Version: 2.0.0
- Standardizing on Semantic Versioning.
With this release we are committing to using the Semantic Versioning method
of version numbering. Thus, going forward:
- 'z' releases in x.y.z will be bug fixes to existing APIs
- 'y' releases in x.y.z will be non-breaking API changes (e.g. additions)
- 'x' releases in x.y.z may contain API changes that could break existing code depending on PL/JSON
- Oracle 12c compatibility: @dsnz completely overhauled the API to remove any possibility of name conflicts with the official Oracle implementation of JSON. This is a breaking change for old code. However, the install script adds aliases for the old package names to retain compatibility. These aliases will be removed in version 3.0.0.
- @Martyanov added the method
to enable rendering JSON with empty strings asnull
. - Documentation generated by pldoc. Look in /docs for the generate documentation. Or browse
- Many, many, other improvements thanks to some great work by the community.
Version: 1.0.6
- Many thanks to the people who have contributed to this release
(listed in chronological commit order):
- Brian Shaver
- Carlo Sirna
- SigmaEpsilon
- Borodulin Maxim
- dsnz
- E.I.Sarmas
- Project build environment added
- Project files re-organized
- Tests fixed to run correctly
refactored- 12c name clashes fixed
- Lots of code cleanups and bugs fixed
Version: 1.0.5
- Fixed error with \r and \f in parser and printer
Version: 1.0.4
- Error with empty_blob in json_dyn
- New optional package: JSON_HELPER - Set operations.
- JSON_AC.sql: Wrapper-package to enable autocompletion.
Version: 1.0.3
- UTF8 fix in json_printer.
- Small change in json_dyn_sql package.
Version: 1.0.2
- Fix for number parsing for various nls settings
- Enabled sys_refcursor in json_dyn (11g only)
Version: 1.0.1
- forgot to commit example 18 and 19 to svn
- fixed escape error in json_dyn package
Version: 1.0.0
- json_list api has been changed
- slight changes in json_value api + clob support
- json_printer bug fixes
- json_path bugfix
- json_parser clob enhancement
- json_printer clob enhancement
- json_parser can now parse functions with comment-tag
- json_printer emits functions with comment-tag
- json_ext store blob in one base64 string
- json_dyn now supports clobs and blobs
- backwards compatibility in form of commented code in json_list.
Version: 0.9.6
- Json_dyn addon can now bind variables
- Fixed decode base64 error in json_ext
- Option to erase clob in to_clob methods
- Better UTF8 support
- Added base 0 or 1 option in json path implementation
- Path_remove added to json and json_list
- Path_put error in json_list fixed
- Changed anydata to sys.anydata
Version: 0.9.5
- Bug fix: In addon json_util_pkg - fixed number issue, new stylesheet added.
- Added a script to create synonyms and grants.
- Added support for outputting JSONP - @James Sumners
Version: 0.9.4
- Bug fix: clob list og numbers was not formatted correctly
- Added printer option to escape solidus (default is false)
- Added a max_chars_per_line option to the printer functions (to_char, to_clob, print)
- Changed print procedures to use clob instead of varchar2
- Added a htp function to json, json_list and json_value
Version: 0.9.3
- Bug fix: incorrect json emitted when facing a number between -1 and 1 (not 0)
- Added support for inheritance.
- Fixed addon json_dyn to use json_ext.format_string instead of nls params
- Fixed version function
Version: 0.9.2
- Added set_elem to JSON_LIST
- Added path_put methods to JSON and JSON_LIST
- Fixed a bug in addon json_util_pkg
- Fixed parser bug: commas where not nessesary in json objects
- Added and corrected tests.
Version: 0.9.1
- Strings are now stored unescaped. Escaped when using to_char.
- Parser extended with names grammar, singlequote strings and /**/ comments.
- Addons modules are: json_ml, json_dyn, json_util_pkg
- JSON PATH rewritten with formal grammar.
- Path selector in JSON and JSON_LIST
- New method valueof can emit unescaped content to a string.
- Empty strings can be used as a key in JSON.
- Documentation.
- Option of not to escape a string - enables the printer to emit javascript functions
- More examples.
Version: 0.9.0 WARNING: You cannot do an easy upgrade because of changes in the API
- Rewrote the API to increase speed and simplicity
- 6 new methods to the json object: get_keys, get_values, index_of, get(indx), check_duplicate, remove_duplicates
- New type: json_value - to hold the variables. Hooked to the printer. (anydata is now hidden away).
- Added binary support through base64 in the json_ext package
- New package json_dyn: Build json structures dynamically from selects (number, varchar2 and date fields are supported)
- Parser can now parse any valid json value: json_parser.parse_any (accepts object, array, string, number, boolean, null)
- Parserspeed has been improved
- Object procedures are now faster due to the 'in out nocopy' directive
- Cast from json_value to json or json_list in constructor
- json and json_list can be converted to json_value with the function to_json_value.
- Added 5 examples
- Planning to create a wiki rather than update the documentation.
Version: 0.8.6
- Added support for windows linebreak see json_printer
Version: 0.8.5
- Fix in uninstall.sql (11g error)
- Fix in simpletypes.sql (11g error)
- Added prettyprint capabilities to anydata type
- Added hooks to new printing cap. in json_ext (pp, pp_htp)
- Added example/ex12.sql
Version: 0.8.4
- Added clob methods
- Enhanced the json-path to support bracket select in json objects
- Updated documentation
- Added one example file
- Added NVL to various unittests.
Version: 0.8.3
- Added optional compact output
- four parser-errors catched.
- Added a simple JSON Path implementation. You can get, put and remove with path arguments.
- Added 16 unittests
- Added 3 example files.
- Updated documentation
- Variable indentation in pretty printer
Version: 0.8.2
- Bug fix: unicode character error in parser.
- Documentation was edited by Wayne IV Mike.
- Changes @ to @@ in the install script. That makes PL/JSON easier to use in other products.
Version: 0.8.1
- Documentation is added
- API: put and add methods now checks for null value. Stores JSON_NULL if null was found.
Version: 0.8
- API is entirely rewritten
- Memory Issue is solved
- Parser is replaced (empty and nested arrays are now supported)
- New pretty-printer
- Exception handling is better now
- A testsuite has been added
- Many examples is available
- An extension-package makes date-values possible
- Version: 0.6
- Added support for creating JSON from text input
- Version 0.5
- Initial release
- Includes a JSON data type
- Can create tables and columns of JSON
- Supports API creation of JSON data type