Name | Type | Description | Notes |
name | string | A short product name. | [optional] |
category_id | string | The category Id. | |
global_category_id | string | The global category Id. | [optional] |
category | string | The full category breadcrumb in the retailers catalog. | [optional] |
global_brand_id | string | The global brand id associated to the product. | |
global_brand_name | string | The name of the global brand. | |
retailer_brand_id | string | The retailer brand id associated to the product. | [optional] |
retailer_brand_name | string | The name of the retailer brand. | [optional] |
price | float | The price of the product on the retailer site. Can be omitted in certain circumstances | |
is_in_stock | bool | An indication of if the retailer currently has the product in stock. | |
gtin | string | A GTIN identifier for the product if available. Covers variations such as EANs and UPCs. | [optional] |
mpn | string | The MPN for the product if available. | [optional] |
image_url | string | An http image resource provided by the retailer. | [optional] |
updated_at | \DateTime | The last time this product was updated in the Retail Media Catalog. Represented as a UTC ISO8601 string. |