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Null safety migration status
Filip Hracek edited this page Feb 25, 2021
19 revisions
This page contains stats for the migration of packages on pub.dev to Dart's sound null safety feature.
The data below is based on the following criteria:
- Package supports null safety: The Dart SDK lower constraint is
>= 2.12.0-0
- Package is unblocked for starting migrating to null safety: All direct dep of the package support null safety
- Blocking score: The number of packages (incl. transitive deps) only blocked from null-safety migration by this package. If a package is blocked by N dependencies, then it only contributes with a blocking score of 1/N.
Note: Pub.dev also has a list of packages with null safety. This may show a slightly lower count than the "raw" counts below, as some categories of packages (e.g. those marked discontinued) are not shown in the pub.dev search UI.
packages with null safety: 1096
packages without null safety total: 15853
packages without null safety blocked: 4162
packages without null safety unblocked: 11691
packages in total (w. Dart 2.12 support): 16949
Top 50 by blocking score (unblocked for migr.):
dio 279.9 Yes
shared_aws_api 216.5 Yes
build 117.3 Yes
source_gen 85.5 No
permission_handler 61.9 Yes
cached_network_image 51.4 Yes
dart_style 51.3 Yes
hex 41.7 Yes
flutter_webview_plugin 38.4 Yes
encrypt 28.7 Yes
angel_framework 28.3 No
code_builder 27.3 Yes
build_config 27.2 No
angular 23.9 No
http_server 22.7 Yes
json_serializable 20.7 No
build_runner 19.0 No
universal_html 19.0 Yes
get 18.3 Yes
quiver_hashcode 17.1 Yes
foundation_fluttify 16.8 Yes
flutter_spinkit 15.6 Yes
event_bus 15.2 Yes
mango_ui 15.0 Yes
flare_flutter 14.9 No
dart2_constant 14.2 Yes
mustache 13.9 Yes
stagexl 13.8 Yes
syncfusion_flutter_core 13.0 Yes
resource 12.8 Yes
charts_flutter 12.7 No
colorize 12.6 Yes
flame 12.6 Yes
pubspec_parse 12.5 No
photo_view 11.5 Yes
flutter_map 11.4 No
angel_container 10.8 Yes
flare_dart 10.8 Yes
console 10.8 Yes
chopper 10.6 Yes
ocg_app 10.6 No
swiss_knife 10.5 No
awareframework_core 10.5 No
latlong 10.2 No
gql 10.2 Yes
postgres 10.1 Yes
intl_translation 10.0 No
jaguar_serializer 9.9 Yes
jaguar 9.7 No
isolate 9.7 Yes
packages published last 7 days where latest version is null-safe (169):
flutter_cache_manager 2021-02-25 3.0.0-nullsafety.0
permission_handler_platform_interface 2021-02-25 3.0.0
google_maps_flutter 2021-02-24 2.0.0
firebase_analytics 2021-02-25 7.1.0
firebase 2021-02-23 9.0.0
firebase_analytics_web 2021-02-25 0.2.0
firebase_analytics_platform_interface 2021-02-25 1.1.0
web_socket_channel 2021-02-19 2.0.0
flutter_secure_storage 2021-02-21 4.0.0
io 2021-02-25 1.0.0
shelf_web_socket 2021-02-24 1.0.0
firebase_database 2021-02-25 6.1.0
flutter_inappwebview 2021-02-25 5.0.3-nullsafety.1
firebase_dynamic_links 2021-02-25 0.8.0
shelf_static 2021-02-24 1.0.0
shelf_packages_handler 2021-02-24 3.0.0
fl_chart 2021-02-19 0.20.0-nullsafety1
basic_utils 2021-02-23 3.0.0-nullsafety.0
firebase_remote_config 2021-02-25 0.9.0-dev.0
table_calendar 2021-02-22 3.0.0-nullsafety.0
animated_text_kit 2021-02-22 4.0.0
http_client_helper 2021-02-25 0.3.1
signature 2021-02-23 4.0.0-nullsafety
firebase_performance 2021-02-25 0.6.0
redux 2021-02-23 5.0.0
firebase_ml_vision 2021-02-25 0.11.0
in_app_purchase 2021-02-25 0.4.1
flutter_facebook_auth 2021-02-25 3.0.0-nullsafety.0
flutter_facebook_auth_platform_interface 2021-02-25 2.0.0-nullsafety.1
flutter_facebook_auth_web 2021-02-25 2.0.0-nullsafety.1
mailer 2021-02-25 4.0.0
flutter_native_splash 2021-02-19 1.0.0
bot_toast 2021-02-19 4.0.0+1
oktoast 2021-02-24 3.0.0
map_launcher 2021-02-23 2.0.0-nullsafety.0
native_stack_traces 2021-02-23 0.4.0
cookie_jar 2021-02-22 2.0.0
flutter_isolate 2021-02-24 2.0.0-nullsafety.0
photo_manager 2021-02-25 1.0.0-nullsafety.0
firebase_in_app_messaging 2021-02-25 0.4.0
flutter_appauth 2021-02-21 1.0.0-nullsafety.0
flutter_appauth_platform_interface 2021-02-24 3.0.0-nullsafety.2
faker 2021-02-21 2.0.0-rc.1
amazon_cognito_identity_dart_2 2021-02-22 1.0.0-nullsafety.0
cron 2021-02-24 0.3.0
package_info_plus 2021-02-25 1.0.0-nullsafety.1
package_info_plus_linux 2021-02-25 1.0.0-nullsafety.1
package_info_plus_platform_interface 2021-02-25 1.0.0-nullsafety.1
package_info_plus_macos 2021-02-25 1.0.0-nullsafety.1
package_info_plus_windows 2021-02-25 1.0.0-nullsafety.1
package_info_plus_web 2021-02-25 1.0.0-nullsafety.1
dart_internal 2021-02-23 0.2.0
expansion_tile_card 2021-02-19 2.0.0
flutter_state_notifier 2021-02-20 0.7.0
system_info 2021-02-19 1.0.0
flutter_archive 2021-02-22 3.0.0
google_api_availability 2021-02-23 3.0.0
custom_refresh_indicator 2021-02-23 1.0.0-nullsafety.0
dbus 2021-02-23 0.2.1
black_hole_flutter 2021-02-25 0.3.0
executor 2021-02-23 2.2.2
connectivity_plus 2021-02-22 0.9.0-nullsafety.0
connectivity_plus_macos 2021-02-22 0.5.0-nullsafety.0
connectivity_plus_platform_interface 2021-02-22 0.5.0-nullsafety.0
connectivity_plus_web 2021-02-22 0.7.0-nullsafety.0
connectivity_plus_linux 2021-02-22 0.4.0-nullsafety.1
web_scraper 2021-02-24 0.1.4
wechat_assets_picker 2021-02-25 5.0.0-nullsafety.5
file_selector 2021-02-25 0.8.0
flutter_lorem 2021-02-21 2.0.0
fast_immutable_collections 2021-02-21 2.0.0-nullsafety.2
flutter_file_dialog 2021-02-22 2.0.0
flutter_grid_button 2021-02-25 2.0.0-nullsafety.0+1
crypt 2021-02-20 4.0.1
flutter_dropzone 2021-02-24 2.0.0-nullsafety.3
nepali_utils 2021-02-23 3.0.1
drawerbehavior 2021-02-25 2.0.0+4
flutter_dropzone_web 2021-02-24 2.0.0-nullsafety.3
flutter_dropzone_platform_interface 2021-02-24 2.0.0-nullsafety.3
platform_info 2021-02-18 3.0.0-nullsafety.1
holding_gesture 2021-02-23 1.0.0-dev
ini 2021-02-23 2.1.0-beta
rx_shared_preferences 2021-02-24 2.0.0-nullsafety.0
multiple_localization 2021-02-21 0.2.0-nullsafety.0
rx_storage 2021-02-24 1.0.0-nullsafety.0
connectivity_plus_windows 2021-02-22 0.2.0-nullsafety.0
queue 2021-02-23 3.0.0-nullsafety.0
wechat_camera_picker 2021-02-25 2.0.0-nullsafety.4
nepali_date_picker 2021-02-23 5.0.0
puppeteer 2021-02-25 2.0.0
i18n 2021-02-24 3.0.0-nullsafety
pointer_interceptor 2021-02-18 0.9.0
flutter_vpn 2021-02-24 0.10.0
flutter_fortune_wheel 2021-02-23 0.4.1
punycode 2021-02-25 1.0.0
calendar_time 2021-02-23 2.0.0-nullsafety.0
objectid 2021-02-23 2.0.0-nullsafety.0
fhir 2021-02-23 0.3.0-nullsafety.0
ulid 2021-02-25 2.0.0
flamingo 2021-02-19 2.0.0-nullsafety.0
clean_framework 2021-02-19 0.4.0
file_selector_web 2021-02-25 0.8.1
cupertino_list_tile 2021-02-25 0.2.0-nullsafety.0
azure_application_insights 2021-02-24 2.0.0
conditional_wrapper 2021-02-24 2.0.0-nullsafety
function_tree 2021-02-24 0.8.0-dev.1
firebase_ml_custom 2021-02-25 0.2.0
espresso 2021-02-23 0.1.0
hsluv 2021-02-23 1.1.1
mvvm_builder 2021-02-22 3.0.0-null.safety
multiline 2021-02-18 3.0.0-nullsafety.0
fhir_at_rest 2021-02-23 0.3.0-nullsafety.0
random_color_scheme 2021-02-23 0.1.1
material_snackbar 2021-02-23 2.0.0-nullsafety.1
hop_swipe_cards 2021-02-24 2.0.0-nullsafety.1
flutter_qjs 2021-02-22 0.3.6
unsplash_client 2021-02-19 1.0.0
glass_kit 2021-02-22 2.0.0-nullsafety.1
flutter_image_utilities 2021-02-22 1.0.0
pubspec2 2021-02-18 1.0.0
enhanced_meteorify 2021-02-22 3.0.0-nullsafety.3
battery_plus_linux 2021-02-22 0.3.0-nullsafety.1
desktop_notifications 2021-02-19 0.2.0
battery_plus_web 2021-02-19 0.4.0-nullsafety.0
battery_plus_windows 2021-02-19 0.3.0-nullsafety.0
coordinator_layout 2021-02-25 1.0.0+1
ansi_logger 2021-02-19 2.0.2
sensors_plus_web 2021-02-22 1.0.0-nullsafety.0
sensors_plus_platform_interface 2021-02-22 1.0.0-nullsafety.0
pub_release 2021-02-25 6.0.1
bluez 2021-02-23 0.1.1
sensors_plus 2021-02-22 1.0.0-nullsafety.0
color_blindness 2021-02-23 0.1.0
strict_config 2021-02-20 2.0.1
battery_plus 2021-02-22 1.0.0-nullsafety.0
gl_dart 2021-02-20 1.0.0-nullsafety.0
glfw_dart 2021-02-21 1.0.0-nullsafety.0
vmiso 2021-02-23 2.0.0-nullsafety.0
pref 2021-02-20 2.0.0-nullsafety
libusb 2021-02-19 0.3.23-nullsafety.0
fsm2 2021-02-19 2.0.1
fhir_auth 2021-02-24 0.3.0-nullsafety.5
keep_keyboard_popup_menu 2021-02-24 2.0.0-nullsafety.0
on_upgrade 2021-02-24 1.0.0-nullsafety.3
drop_zone 2021-02-23 1.0.1
conventional 2021-02-21 0.0.2-pre
gg_value 2021-02-24 0.0.9+3
cbl_native 2021-02-23 1.1.0
layoutr 2021-02-24 1.0.0-nullsafety.0
fhir_bulk 2021-02-23 0.3.0-nullsafety.0
clean_settings_nnbd 2021-02-23 0.1.0
qrolo 2021-02-19 0.0.2-nullsafety.
flutter_analyzer 2021-02-20 1.0.0+2
rpc_gen 2021-02-25 0.1.1
gg_once_per_cycle 2021-02-24 0.0.1+2
to_string_pretty 2021-02-20 1.1.0-nullsafety.1
json_serializable_fic 2021-02-24 0.0.1-nullsafety.0
yeet 2021-02-22 0.0.1
route_tree_flutter 2021-02-21 1.0.0-nullsafety
jetlog 2021-02-19 1.0.0-rc.3
iroute 2021-02-20 0.1.0-dev.1
investec_open_api 2021-02-21 0.1.0-nullsafety
humanizer 2021-02-25 0.0.1-nullsafety
flutter_player 2021-02-22 0.0.1
simple_api 2021-02-25 0.0.3
firebase_remote_config_platform_interface 2021-02-25 0.2.0-dev.0
fhir_uscore 2021-02-25 0.3.0-nullsafety.5
testify 2021-02-22 0.0.2-nullsafety.1
cbl_ffi 2021-02-23 0.1.0
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