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390 lines (301 loc) · 11.5 KB

File metadata and controls

390 lines (301 loc) · 11.5 KB


基于 包,增加对 error code 的支持,完全兼容


go get


import (

var myerror = errors.New("name is empty")

func Service(name string) error {
	if name == "" {
		return myerror
	return nil

func Controller() error {
	err := Service("")
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "Service has error")
	return nil

func funcA() error {
	if err := funcB(); err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "call funcB failed")
	return errors.New("func called error")

func funcB() error {
	return errors.New("func called error")

// 自定义的错误类型
type DefineError struct {
	msg string

func (d *DefineError) Error() string {
	return d.msg

func Service1(name string) error {
	if name == "" {
		return &DefineError{msg: "error 1"}
	return nil

func Controller1() error {
	err := Service1("")
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "Service has error")
	return nil

测试Wrap 函数

=== RUN   TestWrap
    error_user_test.go:21: call funcB failed
    error_user_test.go:25: func called error
        call funcB failed
--- PASS: TestWrap (0.00s)
func TestWrap(t *testing.T) {
	t.Logf("%v", funcA())


	t.Logf("%+v", funcA())


测试 Is函数


=== RUN   TestIs
is myerror value
--- PASS: TestIs (0.00s)
func TestIs(t *testing.T) {
	err := Controller()
	if errors.Is(err, myerror) {
		fmt.Println("is myerror value") // 输出

测试 As函数
error 1
Service has error
AS error
func TestAs(t *testing.T) {
	err := Controller1()
	fmt.Printf("%+v\n", err)
	var myerror *DefineError
	if errors.As(err, &myerror) {
		fmt.Println("AS error")

WithCode,WrapC,IsCode,Cause 使用

import (


const (
	// ErrUserNotFound - 404: User not found.
	ErrUserNotFound int = iota + 110001

	// ErrUserAlreadyExist - 400: User encode error.

// ErrCode implements ``.Coder interface.
type ErrCode struct {
	// C refers to the code of the ErrCode.
	C int

	// HTTP status that should be used for the associated error code.
	HTTP int

	// External (user) facing error text.
	Ext string

	// Ref specify the reference document.
	Ref string

// Code returns the integer code of ErrCode.
func (coder ErrCode) Code() int {
	return coder.C

// String implements stringer. String returns the external error message,
// if any.
func (coder ErrCode) String() string {
	return coder.Ext

// Reference returns the reference document.
func (coder ErrCode) Reference() string {
	return coder.Ref

// HTTPStatus returns the associated HTTP status code, if any. Otherwise,
// returns 200.
func (coder ErrCode) HTTPStatus() int {
	if coder.HTTP == 0 {
		return 500
	return coder.HTTP

func register(code int, httpStatus int, message string, refs ...string) {
	if httpStatus != 200 && httpStatus != 400 && httpStatus != 401 && httpStatus != 403 && httpStatus != 404 && httpStatus != 500 {
		panic("http code not in `200, 400, 401, 403, 404, 500`")
	var reference string
	if len(refs) > 0 {
		reference = refs[0]

	coder := &ErrCode{
		C:    code,
		HTTP: httpStatus,
		Ext:  message,
		Ref:  reference,

func TestWithCode(t *testing.T) {

	register(ErrUserNotFound, 400, "user not found")
	register(ErrUserEncode, 400, "user  encode error")

	err := errors.WithCode(ErrUserNotFound, "user %s not found.", "cr-mao")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println(err.Error()) // user not found

func TestWithCodeDetail(t *testing.T) {
	register(ErrUserNotFound, 400, "user not found")
	register(ErrUserEncode, 400, "user encode error")
	if err := bindUser(); err != nil {
		// %s: Returns the user-safe error string mapped to the error code or the error message if none is specified.
		fmt.Println("====================> s <====================")
		fmt.Printf("%s\n\n", err)

		// %v: Alias for %s.
		fmt.Println("====================> v <====================")
		fmt.Printf("%v\n\n", err)

		// %-v: Output caller details, useful for troubleshooting.
		fmt.Println("====================> -v <====================")
		fmt.Printf("%-v\n\n", err)

		// %+v: Output full error stack details, useful for debugging.
		fmt.Println("====================> +v <====================")
		fmt.Printf("%+v\n\n", err)

		// %#-v: Output caller details, useful for troubleshooting with JSON formatted output.
		fmt.Println("====================> #-v <====================")
		fmt.Printf("%#-v\n\n", err)

		// %#+v: Output full error stack details, useful for debugging with JSON formatted output.
		fmt.Println("====================> #+v <====================")
		fmt.Printf("%#+v\n\n", err)

		// do some business process based on the error type
		if errors.IsCode(err, ErrUserEncode) {
			fmt.Println("this is a ErrEncodingFailed error") // this is a ErrEncodingFailed error

		if errors.IsCode(err, ErrUserNotFound) {
			fmt.Println("this is a ErrDatabase error") // this is a ErrDatabase error

		// we can also find the cause error
		fmt.Println(errors.Cause(err)) // user not found

func bindUser() error {
	if err := getUser(); err != nil {
		// Step3: Wrap the error with a new error message and a new error code if needed.
		return errors.WrapC(err, ErrUserEncode, "encoding user %s failed.", "cr-mao")

	return nil

func getUser() error {
	if err := queryDatabase(); err != nil {
		// Step2: Wrap the error with a new error message.
		return errors.Wrap(err, "get user failed.")
	return nil

func queryDatabase() error {
	// Step1. Create error with specified error code.
	return errors.WithCode(ErrUserNotFound, "user %s not found.", "cr-mao")


====================> s <====================
user encode error

====================> v <====================
user encode error

====================> -v <====================
encoding user cr-mao failed. - #2 [/Users/maozhongyu/code/game-server/tmp_test.go:134 (game-server.bindUser)] (110002) user encode error

====================> +v <====================
encoding user cr-mao failed. - #2 [/Users/maozhongyu/code/game-server/tmp_test.go:134 (game-server.bindUser)] (110002) user encode error; get user failed. - #1 [/Users/maozhongyu/code/game-server/tmp_test.go:143 (game-server.getUser)] (110001) user not found; user cr-mao not found. - #0 [/Users/maozhongyu/code/game-server/tmp_test.go:150 (game-server.queryDatabase)] (110001) user not found

====================> #-v <====================
[{"caller":"#2 /Users/maozhongyu/code/game-server/tmp_test.go:134 (game-server.bindUser)","code":110002,"error":"encoding user cr-mao failed.","message":"user encode error"}]

====================> #+v <====================
[{"caller":"#2 /Users/maozhongyu/code/game-server/tmp_test.go:134 (game-server.bindUser)","code":110002,"error":"encoding user cr-mao failed.","message":"user encode error"},{"caller":"#1 /Users/maozhongyu/code/game-server/tmp_test.go:143 (game-server.getUser)","code":110001,"error":"get user failed.","message":"user not found"},{"caller":"#0 /Users/maozhongyu/code/game-server/tmp_test.go:150 (game-server.queryDatabase)","code":110001,"error":"user cr-mao not found.","message":"user not found"}]

this is a ErrEncodingFailed error
this is a ErrDatabase error
user not found


withCode错误实现了一个func (w *withCode) Format(state fmt.State, verb rune)方法,该方法用来打印不同格式的错误信息,见下表:

格式占位符 格式化操作
%s 返回可以直接展示给用户的错误信息
%v alias for %s
%-v 打印出调用栈,错误码、展示给用户的错误信息、展示给研发的错误信息(只展示错误链中的最有一个错误)
%+v 打印出调用栈,错误码、展示给用户的错误信息、展示给研发的错误信息(展示错误链中所有错误)
%#-v json格式打印出调用栈,错误码、展示给用户的错误信息、展示给研发的错误信息(只展示错误链中的最有一个错误)
%#+v json格式打印出调用栈,错误码、展示给用户的错误信息、展示给研发的错误信息(展示错误链中所有错误)






错误标识 错误码 HTTP状态码 描述
ErrNo 10010000 200 OK
ErrInternalServer 10010001 500 Internal server error (服务器内部错误)
ErrParams 10010002 400 Illegal params (请求参数不合法)
ErrAuthenticationHeader 10010003 401 Authentication header Illegal (要登录的接口,头的token认证失败,失败跳登录页面)
ErrAuthentication 10010004 401 Authentication failed (登录失败,输入账户、密码失败)
ErrNotFound 10010005 404 Route not found (请求路由找不到)
ErrPermission 10010006 403 Permission denied (没有权限,一些接口可能没请求权限, 这个估计暂时用不到)
ErrTooFast 10010007 429 Too Many Requests (用户在给定的时间内发送了太多请求)
ErrTimeout 10010008 504 Server response timeout (go服务这边不会返回,一般是nginx、网关超时 才返回504)
ErrMysqlServer 10010101 500 Mysql server error (mysql 服务错误)
ErrMysqlSQL 10010102 500 Illegal SQL (sql 代码错误)
ErrRedisServer 10010201 500 Redis server error (redis 服务错误)

http code标志错误,非200, 客户端再根据 错误码进行对应的处理


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