HTTP server should be protected from DDOS attacks with the Prof of Work (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof_of_work), the challenge-response protocol should be used.
The choice of the POW algorithm should be explained.
After Proof Of Work verification, server should send one of the quotes from “word of wisdom” book or any other collection of the quotes.
Docker file should be provided both for the server and for the client that solves the POW Challenge.
Code should be covered with unit tests.
Code should be fully covered in comments (methods, variables, tests, etc.).
Code should be published on GitHub.
Readme file should be provided with instructions on how to run the server and the client.
PoW algorithm should be balance between computational complexity and memory requirements.
No constraints on the choice of the storage for the quotes.
Additional layers of protection against DDoS attacks could be added, such as rate limiting or IP blocking.
Performance requirements for the server are not defined.
All documentation and comments are supposed to be in English.
Golang is the tool of choice.