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📃 System Call Dependy Graph extractor (SemaSCDG)

This repository contains a first version of a SCDG extractor. During symbolic analysis of a binary, all system calls and their arguments found are recorded. After some stop conditions for symbolic analysis, a graph is build as follow : Nodes are systems Calls recorded, edges show that some arguments are shared between calls.

How to use ?

First run the SCDG container with volumes like this :

docker run --rm --name="sema-scdg" -v ${PWD}/OutputFolder:/sema-scdg/application/database/SCDG -v ${PWD}/ConfigFolder:/sema-scdg/application/configs -v ${PWD}/InputFolder:/sema-scdg/application/database/Binaries -p 5001:5001 -it sema-scdg bash

In this command:

  • The first volume corresponds to the output folder where the results will be put.
  • The second volume corresponds to the folder containing the configuration files that will be passed to the docker.
  • The third matches the folder containing the binaries that are going to be passed to the container.

Example taking the files already provided, being inside the sema_toolchain folder, run :

docker run --rm --name="sema-scdg" \
  -v ${PWD}/database/SCDG:/sema-scdg/application/database/SCDG \
  -v ${PWD}/sema_scdg/application/configs:/sema-scdg/application/configs \
  -v ${PWD}/database/Binaries:/sema-scdg/application/database/Binaries \
  -p 5001:5001 -it sema-scdg bash

If you want to be able to modify the code when the container is running, use

docker run --rm --name="sema-scdg" \
  -v ${PWD}/database:/sema-scdg/application/database \
  -v ${PWD}/sema_scdg/application:/sema-scdg/application \
  -p 5001:5001 -it sema-scdg bash

To run experiments, run inside the container :

pyenv local 3.8.10
python configs/config.ini

Or if you want to use pypy3:

pyenv local pypy3.9-7.3.16
python configs/config.ini

Configuration files

The parameters are put in a configuration file : configs/config.ini. Feel free to modify it or create new configuration files to run different experiments.

The output of the SCDG are put into database/SCDG/runs/ by default. If you are not using volumes and want to save some runs from the container to your host machine, use :

make save-scdg-runs ARGS=PATH

Parameters description

SCDG module arguments

  DFS                 Depth First Search
  BFS                 Breadth First Search
  CDFS                Coverage Depth-First Search Strategy (Default)
  CBFS                Coverage Breadth First Search

  gs                  .GS format
  json                .JSON format
  EMPTY               if left empty then build on all available format

  symbion             Concolic unpacking method (linux | windows [in progress])
  unipacker           Emulation unpacking method (windows only)

SCDG exploration techniques parameters:
  jump_it              Number of iteration allowed for a symbolic loop (default : 3)
  max_in_pause_stach   Number of states allowed in pause stash (default : 200)
  max_step             Maximum number of steps allowed for a state (default : 50 000)
  max_end_state        Number of deadended state required to stop (default : 600)
  max_simul_state      Number of simultaneous states we explore with simulation manager (default : 5)

Binary parameters:
  n_args                  Number of symbolic arguments given to the binary (default : 0)
  loop_counter_concrete   How many times a loop can loop (default : 10240)
  count_block_enable      Enable the count of visited blocks and instructions
  sim_file                Create SimFile
  entry_addr              Entry address of the binary

SCDG creation parameter:
  min_size             Minimum size required for a trace to be used in SCDG (default : 3)
  disjoint_union       Do we merge traces or use disjoint union ? (default : merge)
  not_comp_args        Do we compare arguments to add new nodes when building graph ? (default : comparison enabled)
  three_edges          Do we use the three-edges strategy ? (default : False)
  not_ignore_zero      Do we ignore zero when building graph ? (default : Discard zero)
  keep_inter_SCDG      Keep intermediate SCDG in file (default : False)
  eval_time            TODO

Global parameter:
  concrete_target_is_local      Use a local GDB server instead of using cuckoo (default : False)
  print_syscall                 Print the syscall found
  csv_file                      Name of the csv to save the experiment data
  plugin_enable                 Enable the plugins set to true in the config.ini file
  approximate                   Symbolic approximation
  is_packed                     Is the binary packed ? (default : False, not yet supported)
  timeout                       Timeout in seconds before ending extraction (default : 600)
  string_resolve                Do we try to resolv references of string (default : True)
  log_level_sema                Level of log of sema, can be INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR (default : INFO)
  log_level_angr                Level of log of angr, can be INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR (default : ERROR)
  log_level_claripy             Level of log of claripy, can be INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR (default : ERROR)
  family                        Family of the malware (default : Unknown)
  exp_dir                       Name of the directory to save SCDG extracted (default : Default)
  binary_path                   Relative path to the binary or directory (has to be in the database folder)
  fast_main                     Jump directly into the main function

  plugin_env_var          Enable the env_var plugin
  plugin_locale_info      Enable the locale_info plugin
  plugin_resources        Enable the resources plugin
  plugin_widechar         Enable the widechar plugin
  plugin_registry        Enable the registry plugin
  plugin_atom             Enable the atom plugin
  plugin_thread           Enable the thread plugin
  plugin_track_command    Enable the track_command plugin
  plugin_ioc_report       Enable the ioc_report plugin
  plugin_hooks            Enable the hooks plugin

The binary path has to be a relative path to a binary beeing into the database directory

To know the details of the angr options see Angr documentation

You also have a script in sema_scdg/application/helper which could merge all .gs from a directory into only one file.

Run multiple experiments automatically

If you wish to run multiple experiments with different configuration files, the script is available and can be used inside the scdg container:

# To show usage
./ -h

# Run example
./ -m python3.10 -c configs/config1 configs/config2


To run the test, inside the docker container :

source venv/bin/activate
python test_data/config_test.ini


There is a jupyter notebook providing a tutorial on how to use the scdg. To launch it, inside the docker, run

jupyter notebook --ip= --port=5001 --no-browser --allow-root --IdentityProvider.token=''

and visit on your browser. Go to /Tutorial and open the jupyter notebook.