), 1)) ;"
- + "let (( | ?l) = ?e) {"
- + "for (?ee in ?e) {"
- + "us:record(?ee)"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:recerror(?e, ?x, ?y) {"
- + "xt:add(xt:get(us:map(), us:error), xt:list(?e, ?x, ?y))"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- ;
- try {
- exec.compile(q);
- } catch (EngineException ex) {
- System.out.println(ex);
- }
- }
- static void after2() {
- System.out.println("After");
- int i = 0;
- for (IDatatype dt : DatatypeMap.getPublicDatatypeValue()) {
- System.out.println(i++ + " " + dt.getValueList().get(0) + " " + dt.getValueList().get(1));
- }
- i = 0;
- for (IDatatype dt : DatatypeMap.getPublicDatatypeValue()
- .get(DatatypeMap.newResource(NSManager.USER, "error"))) {
- System.out.println(i++ + " " + dt);
- }
- }
- static void init(Graph g, Load ld) throws LoadException {
- ld.parse(TestQuery1.class.getResourceAsStream("/data/comma/comma.rdfs"));
- // ld.parse(data + "comma/comma.rdfs");
- ld.parse(TestQuery1.class.getResourceAsStream("/data/comma/model.rdf"));
- // ld.parse(data + "comma/model.rdf");
- ld.parseDir(data + "comma/data");
- }
- Graph getGraph() {
- return graph;
- }
- public static Graph graph() {
- Graph graph = Graph.create(true);
- graph.setOptimize(true);
- Load ld = Load.create(graph);
- try {
- ld.parse(TestQuery1.class.getResource("data").getPath() + "/"
- + "comma/comma.rdfs");
- ld.parse(TestQuery1.class.getResource("data").getPath() + "/"
- + "comma/model.rdf");
- ld.parseDir(
- TestQuery1.class.getResource("data").getPath() + "/" + "comma/data");
- } catch (LoadException ex) {
- }
- return graph;
- }
- public void generic() throws EngineException {
- String i = "insert data { [] rdf:value ( [] ) }";
- String q = "select (us:test() as ?t) where {}"
- + "function us:test() {}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(i);
- exec.query(q);
- }
- @Test
- public void typecheckowlrl() throws EngineException, MalformedURLException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- Load load = Load.create(g);
- load.parse(TestQuery1.class.getResource("/primer.owl").getPath());
- QueryProcess.create(g);
- Transformer t = Transformer.create(g, Transformer.OWLRL);
- t.process();
- Transformer t2 = Transformer.create(g, Transformer.TURTLE_HTML);
- IDatatype dt = t2.process(t.getBinding());
- // System.out.println(dt.getLabel());
- assertEquals(true, dt.getLabel().contains(""));
- }
- @Test
- public void union5() throws EngineException, MalformedURLException, LoadException {
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:Jack ."
- + "us:Jack foaf:knows us:Jim ."
- + "us:Jim foaf:name 'Jim' ."
- + "us:James foaf:name 'James' ."
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "?x foaf:knows ?y "
- + "minus { "
- + "{?x foaf:name ?n filter us:incr(?x, ?n) } union { ?y foaf:name ?n filter us:incr(?y, ?n) } "
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:incr(?x, ?y) {"
- + "set(?count = ?count+1)"
- + "}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- Load.create(g);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Binding b = Binding.create();
- b.setGlobalVariable("?count", DatatypeMap.ZERO);
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q, b);
- // Mappings parameter focus edge iteration in graph/minus to relevant resources
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- assertEquals(1, b.getVariable("?count").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void union4() throws EngineException, MalformedURLException, LoadException {
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:Jack ."
- + "us:Jack foaf:knows us:Jim ."
- + "us:Jim foaf:name 'Jim' ."
- + "us:James foaf:name 'James' ."
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "?x foaf:knows ?y "
- + "optional {"
- + "graph ?g { "
- + "{?x foaf:name ?n filter us:incr(?x, ?n) } union { ?y foaf:name ?n filter us:incr(?y, ?n) } "
- + "}}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:incr(?x, ?y) {"
- + "set(?count = ?count+1)"
- + "}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- Load.create(g);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Binding b = Binding.create();
- b.setGlobalVariable("?count", DatatypeMap.ZERO);
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q, b);
- // Mappings parameter focus edge iteration in optional/graph/union to relevant
- // resources
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- assertEquals(1, b.getVariable("?count").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void union333() throws EngineException, MalformedURLException, LoadException {
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:Jack ."
- + "us:Jack foaf:knows us:Jim ."
- + "us:Jim foaf:name 'Jim' ."
- + "us:James foaf:name 'James' ."
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "?x foaf:knows ?y "
- + "{select ?n where { "
- + "{?y foaf:name ?n filter us:incr(?y, ?n) } union { ?y foaf:name ?n filter us:incr(?y, ?n) } "
- + "}}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:incr(?x, ?y) {"
- + "set(?count = ?count+1)"
- + "}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- Load.create(g);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Binding b = Binding.create();
- b.setGlobalVariable("?count", DatatypeMap.ZERO);
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q, b);
- // System.out.println(map);
- // Mappings parameter do not focus edge iteration in query/union because select
- // ?n
- assertEquals(8, map.size());
- assertEquals(4, b.getVariable("?count").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void union33() throws EngineException, MalformedURLException, LoadException {
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:Jack ."
- + "us:Jack foaf:knows us:Jim ."
- + "us:Jim foaf:name 'Jim' ."
- + "us:James foaf:name 'James' ."
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "?x foaf:knows ?y "
- + "{select * where { "
- + "{?y foaf:name ?n filter us:incr(?y, ?n) } union { ?y foaf:name ?n filter us:incr(?y, ?n) } "
- + "}}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:incr(?x, ?y) {"
- + "set(?count = ?count+1)"
- + "}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- Load.create(g);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Binding b = Binding.create();
- b.setGlobalVariable("?count", DatatypeMap.ZERO);
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q, b);
- // System.out.println(map);
- // Mappings parameter focus edge iteration in query/union because ?y is bound in
- // both branches
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- assertEquals(2, b.getVariable("?count").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void union3() throws EngineException, MalformedURLException, LoadException {
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:Jack ."
- + "us:Jack foaf:knows us:Jim ."
- + "us:Jim foaf:name 'Jim' ."
- + "us:James foaf:name 'James' ."
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "?x foaf:knows ?y "
- + "{select * where { "
- + "{?x foaf:name ?n filter us:incr(?x, ?n) } union { ?y foaf:name ?n filter us:incr(?y, ?n) } "
- + "}}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:incr(?x, ?y) {"
- + "set(?count = ?count+1)"
- + "}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- Load.create(g);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Binding b = Binding.create();
- b.setGlobalVariable("?count", DatatypeMap.ZERO);
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q, b);
- // Mappings parameter do not focus edge iteration in query/union because ?x and
- // ?y are not bound in both branches
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- assertEquals(4, b.getVariable("?count").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void union2() throws EngineException, MalformedURLException, LoadException {
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:Jack ."
- + "us:Jack foaf:knows us:Jim ."
- + "us:Jim foaf:name 'Jim' ."
- + "us:James foaf:name 'James' ."
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "?x foaf:knows ?y "
- + "graph ?g { "
- + "{?x foaf:name ?n filter us:incr(?x, ?n) } union { ?y foaf:name ?n filter us:incr(?y, ?n) } "
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:incr(?x, ?y) {"
- + "set(?count = ?count+1)"
- + "}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- Load.create(g);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Binding b = Binding.create();
- b.setGlobalVariable("?count", DatatypeMap.ZERO);
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q, b);
- // Mappings parameter focus edge iteration in graph/union to relevant resources
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- assertEquals(1, b.getVariable("?count").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void union1() throws EngineException, MalformedURLException, LoadException {
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:Jack ."
- + "us:Jack foaf:knows us:Jim ."
- + "us:Jim foaf:name 'Jim' ."
- + "us:James foaf:name 'James' ."
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "?x foaf:knows ?y "
- + "optional { "
- + "{?x foaf:name ?n filter us:incr(?x, ?n) } union { ?y foaf:name ?n filter us:incr(?y, ?n) } "
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:incr(?x, ?y) {"
- + "set(?count = ?count+1)"
- + "}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- Load.create(g);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Binding b = Binding.create();
- b.setGlobalVariable("?count", DatatypeMap.ZERO);
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q, b);
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- // Mappings parameter focus edge iteration in optional/union to relevant
- // resources
- assertEquals(1, b.getVariable("?count").intValue());
- }
- // @Test
- public void format() throws EngineException {
- String i = "insert data { [] rdf:value () }";
- String q = "select (xt:xml(?m) as ?xml) (xt:rdf(?m) as ?rdf) (xt:json(?m) as ?json) "
- + "(xt:graph(?m) as ?g) "
- + "where { bind (us:test() as ?m) }"
- + "function us:test() { "
- + "query(select * where {?s ?p ?o})"
- + "}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- DatatypeValue xml = map.getValue("?xml");
- DatatypeValue rdf = map.getValue("?rdf");
- DatatypeValue json = map.getValue("?json");
- map.getValue("?g");
- System.out.println(xml.stringValue());
- System.out.println(rdf.stringValue());
- System.out.println(json.stringValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void xslt() throws EngineException {
- String data = TestQuery1.class.getResource("/test/data/data.xml").getPath();
- String xslt = TestQuery1.class.getResource("/test/data/xslt.xsl").getPath();
- String q = String.format(
- "select (us:test(<%s>, <%s>) as ?t) (us:test(xt:xml(?t)) as ?name) where {}"
- + "function us:test(xml, xslt) {"
- + "let (doc = xt:xml(xml)) {"
- + "xt:xslt(doc, xslt)"
- + "}"
- + "}",
- data, xslt)
- + "function us:test(xml) {"
- + "for (doc in xml) {"
- + "for (node in doc) {"
- + "return(dom:getNodeName(node))"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- DatatypeValue dt = map.getValue("?name");
- assertEquals("title", dt.stringValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void json() throws EngineException, MalformedURLException, LoadException, URISyntaxException {
- String q = "select (us:test() as ?t) "
- + "where {}"
- + "function us:test() {"
- + "let (json = xt:json('{\"knows\": [ {\"name\": \"John\"} , {\"name\": \"Jack\"}] }')) {"
- + "return (xt:path(json, '/knows/1/name'))"
- + "} "
- + "}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- Load.create(g);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- DatatypeValue dt = map.getValue("?t");
- assertEquals("Jack", dt.stringValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testmap2() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select (us:test(dt:map) as ?t) "
- + "(us:test(dt:json) as ?js)"
- + "where {}"
- + "function us:test(atype) {"
- + "let (amap = xt:create(atype), "
- + "list = @(('a' 1)('b' 2)('c' 3))) {"
- + "for ((key val) in list) {"
- + "xt:set(amap, key, val)"
- + "} ;"
- + "let ((aa | bb . cc) = amap,"
- + "(ee) = bb) {"
- + "reduce(rq:plus, maplist (function((key, val)) { val }, xt:list(aa, ee, cc)))"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(6, map.getValue("?t").intValue());
- assertEquals(6, map.getValue("?js").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testmap() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select (us:test(dt:map) as ?t) "
- + "(us:test(dt:json) as ?js)"
- + "where {}"
- + "function us:test(atype) {"
- + "let (amap = xt:create(atype), "
- + "list = @(('a' 1)('b' 2)('c' 3))) {"
- + "for ((key val) in list) {"
- + "xt:set(amap, key, val)"
- + "} ;"
- + "reduce(rq:plus, maplist (function((key, val)) { val }, amap))"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(6, map.getValue("?t").intValue());
- assertEquals(6, map.getValue("?js").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testgraph5() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select (us:test() as ?t) "
- + "where {}"
- + "function us:test() {"
- + "let (agraph = construct {[] rdf:value 1, 2, 3} where {}) {"
- + "let ((t1 | t2 . t3) = maplist(xt:self, agraph), (tt) = t2) {"
- + "reduce(rq:plus, maplist (function((s, p, o)) { o }, xt:list(t1, tt, t3)))"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(6, map.getValue("?t").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testgraph3() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select (us:test() as ?t) "
- + "where {}"
- + "function us:test() {"
- + "let (agraph = construct {[] rdf:value 1, 2, 3} where {}) {"
- + "let ((t1 | t2 . t3) = agraph, (tt) = t2) {"
- + "reduce(rq:plus, maplist (function((s, p, o)) { o }, xt:list(t1, tt, t3)))"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(6, map.getValue("?t").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testgraph2() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select (us:test() as ?t) "
- + "where {}"
- + "function us:test() {"
- + "let (agraph = construct {[] rdf:value 1, 2, 3} where {}) {"
- + "reduce(rq:plus, maplist (function((s, p, o)) { o }, agraph))"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(6, map.getValue("?t").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void exception4() {
- String q = "select ?x (us:test() as ?t) where { values ?x {1} }"
- + "function us:test() { try {us:foo() } catch (var) { static(myvar=var); throw(2) } }"
- + "function us:foo() {throw(throw(1))}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- try {
- exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(false, true);
- } catch (EngineException ex) {
- assertEquals(2, ex.getDatatypeValue().intValue());
- IDatatype dt = Binding.getStaticVariable("?myvar");
- assertEquals(1, dt.intValue());
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void exception3() {
- String q = "select ?x (us:test() as ?t) where { values ?x {1} }"
- + "function us:test() { try {us:foo() } catch (var) { var } }"
- + "function us:foo() {throw(throw(1))}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- try {
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException ex) {
- assertEquals(false, true);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void exception2() {
- String q = "select ?x (us:test() as ?t) where { values ?x {1} }"
- + "function us:test() { try {us:foo() } catch (var) { var } }"
- + "function us:foo() {throw(1)}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- try {
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException ex) {
- assertEquals(false, true);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void exception() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select ?x (us:test() as ?t) where { values ?x {1} }"
- + "function us:test() { throw(1) }";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- try {
- exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(false, true);
- } catch (LDScriptException ex) {
- assertEquals(1, ex.getDatatypeValue().intValue());
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testStatic2() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select (us:test() as ?t) where {}"
- + "function us:test() {static (stat = stat+1) }";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Binding.setStaticVariable("?stat", DatatypeMap.ONE);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- DatatypeValue dt = map.getValue("?t");
- assertEquals(true, (dt != null) && (dt.intValue() == 2));
- assertEquals(2, Binding.getStaticVariable("?stat").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testStatic() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select (us:test() as ?t) where {}"
- + "function us:test() {let (stat = stat+1) {return (stat) }}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Binding.setStaticVariable("?stat", DatatypeMap.ONE);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- DatatypeValue dt = map.getValue("?t");
- assertEquals(true, (dt != null) && (dt.intValue() == 2));
- assertEquals(1, Binding.getStaticVariable("?stat").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testREM() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select * where {bind (ex:mytest(xt:graph()) as ?t) } limit 10";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- QueryProcess.setReentrant(true);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- map = exec.query("select * from us:g1 where { ?s ?p ?o }");
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- public IDatatype mytest(IDatatype dt) {
- Graph g = (Graph) dt.getPointerObject();
- try {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query("insert { graph us:g1 { [] rdf:value ?v } } where { bind (rand() as ?v) }");
- } catch (EngineException ex) {
- }
- return DatatypeMap.TRUE;
- }
- @Test
- public void testForLoop() throws EngineException, LoadException, IOException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data {[] rdf:value (1)}";
- String q = "select (us:fun() as ?list) where {"
- + "}"
- + "function us:fun() {"
- + "let (list = xt:list()) {"
- + "for ((s, p, o) in select * where {?s ?p ?o}) {"
- + "xt:add(list, xt:list(s, p, o))"
- + "};"
- + "return (list)"
- + "} "
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?list");
- assertEquals(3, dt.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testRDFList() throws EngineException, LoadException, IOException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data {[] rdf:value (1)}";
- String q = "construct where { [] rdf:value (1) }";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- Graph res = (Graph) map.getGraph();
- // System.out.println(map.getGraph());
- assertEquals(3, res.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testXML4() throws EngineException, LoadException, IOException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select "
- + " ?x ?y ?z "
- + "where {"
- + "bind ('"
- + ""
- + "label"
- + "10"
- + "true"
- + "' as ?doc)"
- + "bind (xt:xml(?doc) as ?xml)"
- + "bind (xt:list(us:test(?xml)) as ?test)"
- + "values (?x ?y ?z) {unnest(?test)}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(xml) {"
- + "let (list = xt:xpath(xml,'/doc/*/text()')"
- + ") {"
- + "maplist(dom:getNodeDatatypeValue, list)"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals("label", map.getValue("?x").stringValue());
- assertEquals("en", map.getValue("?x").getLang());
- assertEquals(10, map.getValue("?y").intValue());
- assertEquals(true, map.getValue("?z").booleanValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testXML3() throws EngineException, LoadException, IOException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select "
- + " ?x ?y ?z "
- + "where {"
- + "bind ('"
- + ""
- + "text"
- + ""
- + ""
- + ""
- + ""
- + ""
- + "' as ?doc)"
- + "bind (xt:xml(?doc) as ?xml)"
- + "bind (xt:list(us:test(?xml)) as ?test)"
- + "values (?x ?y ?z) {unnest(?test)}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(xml) {"
- + "let ((other) = dom:getElementsByTagName(xml, \"other\"), "
- // + "sublist = dom:getChildNodes(other)"
- + "sublist = xt:xpath(xml,'//other/node()')"
- + ") {"
- + "maplist(dom:getNodeValue, sublist)"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals("cdata text", map.getValue("?x").stringValue());
- assertEquals("comment text", map.getValue("?y").stringValue());
- assertEquals("proc text", map.getValue("?z").stringValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testXML2() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select "
- + "(us:fun(?xml) as ?t) "
- + "(dom:getNamespaceURI(?elem) as ?ns)"
- + "(dom:getBaseURI(?elem) as ?base)"
- + "(dom:getNodeName(?elem) as ?name)"
- + "(dom:getLocalName(?elem) as ?local)"
- + "(dom:hasAttributeNS(?elem, ?ns, 'att') as ?b)"
- + "(dom:getAttributeNS(?elem, ?ns, 'att') as ?att)"
- + "(dom:getFirstChild(?elem) as ?child)"
- + "(dom:getTextContent(?child) as ?text)"
- + "where {"
- + "bind (xt:xml('"
- + "text') as ?xml)"
- + "bind (us:fun(?xml) as ?elem)"
- + "}"
- + "function us:fun(xml) {"
- + "let (dom = dom:getFirstChild(xml), ns = \"http://example.org/\","
- + "list = dom:getElementsByTagNameNS(dom, ns, \"test\"),"
- + "(first | rest) = list"
- + ") {"
- + "first"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals("http://example.org/", map.getValue("?ns").stringValue());
- assertEquals("http://example.org/", map.getValue("?base").stringValue());
- assertEquals("test", map.getValue("?local").stringValue());
- assertEquals("ns:test", map.getValue("?name").stringValue());
- assertEquals("text", map.getValue("?text").stringValue());
- // System.out.println(map);
- }
- @Test
- public void testXML1() throws EngineException {
- Graph graph = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String init = "insert data {"
- + " us:contain "
- + "'"
- + "Caton"
- + "10"
- + "Cateat"
- + "'^^rdf:XMLLiteral "
- + "}";
- String query = "select (xt:text(?dom) as ?t) "
- + "(xt:get(xt:attributes(?dom), 'color') as ?c)"
- + "(xt:nodename(?dom) as ?n)"
- + "where { "
- + "?x us:contain ?xml "
- + "bind (xt:xml(?xml) as ?doc)"
- + "bind (us:phrase(?doc) as ?dom)"
- + "}"
- + "function us:phrase(root) {"
- + "for (doc in root) {"
- + "for (phrase in xt:elements(doc, 'phrase')) {"
- + "return (phrase)"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- // System.out.println(map);
- assertEquals("Catonmat10", map.getValue("?t").stringValue());
- assertEquals("red", map.getValue("?c").stringValue());
- assertEquals("phrase", map.getValue("?n").stringValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testReduce() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (reduce(us:test, xt:list()) as ?x) "
- + "(reduce(us:test, xt:list(1)) as ?y)"
- + "(reduce(us:test, xt:list(1, 2)) as ?z)"
- + "where {}"
- + "function us:test(x, y) {"
- + "x + y"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test() {"
- + "0"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(0, map.getValue("?x").intValue());
- assertEquals(1, map.getValue("?y").intValue());
- assertEquals(3, map.getValue("?z").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDynLet() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (us:test(10) as ?l) (xt:get(?l, 0) as ?n) where {}"
- + ""
- + "function us:test(x) { "
- + "letdyn (y = x) { maplist(lambda(g) { y } , xt:list(y)) } "
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?n");
- assertEquals(true, dt != null);
- if (dt != null) {
- assertEquals(10, dt.intValue());
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testDynLet2() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (us:test(10) as ?l) (xt:get(?l, 0) as ?n) where {}"
- + ""
- + "function us:test(x) { "
- + "letdyn (y = x) { maplist(lambda(g) { let (y = 2 * y) { y }} , xt:list(y)) } "
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?n");
- assertEquals(true, dt != null);
- if (dt != null) {
- assertEquals(20, dt.intValue());
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testDynLet3() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (us:test() as ?n) where {}"
- + ""
- + "function us:test() { "
- + "letdyn (x = 1) { us:fun() } "
- + "}"
- + "function us:fun() { x }";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?n");
- assertEquals(true, dt != null);
- if (dt != null) {
- assertEquals(1, dt.intValue());
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testDynLet4() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (reduce(rq:plus, us:bar(10)) as ?a) where {}"
- + "function us:bar(n) {"
- + "letdyn(select (1 as ?x) where {}) {"
- + "maplist(lambda(y) { set(x = 2*x) }, xt:iota(n)) "
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(2046, map.getValue("?a").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDynLet44() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (reduce(rq:plus, us:bar(10)) as ?a) where {}"
- + "function us:bar(n) {"
- + "letdyn(select (1 as ?x) where {}) {"
- + "maplist(us:test, xt:iota(n)) "
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(y) {"
- + "set(x = 2*x)"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(2046, map.getValue("?a").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDynLet5() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (us:test() as ?n) where {}"
- + ""
- + "function us:test() { "
- + "let (z = 1) {"
- + "letdyn (x = 1) { us:fun() } "
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:fun() { z }"
- + "";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?n");
- assertEquals(true, dt == null);
- }
- @Test
- public void testDynLet6() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (us:test() as ?n) where {}"
- + ""
- + "function us:test() { "
- + "letdyn (x = 1) { us:fun() } "
- + "}"
- + "function us:fun() { let (x = 2) { x } }"
- + "";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?n");
- assertEquals(2, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testexist() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "graph us:g1 { "
- + "rdf:type rdf:type rdf:Property "
- + "rdf:type owl:sameAs rdf:type "
- + "rdf:type us:test us:test "
- + "us:test us:test us:test "
- + "}"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "bind (bnode() as ?bn)"
- + "bind (xt:exists(rdf:type, rdf:type, rdf:Property) as ?c1)"
- + "bind (xt:exists(?bn, rdf:type, rdf:Property) as ?c2)"
- + "bind (xt:exists(?bn, rdf:type, ?bn) as ?c3)"
- + "bind (xt:exists(?bn, bnode(), ?bn) as ?c4)"
- + "bind (xt:exists(?bn, ?bn) as ?c5)"
- + "bind (xt:exists(?bn, ?bn, rdf:Property) as ?b1)"
- + "bind (xt:exists(bnode(), ?bn, ?bn) as ?b2)"
- + "bind (xt:exists(?bn, ?bn, ?bn) as ?b3)"
- + "graph kg:default {"
- + "bind (bnode() as ?bb)"
- + "bind (xt:exists(?bb, ?bb, rdf:Property) as ?a1)"
- + "bind (xt:exists(?bb, bnode(), ?bb) as ?a2)"
- + "bind (xt:exists(bnode(), ?bb, ?bb) as ?a3)"
- + "bind (xt:exists(bnode(), bnode(), bnode()) as ?a4)"
- + "bind (xt:exists(?bb, ?bb, ?bb) as ?a5)"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- ;
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- // ?c1 = true; ?c2 = true; ?c3 = false; ?c4 = true; ?c5 = true;
- // ?b1 = true; ?b3 = true; ?b4 = true;
- // ?a1 = false; ?a2 = false; ?a3 = false; ?a4 = false; ?a5 = false;
- assertEquals(true, map.getValue("?c1").booleanValue());
- assertEquals(true, map.getValue("?c2").booleanValue());
- assertEquals(false, map.getValue("?c3").booleanValue());
- assertEquals(true, map.getValue("?c4").booleanValue());
- assertEquals(true, map.getValue("?c5").booleanValue());
- assertEquals(true, map.getValue("?b1").booleanValue());
- assertEquals(true, map.getValue("?b2").booleanValue());
- assertEquals(true, map.getValue("?b3").booleanValue());
- assertEquals(false, map.getValue("?a1").booleanValue());
- assertEquals(false, map.getValue("?a2").booleanValue());
- assertEquals(false, map.getValue("?a3").booleanValue());
- assertEquals(false, map.getValue("?a4").booleanValue());
- assertEquals(false, map.getValue("?a5").booleanValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testTTL1() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "_:b rdf:value (_:b) "
- + "}";
- String q = "select "
- + "(st:apply-templates-with(st:turtle) as ?t) "
- + "where { }";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- System.out.println("res: " + map.getValue("?t").stringValue());
- String str = map.getValue("?t").stringValue();
- Graph gg = Graph.create();
- Load ld = Load.create(gg);
- ld.loadString(str, Load.TURTLE_FORMAT);
- QueryProcess ex = QueryProcess.create(gg);
- String qq = "select * where {"
- + "?s ?p (?s) "
- + "}";
- Mappings m1 = exec.query(qq);
- Mappings m2 = ex.query(qq);
- assertEquals(m1.size(), m2.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testTTL2() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "_:b rdf:value _:b "
- + "}";
- String q = "select (st:apply-templates-with(st:turtle) as ?t) where { }";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- // System.out.println(map.getValue("?t").stringValue());
- String str = map.getValue("?t").stringValue();
- Graph gg = Graph.create();
- Load ld = Load.create(gg);
- ld.loadString(str, Load.TURTLE_FORMAT);
- QueryProcess ex = QueryProcess.create(gg);
- String qq = "select * where {"
- + "?s ?p ?s "
- + "}";
- Mappings m1 = exec.query(qq);
- Mappings m2 = ex.query(qq);
- assertEquals(m1.size(), m2.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testTTL3() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "_:b rdf:value [rdf:value _:b] "
- + "}";
- String q = "select (st:apply-templates-with(st:turtle) as ?t) where { }";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- // System.out.println(map.getValue("?t").stringValue());
- String str = map.getValue("?t").stringValue();
- Graph gg = Graph.create();
- Load ld = Load.create(gg);
- ld.loadString(str, Load.TURTLE_FORMAT);
- QueryProcess ex = QueryProcess.create(gg);
- String qq = "select * where {"
- + "?s ?p [ rdf:value ?s] "
- + "}";
- Mappings m1 = exec.query(qq);
- Mappings m2 = ex.query(qq);
- assertEquals(m1.size(), m2.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testTTL4() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "_:a rdf:value _:e "
- + "_:b rdf:value _:e "
- + "_:e rdf:value _:b "
- + "}";
- String q = "select (st:apply-templates-with(st:turtle) as ?t) where { }";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- // System.out.println(map.getValue("?t").stringValue());
- String str = map.getValue("?t").stringValue();
- Graph gg = Graph.create();
- Load ld = Load.create(gg);
- ld.loadString(str, Load.TURTLE_FORMAT);
- QueryProcess ex = QueryProcess.create(gg);
- String qq = "select * where {"
- + "?a rdf:value ?e "
- + "?b rdf:value ?e "
- + "?e rdf:value ?b "
- + "}";
- Mappings m1 = exec.query(qq);
- Mappings m2 = ex.query(qq);
- assertEquals(m1.size(), m2.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testOPP2() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:Jim , us:John . "
- + "us:Jim foaf:knows us:John, us:Jim "
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where { ?x foaf:knows+ ?y }";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(4, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testOPP() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:Jim , us:John . "
- + "us:Jim foaf:knows us:John, us:Jim."
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where { ?x foaf:knows+ ?y }";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(4, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testNGG1() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { us:John foaf:knows us:Jim }"
- + "graph us:g2 { us:Jim foaf:knows us:Jack . us:Jack foaf:knows us:James }"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "graph ?g {"
- + "?s foaf:knows ?o "
- + "optional { ?o foaf:knows ?y }"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(3, map.size());
- for (Mapping m : map) {
- DatatypeValue dt = m.getValue("?g");
- assertEquals(true, dt != null);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testNGG2() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { us:John foaf:knows us:Jim, us:Jesse }"
- + "graph us:g2 { us:Jim foaf:knows us:Jack . us:Jack foaf:knows us:James }"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "graph ?g {"
- + "?s foaf:knows ?o "
- + "minus { ?o foaf:knows ?y }"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(3, map.size());
- for (Mapping m : map) {
- DatatypeValue dt = m.getValue("?g");
- assertEquals(true, dt != null);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testNGG3() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { us:John foaf:knows us:Jim, us:Jesse }"
- + "graph us:g2 { us:Jim foaf:knows us:Jack . us:Jack foaf:knows us:James }"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "graph ?g {"
- + "{?s foaf:knows ?o }"
- + "union { ?s foaf:knows ?o ?o foaf:knows ?y }"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(5, map.size());
- for (Mapping m : map) {
- DatatypeValue dt = m.getValue("?g");
- assertEquals(true, dt != null);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testNGG4() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { us:Jack foaf:knows us:Jim, us:Jesse }"
- + "graph us:g2 { us:Jim foaf:knows us:Jack . us:Jules foaf:knows us:James }"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "graph ?g {"
- + "?s foaf:knows ?o filter exists {?o foaf:knows ?y} "
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(0, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testNGG5() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { us:John foaf:knows us:Jim }"
- + "graph us:g2 { us:Jim foaf:knows us:Jack . us:Jack foaf:knows us:James }"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * "
- + "from named us:g2 "
- + "where {"
- + "graph ?g {"
- + "?s foaf:knows ?o "
- + "optional { ?o foaf:knows ?y }"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- for (Mapping m : map) {
- DatatypeValue dt = m.getValue("?g");
- assertEquals(true, dt != null);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testNGG6() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { us:John foaf:knows us:Jim }"
- + "graph us:g2 { us:Jim foaf:knows us:Jack . us:Jack foaf:knows us:James }"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * "
- + "where {"
- + "graph us:g2 {"
- + "?s foaf:knows ?o "
- + "optional { ?o foaf:knows ?y }"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testNGG7() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { us:John foaf:knows us:Jim . us:Jack foaf:knows us:James}"
- + "graph us:g2 { us:Jim foaf:knows us:Jack . us:Jack foaf:knows us:James }"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * "
- + "from named us:g1 "
- + "from named us:g2 "
- + "where {"
- + "graph ?g {"
- + "?s foaf:knows ?o "
- + "filter exists { ?o foaf:knows ?y }"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testNGG8() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { us:John foaf:knows us:Jim . us:Jack foaf:knows us:Jim}"
- + "graph us:g2 { us:Jim foaf:knows us:Jack . us:Jack foaf:knows us:James }"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * "
- + "from named us:g1 "
- + "from named us:g2 "
- + "where {"
- + "graph ?g {"
- + "?s foaf:knows ?o "
- + "{select * where { ?o foaf:knows ?y }}"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testNGG9() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { us:John foaf:knows us:Jim . us:Jack foaf:knows us:Jim}"
- + "graph us:g2 { us:Jim foaf:knows us:Jack . us:Jack foaf:knows us:James }"
- + "graph us:g3 { us:Jim foaf:knows us:Jack . us:Jack foaf:knows us:James }"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * "
- + "from named us:g1 "
- + "from named us:g2 "
- + "where {"
- + "graph ?g {"
- + "?s foaf:knows ?o "
- + "bind ( exists { ?o foaf:knows ?y } as ?b )"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- int count = 0;
- for (Mapping m : map) {
- DatatypeValue dt = m.getValue("?b");
- if (dt.booleanValue())
- count++;
- }
- assertEquals(1, count);
- }
- @Test
- public void testNGG10() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { us:John foaf:knows us:Jim . us:Jack foaf:knows us:Jim}"
- + "graph us:g2 { us:Jim foaf:knows us:Jack . us:Jack foaf:knows us:James }"
- + "graph us:g3 { us:Jim foaf:knows us:Jack . us:Jack foaf:knows us:James }"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * "
- + "from named us:g1 "
- + "from named us:g2 "
- + "where {"
- + "graph ?g {"
- + "?s foaf:knows ?o "
- + "values ?b { unnest( exists { ?o foaf:knows ?y } ) }"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- int count = 0;
- for (Mapping m : map) {
- DatatypeValue dt = m.getValue("?b");
- if (dt.booleanValue())
- count++;
- }
- assertEquals(1, count);
- }
- @Test
- public void testNGG11() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "bind (query(construct { us:John foaf:knows us:Jack, us:Jim . us:Jack foaf:knows us:James } where {}) as ?g)"
- + "graph ?g { "
- + "{ ?s foaf:knows ?o filter exists {?s foaf:knows ?t} graph ?g {filter us:test(?g)} "
- + " optional { ?o foaf:knows ?y filter exists {?y foaf:knows ?t}}}"
- + "union"
- + "{ ?a foaf:knows ?b minus { ?b foaf:knows ?c }}"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(?g) {"
- // + "xt:print(?g)"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(5, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testRee() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- QueryProcess.setOverwrite(true);
- String i1 = "insert data { graph { us:John rdfs:label 'John' } }";
- String i11 = "with "
- + "insert { ?x rdfs:label ?y }"
- + "where { graph { ?x rdfs:label ?y } }";
- String i2 = "with "
- + "insert { ?x foaf:name ?n } where { ?x rdfs:label ?n }";
- String q = "select * "
- + "from "
- + "where { ?x ?p ?y }";
- String q2 = "select * "
- + "from "
- + "where { ?x foaf:name ?y }";
- String q4 = "select * "
- + "from named "
- + "where { "
- + "graph ?g { ?x foaf:name ?y } "
- + "}";
- exec.query(i1);
- Graph g = graph.getNamedGraph("http://example.org/g");
- exec.query(i11);
- graph.getNamedGraph("http://example.org/g1");
- exec.query(q4);
- // System.out.println(m4);
- exec.query(q);
- exec.query(i2);
- Mappings m2 = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(2, m2.size());
- assertEquals(true, g != null);
- if (g != null) {
- assertEquals(2, g.size());
- }
- Mappings m3 = exec.query(q2);
- assertEquals(1, m3.size());
- QueryProcess.setOverwrite(false);
- }
- @Test
- public void testLock() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- QueryProcess.setOverwrite(true);
- String i = "select * where { "
- + "bind (us:test() as ?r) "
- + "graph us:g1 { ?s ?p ?o }"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test() {"
- + "query(insert data { graph us:g1 { us:Jack foaf:name 'Jack' } } ) "
- + "}";
- String q2 = "drop graph us:g1";
- String q3 = "select * where {"
- + "graph us:g1 { ?s ?p ?o }"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(i);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- exec.query(q2);
- Mappings m = exec.query(q3);
- assertEquals(0, m.size());
- QueryProcess.setOverwrite(false);
- }
- @Test
- public void testBB() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:Jack ."
- + "us:Jim foaf:knows us:James ."
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "?a foaf:knows ?b "
- + "{select * where { ?a foaf:knows ?c }}"
- + "{select ?d where { ?a foaf:knows ?d }}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(4, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testUpdate() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (us:foo(us:John) as ?g) where {}"
- + "function us:foo(?x) {"
- + "let (?g = construct {} where {} ) {"
- + "xt:focus(?g, query("
- + "insert data { "
- + "us:John rdfs:label 'John', 'Jack'"
- + "us:Jim rdfs:label 'Jim'"
- + "} ;"
- + "delete {?x rdfs:label ?name} insert {?x foaf:name ?name} "
- + "where {?x rdfs:label ?name}"
- + ") ) ;"
- + "?g"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?g");
- Graph gg = (Graph) dt.getPointerObject();
- String qq = "select ?p (count(*) as ?c) {"
- + "?x ?p ?y"
- + "}"
- + "group by ?p order by ?c ";
- QueryProcess exec2 = QueryProcess.create(gg);
- Mappings m = exec2.query(qq);
- assertEquals(1, m.get(0).getValue("?c").intValue());
- assertEquals(2, m.get(1).getValue("?c").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testApply() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "function xt:main() {"
- + "apply(us:test, xt:list()) + apply(us:test, xt:list(1)) + apply (us:test, xt:list(2, 3))"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test() {"
- + "10"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(?x) {"
- + "?x"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(?x, ?y) {"
- + "?x + ?y "
- + "}"
- ;
- Mappings dt = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(16, dt.get(0).getValue("?_main_").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testMap3() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create();
- String q = "select "
- + "(xt:size(us:test(5)) as ?a)"
- + "(xt:size(us:test(10)) as ?b)"
- + "(xt:size(us:test(15)) as ?c)"
- + "(xt:size(us:test2(5)) as ?d)"
- + "(xt:size(us:test2(10)) as ?e)"
- + "(xt:size(us:test2(15)) as ?f)"
- + "where {}"
- + "function us:test(?n) {"
- + "maplist(lambda(?x, ?y) { xt:list(?x, ?y) }, xt:iota(?n), us:map())"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test2(?n) {"
- + "maplist(lambda(?x, ?y) { xt:list(?x, ?y) }, us:map(),xt:iota(?n))"
- + "}"
- + "function us:map() {"
- + "let (?m = xt:map()) {"
- + "xt:set(?m, 1, 1) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, 01, 01) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, 1.0, 1.0) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, 1.0e0, 1.0e0) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, '1'^^xsd:int, '1'^^xsd:int) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, 1, 1) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, 01, 01) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, true, true) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, st:test, st:test) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, 'test', 'test') ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, 'test'@fr, 'test'@fr) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, 'test', 'test') ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, bnode(), bnode()) ;"
- + "return (?m)"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(5, map.getValue("?a").intValue());
- assertEquals(10, map.getValue("?b").intValue());
- assertEquals(15, map.getValue("?c").intValue());
- assertEquals(10, map.getValue("?d").intValue());
- assertEquals(10, map.getValue("?e").intValue());
- assertEquals(10, map.getValue("?f").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testMap2() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create();
- String q = "function xt:main() {"
- + "let (?m = xt:map()) {"
- + "xt:set(?m, 1, 1) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, 01, 01) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, 1.0, 1.0) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, 1.0e0, 1.0e0) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, '1'^^xsd:int, '1'^^xsd:int) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, 1, 1) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, 01, 01) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, true, true) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, st:test, st:test) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, 'test', 'test') ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, 'test'@fr, 'test'@fr) ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, 'test', 'test') ;"
- + "xt:set(?m, bnode(), bnode()) ;"
- + "return (?m)"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings dt = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(10, dt.get(0).getValue("?_main_").size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testNGExist() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create();
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { us:Jack foaf:name 'Jack' ; foaf:knows us:Jim }"
- + "graph us:g2 { us:Jack foaf:knows us:James . us:James foaf:name 'James' }"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * "
- + "where {"
- + "graph ?g { "
- + "?x foaf:name ?n optional { ?x foaf:name ?nn filter exists { ?z foaf:name 'Jack' } }"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- for (Mapping m : map) {
- DatatypeValue dt = m.getValue("?g");
- DatatypeValue val = m.getValue("?nn");
- assertEquals(dt.stringValue().contains("g2"), val == null);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testNG() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create();
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { us:Jack foaf:name 'Jack' ; foaf:knows us:Jim }"
- + "graph us:g2 { us:Jack foaf:knows us:James . us:James foaf:name 'James' }"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * "
- + "where {"
- + "graph ?g { ?x foaf:name ?n "
- + "{ ?x foaf:knows ?y } union { ?y foaf:knows ?x } "
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testPPmatch2() throws EngineException {
- String q = "function xt:main() { us:test(xt:iota(2)) }"
- + "function us:test(?list) {"
- + "let ((?a ?b | ?l . ?c ?d) = ?list) {"
- + "return(?a + ?b + ?c + ?d + xt:size(?l))"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(Graph.create());
- Mappings dt = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(6, dt.get(0).getValue("?_main_").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testPPmatch() throws EngineException {
- String q = "function xt:main() { us:test(xt:iota(5)) }"
- + "function us:test(?list) {"
- + "let ((?a ?b | ?l . ?c ?d) = ?list) {"
- + "return(?a + ?b + ?c + ?d + xt:size(?l))"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(Graph.create());
- Mappings dt = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(13, dt.get(0).getValue("?_main_").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testpplist() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph gg = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gg);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "graph us:g1 { us:John us:age 10 } "
- + "graph us:g2 { us:John us:age 10, 20, 30 }"
- + "}";
- String q = "prefix ns: "
- + "select * "
- + "(let ((?x ?y | ?l) = xt:graph()) { ?l } as ?l) "
- + "(let ((?t | ?ll) = ?l) { ?t } as ?t) "
- + "(let ((?s ?p | ?ll) = ?t) { ?ll } as ?ll) "
- + "(let ((?o | ?rst) = ?ll) { ?o } as ?o) "
- + "where {"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- // System.out.println(map);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?o");
- assertEquals(20, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testplist() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph gg = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gg);
- String q = "prefix ns: "
- + "select * "
- + "(let ((?x ?y | ?l) = xt:list(1, 2, 3, 4)) { ?l } as ?l) "
- + "(let ((?x ?y | ?l) = xt:list(1, 2, 3, 4)) { ?y } as ?y) "
- + "where {"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype list = map.getValue("?l");
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?y");
- assertEquals(true, list.equals(DatatypeMap.newList(3, 4)));
- assertEquals(2, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testextequal() throws EngineException {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(Graph.create());
- String q = "select "
- + "(kg:equals('ete', 'été') as ?eq)"
- + "(kg:contains('un été', 'ete') as ?ct)"
- + "where {}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt1 = map.getValue("?eq");
- IDatatype dt2 = map.getValue("?ct");
- assertEquals(true, dt1.booleanValue() && dt2.booleanValue());
- }
- // @Test
- public void testgraphit() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph gg = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gg);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "graph us:g1 { us:John us:age 10, 20 } "
- + "graph us:g2 { us:John us:knows us:Jack }"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * (xt:toList(xt:graph()) as ?list) "
- + "(let ((?e1) = ?list) {?e1} as ?t1)"
- + "(let ((?e1, ?e2) = ?list) {?e2} as ?t2)"
- + "(let ((?s, ?p, ?o) = ?t1) {?o} as ?v1)"
- + "(let ((?s, ?p, ?o) = ?t2) {?o} as ?v2)"
- + "where {"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt1 = map.getValue("?v1");
- IDatatype dt2 = map.getValue("?v2");
- assertEquals(true, dt1.intValue() == 10 && dt2.intValue() == 20);
- }
- @Test
- public void testedge() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph gg = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gg);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "graph us:g1 { us:John us:age 10, 20 } "
- + "graph us:g2 { us:John us:knows us:Jack }"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * "
- + "where {"
- + "values ?t { unnest(xt:edges(us:age)) }"
- + "}"
- ;
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- IDatatype v1 = map.get(0).getValue("?t");
- IDatatype v2 = map.get(1).getValue("?t");
- assertEquals(10, v1.getPointerObject().getEdge().getNode(1).getDatatypeValue().intValue());
- assertEquals(20, v2.getPointerObject().getEdge().getNode(1).getDatatypeValue().intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testvalue() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph gg = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gg);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "graph us:g1 { us:John us:age 10 } "
- + "graph us:g2 { us:John us:knows us:Jack }"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * (xt:index(?x) as ?i) (xt:index(?a) as ?j) (xt:index(us:age) as ?k) "
- + "where {"
- + "?x us:age ?a "
- + "filter (?a = xt:value(?x, us:age))"
- + "filter (?a = xt:value(?x, us:age, 1))"
- + "filter (?x = xt:value(?x, us:age, 0))"
- + "}"
- + "";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testLList() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph gg = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gg);
- String q = "select "
- + "(xt:reverse(xt:iota(5)) as ?list)"
- + "(xt:member(xt:iota(5), 5) as ?member)"
- + "(xt:sort(xt:reverse(xt:iota(5))) as ?sort)"
- + "(xt:remove(xt:iota(5), 5) as ?remove) "
- + "(xt:removeindex(xt:iota(5), 0) as ?remindex) "
- + "(xt:swap(xt:iota(5), 0, 1) as ?swap)"
- + "where {"
- + "}"
- + "";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype rev = DatatypeMap.newList(5, 4, 3, 2, 1);
- IDatatype sort = DatatypeMap.newList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
- IDatatype rem = DatatypeMap.newList(1, 2, 3, 4);
- IDatatype remi = DatatypeMap.newList(2, 3, 4, 5);
- IDatatype sw = DatatypeMap.newList(2, 1, 3, 4, 5);
- IDatatype list = map.getValue("?list");
- assertEquals(true, list.eq(rev).booleanValue());
- IDatatype sorted = map.getValue("?sort");
- assertEquals(true, sort.eq(sorted).booleanValue());
- IDatatype remove = map.getValue("?remove");
- assertEquals(true, rem.eq(remove).booleanValue());
- IDatatype remindex = map.getValue("?remindex");
- assertEquals(true, remi.eq(remindex).booleanValue());
- IDatatype swap = map.getValue("?swap");
- assertEquals(true, sw.eq(swap).booleanValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testList() throws EngineException {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(Graph.create());
- String q = "select "
- + "(xt:list() as ?nil)"
- + "(xt:list(1, 2) as ?list)"
- + "(xt:cons(0, ?list) as ?res)"
- + "(xt:first(?res) as ?fst)"
- + "(xt:rest(?res) as ?rst)"
- + "(us:copy(xt:list(1, 2)) as ?cp)"
- + "(us:append(xt:list(1, 2), xt:list(3, 4)) as ?app)"
- + "(xt:list(1, 3) as ?ll) (xt:set(?ll, 1, 2) as ?set)"
- + "where {}"
- + "function us:copy(?list) { maplist(xt:self, ?list) }"
- + ""
- + "function us:append(?l1, ?l2) {"
- + "if (xt:size(?l1) = 0, us:copy(?l2),"
- + "xt:cons(xt:first(?l1), us:append(xt:rest(?l1), ?l2)))}"
- + "";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype res = map.getValue("?res");
- assertEquals(true, res.eq(DatatypeMap.newList(0, 1, 2)).booleanValue());
- IDatatype fst = map.getValue("?fst");
- assertEquals(true, fst.eq(DatatypeMap.ZERO).booleanValue());
- IDatatype rst = map.getValue("?rst");
- assertEquals(true, rst.eq(DatatypeMap.newList(1, 2)).booleanValue());
- IDatatype app = map.getValue("?app");
- assertEquals(true, app.eq(DatatypeMap.newList(1, 2, 3, 4)).booleanValue());
- IDatatype ll = map.getValue("?ll");
- assertEquals(true, ll.eq(DatatypeMap.newList(1, 2)).booleanValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testIterate() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph gg = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gg);
- String q = "select (us:test() as ?s) "
- + "where {"
- + "}"
- + ""
- + "function us:test() {"
- + "let (?list = xt:list(), ?sum = 0){"
- + "for (?i in xt:iterate(1, 10)) {"
- + "set(?sum = ?sum + ?i)"
- + "};"
- + "?sum"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?s");
- assertEquals(55, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testGName() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph gg = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gg);
- String q = "select (st:cget(st:test1, st:value) as ?b1) (st:cget(st:test2, st:value) as ?b2) "
- + "where {"
- + "bind (st:cset(st:test1, st:value, 10) as ?v1)"
- + "bind (st:cset(st:test2, st:value, 20) as ?v2)"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype v1 = map.getValue("?b1");
- IDatatype v2 = map.getValue("?b2");
- assertEquals(true, v1.intValue() == 10 && v2.intValue() == 20);
- }
- @Test
- public void testGName2() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph gg = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gg);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "graph us:g1 { us:John us:age 10 } "
- + "graph us:g2 { us:John us:knows us:Jack }"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "graph ?g { "
- + "?s ?p ?o bind (xt:name() as ?g1) optional { ?s ?q ?r bind(xt:name() as ?g2) } "
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- for (Mapping m : map) {
- IDatatype g1 = m.getValue("?g1");
- IDatatype g2 = m.getValue("?g2");
- assertEquals(true, g1.equals(g2));
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testAccess() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph gg = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gg);
- String i = "insert data { us:John us:age 10 }";
- String q = "select "
- + "(xt:subject(?t) as ?s) (xt:property(?t) as ?p) "
- + "(xt:object(?t) as ?o) (xt:graph(?t) as ?g) "
- + "where {"
- + "values ?t { unnest( xt:graph() )}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype s = map.getValue("?s");
- IDatatype p = map.getValue("?p");
- IDatatype o = map.getValue("?o");
- IDatatype g = map.getValue("?g");
- assertEquals(NSManager.USER + "John", s.getLabel());
- assertEquals(NSManager.USER + "age", p.getLabel());
- assertEquals(10, o.intValue());
- assertEquals(NSManager.KGRAM + "default", g.getLabel());
- }
- @Test
- public void testPPath() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "graph us:g1 { us:John us:name 'John' ; us:knows us:James }"
- + "graph us:g2 { us:James us:name 'James' ; us:knows us:Jack}"
- + "}";
- // String q1 = "select * where { ?x us:knows+ ?y }";
- // String q2 = "select * where { ?x us:knows* ?y }";
- // String q3 = "select * from us:g1 where { ?x us:knows* ?y }";
- // String q4 = "select * where { graph ?g { ?x us:knows* ?y }}";
- // String q5 = "select * from named us:g1 where { graph ?g { ?x us:knows* ?y
- // }}";
- // String q6 = "select * where { us:John us:knows* ?y }";
- // String q7 = "select * from us:g1 where { us:John us:knows* ?y }";
- // String q8 = "select * from us:g1 from us:g2 where { us:John us:knows* ?y }";
- // String q9 = "select * from named us:g1 where { graph ?g { us:John us:knows*
- // ?y }}";
- // String q10 = "select * where { graph us:g1 { ?x us:knows* ?y }}";
- String q11 = "select * where { bind (us:Jim as ?x) bind (us:g1 as ?g) graph ?g { ?x us:knows* ?y }}";
- String q12 = "select * where { bind (us:g1 as ?g) graph ?g { us:Jim us:knows* ?y }}";
- String q13 = "select * from us:g1 where { us:Jack us:knows* ?y }";
- exec.query(i);
- // Mappings m1 = exec.query(q1);
- // assertEquals(3, m1.size());
- //
- // Mappings m2 = exec.query(q2);
- // assertEquals(8, m2.size());
- //
- // Mappings m3 = exec.query(q3);
- // assertEquals(4, m3.size());
- //
- // Mappings m4 = exec.query(q4);
- // assertEquals(8, m4.size());
- //
- // Mappings m5 = exec.query(q5);
- // assertEquals(4, m5.size());
- //
- // Mappings m6 = exec.query(q6);
- // assertEquals(3, m6.size());
- //
- // Mappings m7 = exec.query(q7);
- // assertEquals(2, m7.size());
- //
- // Mappings m8 = exec.query(q8);
- // assertEquals(3, m8.size());
- //
- // Mappings m9 = exec.query(q9);
- // assertEquals(2, m9.size());
- //
- // Mappings m10 = exec.query(q10);
- // assertEquals(4, m10.size());
- Mappings m11 = exec.query(q11);
- // System.out.println(m11);
- // 1 is a bug, it should be 0 !!!
- assertEquals(1, m11.size());
- Mappings m12 = exec.query(q12);
- assertEquals(1, m12.size());
- Mappings m13 = exec.query(q13);
- assertEquals(1, m13.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testSparql() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- String q = "select (xt:sparql('select * (sum(?i) as ?sum) where { values ?i { unnest(xt:iota(5))} }') as ?res) "
- + "where {}";
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?res");
- Mappings m = dt.getPointerObject().getMappings();
- IDatatype sum = m.getValue("?sum");
- assertEquals(15, sum.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testSparql2() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- String q = "select (xt:sparql('select * (sum(?i) as ?sum) "
- + "where { values ?n {UNDEF} values ?i { unnest(xt:iota(?n))} }', '?n', 5) as ?res) "
- + "where {}";
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?res");
- Mappings m = dt.getPointerObject().getMappings();
- IDatatype sum = m.getValue("?sum");
- assertEquals(15, sum.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testNumber() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- String q = "select (kg:number() as ?n) (sum(?n) as ?sum) where {"
- + "values ?e { unnest (xt:iota(5)) }"
- + "}";
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?sum");
- assertEquals(10, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testJSON() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- String t = "template { st:apply-templates-with(st:json)}"
- + "where {}";
- Graph g = Graph.create(); // createGraph();
- Load ld = Load.create(g);
- ld.parse(data + "jsonld/test.jsonld");
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(t);
- String json = map.getTemplateStringResult();
- // System.out.println(json);
- assertEquals(true, (json.length() <= 1350 && json.length() >= 1000));
- Graph gg = Graph.create();
- Load ll = Load.create(gg);
- ll.loadString(json, Load.JSONLD_FORMAT);
- // System.out.println(g.size() + " " + gg.size());
- assertEquals(g.size(), gg.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testNG2() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String q = "select * "
- + "where {"
- + "bind (us:gg() as ?gg) "
- + "graph ?gg {"
- + "?x foaf:knows ?y "
- + "values ?g { us:g1 }"
- + " "
- + "{select ?y ?l where { graph ?g { ?y rdfs:label ?l }}}"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:gg() {"
- + "let (?g = construct {"
- + "graph us:g1 {"
- + " foaf:knows , "
- + "} "
- + "graph us:g2 {"
- + " rdfs:label 'Jim' "
- + "} } where {}) {"
- + "?g"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- // exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testNG1() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String init = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 {"
- + " foaf:knows , "
- + "} "
- + "graph us:g2 {"
- + " rdfs:label 'Jim' "
- + "}"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * "
- + "where {"
- + "?x foaf:knows ?y "
- + "values ?g { us:g1 }"
- + " "
- + "{select ?y ?l where { graph ?g { ?y rdfs:label ?l }}}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testfocus() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (us:foo() as ?f) where {"
- + ""
- + "}"
- + "function us:foo() {"
- + "let (?g = construct {us:John rdfs:label 'John'} where {}) {"
- + "xt:focus(?g, us:bar())"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:bar() {"
- + "let (select (count(*) as ?c) where {?x ?p ?y}) { ?c }"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = getValue(map, "?f");
- assertEquals(1, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testbnode() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "values ?n { 1 2 }"
- + "bind(bnode('a') as ?b1)"
- + "bind(bnode('a') as ?b2)"
- + "bind(bnode() as ?b)"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- for (Mapping m : map) {
- assertEquals(true, m.getValue("?b1") == m.getValue("?b2"));
- assertEquals(false, m.getValue("?b1") == m.getValue("?b3"));
- }
- // Assert.assertEquals(0, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testBindIndex7() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select "
- + "(us:test(3, 3) as ?t) where {}"
- + "function us:test(?n, ?n) {xt:display('here') ;"
- + "let (?n = ?n) {"
- + "for (?x in (xt:iota(?n))) {"
- + "if (?x > 1) {"
- + "return (?x)}"
- + "} "
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- //// System.out.println(map);
- Assert.assertEquals(0, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testBindIndex6() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select "
- + "(us:test(3) as ?t) "
- + "where {}"
- + "function us:test(?n) {"
- + "let (?n = ?z) {"
- + "for (?x in (xt:iota(?n))) {"
- + "if (?x > 1) {"
- + "return (?x)}"
- + "} "
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- // System.out.println(map);
- Assert.assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testBindIndex5() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (us:test(3) as ?t) where {}"
- + "function us:test(?n) {"
- + "let (?n = ?n) {"
- + "for (?x in (xt:iota(?n))) {"
- + "if (?x > 1) {"
- + "return (?x)}"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- // System.out.println(map);
- Assert.assertEquals(2, getValue(map, "?t").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testBindIndex4() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select "
- + "(let(?x = false, ?y = true) { ?y } as ?t1)"
- + "(if (?t1, let(?x = 2, ?y = 3) { ?y }, let(?z = 4) { ?z }) as ?t2)"
- + " where {}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- // System.out.println(map);
- Assert.assertEquals(true, getValue(map, "?t1").booleanValue());
- Assert.assertEquals(3, getValue(map, "?t2").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testBindIndex3() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (us:test(2) as ?t) where {}"
- + "function us:test(?x) {"
- + "let ((?y, ?x) = @(1)) {"
- + "bound(?x);"
- + "let ((?x, ?y) = @(1)) {"
- + "bound(?x)"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- // System.out.println(map);
- Assert.assertEquals(true, getValue(map, "?t").booleanValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testBindIndex2() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (us:test(2) as ?t) where {}"
- + "function us:test(?x) {"
- + "let ((?y, ?x) = @(1)) {"
- + "bound(?x)"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- // System.out.println(map);
- Assert.assertEquals(false, getValue(map, "?t").booleanValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testBindIndex() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (us:test(2) as ?t) where {}"
- + "function us:test(?x) {"
- + "let (?x = ?x * ?x) {"
- + "?x;"
- + "let (?x = ?x * ?x) {"
- + "?x}"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- // System.out.println(map);
- assertEquals(16, getValue(map, "?t").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testrecfun() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select (us:fac(5) as ?t) where {}"
- + "function us:fac(?n) {"
- + "if (?n = 0) {"
- + " return(1) "
- + "}"
- + "else {"
- + " let (?m = ?n, ?res = ?n * us:fac(?n - 1)) { "
- + "if (?m = ?n, ?res, 0)"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- // System.out.println(map.getQuery().getAST());
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- assertEquals(120, dt.intValue());
- }
- String stringValue(Mappings m, String var) {
- return (m.getValue(var)).stringValue();
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun21() throws EngineException {
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:John rdf:value 1 . "
- + "[] rdfs:label 2 ."
- + "us:Jim rdf:value (1 (2 3) 4 ())"
- + "us:James rdf:value ()"
- + "}";
- String q = "select (us:foo(us:bar()) as ?t1) (us:foo(xt:graph()) as ?t2) (us:gee() as ?t3)"
- + "where {}"
- + "function us:foo(?g) {"
- + "query(construct where { ?x ?p ?y }, ?g)"
- + "}"
- + "function us:bar() {"
- + "query(construct where {?x rdf:value ?y})"
- + "}"
- + "function us:gee() {"
- + "query(select * where { ?x ?p ?y}, query (construct where {?x rdf:value ?y}))"
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt1 = map.getValue("?t1");
- IDatatype dt2 = map.getValue("?t2");
- IDatatype dt3 = map.getValue("?t3");
- Graph g1 = (Graph) dt1.getPointerObject().getTripleStore();
- Graph g2 = (Graph) dt2.getPointerObject().getTripleStore();
- Mappings m = dt3.getPointerObject().getMappings();
- assertEquals(3, g1.size());
- assertEquals(16, g2.size());
- assertEquals(3, m.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun20() throws EngineException {
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:John rdf:value 1 ; rdfs:label 2"
- + "}";
- String q = "select (datatype(query(construct where {?x ?p ?y})) as ?g) "
- + "(datatype( let((?a) = construct where {?x ?p ?y}) {?a} ) as ?t) "
- + "(datatype(query(select * where {?x ?p ?y})) as ?s)"
- + "(datatype( let((?b) = select * where {?x ?p ?y}) {?b}) as ?m)"
- + "(datatype(xt:iota(5)) as ?l)"
- + "where {}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dg = map.getValue("?g");
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- IDatatype ds = map.getValue("?s");
- IDatatype dm = map.getValue("?m");
- IDatatype dl = map.getValue("?l");
- assertEquals(CoresePointer.getDatatype(PointerType.GRAPH), dg);
- assertEquals(CoresePointer.getDatatype(PointerType.TRIPLE), dt);
- assertEquals(CoresePointer.getDatatype(PointerType.MAPPINGS), ds);
- assertEquals(CoresePointer.getDatatype(PointerType.MAPPING), dm);
- assertEquals(IDatatype.LIST_DATATYPE, dl.stringValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun16() throws EngineException {
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:John rdf:value 1 ; rdfs:label 2"
- + "}";
- String q = " select (us:foo() as ?t) "
- + "(us:bar() as ?tt) "
- + "where {}"
- + "function us:foo() {"
- + "maplist("
- + "lambda((?x, ?p, ?y)) { xt:list(?x, ?p, ?y) }, "
- + "query(select * where {?x ?p ?y}))"
- + "}"
- + "function us:bar() {"
- + "maplist("
- + "lambda((?s, ?p, ?o)) { xt:list(?s, ?p, ?o) }, "
- + "query(construct where {?x ?p ?y}))"
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- IDatatype dq = map.getValue("?tt");
- assertEquals(2, dt.size());
- assertEquals(2, dq.size());
- for (IDatatype list : dt.getValueList()) {
- assertEquals(3, list.size());
- }
- for (IDatatype list : dq.getValueList()) {
- assertEquals(3, list.size());
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun15() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select (us:foo() as ?t) where {}"
- + "function us:foo() {"
- + "maplist(rq:funcall, xt:list(rq:year, rq:month, rq:day, rq:hours, rq:minutes, rq:seconds), now())"
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(q);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- assertEquals(true, dt.isList());
- assertEquals(6, dt.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun14() throws EngineException {
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:John rdf:value 1 ; rdfs:label 2"
- + "}";
- String q = "base "
- + "select (us:bar2() as ?t) (datatype(?t) as ?d) where {}"
- + "@public function us:bar2() {"
- + "let (?f1 = rq:uri, ?f2 = rq:replace, ?f3 = rq:sha256, ?f4 = xsd:integer) {"
- + "xt:list("
- + "xt:list(funcall(?f1, 'abc'), uri('abc')),"
- + "xt:list(funcall(?f2, 'abc', 'c', 'd'), replace('abc', 'c', 'd')), "
- // + "xt:list(funcall(?f3, 'abc'), sha256('abc')),"
- + "xt:list(sha256('abc'), sha256('abc')),"
- + "xt:list(funcall(?f4, '12'), xsd:integer('12'))"
- + ") "
- + "}"
- + "}";
- String q2 = "base "
- + "select (us:bar2() as ?t) where {}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- exec.query(q);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q2);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- // System.out.println(dt);
- for (IDatatype pair : dt.getValueList()) {
- assertEquals(true, pair.getValueList().get(0).equals(pair.getValueList().get(1)));
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun13() throws EngineException {
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:John rdf:value 1 ; rdfs:label 2"
- + "}";
- String q = " select (us:bar() as ?t) (datatype(?t) as ?d) where {}"
- + "@public function us:bar() {"
- + "let (?fun = rq:regex) {"
- + "(exists {?x ?p 1} && funcall(?fun, 'abc', 'a'))"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- String q2 = "select (us:bar() as ?t) (datatype(?t) as ?d) where {}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- exec.query(q);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q2);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- assertEquals(true, dt.booleanValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun11() throws EngineException {
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:John rdf:value 1, 2 ; rdfs:label 2 "
- + "}";
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select * "
- + "(sum(let (?a = ?y + 1, ?b = exists { ?z ?p ?a }){ if (?b, 1, 0) }) as ?sum)"
- + "where {"
- + "?x ?p ?y "
- + "}"
- + "function us:foo(?x) {"
- + "exists { ?x ?p ?y }"
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?sum");
- // System.out.println(map);
- assertEquals(1, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testapply6() throws EngineException {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(Graph.create());
- String q = " "
- + "select (us:foo (5) as ?t) (us:foo (10) as ?r)"
- + "where {"
- + "}"
- + "function us:foo(?n){"
- + "let (?fun = if (?n <= 5, lambda(?x) { ?x * ?x }, lambda(?x) { ?x + ?x } )) {"
- + "us:bar(?fun, ?n)"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:bar(?fun, ?n) {"
- + "funcall(?fun, ?n)"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- assertEquals(25, dt.intValue());
- IDatatype dt2 = map.getValue("?r");
- assertEquals(20, dt2.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testapply5() throws EngineException {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(Graph.create());
- String q = "select "
- + "(funcall (let (?fun = lambda(?x) { ?x * ?x }) { ?fun }, 5) as ?t) "
- + "where {"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- assertEquals(25, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testapply44() throws EngineException {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(Graph.create());
- String init = "insert data { us:John rdf:value 2 }";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "select (us:foo() as ?t) where {"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:foo(){"
- + "let (select * where {select "
- + "(maplist(lambda(?x) { "
- + "exists { select * where { select * where { values ?x { UNDEF } filter exists { select * where {select * where { ?y ?p ?x }}}}}}"
- + "}, xt:iota(5)) as ?t) "
- + "where {}}) {"
- + "?t }"
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- int i = 0;
- for (IDatatype val : dt.getValueList()) {
- assertEquals((i++ == 1) ? true : false, val.booleanValue());
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testapply4() throws EngineException {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(Graph.create());
- String init = "insert data { us:John rdf:value 2 }";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "select (us:foo() as ?t) where {"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:foo(){"
- + "let (select * where {select "
- // + "(maplist(lambda(?x) { exists { ?y ?p ?x }}, xt:iota(5)) as ?t) "
- + "(maplist(lambda(?x) { exists { select * where { ?y ?p ?x }}}, xt:iota(5)) as ?t) "
- + "where {}}) {"
- + "?t }"
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- int i = 0;
- for (IDatatype val : dt.getValueList()) {
- assertEquals((i++ == 1) ? true : false, val.booleanValue());
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testapply3() throws EngineException {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(Graph.create());
- String q = "select (us:test() as ?t) where {"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "let (?funcall = rq:funcall, ?map = rq:maplist, ?apply = rq:reduce, ?plus = rq:plus, "
- + "?funlist = @(rq:plus rq:mult)){"
- // + "funcall(?funcall, ?apply, ?plus, funcall(?map, ?apply, ?funlist,
- // xt:list(xt:iota(5))))"
- + "funcall(?funcall, ?apply, ?plus, funcall(?map, ?apply, ?funlist, xt:iota(5)))"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- assertEquals(135, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testapply22() throws EngineException {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(Graph.create());
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "values ?t { unnest(us:test()) }"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "let( "
- + "select * where {"
- + "select * (reduce(rq:plus, xt:iota(5)) as ?sum1) "
- + "(reduce(rq:concat, xt:iota('a', 'c')) as ?con)"
- + "(reduce(rq:mult, xt:iota(5)) as ?mul)"
- + "where {"
- + "bind (reduce(rq:plus, xt:iota(5)) as ?sum2) "
- + "filter (?sum2 > 1) "
- + "filter exists { "
- + "select * where { select * where { bind (reduce(rq:plus, xt:iota(5)) as ?test ) filter (?test = 15) }}"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + ") {"
- + "xt:list(?sum1, ?mul, ?con, ?sum2)"
- + ""
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- //// System.out.println(map);
- assertEquals(4, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void test2ndOrder3() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select \n"
- + " (us:test(lambda(?x, ?y) { ?x + ?y }, lambda(?x) { 2 * ?x }, 10) as ?t) \n"
- + "where {}\n"
- + " \n"
- + "function us:test(?agg, ?fun, ?n){\n"
- + " let (?map = lambda(?f, ?x) { funcall(?f, ?x) } ) {\n"
- + " reduce(?agg, maplist(?map , ?fun, xt:iota(?n))) \n"
- + " }"
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- assertEquals(110, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void test2ndOrder2() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select \n"
- + " (us:test(lambda(?list) { reduce(rq:plus, ?list) }, lambda(?x) { 2 * ?x }, 10) as ?t) \n"
- + "where {}\n"
- + "function us:test(?agg, ?fun, ?n){\n"
- + " funcall(?agg, maplist(lambda(?f, ?x) { funcall(?f, ?x) } , ?fun, xt:iota(?n))) \n"
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- assertEquals(110, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void test2ndOrder() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select (us:test() as ?t) where {}"
- + "function us:test(){\n"
- + " funcall (lambda(?x) { 2 * ?x }, \n"
- + " reduce(lambda(?x, ?y) { ?x + ?y }, \n"
- + " maplist(lambda(?x) {?x * ?x}, xt:iota(5)))) \n"
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- assertEquals(110, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testLetQuery2() throws EngineException {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + "us:John us:child us:Jim, us:Jane, us:Janis ."
- + "us:Jane a us:Woman ;"
- + "us:child us:Jack, us:Mary ."
- + "us:Mary a us:Woman ."
- + "us:Janis a us:Woman ;"
- + "us:child us:James, us:Sylvia ."
- + "us:Sylvia a us:Woman ."
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "values ?e { unnest(us:pattern()) }"
- + "}"
- + "function us:pattern(){"
- + "let (?sol = select * where { ?x us:child ?y optional { ?y a ?t } } ){"
- + " maplist(us:collect, ?sol) "
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:collect(?map){"
- + "let ((?y, ?t) = ?map){"
- + "xt:list(?y, coalesce(?t, us:Person))"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(7, map.size());
- }
- // return descendants on the woman side
- @Test
- public void testLetQuery() throws EngineException {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + "us:John us:child us:Jim, us:Jane, us:Janis ."
- + "us:Jane a us:Woman ;"
- + "us:child us:Jack, us:Mary ."
- + "us:Mary a us:Woman . "
- + "us:Janis a us:Woman ;"
- + "us:child us:James, us:Sylvia ."
- + "us:Sylvia a us:Woman ."
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "values ?t { unnest(us:pattern(us:John)) } "
- + "}"
- + "function us:pattern(?x){"
- + " let (select ?x (xt:cons(aggregate(?y), aggregate(us:pattern(?y))) as ?l) "
- + " where { ?x us:child ?y . ?y a us:Woman }"
- + " group by ?x){"
- + " reduce(xt:merge, ?l)"
- + " }"
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(4, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDatatypeValue12() throws EngineException {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { rdf:value 1, 1.0, 01, '1'^^xsd:long, '01'^^xsd:byte, 1e0, 2 }"
- + "graph us:g2 { rdf:value 1, 1.0, 01, '1'^^xsd:long, '01'^^xsd:byte, 1e0, 2 }"
- + "} ";
- // String q = "delete data { rdf:value 01 }";
- // String q2 = "delete where { rdf:value 01 }";
- String q3 = "delete where { ?x rdf:value '1'^^xsd:long }";
- // String q4 = "select where { rdf:value 01 }";
- Property.set(SPARQL_COMPLIANT, !true);
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q3);
- System.out.println(map);
- // assertEquals(4, g.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDatatypeValue11() throws EngineException {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { rdf:value 1, 1.0, 01, '1'^^xsd:long, '01'^^xsd:byte, 1e0, 2 }"
- + "graph us:g2 { rdf:value 1, 1.0, 01, '1'^^xsd:long, '01'^^xsd:byte, 1e0, 2 }"
- + "} ";
- String q = "delete data { rdf:value 01 }";
- // String q2 = "delete where { rdf:value 01 }";
- // String q3 = "delete where { ?x rdf:value 01 }";
- // String q4 = "select where { rdf:value 01 }";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(12, g.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDatatypeValue111() throws EngineException {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { rdf:value 1, 1.0, 01, '1'^^xsd:long, '01'^^xsd:byte, 1e0, 2 }"
- + "graph us:g2 { rdf:value 1, 1.0, 01, '1'^^xsd:long, '01'^^xsd:byte, 1e0, 2 }"
- + "} ";
- // String q = "delete data { rdf:value 01 }";
- String q2 = "delete where { rdf:value 01 }";
- // String q3 = "delete where { ?x rdf:value 01 }";
- // String q4 = "select where { rdf:value 01 }";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- exec.query(q2);
- assertEquals(12, g.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDatatypeValue10() throws EngineException {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { rdf:value 1, 1.0 }"
- + "graph us:g2 { rdf:value 1, 1.0 }"
- + "} ";
- String q = "select * (kg:index(?v) as ?i) where {"
- + "?x ?p ?v "
- + "?y ?p ?v "
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- // System.out.println(map);
- assertEquals(4, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDatatypeValue9() throws EngineException {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { "
- + "rdf:value "
- + " 1, 1.0, '1'^^xsd:long, 1e0, '1'^^xsd:double, '1'^^xsd:float, "
- + "true, '1'^^xsd:boolean, false, 01, "
- + "'1'^^xsd:boolean, '0'^^xsd:boolean, 'test', 'value', _:b, , _:b, . }"
- + "graph us:g2 { rdf:value false, '01'^^xsd:double, '1.0'^^xsd:float,"
- + "'01'^^xsd:integer, '1'^^xsd:integer"
- + ", '1'^^xsd:short, '1'^^xsd:byte , '1'^^xsd:int, '01'^^xsd:byte, '1'^^xsd:byte, _:b, }"
- + "} ";
- String q = "select * (kg:index(?v1) as ?i) where {"
- + "graph ?g1 {?x ?p ?v1} "
- + "graph ?g2 {?y ?p ?v2} "
- + "filter sameTerm(?v1, ?v2)"
- + "filter (?g1 < ?g2)"
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(5, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDatatypeValue8() throws EngineException {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { "
- + "rdf:value "
- + " 1, 1.0, '1'^^xsd:long, 1e0, '1'^^xsd:double, '1'^^xsd:float, "
- + "true, '1'^^xsd:boolean, false, 01, "
- + "'1'^^xsd:boolean, '0'^^xsd:boolean, 'test', 'value', _:b, , _:b, . }"
- + "graph us:g2 { rdf:value false, '01'^^xsd:double, '1.0'^^xsd:float,"
- + "'01'^^xsd:integer, '1'^^xsd:integer"
- + ", '1'^^xsd:short, '1'^^xsd:byte , '1'^^xsd:int, '01'^^xsd:byte, '1'^^xsd:byte, _:b, }"
- + "} ";
- String q = "select * (kg:index(?v) as ?i) where {"
- + "graph ?g1 {?x ?p ?v} "
- + "graph ?g2 {?y ?p ?v} "
- + "filter (?g1 < ?g2)"
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(70, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDatatypeValue7() throws EngineException {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { "
- + "rdf:value "
- + " 1, 1.0, '1'^^xsd:long, 1e0, '1'^^xsd:double, '1'^^xsd:float, "
- + "true, '1'^^xsd:boolean, false, 01, "
- + "'1'^^xsd:boolean, '0'^^xsd:boolean . }"
- + "graph us:g2 { rdf:value false, '01'^^xsd:double, '1.0'^^xsd:float,"
- + "'01'^^xsd:integer, '1'^^xsd:integer"
- + ", '1'^^xsd:short, '1'^^xsd:byte , '1'^^xsd:int, '01'^^xsd:byte, '1'^^xsd:byte}"
- + "} ";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "?x ?p ?v"
- + "}"
- + "order by ?x ?v ";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(17, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDatatypeValue6() throws EngineException {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 { "
- + "rdf:value "
- + " 1, 1.0, '1'^^xsd:long, 1e0, '1'^^xsd:double, '1'^^xsd:float, "
- + "true, '1'^^xsd:boolean, false, 01, "
- + "'1'^^xsd:boolean, '0'^^xsd:boolean . }"
- + "graph us:g2 { rdf:value false, '01'^^xsd:double, '1.0'^^xsd:float,"
- + "'01'^^xsd:integer, '1'^^xsd:integer"
- + ", '1'^^xsd:short, '1'^^xsd:byte , '1'^^xsd:int, '01'^^xsd:byte, '1'^^xsd:byte}"
- + "} ";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "graph ?g {"
- + "?x ?p ?v"
- + "} "
- + "}"
- + "order by ?x ?v ";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(20, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDatatypeValue5() throws EngineException {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + " "
- + "rdf:value "
- + " 1, 1.0, '1'^^xsd:long, 1e0, '1'^^xsd:double, '1'^^xsd:float, "
- + "true, '1'^^xsd:boolean, false, 01, "
- + "'1'^^xsd:boolean, '0'^^xsd:boolean ."
- + " rdf:value false, '01'^^xsd:double, '1.0'^^xsd:float,"
- + "'01'^^xsd:integer, '1'^^xsd:integer"
- + ", '1'^^xsd:short, '1'^^xsd:byte , '1'^^xsd:int, '01'^^xsd:byte, '1'^^xsd:byte"
- + "} ";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "?x ?p ?v filter (?v = 1)"
- + "}"
- + "order by ?x ?v ";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(15, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDatatypeValue4() throws EngineException {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + " "
- + "rdf:value "
- + " 1, 1.0, '1'^^xsd:long, 1e0, '1'^^xsd:double, '1'^^xsd:float, "
- + "true, '1'^^xsd:boolean, false, 01, "
- + "'1'^^xsd:boolean, '0'^^xsd:boolean ."
- + " rdf:value false, '01'^^xsd:double, '1.0'^^xsd:float,"
- + "'01'^^xsd:integer, '1'^^xsd:integer"
- + ", '1'^^xsd:short, '1'^^xsd:byte , '1'^^xsd:int, '01'^^xsd:byte, '1'^^xsd:byte"
- + "} ";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "?x ?p ?v "
- + "}"
- + "order by ?x ?v "
- + "values ?v { 1 }";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(10, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDatatypeValue3() throws EngineException {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + " "
- + "rdf:value "
- + " 1, 1.0, '1'^^xsd:long, 1e0, '1'^^xsd:double, '1'^^xsd:float, "
- + "true, '1'^^xsd:boolean, false, 01, "
- + "'1'^^xsd:boolean, '0'^^xsd:boolean ."
- + " rdf:value false, '01'^^xsd:double, '1.0'^^xsd:float,"
- + "'01'^^xsd:integer, '1'^^xsd:integer"
- + ", '1'^^xsd:short, '1'^^xsd:byte , '1'^^xsd:int, '01'^^xsd:byte, '1'^^xsd:byte"
- + "} ";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "?x ?p 1"
- + "}"
- + "order by ?x";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(10, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDatatypeValue1() throws EngineException {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + " "
- + "rdf:value "
- + " 1, 1.0, '1'^^xsd:long, 1e0, '1'^^xsd:double, '1'^^xsd:float, '1.0'^^xsd:float,"
- + "true, '1'^^xsd:boolean, false, 01, "
- + "'1'^^xsd:boolean, '0'^^xsd:boolean, false, '01'^^xsd:double, "
- + "'01'^^xsd:integer, '1'^^xsd:integer"
- + ", '1'^^xsd:short, '1'^^xsd:byte , '1'^^xsd:int, '01'^^xsd:byte, '1'^^xsd:byte"
- + "} ";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + " ?x ?p ?v "
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(17, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDatatypeValue2() throws EngineException {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + " "
- + "rdf:value "
- + " 1, 1.0, '1'^^xsd:long, 1e0, '1'^^xsd:double, '1'^^xsd:float, "
- + "true, '1'^^xsd:boolean, false, 01, "
- + "'1'^^xsd:boolean, '0'^^xsd:boolean ."
- + " rdf:value false, '01'^^xsd:double, '1.0'^^xsd:float,"
- + "'01'^^xsd:integer, '1'^^xsd:integer"
- + ", '1'^^xsd:short, '1'^^xsd:byte , '1'^^xsd:int, '01'^^xsd:byte, '1'^^xsd:byte"
- + "} ";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "?x ?p ?v "
- + "?y ?p ?v "
- + "filter (?x != ?y)"
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(58, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDatatype1() throws EngineException {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + " foaf:age '21'^^xsd:double, 21 "
- + " foaf:age 21e0, 21.0 "
- + "} ";
- String query = "select distinct ?a where {"
- + "?x foaf:age ?a "
- + "?y foaf:age ?a "
- + "filter (?x != ?y)"
- + "} ";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- assertEquals(4, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDatatype2() throws EngineException {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + " rdf:value true "
- + " rdf:value '1'^^xsd:boolean "
- + "} ";
- String query = "select distinct ?a where {"
- + "?x ?p ?a "
- + "?y ?p ?a "
- + "filter (?x != ?y)"
- + "} ";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testGenAgg() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select (st:aggregate(?x) as ?list) (us:merge(maplist(us:fun, ?list)) as ?y)"
- + "where { values ?x {unnest(xt:iota(10))}}"
- + "function st:aggregate(?x){ aggregate(?x) }"
- + "function us:fun(?x){ 1 / (?x * ?x)}"
- + "function us:merge(?list){ reduce(rq:plus, ?list) }";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?y");
- assertEquals("test", dt.doubleValue(), 1.5497, 10e-5);
- }
- public void testGenAggOld() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select (st:aggregate(?x) as ?y) "
- + "where { values ?x {unnest(xt:iota(10))}}"
- + "function st:aggregate(?x){aggregate(us:fun(?x), us:merge)}"
- + "function us:fun(?x){ 1 / (?x * ?x)}"
- + "function us:merge(?list){ reduce(rq:plus, ?list) }";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?y");
- assertEquals("test", dt.doubleValue(), 1.5497, 10e-5);
- }
- @Test
- public void testinsertwhere() throws EngineException {
- String i = "insert { graph us:Jim {?s ?p ?o}} "
- + "where { "
- + "bind (us:Jim as ?s)"
- + "bind (us:Jim as ?p)"
- + "bind (us:Jim as ?o)"
- + "}";
- String d = "delete data { graph us:Jim { us:Jim us:Jim us:Jim }}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(i);
- for (Edge e : g.getEdges()) {
- int n = e.getGraph().getIndex();
- // System.out.println("s "+ e.getNode(0) + " " + e.getNode(0).getIndex());
- // System.out.println("o " +e.getNode(1) + " " + e.getNode(1).getIndex());
- // System.out.println("p " +e.getEdgeNode() + " " + e.getEdgeNode().getIndex());
- // System.out.println("g "+ e.getGraph() + " " + e.getGraph().getIndex());
- assertEquals(n, e.getNode(0).getIndex());
- assertEquals(n, e.getNode(1).getIndex());
- assertEquals(n, e.getEdge().getEdgeNode().getIndex());
- }
- exec.query(d);
- assertEquals(0, g.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testinsertdata() throws EngineException {
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "graph us:Jim { us:Jim us:Jim us:Jim }"
- + "graph us:Jim { us:Jim us:Jim us:Jim }"
- + "}";
- String d = "delete data { graph us:Jim { us:Jim us:Jim us:Jim }}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(i);
- for (Edge e : g.getEdges()) {
- int n = e.getGraph().getIndex();
- assertEquals(n, e.getNode(0).getIndex());
- assertEquals(n, e.getNode(1).getIndex());
- assertEquals(n, e.getEdge().getEdgeNode().getIndex());
- }
- exec.query(d);
- assertEquals(0, g.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testFormatBase() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- // Access.define("junit/sttl/format1/", true);
- Access.define("junit/sttl/format2/", true);
- Access.authorize(Feature.READ_FILE);
- Transformer t = Transformer.createWE(g, data + "junit/sttl/format1/");
- String res = t.transform();
- // System.out.println("result: " + res);
- assertEquals(true, res != null && res.equals("test"));
- Access.define("junit/sttl/format2/", false);
- }
- @Test
- public void testReturn() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (us:fun(5) as ?n) where {}"
- + "function us:fun(?n) {"
- + "for (?x in xt:iota(?n)){"
- + "if (?x = ?n){"
- + "return (?x)}"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?n");
- assertEquals(dt.intValue(), 5);
- }
- @Test
- public void testOptionalFilter() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:James "
- + "us:James foaf:knows us:Jack, us:Jim "
- + "us:Jim foaf:knows us:John "
- + ""
- + "}";
- String q = "prefix c: "
- + "select * "
- + ""
- + "where { "
- + " ?x foaf:knows ?y "
- + "optional { "
- + "?y foaf:knows ?z filter (?x != us:John) optional { ?z ?p ?x }"
- + "} "
- + "} ";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(map.size(), 4);
- }
- @Test
- public void testDataset2() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- g.getDataStore().addDefaultGraph();
- Load ld = Load.create(g);
- ld.setDefaultGraph(true);
- ld.parse(data + "test/primerdata.ttl");
- int size = g.size();
- ld.parse(data + "test/primer.owl", NSManager.KGRAM + "ontology");
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "?x ?p ?y "
- + "}";
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(size, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDataStore() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create(false);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = "insert data {"
- + "graph us:g1 {"
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:Jack, us:Jules "
- + "foaf:knows rdfs:domain foaf:Person"
- + "} "
- + "graph us:g2 {"
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:Jack "
- + "foaf:Person rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Human "
- + "foaf:Human rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Humanoid "
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- g.init();
- ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
- ArrayList list2 = new ArrayList();
- Node g1 = g.getGraphNode(NSManager.USER + "g1");
- Node g2 = g.getGraphNode(NSManager.USER + "g2");
- list.add(g1);
- list2.add(g1);
- list2.add(g2);
- Node p = g.getPropertyNode(NSManager.FOAF + "knows");
- Node n = g.getNode(NSManager.USER + "John");
- Node n1 = g.getNode(NSManager.USER + "Jack");
- assertEquals(2, count(g.getDefault().iterate(p)));
- assertEquals(3, count(g.getNamed().iterate(p)));
- assertEquals(2, count(g.getDefault().iterate(n, 0)));
- assertEquals(3, count(g.getNamed().iterate(n, 0)));
- assertEquals(5, count(g.getDefault().iterate()));
- assertEquals(3, count(g.getDefault().from(list).iterate()));
- assertEquals(5, count(g.getDefault().from(list2).iterate()));
- assertEquals(6, count(g.getNamed().iterate()));
- assertEquals(3, count(g.getNamed().from(list).iterate()));
- assertEquals(6, count(g.getNamed().from(list2).iterate()));
- assertEquals(2, count(g.getDefault().from(list2).iterate(p, n, 0)));
- assertEquals(3, count(g.getNamed().from(list2).iterate(p, n, 0)));
- assertEquals(1, count(g.getDefault().from(list2).iterate(p, n1, 1)));
- assertEquals(2, count(g.getNamed().from(list2).iterate(p, n1, 1)));
- assertEquals(3, count(g.getNamed().minus(g1).iterate()));
- assertEquals(3, count(g.getDefault().minus(g1).iterate()));
- assertEquals(0, count(g.getDefault().minus(list2).iterate()));
- DataFilterFactory df = new DataFilterFactory();
- assertEquals(5, count(g.getDefault().iterate().filter(df.init().object(ExprType.ISURI))));
- assertEquals(0, count(g.getDefault().iterate().filter(df.init().object(ExprType.ISBLANK))));
- assertEquals(5, count(g.getDefault().iterate().filter(df.init().not().subject(ExprType.ISBLANK))));
- assertEquals(4, count(g.getNamed().iterate().filter(df.init().or()
- .and().graph(ExprType.EQ, g1).subject(ExprType.EQ, n)
- .and().graph(ExprType.EQ, g2).not().subject(ExprType.EQ, n))));
- assertEquals(5, count(g.getDefault().iterate().filter(df.init().object(ExprType.ISURI))));
- assertEquals(0, count(g.getDefault().iterate().filter(df.init().object(ExprType.ISBLANK))));
- assertEquals(5, count(g.getDefault().iterate().filter(df.init().not().subject(ExprType.ISBLANK))));
- assertEquals(0, count(g.getDefault().iterate()
- .filter(df.init().edge(ExprType.EQ, DataFilter.SUBJECT, DataFilter.OBJECT))));
- }
- int count(Iterable it) {
- int c = 0;
- for (Edge ent : it) {
- if (ent != null) {
- //// System.out.println(ent);
- c++;
- }
- }
- //// System.out.println("");
- return c;
- }
- @Test
- public void testrepl() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select ('o' as ?pat) ('oo' as ?rep) (replace('aobooc', ?pat, ?rep) as ?res) where {}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?res");
- assertEquals("aoobooooc", dt.getLabel());
- }
- @Test
- public void testrdfxml() throws LoadException, IOException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- Load ld = Load.create(g);
- ld.parse(data + "/test/primer.owl");
- // ld.parse("/home/corby/AAServer/data/primer.owl");
- g.init();
- // String RDFXMLNEW = "/user/corby/home/AAData/template/rdfxmlnew.rul";
- Transformer t = Transformer.create(g, Transformer.RDFXML);
- // Transformer t = Transformer.create(g, RDFXMLNEW);
- t.write("/tmp/tmp.rdf");
- Graph g1 = Graph.create();
- Load ld1 = Load.create(g1);
- ld1.parse("/tmp/tmp.rdf");
- g1.init();
- Transformer t2 = Transformer.create(g1, Transformer.TURTLE);
- t2.write("/tmp/tmp.ttl");
- Graph g2 = Graph.create();
- Load ld2 = Load.create(g2);
- ld2.parse("/tmp/tmp.ttl");
- g2.init();
- // System.out.println(g.compare(g2));
- assertEquals(354, g.size());
- assertEquals(g.size(), g1.size());
- // missing: _:b a rdf:List
- assertEquals(308, g2.size());
- //// System.out.println(g.compare(g1, false, true, true));
- }
- @Test
- public void testTTLabc() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "_:b rdf:value _:b, (_:b (_:b) ((_:b))) "
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Transformer t = Transformer.create(g, Transformer.TURTLE);
- System.out.println(t.transform());
- // assertEquals(197, t.transform().length());
- }
- @Test
- public void testIndex() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "bind (1 as ?x) "
- + "values (?x ?y) {"
- + "(2 2) (1 1)"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testAGG22() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select * (max(?c) as ?mc) where {"
- + "select (count(*) as ?c) (max(?y) as ?m) where {?x ?p ?y}"
- + "}";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?c");
- IDatatype dt2 = map.getValue("?mc");
- assertEquals(0, dt.intValue());
- assertEquals(0, dt2.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testContext2() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "template { st:get(st:test) }"
- + " where {"
- + "select * where {"
- + "bind (us:test() as ?t)"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "st:set(st:test, 10)"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals("10", map.getTemplateStringResult());
- Context c = (Context) map.getContext();
- IDatatype val = c.getName("test");
- assertEquals(10, val.intValue());
- assertEquals(true, map.getQuery().getTransformer() == null);
- }
- @Test
- public void testContext() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select * (st:get(st:test) as ?tt) where {"
- + "select * where {"
- + "bind (us:test() as ?t)"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "st:set(st:test, 10)"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?tt");
- assertEquals(10, dt.intValue());
- Context c = (Context) map.getContext();
- IDatatype val = c.getName("test");
- assertEquals(10, val.intValue());
- }
- // loop return concat of results of body of loop
- public void testGLoop() throws EngineException, IOException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (us:test() as ?t)"
- + "where {}"
- + ""
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "loop ((?s, ?p, ?o) in construct {us:John rdfs:label 'Jon', 'Jim' } where {}){"
- + "?o"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- assertEquals("JonJim", dt.stringValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testIO() throws EngineException, IOException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess.create(g);
- Load ld = Load.create(g);
- try {
- ld.parse(data + "junit/data/test.ttl");
- ld.parse(data + "junit/data/test.ttl", "http://example.org/");
- ld.parse(data + "junit/data/test.rdf");
- ld.parse(data + "junit/data/test.rdf", "http://example.org/");
- ld.parse(data + "junit/data/test.xml", Load.RDFXML_FORMAT);
- } catch (LoadException ex) {
- }
- assertEquals(5, g.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testIO2() throws EngineException, IOException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess.create(g);
- Load ld = Load.create(g);
- try {
- ld.parseDir(data + "junit/data");
- ld.parseDir(data + "junit/data", "http://example.org/");
- } catch (LoadException ex) {
- }
- System.out.println(g.display());
- assertEquals(4, g.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testUnion5() throws EngineException {
- Graph g1 = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec1 = QueryProcess.create(g1);
- String i1 = "insert data {"
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:Jim "
- + "us:Jim foaf:knows us:Jack "
- + "}";
- String q = "select (us:main() as ?m) where {}"
- + "function us:main(){"
- + "let (?list = xt:list(us:test1, us:test2)){"
- + "reduce(xt:union, maplist(rq:funcall, ?list))"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test1(){"
- + "let (?m = select * where { ?x foaf:knows ?y}){"
- + "?m}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test2(){"
- + "let (?m = select * where { ?z foaf:knows ?t}){"
- + "?m}"
- + "}";
- exec1.query(i1);
- Mappings map = exec1.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?m");
- Mappings m = dt.getPointerObject().getMappings();
- assertEquals(4, m.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testUnnestSelectCons() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select * where {"
- + "values (?x ?y ?path) {unnest(us:test())}"
- + "graph ?path { ?a ?p ?b }"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "let (?m = select * where {"
- + "bind (us:graph() as ?g)"
- + "graph ?g {?x foaf:knows+ :: ?path ?y}"
- + "})"
- + "{?m}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:graph(){"
- + "let (?g = construct {"
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:Jack "
- + "us:Jack foaf:knows us:Jim} where {})"
- + "{?g}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(4, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testUnnestGraph() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- // QueryProcess.definePrefix("c", "http://www.inria.fr/acacia/comma#");
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select ?s ?p ?o where {"
- + "bind (us:test() as ?g)"
- + "values (?s ?p ?o) {unnest(?g)}"
- + "graph ?g {?s ?p ?o}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "let (?g = construct { us:John rdfs:label 'John', 'Johnny' } where {})"
- + "{?g}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testUnnestSelect() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- // QueryProcess.definePrefix("c", "http://www.inria.fr/acacia/comma#");
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select * where {"
- + "values (?x ?y) {unnest(us:test())}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "let (?m = select * where { "
- + "values ?x {unnest(xt:iota(2))} "
- + "values ?z {unnest(xt:iota(1))} "
- + "values ?y {unnest(xt:iota(2))}})"
- + "{?m}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(4, map.size());
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?x");
- assertEquals(1, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testUnnestSelect2() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- // QueryProcess.definePrefix("c", "http://www.inria.fr/acacia/comma#");
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select * where {"
- + "values (?y ?x) {unnest(us:test())}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "let (?m = select * where { "
- + "values ?x {unnest(xt:iota(2))} "
- + "values ?z {unnest(xt:iota(1))} "
- + "values ?y {unnest(xt:iota(2))}})"
- + "{?m}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(4, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testFunUpdate() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert { us:John foaf:name ?n } "
- + "where { bind (us:name(us:John) as ?n) }"
- + "function us:name(?n){ 'John' }";
- exec.query(i);
- Edge e = g.getEdges().iterator().next();
- IDatatype dt = e.getNode(1).getValue();
- assertEquals("John", dt.stringValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testNSMUnnest() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data { "
- + "us:John rdfs:label 'John'"
- + "ex:John rdfs:label 'John'"
- + "}";
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select * "
- + "where {"
- + "?x ?p ?y "
- + "filter mapany(us:test, ?x, st:prefix())"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(?uri, ?def){"
- + "let ((?p, ?n) = ?def){"
- + "strstarts(?uri, ?n)"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testQueryUnnest() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Graph g1 = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess.create(g1);
- String i = "insert data { us:John rdfs:label 'John'}";
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select * "
- + "where {"
- + "?x ?p ?y optional {?x ?p ?p }"
- + "values ?t { unnest(xt:query()) }"
- + "values ?e { unnest(?t) }"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(6, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testGraphUnnest() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Graph g1 = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess.create(g1);
- String i = "insert data { us:prop1 rdfs:label 'prop' us:prop rdfs:label 'prop2' }";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "values (?s ?p ?o) { unnest(us:define()) }"
- + "values (?s ?p ?o ?g) { unnest(us:define()) }"
- + "?s ?p ?o "
- + "}"
- + "function us:define(){"
- + "let (?g = construct {us:prop1 rdfs:label 'prop' us:prop rdfs:label 'prop2'} where {})"
- + "{ "
- + "?g }"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testUnnestNSM() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select * where {"
- + "values (?p ?n) {unnest(st:prefix())}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "for ((?p, ?n) in st:prefix()){"
- + "xt:display(?p, ?n)"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- // System.out.println("*****************************************");
- // System.out.println(map);
- assertEquals(2, map.size()); // there is also a global prefix c:
- // IDatatype p = map.getValue("?p");
- // IDatatype n = map.getValue("?n");
- // assertEquals("ex", p.stringValue());
- // assertEquals("htp://example.org/", n.stringValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtNode() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Graph g1 = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess.create(g1);
- String i = "insert data { us:prop rdfs:label 'prop' }";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "bind (us:define() as ?g)"
- + "?p rdfs:label ?l "
- + "graph ?g {"
- + "?p rdfs:label ?ll"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:define(){"
- + "let (?g = construct {us:prop1 rdfs:label 'prop' us:prop rdfs:label 'prop2'} where {})"
- + "{ ?g }"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testUnion4() throws EngineException {
- Graph g1 = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec1 = QueryProcess.create(g1);
- String i1 = "insert data {"
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:Jim "
- + "us:Jim foaf:knows us:Jack "
- + "}";
- String q = "function xt:main(){"
- + "us:test()"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "let ("
- + "?m1 = select * where { ?x foaf:knows ?y},"
- + "?m2 = select * where { ?x foaf:knows ?y}){"
- + "xt:union(?m1, ?m2)"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec1.query(i1);
- Mappings dt = exec1.query(q);
- assertEquals(4, dt.get(0).getValue("?_main_").size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testUnion3() throws EngineException {
- Graph g1 = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec1 = QueryProcess.create(g1);
- String i1 = "insert data {"
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:Jim "
- + "us:Jim foaf:knows us:Jack "
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "?x foaf:knows ?y"
- + "}";
- exec1.query(i1);
- Mappings m1 = exec1.query(q);
- Mappings m2 = exec1.query(q);
- Mappings m = m1.union(m2);
- assertEquals(4, m.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testUnion2() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "function xt:main(){"
- + "us:test()"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "let (?g = us:union(),"
- + "?m = select * where { graph ?g {?x foaf:knows+ ?y}})"
- + "{ ?m }"
- + "}"
- + "function us:union(){"
- + "let ("
- + "?g1 = construct {us:John foaf:knows us:Jim} where {},"
- + "?g2 = construct {us:Jim foaf:knows us:Jack} where {}){"
- + "xt:union(?g1, ?g2)"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings dt = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(3, dt.get(0).getValue("?_main_").size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testUnion() throws EngineException {
- Graph g1 = Graph.create();
- Graph g2 = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec1 = QueryProcess.create(g1);
- QueryProcess exec2 = QueryProcess.create(g2);
- String i1 = "insert data {"
- + "us:John foaf:knows us:Jim "
- + "}";
- String i2 = "insert data {"
- + "us:Jim foaf:knows us:Jack "
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "?x foaf:knows+ ?y"
- + "}";
- exec1.query(i1);
- exec2.query(i2);
- Graph g = g1.union(g2);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(3, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testRelax6() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "us:John foaf:name 'John'@en ; foaf:age 11 "
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- String q = "@relax "
- + "select * (xt:sim() as ?s) where {"
- + "us:John foaf:name 'Jon' ; foaf:age 11 "
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testRelax5() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "us:John foaf:name 'John' "
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- String q = "@relax kg:uri "
- + "select * where {"
- + "us:Jim foaf:name 'John' "
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testRelax4() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "us:John foaf:name 'John' "
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- String q = "@relax * "
- + "select * where {"
- + "?x rdfs:label 'John' "
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testRelax3() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "us:John foaf:name 'John' "
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- String q = "@relax kg:property "
- + "select * where {"
- + "?x rdfs:label 'John' "
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testRelax2() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "us:John rdfs:label 'John' "
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- String q = "@relax kg:literal "
- + "select * where {"
- + "?x rdfs:label 'Jon' "
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testRelax1() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data { "
- + "us:John rdfs:label 'John' "
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- String q = "@relax "
- + "select * where {"
- + "?x rdfs:label 'Jon' "
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testApprox() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "us:John us:name 'John' "
- + "us:Jack us:name 'Jack' "
- + "us:Jim us:name 'Jim' "
- + "}";
- String q = "@relax * "
- + "select * (xt:sim() as ?s) where {"
- + "?x xt:name 'Jon'"
- + "}"
- + "order by desc(?s)";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(3, map.size());
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?x");
- assertEquals(NSManager.USER + "John", dt.stringValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testSubqueryFun() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "insert data { us:John rdfs:label 'John' }"
- + "@public {"
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "let ((?m) = select * where {?x ?p ?y}, (?y)=?m"
- + "){?y}"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * (us:test() as ?r) (us:foo() as ?s) "
- + "where {"
- + "select * where {select * (us:test() as ?t) (us:foo() as ?f) "
- + "where {}}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:foo(){"
- + "let ((?m) = select * where {?a ?q ?b}, (?b)=?m){ us:test() }"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals("John", strValue(map, "?r"));
- assertEquals("John", strValue(map, "?s"));
- assertEquals("John", strValue(map, "?t"));
- assertEquals("John", strValue(map, "?f"));
- }
- String strValue(Mappings m, String v) {
- return (m.get(0).getValue(v)).stringValue();
- }
- @Test
- public void testImport() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select * "
- + "(funcall(ex:median, xt:iota(5)) as ?m)"
- + "(ex:sigma(xt:iota(5)) as ?s)"
- + ""
- + "where {}";
- // exec.setLinkedFunction(true);
- Access.setLinkedFunction(true);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dm = map.getValue("?m");
- IDatatype ds = map.getValue("?s");
- assertEquals(3, dm.intValue());
- assertEquals(1.41421, ds.doubleValue(), 0.01);
- // 1.41421
- }
- @Test
- public void testAnnot() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "@public {"
- + "function us:foo(){"
- + "us:bar()"
- + "}"
- + " function us:bar(){"
- + "10"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- String q = "function xt:main(){"
- + "us:foo()"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings dt = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(10, dt.get(0).getValue("?_main_").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testSPARQLfun() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select "
- + "(rq:isURI(us:test) as ?uri)"
- + "(rq:isBlank(us:test) as ?bn)"
- + "(mapany(rq:strstarts, us:test, xt:list(xt:, st:, us:)) as ?st)"
- + "where {}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?uri");
- IDatatype bn = map.getValue("?bn");
- IDatatype st = map.getValue("?st");
- assertEquals(true, dt.booleanValue());
- assertEquals(false, bn.booleanValue());
- assertEquals(true, st.booleanValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testUnbound() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (us:test() as ?res)"
- + "where {}"
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "let ((?m) = select * where { optional { ?x rdf:value ?y }}, (?x)=?m){"
- + "if (bound(?x), true, false)"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?res");
- assertEquals(false, dt.booleanValue());
- //// System.out.println(map);
- }
- // @Test
- public void testLetService() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore gs = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gs);
- String q = "prefix r: "
- + "select (us:dbpedia(?x, rdfs:label) as ?t)"
- + "where {"
- + "}"
- + "values ?x {r:Auguste}"
- + "function us:dbpedia(?x, ?p) {"
- + " let((?l) ="
- + " service {"
- + " ?x ?p ?l"
- + " })"
- + " {?l}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- for (Mapping m : map) {
- IDatatype dt = m.getValue("?t");
- assertEquals("Auguste", dt.stringValue());
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testFuncall() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "function xt:main(){"
- + "let (?fun = us:test){"
- + "funcall(?fun, 'Hello')}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(?m){"
- + "?m"
- + "}";
- Mappings dt = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals("Hello", dt.get(0).getValue("?_main_").stringValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testMethod() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore gs = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gs);
- String init = "insert data {"
- + "foaf:Man rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Person "
- + "us:John a foaf:Man "
- + "us:Boat a foaf:Thing "
- + "us:bar a xt:Method ;"
- + "xt:name us:title ;"
- + "xt:input (foaf:Person) ;"
- + "xt:output xsd:string ."
- + ""
- + "us:foo a xt:Method ;"
- + "xt:name us:title ;"
- + "xt:input (foaf:Thing) ;"
- + "xt:output xsd:string ."
- + "}";
- String q = "select (funcall(us:method(us:title, ?x), ?x) as ?t) where {"
- + "?x a foaf:Man"
- + "}"
- + "function us:method(?m, ?x){"
- + "let ((?res) = select * where {"
- + "?x rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* ?t . "
- + "?fun a xt:Method ; xt:name ?m ; xt:input(?t)}, (?fun)=?res )"
- + "{ ?fun }"
- + "}"
- + "function us:bar(?x){"
- + "'bar'"
- + "}"
- + "function us:foo(?x){"
- + "'foo'"
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- //// System.out.println(map);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue(("?t"));
- assertEquals("bar", dt.stringValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testMain() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore gs = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gs);
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "[] a us:Test ; us:width 2 ; us:length 3 "
- + "}";
- String q = "function xt:main(){"
- + "us:test()"
- + "}"
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "let (select ?x (us:surface(?x) as ?s) where {?x a ?t} ) {"
- // + "kg:display(?x); kg:display(?s);"
- + "?s"
- + "}}"
- + "function us:surface(?x){"
- + "let (select * where {?x us:length ?l ; us:width ?w }){"
- + "?l * ?w}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- gs.init();
- // Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- // ////System.out.println(map);
- // Mappings m = (Mappings) map.getNodeObject(ASTQuery.MAIN_VAR);
- // IDatatype dt = m.getValue("?s");
- Mappings dt = exec.query(q);
- // System.out.println(dt);
- assertEquals(6, dt.get(0).getValue("?_main_").intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testexistsexport() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore gs = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gs);
- String init = "insert data {"
- + "[] rdf:value 1"
- + "}";
- String qe = "select where {}"
- + "@public {"
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "if (exists {select * where {?x ?p ?y}}){"
- + "let ((?m) = select * where {?x ?p ?y}, (?x, ?y)=?m){"
- + "?y}"
- + "}"
- + "else {us:fun(false)}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:fun(?x){"
- + "?x}"
- + "}";
- String q = "select (us:test() as ?t)"
- + "where {}";
- exec.compile(qe);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- assertEquals(1, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testexists() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore gs = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gs);
- String i = "insert data {"
- + "[] us:width 2 ; us:length 3"
- + "[] us:width 3 ; us:length 4"
- + "}";
- String q = " select * (us:surface(?x) as ?s) where {"
- + "?x us:width ?w "
- + "}"
- + "function us:surface(?x){"
- + "let ((?m) = select * where { ?x us:length ?l ; us:width ?w }, (?l, ?w)=?m){"
- + "?l * ?w"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- String q2 = "select (us:test() as ?s) where {}"
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "let (?sum = 0){"
- + "for (?m in select * where { ?x us:width ?w }){"
- + "let ((?w, ?x) = ?m){ "
- + "set (?sum = ?sum + ?w)"
- + "}}; ?sum"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?s");
- assertEquals(6, dt.intValue());
- map = exec.query(q2);
- dt = map.getValue("?s");
- assertEquals(5, dt.intValue());
- }
- public void testBnode()
- throws EngineException, LoadException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String i = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "[] ex:speed [ rdf:value 100 ; ex:unit 'km/h' ]"
- + "[] ex:speed [ rdf:value 90 ; ex:unit 'km/h' ]"
- + ""
- + ""
- + "}";
- String q = "prefix bn: "
- + "prefix ex: "
- + "select ?x ?z where {"
- + "?x ex:speed ?y "
- + "?z ex:speed ?t "
- + "filter (?x != ?z) "
- + "filter (?y <= ?t) "
- + "}"
- + "function bn:lessEqual(?x, ?y){"
- + "let (?v1 = xt:value(?x, rdf:value), ?v2 = xt:value(?y, rdf:value)){"
- + "?v1 <= ?v2}"
- + "} ";
- exec.query(i);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testSet() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select (us:test() as ?t) where {}"
- + "function us:test(){"
- + "let (?sum = 0){ "
- + "for (?x in xt:iota(100)){"
- + "if (xt:prime(?x)){"
- + "set(?sum = ?sum + 1)"
- + "}};"
- + "?sum"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- //// System.out.println(map);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- assertEquals(25, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testCandidate() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "bind (unnest(xt:iota(3)) as ?n)"
- + "}"
- + "function xt:solution(?q, ?ms){"
- + "map (kg:display, ?ms)"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(3, map.size());
- }
- // @Test
- public void testSolution() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "bind (unnest(xt:iota(100)) as ?n)"
- + "}"
- + "function xt:solution(?q, ?ms){"
- + "for (?m in ?ms){"
- + "if (! us:check(?m)){"
- + "xt:reject(?m)}"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "function us:check(?m){"
- + "rand() <= 0.5"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- //// System.out.println(map.size());
- assertEquals(true, map.size() < 75);
- }
- @Test
- public void testCustomAgg() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = "insert data {"
- + "[] rdf:value 4, 5, 6, 7"
- + "[] rdf:value 1, 2, 3"
- + "}";
- String q = "select (aggregate(?v) as ?list) ( us:mediane(?list) as ?res)"
- + "where {"
- + " ?x rdf:value ?v "
- + "}"
- + ""
- + "function us:mediane(?list){"
- + " let (?l = xt:sort(?list)){"
- + " xt:get(?l, xsd:integer((xt:size(?l) - 1) / 2))"
- + " }"
- + "}"
- + "";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?res");
- assertEquals(4, dt.intValue());
- }
- // @Test
- public void testVD13() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "prefix cal: "
- + "select ?day where {"
- + "bind (unnest(mapmerge(xt:span, mapfindlist(xt:prime, xt:iota(1901, 2000)))) as ?day)"
- + "}"
- + "function xt:span(?y) { "
- + "mapselect (xt:check, \"Friday\", maplist(cal:date, ?y, xt:iota(1, 12), 13)) "
- + "}"
- + "function xt:check(?d, ?x) { (xt:day(?x) = ?d) }";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(23, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testMapList() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- // String q = "select * where {"
- // + "bind (maplist (rq:plus, xt:iota(1, 10), xt:iota(1, 10)) as ?res)"
- // + "}"
- // + "";
- String q1 = "select * where {"
- + "bind (maplist (rq:plus, xt:iota(1, 10), 10) as ?res)"
- + "}"
- + "";
- String q2 = "select * where {"
- + "bind (maplist (rq:plus, 10, xt:iota(1, 10)) as ?res)"
- + "}"
- + "";
- // String q3 = "select * where {"
- // + "bind (maplist (rq:plus, xt:iota(1, 20), xt:iota(1, 10)) as ?res)"
- // + "}"
- // + "";
- Mappings map;
- IDatatype dt;
- // map = exec.query(q);
- // dt = map.getValue("?res");
- // assertEquals(10, dt.size());
- // assertEquals(20, dt.get(dt.size() - 1).intValue());
- map = exec.query(q1);
- dt = map.getValue("?res");
- assertEquals(10, dt.size());
- assertEquals(20, dt.get(dt.size() - 1).intValue());
- map = exec.query(q2);
- dt = map.getValue("?res");
- assertEquals(10, dt.size());
- assertEquals(20, dt.get(dt.size() - 1).intValue());
- // map = exec.query(q3);
- // dt = map.getValue("?res");
- // assertEquals(20, dt.size());
- // assertEquals(30, dt.get(dt.size() - 1).intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtList() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select ?n "
- + "where {"
- + "bind (unnest(xt:iota(1, 100)) as ?n)"
- + "filter xt:prime(?n)"
- + "}";
- String q2 = "select * where {"
- + "bind (mapfindlist (xt:prime, xt:iota(100)) as ?test)"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(25, map.size());
- map = exec.query(q2);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?test");
- assertEquals(25, dt.size());
- }
- // @Test
- public void testAgenda() throws EngineException {
- QueryLoad ql = QueryLoad.create();
- String q = ql.read(data + "/query2/agenda.rq");
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1637, map.getTemplateStringResult().length());
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun10() throws EngineException {
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:John rdf:value 1, 2, 3 "
- + "}";
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select * "
- + "where {"
- + "?x rdf:value ?n "
- + "filter xt:test(?n)"
- + "filter xt:fun()"
- + "}"
- + "function xt:test(?n) { "
- + "if (?n = 1, "
- + "xt:test(?n + 1),"
- + "let (?m = ?n + 1){ exists { ?x rdf:value ?m }}"
- + ") "
- + "}"
- + "function xt:fun() { exists {?n rdf:value ?x} }";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun9() throws EngineException {
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:John rdf:value 1, 2 "
- + "}";
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select *"
- + "where {"
- + "?x rdf:value ?n "
- + "filter exists { ?y rdf:value ?n "
- + "filter (let (?z = 3){ exists { ?t ?p ?z}}) } "
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(0, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun8() throws EngineException {
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:John rdf:value 1, 2 "
- + "}";
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select * "
- + "where {"
- + "?x rdf:value ?n "
- + "filter exists { select { ?y ?p ?n filter ( xt:fun(?n)) } } "
- + "}"
- + "function xt:fun(?n) { "
- + "exists { ?x ?q ?n } "
- + "} ";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- //// System.out.println(map);
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun7() throws EngineException {
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:John rdf:value 1, 2 "
- + "}";
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select (sum(xt:fun(?n + 1)) as ?sum)"
- + "where {"
- + "?x rdf:value ?n "
- + "}"
- + "function xt:fun(?n) { "
- + "if (exists { select ?x where { ?x ?p ?n filter (?n < 10)} }, 1, 0) "
- + "} ";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?sum");
- assertEquals(2, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun6() throws EngineException {
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:John rdf:value 1, 2 "
- + "}";
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select (sum(xt:fun(?n + 1)) as ?sum)"
- + "where {"
- + "?x rdf:value ?n "
- + "}"
- + "function xt:fun(?n) { "
- + "if (exists { select ?n where { ?x ?p ?n filter (?n < 10)} }, 1, 0) "
- + "} ";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?sum");
- assertEquals(1, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun3() throws EngineException {
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:John rdf:value 1, 2 "
- + "}";
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select * "
- + "where {"
- + "?x rdf:value ?n "
- + "filter exists { ?y ?p ?n filter (! xt:fun(?n)) } "
- + "}"
- + " function xt:fun(?n) { "
- + "exists { ?n ?q ?x } "
- + "} ";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- //// System.out.println(map);
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun2() throws EngineException {
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:John rdf:value 1, 2 "
- + "}";
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select * "
- + "where {"
- + "?x rdf:value ?n "
- + "filter exists { ?y ?p ?n filter xt:fun(?n) } "
- + "}"
- + "function xt:fun(?n) { "
- + "exists { ?z ?q ?n } "
- + "} ";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- //// System.out.println(map);
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun1() throws EngineException {
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:John rdf:value 1, 2 "
- + "}";
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select * "
- + "where {"
- + "?x rdf:value ?n "
- + "filter xt:fun(?n) "
- + "}"
- + "function xt:fun(?n) { "
- + "exists { ?y ?p ?n } "
- + "} ";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun5() throws EngineException {
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:John rdf:value 1, 2 "
- + "}";
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select (sum(xt:fun(?n + 1)) as ?sum)"
- + "where {"
- + "?x rdf:value ?n "
- + "}"
- + "function xt:fun(?n) { if (exists { ?x ?p ?n }, 1, 0) } ";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?sum");
- assertEquals(1, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun4() throws EngineException {
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:John rdf:value 1, 2 "
- + "}";
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select (sum(xt:fun(?n)) as ?sum)"
- + "where {"
- + "?x rdf:value ?n "
- + "}"
- + "function xt:fun(?n) { if (exists { ?x ?p ?n }, 1, 0) } ";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?sum");
- assertEquals(2, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtAgg() throws EngineException {
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:John rdf:value 1, 2 "
- + "}";
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select (sum(xt:fun(?n)) as ?sum)"
- + "where {"
- + "?x rdf:value ?n "
- + "}"
- + "function xt:fun(?x) { ?x + ?x } ";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?sum");
- assertEquals(6, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- /**
- * Test the occurrence of a recursive graph pattern that appears at least ?t
- * times
- */
- public void testExistFunRec() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:a a ex:Case "
- + "ex:a ex:p ex:b "
- + "ex:b ex:q ex:c "
- + "ex:c ex:r ex:a "
- + ""
- + "ex:c a ex:Case "
- + "ex:c ex:p ex:d "
- + "ex:d ex:q ex:e "
- + "ex:e ex:r ex:c "
- + "ex:e a ex:Case "
- + "ex:e ex:p ex:f "
- + "ex:f ex:q ex:g "
- + "ex:g ex:r ex:e "
- + "}";
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "select *"
- + "where {"
- + "?x a ex:Case "
- + "filter xt:test(?x, 2, 0)"
- + "}"
- + "function xt:test(?x, ?n, ?m) {"
- + "if (?m >= ?n, true,"
- + "exists { ?x ex:p ?y . ?y ex:q ?z . ?z ex:r ?x "
- + "filter xt:test(?z, ?n, ?m + 1) }"
- + ") }";
- exec.query(init);
- exec.query(q);
- // assertEquals(2, map.size());
- }
- public void testGeneralize()
- throws EngineException, LoadException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException {
- Graph g = Graph.create(true);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data { "
- + "ex:John a ex:OldMan ;"
- + "ex:author [ a ex:Document ]"
- + "ex:Jack a ex:Person ;"
- + "ex:author [ a ex:Document ]"
- + "ex:Man rdfs:subClassOf ex:Human "
- + "ex:YoungMan rdfs:subClassOf ex:Man "
- + "ex:OldMan rdfs:subClassOf ex:Man "
- + "ex:Report rdfs:subClassOf ex:Document "
- + "}";
- // target type more general than query
- // target type brother of query
- String qq = "prefix ex: "
- + "select * (kg:similarity() as ?sim) "
- + "where {"
- + "?x a ex:YoungMan, ?tt ;"
- + "ex:author [ a ex:Report ] "
- + ""
- + "}"
- + "function xt:candidate(?q, ?t, ?b) { "
- + "let ((?qs, ?qp, ?qo) = ?q, "
- + " (?ts, ?tp, ?to) = ?t) {"
- + "if (?qp = rdf:type && isURI(?qo), "
- + "?b || exists { ?qo rdfs:subClassOf/(rdfs:subClassOf*|^rdfs:subClassOf) ?to } ,"
- + "?b)"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(qq);
- //// System.out.println(map);
- //// System.out.println(map.size());
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testNoGlobal() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = "insert data { "
- + " rdf:value 1, 2 ."
- + ""
- + "}";
- String qq = "select *"
- + "where {"
- + "bind (xt:test(?x) as ?z)"
- + "?x ?p ?y "
- + "}"
- + "function xt:test(?x) { ?y } ";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(qq);
- Node n = map.getNode("?z");
- assertEquals(null, n);
- }
- @Test
- public void testFunExist() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = "insert data { rdf:value 1, 2, 3 .}";
- String q = "select "
- + "(xt:test(?n) as ?r) "
- + "(xt:test(4) as ?b)"
- + "where {"
- + "?x rdf:value ?n "
- + "filter (xt:test(?n))}"
- + "function xt:test(?y) { exists {?z rdf:value ?y} }";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(3, map.size());
- for (Mapping m : map) {
- IDatatype dt = m.getValue("?r");
- assertEquals(true, dt.booleanValue());
- IDatatype dtf = m.getValue("?b");
- assertEquals(false, dtf.booleanValue());
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testSPQR() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- // QueryLoad ql = QueryLoad.create();
- // String q = ql.read(data + "query/spqr.rq");
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- // exec.query(q);
- String query = "prefix cal: \n"
- + "select \n"
- + "(99 as ?n)\n"
- + "(cal:romain(?n) as ?r)\n"
- + "(cal:digit(?r) as ?d)"
- + "where {}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- IDatatype dtr = map.getValue("?r");
- IDatatype dtn = map.getValue("?d");
- assertEquals("XCIX", dtr.stringValue());
- assertEquals(99, dtn.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testFunfdghf() throws EngineException {
- String q = "select \n"
- + "(xt:f(1) as ?x)\n"
- + "(xt:f(1, 2) as ?y)\n"
- + "\n"
- + "where {}"
- + "function xt:f(?x) { ?x }"
- + "function xt:f(?x, ?y) { ?x + ?y }"
- + "function xt:f(?x, ?y, ?z) { ?x + ?y + ?z }";
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt1 = map.getValue("?x");
- IDatatype dt2 = map.getValue("?y");
- assertEquals(1, dt1.intValue());
- assertEquals(3, dt2.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testFuture() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = "insert data { rdf:value 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 .}";
- String q = "template {"
- + "st:number() ' : ' ?y}"
- + "where {"
- + "?x rdf:value ?y "
- + "} order by desc(?y)";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- String str = map.getTemplateStringResult();
- assertEquals(true, str.contains("8 : 1"));
- }
- public void testCal2() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryLoad ql = QueryLoad.create();
- String q = ql.read(data + "query/cal.rq");
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?fr");
- assertEquals("Vendredi", dt.stringValue());
- //// System.out.println(Interpreter.getExtension());
- String qq = "prefix cal: "
- + "select *"
- + "where {"
- + "?x ?p ?y "
- + "filter (cal:jour(?y) = 'Mardi' )"
- + "}";
- String init = "insert data { "
- + " rdf:value '2015-06-16'^^xsd:date ."
- + " rdf:value '2015-06-17'^^xsd:date ."
- + " rdf:value '2015-06-23'^^xsd:date ."
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings m = exec.query(qq);
- assertEquals(2, m.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testBBB() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = "insert data { "
- + " rdf:value 5 ."
- + " rdf:value 30}";
- String q = "select * "
- + "where {"
- + "?x rdf:value ?y "
- + "filter (xt:foo(?x, 10) || xt:foo(?x, 5))"
- + "} "
- + "function xt:foo(?x, ?n) { exists {?x rdf:value ?n} }";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testreduce() throws EngineException {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(Graph.create());
- String q = "select "
- + "(reduce(rq:concat, xt:iota('a', 'c')) as ?con)"
- + "(reduce(rq:plus, xt:iota(5)) as ?sum)"
- + "(reduce(rq:mult, xt:iota(5)) as ?mul)"
- + "where {}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt1 = map.getValue("?con");
- IDatatype dt2 = map.getValue("?sum");
- IDatatype dt3 = map.getValue("?mul");
- assertEquals("abc", dt1.stringValue());
- assertEquals(15, dt2.intValue());
- assertEquals(120, dt3.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testEEE2() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "select "
- + "(reduce (rq:plus, maplist (xt:fun, xt:iota(0, 12))) as ?res)"
- + "where {}"
- + "function xt:fac(?n) { if (?n = 0, 1, ?n * xt:fac(?n - 1)) }"
- + "function xt:fun(?x) { 1.0 / xt:fac(?x) }";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?res");
- assertEquals(2.71828, dt.doubleValue(), 0.0001);
- }
- @Test
- public void testEEE() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = "insert data { rdf:value 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 .}";
- String q = "select * "
- + "(1 + sum(xt:foo(xsd:long(?n))) as ?res)"
- + "where {"
- + "?x rdf:value ?n"
- + "}"
- + "function xt:fac(?n) { if (?n = 0, 1, ?n * xt:fac(?n - 1)) }"
- + "function xt:foo(?n) { 1 / xt:fac(?n) }";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?res");
- assertEquals(2.71828, dt.doubleValue(), 0.0001);
- }
- @Test
- public void testExtFun() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String query = "select "
- + "( st:test(st:fac(?x)) as ?r)"
- + "where {"
- + "bind (5 as ?x)"
- + "}"
- + "function st:fac(?x) { if (?x = 1, 1, ?x * st:fac(?x - 1)) }"
- + "function st:test(?x) { let(?y = ?x * ?x){ ?y} }";
- String query2 = "select "
- + "(st:test(st:fac(?x)) as ?r)"
- + "where {"
- + "bind (5 as ?x)}"
- + "function st:fac(?x) { if (?x = 1, 1, ?x * st:fac(?x - 1)) } "
- + "function st:test(?x) { let(?y = ?x * ?x){ ?y} } ";
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?r");
- assertEquals(14400, dt.intValue());
- map = exec.query(query2);
- dt = map.getValue("?r");
- assertEquals(14400, dt.intValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void myastpp() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String init = "insert data {"
- + " foaf:knows , "
- + "graph st:test "
- + "{"
- + " rdfs:label 'John' "
- + ""
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec2 = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init2 = "insert data {"
- + " foaf:knows , "
- + " foaf:knows "
- + " rdfs:label 'toto'"
- + "}";
- exec2.query(init2);
- graph.setNamedGraph(NSManager.STL + "sys", g);
- String q = "select * "
- + "where {"
- + "?x foaf:knows ?y "
- + "graph st:sys {"
- + "?y foaf:knows ?z, ?t "
- + "filter exists { ?u rdfs:label 'toto' }"
- + "filter not exists { ?u rdfs:label 'tata' }"
- + "}"
- + "graph st:test { "
- + "?x rdfs:label ?n "
- + "filter exists { ?a rdfs:label 'John' }"
- + "filter not exists { ?u rdfs:label 'tata' }"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- ;
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(5, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void myastpp2() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String init = "insert data {"
- + " foaf:knows , "
- + "graph st:test "
- + "{"
- + " rdfs:label 'John' "
- + ""
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec2 = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init2 = "insert data {"
- + " foaf:knows , "
- + " foaf:knows "
- + " rdfs:label 'toto'"
- + "}";
- exec2.query(init2);
- graph.setNamedGraph(NSManager.STL + "sys", g);
- String q = "template {"
- + "str(?res)"
- + "}"
- + "where {"
- + "graph st:sys {"
- + "bind (st:atw(st:turtle) as ?res)"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- //// System.out.println(map.getTemplateStringResult());
- assertEquals(258, map.getTemplateStringResult().length());
- }
- public void myastpp3() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- GraphStore graph = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String init = "insert data {"
- + " foaf:knows , "
- + "graph st:test "
- + "{"
- + " rdfs:label 'John' "
- + ""
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- Graph g = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec2 = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init2 = "insert data {"
- + " foaf:knows , "
- + " foaf:knows "
- + " rdfs:label 'toto'"
- + "}";
- exec2.query(init2);
- graph.setNamedGraph(NSManager.STL + "sys", g);
- String q = "template {"
- + "str(?res)"
- + "}"
- + "where {"
- + "graph st:sys {"
- + "bind (st:atw('" + data + "template/test') as ?res)"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- ////// System.out.println(map);
- assertEquals(map.getTemplateStringResult().length(), 0);
- }
- Graph createGraph() {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- Parameters p = Parameters.create();
- p.add(Parameters.type.MAX_LIT_LEN, 2);
- g.setStorage(IStorage.STORAGE_FILE, p);
- return g;
- }
- @Test
- public void testOWLRL() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- GraphStore gs = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess.create(gs);
- Load ld = Load.create(gs);
- ld.parse(data + "template/owl/data/primer.owl");
- Transformer t = Transformer.create(gs, Transformer.OWLRL);
- IDatatype dt = t.process();
- assertEquals(DatatypeMap.FALSE, dt);
- }
- // @Test
- // public void testTCgg () throws EngineException{
- // GraphStore gs = GraphStore.create();
- // QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gs);
- // Load ld = Load.create(gs);
- // ld.load(data + "template/owl/data/success.ttl");
- // Transformer t = Transformer.create(gs, Transformer.OWLRL);
- // IDatatype dt = t.process();
- //
- // assertEquals(DatatypeMap.TRUE, dt);
- // }
- @Test
- public void testgraph() throws EngineException {
- Graph gs = createGraph();
- Node g = gs.addGraph(FOAF + "gg");
- Node s = gs.addResource(FOAF + "John");
- Node p = gs.addProperty(FOAF + "name");
- Node o = gs.addLiteral("John");
- Node b = gs.addBlank();
- Node q = gs.addProperty(FOAF + "knows");
- Node l = gs.addLiteral("Jack");
- Node gg = gs.createNode(DatatypeMap.newResource(FOAF, "gg"));
- Node ss = gs.createNode(DatatypeMap.newResource(FOAF, "Jim"));
- Node pp = gs.createNode(DatatypeMap.newResource(FOAF, "age"));
- Node oo = gs.createNode(DatatypeMap.newInstance(10));
- IDatatype g2 = DatatypeMap.newResource(FOAF, "gg");
- IDatatype s2 = DatatypeMap.newResource(FOAF, "James");
- IDatatype p2 = DatatypeMap.newResource(FOAF, "age");
- IDatatype o2 = DatatypeMap.newInstance(10);
- gs.addEdge(g, s, p, o);
- gs.addEdge(g, s, q, b);
- gs.addEdge(g, b, p, l);
- gs.add(gg, ss, pp, oo);
- gs.insert(g2, s2, p2, o2);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gs);
- String str = "select * where { ?x ?p ?y . ?y ?q ?z }";
- Mappings m1 = exec.query(str);
- assertEquals(1, m1.size());
- String q2 = FOAF_PREF
- + "select * where {"
- + "?x foaf:age ?y"
- + "}";
- Mappings m2 = exec.query(q2);
- assertEquals(2, m2.size());
- String q3 = FOAF_PREF
- + "select * where {"
- + "?x foaf:pp* ?y"
- + "}";
- Mappings m3 = exec.query(q3);
- //// System.out.println(m3);
- assertEquals(7, m3.size());
- }
- // @Test
- public void testeng() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- GraphStore gs = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gs);
- Load ld = Load.create(gs);
- ld.parse(data + "template/owl/data/primer.owl");
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "graph eng:describe {"
- + "[] kg:index 0 ; kg:item [ rdf:predicate ?p ; rdf:value ?v ] "
- + "}"
- + "filter exists { ?x ?p ?y }"
- + "}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(56, map.size());
- // query the SPIN graph of previous query
- q = "select * where {"
- + "graph eng:query {"
- + "[] sp:predicate ?p "
- + "values ?p { rdf:predicate rdf:value} "
- + "}"
- + "}";
- map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- }
- public void testTr() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore gs = GraphStore.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gs);
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "ex:C4 owl:unionOf (ex:C5 ex:C6) "
- + "ex:C0 owl:unionOf (ex:C2 ex:C3) "
- + "ex:C1 owl:unionOf (ex:C2 ex:C3) "
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- String q = "select *"
- + " where { "
- + " ?x owl:unionOf (?c1 ?c2) ;"
- + " owl:unionOf ?l"
- + " }"
- + "group by (st:apply-templates-with(st:hash2, ?l) as ?exp)";
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testExists() throws EngineException {
- Graph g1 = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g1);
- Graph g2 = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec2 = QueryProcess.create(g2);
- String init1 = "insert data { "
- + " rdfs:label 'John' "
- + " rdfs:label 'James'"
- + "}";
- String init2 = "insert data { "
- + " rdfs:label 'Jim' "
- + "}";
- String q = "select "
- + "(group_concat (exists {"
- + "select (group_concat(exists {"
- + "select (group_concat(exists {?x rdfs:label ?ll}) as ?temp) "
- + "where { ?x rdfs:label ?l } } ) as ?temp) "
- + "where {?x rdfs:label ?l}"
- + "} ) as ?res) "
- + "where {"
- + "?x rdfs:label ?l "
- + "}";
- exec.query(init1);
- exec2.query(init2);
- exec.add(g2);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?res");
- //// System.out.println(map);
- assertEquals("true true true", dt.stringValue());
- }
- @Test
- public void testQQS() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = "insert data { "
- + " rdfs:label 'John' "
- + " rdfs:label 'James'"
- + "}";
- String q = "select * where {"
- + "graph ?g {"
- + "{"
- + "?x rdfs:label 'John' "
- + "filter exists { select * where {filter(?l = 'John') ?y rdfs:label ?l}} "
- + "}"
- + "union {filter(?l = 'John') ?x rdfs:label ?l}"
- + "}"
- + ""
- + ""
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals(2, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testGTT() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- Load ld = Load.create(g);
- ld.parse(RDF.RDF, Load.TURTLE_FORMAT);
- ld.parse(RDFS.RDFS, Load.TURTLE_FORMAT);
- Transformer t = Transformer.createWE(g, Transformer.TURTLE, RDF.RDF);
- String str = t.transform();
- // System.out.println("result:\n" + str);
- assertEquals(6202, str.length());
- t = Transformer.createWE(g, Transformer.TURTLE, RDFS.RDFS);
- str = t.transform();
- // System.out.println(str);
- assertEquals(3872, str.length());
- t = Transformer.create(g, Transformer.TURTLE);
- str = t.transform();
- //// System.out.println(str);
- assertEquals(9859, str.length());
- }
- @Test
- public void testGT() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- Load ld = Load.create(g);
- ld.parse(RDF.RDF, Load.TURTLE_FORMAT);
- ld.parse(RDFS.RDFS, Load.TURTLE_FORMAT);
- String t1 = "template { st:apply-templates-with-graph(st:turtle, rdf:)} where {}";
- String t2 = "template { st:apply-templates-with-graph(st:turtle, rdfs:)} where {}";
- String t3 = "template { st:apply-templates-with(st:turtle)} where {}";
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(t1);
- String str = map.getTemplateStringResult();
- //// System.out.println(str);
- assertEquals(6202, str.length());
- map = exec.query(t2);
- str = map.getTemplateStringResult();
- // System.out.println(str);
- assertEquals(3872, str.length());
- map = exec.query(t3);
- str = map.getTemplateStringResult();
- //// System.out.println(str);
- assertEquals(9859, str.length());
- }
- @Test
- public void testGCC() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = "insert data {"
- + " rdf:value 'test'@fr, 'titi'@fr . "
- + " rdf:value 'test'@fr,'titi'@en . "
- + " rdf:value 'test'@fr, 'titi' . "
- + "}";
- String q = "select ?x (group_concat(?v) as ?g) (datatype(?g) as ?dt)where {"
- + "?x rdf:value ?v"
- + "}"
- + "group by ?x "
- + "order by ?x";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- //// System.out.println(map);
- IDatatype dt0 = map.get(0).getValue("?g");
- assertEquals(true, dt0.getDatatypeURI().equals(NSManager.XSD + "string"));
- IDatatype dt1 = map.get(1).getValue("?g");
- assertEquals(true, dt1.getDatatypeURI().equals(NSManager.XSD + "string"));
- IDatatype dt2 = map.get(2).getValue("?g");
- assertEquals(true, dt2.getLang() != null && dt2.getLang().equals("fr"));
- }
- @Test
- public void testTrig() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create(true);
- Load ld = Load.create(g);
- ld.parse(RDF.RDF, Load.TURTLE_FORMAT);
- ld.parse(RDFS.RDFS, Load.TURTLE_FORMAT);
- Transformer pp = Transformer.create(g, Transformer.TRIG);
- String str = pp.transform();
- assertEquals(15015, str.length());
- }
- @Test
- public void testPPOWL() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create();
- Load ld = Load.create(g);
- //// System.out.println("Load");
- ld.parse(data + "template/owl/data/primer.owl");
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String t1 = "prefix f: "
- + "template { st:apply-templates-with(st:owl)}"
- + "where {}";
- String t2 = "prefix f: "
- + "template { st:apply-templates-with(st:turtle)}"
- + "where {}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(t1);
- assertEquals(7764, map.getTemplateResult().getLabel().length());
- map = exec.query(t2);
- assertEquals(9438, map.getTemplateResult().getLabel().length());
- }
- @Test
- public void testPPSPIN() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- Load ld = Load.create(g);
- //// System.out.println("Load");
- ld.parseDir(data + "template/spinhtml/data/");
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String t1 = "prefix f: "
- + "template { st:apply-templates-with(st:spin)}"
- + "where {}";
- Mappings map = exec.query(t1);
- int size = map.getTemplateResult().getLabel().length();
- assertTrue("Result not big enough: size = " + size, 3000 <= size);
- }
- @Test
- public void testMove1() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = "insert data {"
- + "graph {"
- + " rdfs:label 'John' ."
- + " rdfs:seeAlso . "
- + "}"
- + "graph rdf: {"
- + " rdfs:label 'John', 'Jim' ."
- + " rdfs:seeAlso , . "
- + "}"
- + "graph {"
- + " rdfs:label 'John' ."
- + " rdfs:seeAlso . "
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- String u1 = "move rdf: to default";
- exec.query(u1);
- String q1 = "select * from kg:default where {?x ?p ?y}";
- String q2 = "select * from rdf: where {?x ?p ?y}";
- Mappings m1 = exec.query(q1);
- Mappings m2 = exec.query(q2);
- assertEquals(4, m1.size());
- assertEquals(0, m2.size());
- String u2 = "move to ";
- exec.query(u2);
- String q3 = "select * from where {?x ?p ?y}";
- String q4 = "select * from where {?x ?p ?y}";
- Mappings m3 = exec.query(q3);
- Mappings m4 = exec.query(q4);
- assertEquals(2, m3.size());
- assertEquals(0, m4.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testJoinDistinct() {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + " rdfs:label 'John', 'Jack' "
- + "}";
- String query = "select distinct ?x where {"
- + "?x rdfs:label ?n "
- + "{?x rdfs:label ?a} "
- + "{?x rdfs:label ?b} "
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- try {
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- //// System.out.println(map);
- assertEquals("Result", 1, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testBase() {
- NSManager nsm = NSManager.create();
- nsm.setBase("http://example.org/test.html");
- nsm.setBase("foo/");
- nsm.definePrefix(":", "bar#");
- String str = nsm.toNamespaceB(":Joe");
- assertEquals("http://example.org/foo/bar#Joe", str);
- }
- @Test
- public void testLoadJSONLD() throws LoadException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Load ld = Load.create(g);
- ld.parse(data + "jsonld/test.jsonld");
- String init = "select "
- + "(count(*) as ?c) "
- + " where {"
- + "?x ?p ?y"
- + "}";
- try {
- Mappings map = exec.query(init);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?c");
- assertEquals("Result", 18, dt.intValue());
- //// System.out.println(g.display());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testJSONLD() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create(true);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = FOAF_PREF
- + "insert data {"
- + "foaf:knows rdfs:domain foaf:Person ; rdfs:range foaf:Person ."
- + " foaf:knows "
- + " foaf:knows "
- + " foaf:knows "
- + " a foaf:Person"
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- JSONLDFormat jf = JSONLDFormat.create(g);
- String str = jf.toString();
- assertEquals(true, str.length() > 0);
- }
- @Test
- public void testNT() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create(true);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = FOAF_PREF
- + "insert data {"
- // Cas standard :
- + " foaf:knows ."
- + "foaf:knows rdfs:domain foaf:Person ; rdfs:range foaf:Person ."
- + " foaf:knows "
- + " foaf:knows "
- + " foaf:knows "
- + " a foaf:Person"
- + " foaf:name 'John' "
- + " foaf:name 'Jim' "
- + " foaf:name 'James' "
- + " foaf:name 'Jack' "
- + " foaf:age 20 "
- + " foaf:age 25 "
- + " foaf:age 30 "
- // Test avec des caractères non-ASCII dans l'URI (devrait être valide, mais est
- // une source courante d'erreurs) :
- + " foaf:knows ."
- // Test avec un littéral contenant des caractères spéciaux et des échappements :
- + " foaf:quote \"John's favorite quote is \\\"Hello World!\\\"\" ."
- // Test avec un littéral multiligne (devrait être valide, mais peut causer des
- // problèmes) :
- + " foaf:note \"\"\"This is\na multi-line\nnote.\"\"\" ."
- // Test avec un littéral avec une langue :
- + " foaf:greeting \"Hello\"@en ."
- // Test avec un littéral avec un type de données :
- + " foaf:age \"30\"^^ ."
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- NTriplesFormat nTriplesFromat = NTriplesFormat.create(g);
- String str = nTriplesFromat.toString();
- System.out.println("–––––");
- System.out.println(str);
- System.out.println("–––––");
- assertEquals(true, str.length() > 0);
- }
- @Test
- public void testDescr() {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q = "prefix ex: "
- + "prefix foaf: "
- + "describe ?z where {"
- + "?x ?p ?y filter exists { ?x ?p ?z}"
- + "}";
- try {
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- ASTQuery ast = exec.getAST(map);
- assertEquals(0, ast.getConstruct().size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- // @Test
- public void testRDFa() throws LoadException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Load ld = Load.create(g);
- ld.parseDir(data + "rdfa");
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "prefix foaf: "
- + "select "
- + "(count(*) as ?c) "
- + " where {"
- + "?x ?p ?y"
- + "}";
- try {
- Mappings map = exec.query(init);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?c");
- assertEquals("Result", 11, dt.intValue());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testClear() throws LoadException, EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create(true);
- Load ld = Load.create(g);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q1 = "select * where {graph ?g {?x a ?t}}";
- String qrem = "clear all";
- ld.parse(data + "math/data/fun.ttl");
- Mappings map = exec.query(q1);
- int res = map.size();
- exec.query(qrem);
- ld.parse(data + "math/data/fun.ttl");
- map = exec.query(q1);
- assertEquals(res, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testDT() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore gs = GraphStore.create();
- // GraphStoreInit.create(gs).init();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gs);
- String init = "insert data { "
- + "[ rdf:value '2013-11-11'^^xsd:gYear "
- + ", '2013-11-11'^^xsd:gMonth "
- + ", '2013-11-11'^^xsd:gDay "
- + ", 'ar'^^xsd:int "
- + ", 'toto'^^xsd:double "
- + ""
- + "]}";
- String q = "select (datatype(?y) as ?res) where {?x ?p ?y}";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- //// System.out.println(map);
- assertEquals(5, map.size());
- assertEquals(false, gs.getProxy().typeCheck());
- }
- // @Test
- public void testSystem() throws EngineException {
- GraphStore gs = GraphStore.create();
- // GraphStoreInit.create(gs).init();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gs);
- String init = "insert data { graph kg:system { "
- + "kg:kgram kg:listen true "
- + "kg:store sp:query true "
- + "}}";
- String q = "select * where {?x ?p ?y}";
- String query = "select ?res where {"
- + "graph kg:query {"
- + "select (st:apply-templates-with(st:spin, ?q) as ?res) where {"
- + "?q a sp:Select"
- + "}"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- exec.query(q);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?res");
- assertEquals(true, dt.getLabel().contains("?x ?p ?y"));
- }
- // @Test
- public void testLoc2() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- String init = FOAF_PREF
- + "insert data { "
- + "[ foaf:knows ] . "
- + " foaf:knows "
- + " rdfs:label 'Jim' "
- + " "
- + "}";
- GraphStore gs = GraphStore.create();
- // GraphStoreInit.create(gs).init();
- gs.getNamedGraph(Graph.SYSTEM);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(gs);
- String q = FOAF_PREF
- + "select *"
- + "where {"
- + "graph kg:system { "
- + "?a kg:version+ ?b "
- + "filter ("
- + "?a != ?a || "
- + "if (! (exists { ?a kg:date+ ?d } = false), true, false)"
- + ")"
- + "filter not exists { ?x foaf:knows ?y }"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- assertEquals("result", 1, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testLoc() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- String init = FOAF_PREF
- + "insert data { "
- + "graph kg:system { "
- + " kg:kgram kg:version '3.0.22' ;"
- + " kg:date '2013-11-27'^^xsd:date ;"
- + " kg:skolem true "
- + "}} ;"
- + "insert data { "
- + "[ foaf:knows ]"
- + " "
- + "}";
- GraphStore g = GraphStore.create();
- g.createNamedGraph(Graph.SYSTEM);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String q1 = "select *"
- + "where {"
- + "graph ?g { ?x ?p ?y }"
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(q1);
- assertEquals("result", 1, map.size());
- String q2 = "select *"
- + "where {"
- + "graph kg:system { ?x ?p ?y }"
- + "}";
- exec.query(init);
- map = exec.query(q2);
- assertEquals("result", 3, map.size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testTurtle() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = "prefix foaf: "
- + "insert data { "
- + " foaf:name 'John' ; "
- + "foaf:knows [ foaf:name 'Jim' ]"
- + "}";
- String temp = "template {st:apply-templates-with(st:turtle)} where {}";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(temp);
- Node node = map.getTemplateResult();
- assertEquals("result", node == null, false);
- if (node != null) {
- assertEquals("result", node.getLabel().contains("John"), true);
- assertEquals("result", node.getLabel().contains("Property"), false);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testTurtle2() throws EngineException {
- Graph g = Graph.create(true);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = "prefix foaf: "
- + "insert data { "
- + " foaf:name 'John' ; "
- + "foaf:knows [ foaf:name 'Jim' ]"
- + "}";
- String temp = "template {st:call-template-with(st:turtle, st:all)} where {}";
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(temp);
- Node node = map.getTemplateResult();
- assertEquals("result", node == null, false);
- if (node != null) {
- assertEquals("result", node.getLabel().contains("John"), true);
- assertEquals("result", node.getLabel().contains("Property"), true);
- }
- }
- // @Test
- public void testQV() {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- Load.create(g);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = "prefix foaf: "
- + "insert data {"
- + " foaf:knows ( )"
- + "}";
- String query = "prefix foaf: "
- + "select * where {"
- + "?x foaf:knows ( ?x) "
- + "}"
- + "pragma {"
- + "kg:list kg:expand true"
- + "}"
- + "";
- try {
- exec.query(init);
- // exec.setVisitor(ExpandList.create());
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- assertEquals(1, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException ex) {
- assertEquals(ex, true);
- }
- }
- // @Test
- // public void testQM() {
- // Graph g = createGraph();
- // QueryManager man = QueryManager.create(g);
- // QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- // String init = "prefix foaf: "
- // + "insert data {"
- // + " foaf:name 'John' ; foaf:age 18 ."
- // + " foaf:name 'Jim' ; foaf:knows ."
- // + "}";
- //
- // String query = "prefix sp: "
- // + "prefix foaf: "
- // + "select * where {"
- // + "?x foaf:name ?n "
- // + "?x foaf:knows ?p "
- // + "minus { ?x foaf:age ?a } "
- // + " foaf:fake ?f "
- // + "?f a foaf:Person "
- // + "?f sp:elements ?e "
- // + "?f sp:test ?t "
- // + "filter(?b >= 20)"
- // + "}";
- // try {
- // exec.query(init);
- // Mappings map = man.query(query);
- // assertEquals("result", 1, map.size());
- // ////System.out.println(map.getQuery().getAST());
- // ////System.out.println(map);
- // ////System.out.println("size: " + map.size());
- //
- //
- // } catch (EngineException ex) {
- // assertEquals("result", true, ex);
- // }
- //
- // }
- @Test
- public void testPPSPINwdfgdwfgd() throws EngineException, LoadException {
- File f = new File(data + "template/spinhtml/data/");
- for (File ff : f.listFiles()) {
- System.out.println(ff);
- testSPPP(ff.getAbsolutePath());
- }
- }
- public void testSPPP(String path) throws EngineException, LoadException {
- String t1 = "prefix f: "
- + "template { st:apply-templates-with(st:spin)}"
- + "where {}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- Load ld = Load.create(g);
- //// System.out.println("Load");
- ld.parseDir(path);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(t1);
- //// System.out.println(map.getTemplateStringResult());
- try {
- exec.compile(map.getTemplateStringResult());
- assertEquals(true, true);
- } catch (UndefinedExpressionException e) {
- System.out.println("trap1: " + e.getMessage());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- System.out.println("trap2: " + e.getMessage());
- assertEquals(true, false);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testSPIN() {
- Graph g = Graph.create(true);
- String init = "prefix foaf: "
- + "insert data {"
- + " a foaf:Person ; foaf:knows "
- + " a foaf:Person "
- + "}";
- String query = "prefix foaf: "
- + "select ?x (count(?y) as ?c) where {"
- + " { ?x a foaf:Test } union { ?x a foaf:Person ; foaf:pp* :: $path ?z }"
- + "optional { ?x foaf:knows ?y } "
- + "minus { ?x a foaf:Test } "
- + "filter(bound(?x) && ?x != 12)"
- + "}"
- + "group by ?x "
- + "having (?c >= 0)";
- try {
- SPINProcess sp = SPINProcess.create();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- exec.query(init);
- String str = sp.toSpinSparql(query);
- Mappings map = exec.query(str);
- //// System.out.println(map);
- //// System.out.println(map.getQuery().getAST());
- assertEquals("result", 2, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException ex) {
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testDistType() {
- Graph g1 = Graph.create(true);
- Graph g2 = createGraph();
- QueryProcess e1 = QueryProcess.create(g1);
- e1.add(g2);
- QueryProcess e2 = QueryProcess.create(g2);
- String init = "prefix foaf: "
- + "insert data {"
- + " a foaf:Person "
- + "}";
- String query = "prefix foaf: "
- + "select * where {"
- + " ?x a foaf:Person "
- + "}";
- try {
- e2.query(init);
- Mappings map = e1.query(query);
- //// System.out.println(map);
- assertEquals("result", 1, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException ex) {
- }
- }
- // @Test
- public void testPPLib() {
- assertEquals("result", true, test("owl.rul") != null);
- assertEquals("result", true, test("spin.rul") != null);
- assertEquals("result", true, test("sql.rul") != null);
- assertEquals("result", true, test("turtle.rul") != null);
- }
- InputStream test(String pp) {
- String lib = Loader.PPLIB;
- InputStream stream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(lib + pp);
- if (stream != null) {
- try {
- stream.close();
- } catch (IOException ex) {
- }
- }
- return stream;
- }
- @Test
- public void testDataset() {
- Graph g = Graph.create(true);
- Load.create(g);
- Dataset ds = Dataset.create();
- ds.setUpdate(true);
- ds.addFrom("http://inria.fr/g2");
- ds.addNamed("http://inria.fr/g1");
- String init = "prefix foaf: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "graph {"
- + " foaf:name 'John' ; a foaf:Person"
- + "}"
- + "graph {"
- + " foaf:name 'Jim' ; a foaf:Person"
- + "}"
- + "graph {"
- + "foaf:Person rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Human"
- + "}"
- + "}";
- String query = "prefix foaf: "
- + "select * "
- + "from named "
- + "where {"
- + " {?x rdf:type foaf:Person ; ?p ?y}"
- + "}";
- String query2 = "prefix foaf: "
- + "select * "
- + "from "
- + "where {"
- + " graph ?g {?x rdf:type foaf:Person ; ?p ?y}"
- + "}";
- // String update = "prefix foaf: "
- // + "delete where {?x ?p ?y}";
- try {
- QueryProcess sparql = QueryProcess.create(g);
- sparql.query(init);
- Mappings map = sparql.sparql(query, ds);
- assertEquals("result", 0, map.size());
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map2 = exec.query(query, ds);
- assertEquals("result", 2, map2.size());
- map = sparql.sparql(query2, ds);
- assertEquals("result", 0, map.size());
- map2 = exec.query(query2, ds);
- assertEquals("result", 2, map2.size());
- } catch (EngineException ex) {
- //// System.out.println(ex);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void TestOnto() {
- Graph g = Graph.create(true);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String init = "prefix c: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "c:Human rdfs:subClassOf c:Animal "
- + "c:Man rdfs:subClassOf c:Human "
- + "c:Woman rdfs:subClassOf c:Human "
- + ""
- + " a c:Man "
- + " a c:Cat "
- + " a c:Woman "
- + " a c:Human "
- + "}";
- String query = "prefix c: "
- + "select * where {"
- + "?x a c:Human, ?t"
- + "}";
- try {
- exec.query(init);
- exec.query(query);
- //// System.out.println(map);
- //// System.out.println(map.size());
- } catch (EngineException ex) {
- }
- }
- /**
- * Test With valueOut
- */
- @Test
- public void testValues() {
- String init = "insert data {"
- + " foaf:age '21'^^xsd:double "
- + " foaf:age 21.0 "
- + "}";
- String query = "select * where {"
- + "?x foaf:age ?a "
- + "?y foaf:age ?b "
- + "filter (?a = ?b && ?x != ?y) "
- + "}";
- String query2 = "select * where {"
- + "{select (21.0 as ?a) where { }}"
- + "?x foaf:age ?a "
- + "}";
- String query3 = "select distinct * where {"
- + "?x foaf:age ?a "
- + "}"
- + "values ?a { 21 21.0 }";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- // exec.definePrefix("foaf", "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/");
- try {
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- //// System.out.println(map);
- assertEquals("Result", 2, map.size());
- map = exec.query(query2);
- //// System.out.println(map);
- assertEquals("Result", 1, map.size());
- map = exec.query(query3);
- // System.out.println(map);
- assertEquals("Result", 2, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", 2, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testValues2() {
- String init = "prefix foaf: "
- + "insert data {"
- + " foaf:name 'http://www.inria.fr' "
- + " foaf:name 'http://www.inria.fr' "
- + " foaf:name "
- + " foaf:name "
- + " foaf:name 'http://www.inria.fr'@en "
- + " foaf:name 'http://www.inria.fr'@en "
- + "}";
- String query = "prefix foaf: "
- + "select * where {"
- + "?x foaf:name ?a "
- + "?y foaf:name ?a "
- + "filter(?x < ?y) "
- + "}";
- Graph g = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- try {
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- //// System.out.println(map);
- assertEquals("Result", 3, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", 2, e);
- }
- }
- // @Test
- public void testMath() {
- Graph g = createGraph();
- Load ld = Load.create(g);
- try {
- ld.parseDir(data + "math/data");
- } catch (LoadException e1) {
- e1.printStackTrace();
- }
- String q = "prefix m: "
- + "template { st:apply-templates-with(?p) }"
- + "where { ?p a m:PrettyPrinter }";
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- try {
- Mappings map = exec.query(q);
- Node node = map.getTemplateResult();
- //// System.out.println(node.getLabel());
- assertEquals("result", true, node.getLabel().length() > 10);
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void testGC() {
- Graph graph = createGraph();
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String init = "prefix ex: "
- + "insert data {"
- + "[ex:name 'John' , 'Jim']"
- + "[ex:name 'John' , 'Jim']"
- + "}"
- + "";
- String query2 = "prefix ex: "
- + "select (group_concat( concat(self(?n1), ?n2) ; separator='; ') as ?t) where {"
- + "?x ex:name ?n1 "
- + "?y ex:name ?n2 "
- + "filter(?x != ?y)"
- + ""
- + "}";
- try {
- exec.query(init);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query2);
- IDatatype dt = map.getValue("?t");
- assertEquals("Results", 70, dt.getLabel().length());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- // @Test
- public void test1() {
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select check where {"
- + "?x rdf:type c:Person ;"
- + "c:FirstName 'John' ;"
- + "c:name ?n"
- + "}";
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- try {
- exec.query(query);
- assertEquals("Result", true, true);
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test2() {
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select more * (kg:similarity() as ?sim) where {"
- + "?x rdf:type c:Engineer "
- + "?x c:hasCreated ?doc "
- + "?doc rdf:type c:WebPage"
- + "}"
- + "order by desc(?sim)";
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- try {
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- IDatatype dt = getValue(map, "?sim");
- assertEquals("Result", true, dt != null);
- if (dt != null) {
- double sim = dt.doubleValue();
- assertEquals("Result", .84, sim, 1e-2);
- }
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test2b() {
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select more * (kg:similarity() as ?sim) where {"
- + "?x rdf:type ?c1 filter(kg:similarity(?c1, c:Engineer) > .5) "
- + "?x c:hasCreated ?doc "
- + "?doc rdf:type ?c2 filter(kg:similarity(?c2, c:WebPage) > .4)"
- + "}"
- + "order by desc(?sim)";
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- try {
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- assertEquals("Result", 9, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test2c() {
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select (kg:similarity(c:Person, c:Document) as ?sim) where {}";
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- try {
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- IDatatype dt = getValue(map, "?sim");
- double sim = dt.doubleValue();
- assertEquals("Result", sim, .16, 1e-2);
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test4() {
- Load ld = Load.create(Graph.create());
- try {
- ld.parse("gogo.rdf");
- assertEquals("Result", false, true);
- } catch (LoadException e) {
- //// System.out.println(e);
- assertEquals("Result", e, e);
- }
- try {
- ld.parse(data + "comma/fail.rdf");
- assertEquals("Result", false, true);
- } catch (LoadException e) {
- //// System.out.println(e);
- assertEquals("Result", e, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test5() {
- Graph graph = Graph.create(true);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String update = "prefix c: " +
- "insert data {"
- + " c:name 'John' ; rdf:value (1 2 3)"
- + "c:name rdfs:domain c:Person "
- + "c:Person rdfs:subClassOf c:Human "
- + "}";
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select * where {"
- + "?x rdf:type c:Human ; c:name ?n ;"
- + "rdf:value @(1 2)"
- + "}";
- try {
- exec.query(update);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- assertEquals("Result", 1, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test6() {
- Graph graph = Graph.create(true);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String update = "prefix c: " +
- "insert data {"
- + " c:name 'John' ; rdf:value (1 2 3)"
- + "c:name rdfs:domain c:Person "
- + "c:Person rdfs:subClassOf c:Human "
- + "}";
- String drop = "drop graph kg:entailment";
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select * where {"
- + "?x rdf:type c:Human ; c:name ?n ;"
- + "rdf:value @(1 2)"
- + "}";
- try {
- exec.query(update);
- exec.query(drop);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- assertEquals("Result", 0, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test7() {
- Graph graph = Graph.create(true);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- String update = "prefix c: " +
- "insert data {"
- + " c:name 'John' ; rdf:value (1 2 3)"
- + "c:name rdfs:domain c:Person "
- + "c:Person rdfs:subClassOf c:Human "
- + "}";
- String drop = "drop graph kg:entailment";
- String create = "create graph kg:entailment";
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select * where {"
- + "?x rdf:type c:Human ; c:name ?n ;"
- + "rdf:value @(1 2)"
- + "}";
- try {
- exec.query(update);
- exec.query(drop);
- exec.query(create);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- assertEquals("Result", 1, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- public void test8() {
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select * where {"
- + "?x c:hasCreated ?doc"
- + "} "
- + "group by any "
- + "order by desc(count(?doc))"
- + "pragma {"
- + "kg:kgram kg:list true "
- + "kg:kgram kg:detail true}";
- try {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- assertEquals("Result", 3, map.size());
- Mapping m = map.get(0);
- assertEquals("Result", 2, m.getMappings().size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test9() {
- Graph g1 = Graph.create(true);
- Graph g2 = Graph.create(true);
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select * where {"
- + "?x rdf:type ?t; c:name ?n"
- + "} ";
- try {
- QueryProcess e1 = QueryProcess.create(g1);
- QueryProcess e2 = QueryProcess.create(g2);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g1);
- exec.add(g2);
- e1.query("prefix c: " + "insert data { rdf:type c:Person}");
- e2.query("prefix c: " + "insert data { c:name 'John'}");
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- assertEquals("Result", 1, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- // @Test
- // public void test10() {
- //
- // String query = "select * where {"
- // + "bind (kg:unnest(kg:sparql('select * where {?x rdf:type c:Person;
- // c:hasCreated ?doc}')) "
- // + "as (?a, ?b))"
- // + "} ";
- //
- // try {
- //
- // QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- //
- // Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- // assertEquals("Result", 3, map.size());
- // Node node = map.getNode("?a");
- // assertEquals("Result", true, node != null);
- //
- // } catch (EngineException e) {
- // assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- // }
- // }
- // @Test
- // public void test10cons() {
- //
- // String query =
- // "prefix c: "
- // + "select * where {"
- // + "bind ((kg:sparql('"
- // + "prefix c: "
- // + "construct where {?x rdf:type c:Person; c:hasCreated ?doc}')) "
- // + "as ?g)"
- // + "graph ?g { ?a ?p ?b }"
- // + "} ";
- //
- // try {
- //
- // QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- //
- // Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- // assertEquals("Result", 5, map.size());
- //
- //
- // } catch (EngineException e) {
- // assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- // }
- // }
- // @Test
- // public void test11() {
- //
- // String query ="prefix c: " +
- // "select * (count(?doc) as ?c)"
- // + "(kg:setObject(?x, ?c) as ?t)"
- // + "where {"
- // + "?x c:hasCreated ?doc"
- // + ""
- // + "}"
- // + "group by ?x";
- //
- // String query2 ="prefix c: " +
- // "select distinct ?x"
- // + "(kg:getObject(?x) as ?v)"
- // + "where {"
- // + "?x c:hasCreated ?doc filter(kg:getObject(?x) > 0)"
- // + "}"
- // + "order by desc(kg:getObject(?x))";
- //
- //
- // try {
- //
- // QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- //
- // exec.query(query);
- // Mappings map = exec.query(query2);
- //
- // assertEquals("Result", 3, map.size());
- //
- // IDatatype dt = getValue(map, "?v");
- //
- // assertEquals("Result", 2, dt.getIntegerValue());
- //
- // } catch (EngineException e) {
- // assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- // }
- // }
- public void test111() {
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select * (count(?doc) as ?c)"
- + "(kg:setProperty(?x, 0, ?c) as ?t)"
- + "where {"
- + "?x c:hasCreated ?doc"
- + ""
- + "}"
- + "group by ?x";
- String query2 = "prefix c: " +
- "select distinct ?x"
- + "(kg:getProperty(?x, 0) as ?v)"
- + "where {"
- + "?x c:hasCreated ?doc filter(kg:getProperty(?x, 0) > 0)"
- + "}"
- + "order by desc(kg:getProperty(?x, 0))";
- try {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- exec.query(query);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query2);
- assertEquals("Result", 3, map.size());
- IDatatype dt = getValue(map, "?v");
- assertEquals("Result", 2, dt.intValue());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test12() {
- String query = "prefix c: " + "select * where {"
- + "?x rdf:type ?class; c:hasCreated ?doc}";
- try {
- QueryProcess.setSort(true);
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- QueryProcess.setSort(false);
- assertEquals("Result", 22, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test13() {
- String query = "prefix c: " + "select * where {"
- + "?x rdf:type ?class; c:hasCreated ?doc}";
- try {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- StatListener el = StatListener.create();
- exec.addEventListener(el);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- ////// System.out.println(el);
- assertEquals("Result", 22, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test14() {
- String query = "prefix c: " + "select * where {"
- + "?x rdf:type c:Person; c:hasCreated ?doc "
- + "?doc rdf:type/rdfs:subClassOf* c:Document "
- + "c:Document rdfs:label ?l ;"
- + "rdfs:comment ?c"
- + "}";
- try {
- Graph g = Graph.create(true);
- Load ld = Load.create(g);
- // ld.setBuild(new MyBuild(g));
- try {
- init(g, ld);
- } catch (LoadException ex) {
- }
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- assertEquals("Result", 68, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test15() {
- String query = "select (kg:similarity() as ?sim) (max(kg:depth(?x)) as ?max) where {"
- + "?x rdfs:subClassOf ?sup"
- + "}";
- try {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- IDatatype dt = getValue(map, "?max");
- assertEquals("Result", 14, dt.intValue());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test16() {
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select * (st:number() as ?num) where {"
- + "?x c:hasCreated ?doc "
- + "}";
- try {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- Mapping m = map.get(map.size() - 1);
- IDatatype dt = datatype(m.getNode("?num"));
- //// System.out.println(map);
- assertEquals("Result", map.size(), dt.intValue());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test17() throws LoadException {
- Graph g = Graph.create(true);
- Load ld = Load.create(g);
- ld.parse(data + "comma/comma.rdfs");
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(g);
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select (kg:similarity(c:Person, c:Document) as ?sim) {}";
- try {
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- IDatatype dt = getValue(map, "?sim");
- assertEquals("Result", true, dt.doubleValue() < 0.5);
- String update = "prefix c: " +
- "insert data {c:Human rdfs:subClassOf c:Person}";
- exec.query(update);
- // assertEquals("Result", null, g.getClassDistance());
- map = exec.query(query);
- IDatatype sim = getValue(map, "?sim");
- assertEquals("Result", dt, sim);
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test18() {
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select * where {"
- + "c:Person rdfs:subClassOf+ :: $path ?c "
- + "graph $path {?a ?p ?b}"
- + "}";
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- try {
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- assertEquals("Result", 31, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", 31, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test19() {
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select * "
- + "(xt:size($path) as ?l) (count(?a) as ?c) where {"
- + "?x c:isMemberOf+ :: $path ?org "
- + "graph $path {?a ?p ?b}"
- + "}"
- + "group by $path";
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- try {
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- assertEquals("Result", 99, map.size());
- for (Mapping mm : map) {
- IDatatype ldt = getValue(mm, "?l");
- IDatatype lc = getValue(mm, "?c");
- assertEquals("Result", ldt, lc);
- }
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", 99, e);
- }
- }
- public IDatatype fun(IDatatype dt1, IDatatype dt2) {
- String str = concat(dt1, dt2);
- return DatatypeMap.newLiteral(str);
- }
- String concat(IDatatype dt1, IDatatype dt2) {
- return dt1.stringValue() + "." + dt2.getLabel();
- }
- @Test
- public void test20() {
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "prefix ext: "
- + "select (ext:fun(?fn, ?ln) as ?res) where {"
- + "?x c:FirstName ?fn ; c:FamilyName ?ln"
- + "}";
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- try {
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- assertEquals("Result", 23, map.size());
- for (Mapping mm : map) {
- IDatatype dt1 = getValue(mm, "?fn");
- IDatatype dt2 = getValue(mm, "?ln");
- IDatatype dt3 = getValue(mm, "?res");
- assertEquals("Result", dt3.getLabel(), concat(dt1, dt2));
- }
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", 23, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test21() {
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select * where {"
- + "?x c:FirstName 'Olivier' "
- + "filter(kg:contains('é', 'e')) "
- + "filter(kg:contains('e', 'é')) "
- + "filter(kg:equals('e', 'é')) "
- + "}";
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- try {
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- assertEquals("Result", 2, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", 2, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test22() {
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select "
- + "where {"
- + "c:Engineer rdfs:subClassOf+ :: $path ?y "
- + "graph $path {?a ?p ?b}"
- + "}";
- try {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- getValue(map, "?max");
- assertEquals("Result", 64, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test23() {
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select "
- + "where {"
- + "c:Engineer rdfs:subClassOf+ :: $path ?y "
- + "graph $path {{c:Toto ?p ?b} union {c:Engineer ?p ?b}}"
- + "}";
- try {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- getValue(map, "?max");
- assertEquals("Result", 17, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test24() {
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select "
- + "where {"
- + "c:Engineer rdfs:subClassOf+ :: $path ?y "
- + "graph $path {?a ?p ?b filter(?a = c:Engineer)}"
- + "}";
- try {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- getValue(map, "?max");
- assertEquals("Result", 17, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test25() {
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select "
- + "where {"
- + "c:Engineer rdfs:subClassOf+ :: $path ?y "
- + "graph $path {optional{c:Engineer ?p ?b} filter(! bound(?b))}"
- + "}";
- try {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- getValue(map, "?max");
- assertEquals("Result", 0, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test26() {
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select "
- + "where {"
- + "c:Engineer rdfs:subClassOf+ :: $path ?y "
- + "graph $path {optional{c:Toto ?p ?b} filter(! bound(?b))}"
- + "}";
- try {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- getValue(map, "?max");
- assertEquals("Result", 17, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test27() {
- String query = "prefix c: " +
- "select "
- + "where {"
- + "c:Engineer rdfs:subClassOf+ :: $path ?y "
- + "graph $path {{c:Engineer ?p ?b} minus {?a ?p c:Engineer}}"
- + "}";
- try {
- QueryProcess exec = QueryProcess.create(graph);
- Mappings map = exec.query(query);
- assertEquals("Result", 17, map.size());
- } catch (EngineException e) {
- assertEquals("Result", true, e);
- }
- }
- @Test
- public void test28() {
- String query = "prefix c: