Welcome to the home of CurioSwitch's resources for designing a company. While much of this repository is our codebase, to provide insight into best practices for engineering, we believe it is important to also provide access to what we feel are best practices for designing a company itself, for example when founding a new startup.
None of these are necessarily the best for all types of companies, but we do think they apply to almost all and can help ensure a quick ramp-up in the corporate side while focusing on actual development, the area where companies can provide real value.
The broad theme behind these practices is consistency - having a workforce that acts in a consistent manner maximizes productivity and speed of development, essential for growing a startup. We hope that having these resources available from the very beginning and applied to the growing company can free up time to focus on development rather than working out corporate strategy possibly after it is already highly inconsistent and difficult to manage.
Guidelines - General guidelines that can be applied to the entire company or specific teams.
Processes - Processes to apply to specific situations or teams.