Releases: dataesr/paysage-ui
Releases · dataesr/paysage-ui
🎉 Nouvelle fonctionalité
- geography: Add menu entry on structure page
- structures: Add BSO as new weblink type for structure
- cgu: Add CGU and mentions légales
- geographical-categories: add card in en un coup doeil and one in categories et terms
- geographical-categories: add cards
- geographical-categories: Translate map into French
- geographical-categories: Remove menu entry about geographical categories
🐛 Réparation de bug
- bulk-import: typo and update idchecker
- homepage: Set category link as internal instead of external
- bulk-import persons: add checker for duplicate in import file
- bulk-import structures: add checker for duplicate in import file
- bulk-import structures: clean feature and delete parent relations
- weblinks: add lieux inspirants to weblinks
- localisation: update adress display
- geographical-categories: add card to Je recherche
- geographical-categories: fix condition
- trechercher: typo
- search-bar: add icone for geographical categories
- geographical-categories: add relation card structures/geographical categories
- geographical-categories: fix grid system on structure list
- geographical-categories: Filter structures with geographical coordinates
- historique-et-date: update display
- gouvernance: update checker for mandatePhonenumber
- bulk-import: change from export csv to xlsx and display link only if not relations
- regexpForIdentifiers: update orcid regexp
- checkers-persons: checker no longer show warning if firstname appears multiple time in import file
- identifiers: add link for researchgate identifiers
- official-text-form: update error message for jorftext
- identifiers: add piaweb for structure and projects id
- official-text-form: update error display
- directory: Typo
- names: update name display
- structures: no 'if' before other names
- weblinks: update service public regex
- bulk-imports: improve report for laureat
- bulk-import: fix laureats header mapping to deal with startDate instead of endDate for attribution
- bulk-import: requete done to get name and price name for report
- localisation: delete duplicate from merge and add a row between components
- constants: uppercase on levels from geographical categories
- geographical-categories: sort tags and cards from country to urban unity
- localisations: phone number after address
- identifiers: orcid regexp update
- identifiers: sanitize researchgate form to get the profil only and fix error message
- bulk-import: checker update for duplicate in file
- bulk-import: add bulk-import for terms and rncp as new identifier for terms
- bulk-import: update checker for terms wikidata and rncp
- bulk-import: add regexp for rncp
- bulk-import: fix structure checker and change between werning and error on terms
- names: sort structure names
- users: Set pagination limit to 2000 in API request
- filters: update actionbadge name
🐛 Réparation de bug
- historique-et-date: update display
- gouvernance: update checker for mandatePhonenumber
- bulk-import: change from export csv to xlsx and display link only if not relations
- regexpForIdentifiers: update orcid regexp
- checkers-persons: checker no longer show warning if firstname appears multiple time in import file
- identifiers: add link for researchgate identifiers
- official-text-form: update error message for jorftext
- identifiers: add piaweb for structure and projects id
- official-text-form: update error display
- directory: Typo
- names: update name display
🐛 Réparation de bug
- bulk-import: add duplicate checker for user input
- bulk-import: add encodeUricomponent to nameChecker function
- bulk-import: add duplicate checker in import file
- tag-input: Do not validate tag input by pressing "B" key
- linter: .
- bulk-import: update persons checker
- bulk-import: update structure checker
- bulk-import: add export button to csv
- bulk-import: update persons checker
- ci: No need to specify the default Dockerfile
- bulk-imports: add advice for structure import
- bulk-import: debug checkers
- admin: add id of relation type
- admin: add sideMenu for gouvernance bulk import
- analysers: add type to body
- headers-maping: change export mode of structures headers mapping
- analysers: add type
- analysers: update type of objet of persons headers-mapping
- analysers: new persons headers mapping
- report: update export files
- importers: add gouvernance to analysis route
- importers: add gouvernance to analysis route
- bulk-import: add modeles and update headers-mapping
- ci: Ignore Mac Files
- identifiers: add identifiers, link and regexp for Crunchbase, EU Transparency, HATVP, Crossref funder ID, dealroom
- bulk-import: add checkers and helpers
- bulk-import: update helper and file downloader
- bulk-import: update checker for laureat
- bulk-import: update checker for governance
- bulk-import: update checkers
- bulk-import: update checker for laureats
- localisations: add phonenumber to localisation card
- names: add nameEn and officialName in presenting page
- localisation: add phonenumber icon and sanitized form body
- names: update names display
- identifiers: delete crossref funder ID and made to uppercase orcid id
- dates: fix -depuis le- issue
- current-legal: display legal categorie even if inactive
- localisation: display locality instead of city
- resources-externes: restore curie xplore logo
- social-media-card: update x logo
- key-value-card: add cursor on info icon
🐛 Réparation de bug
- weblinks: add lieux inspirants to weblinks
🐛 Réparation de bug
- bulk-import persons: add checker for duplicate in import file
- bulk-import structures: add checker for duplicate in import file
- bulk-import structures: clean feature and delete parent relations
🎉 Nouvelle fonctionalité
- tests: add unit tests and workflow github
- administration: Detailed journal rows and admin dashboard
- deletes: Allow admins to delete persons ans structures
- workflows: add workflow on feature/bulk-import branch
- Textes officiels: Les administrateurs peuvent desormais supprimer un texte officiel
- external-resource: add bso to external resources
- jobs: Add job managment panel for admins
- structures: Add BSO as new weblink type for structure
- cgu: Add CGU and mentions légales
🎉 Nouvelle fonctionalité
- bulk import: Add bulk imports
🐛 Réparation de bug
- workflow: update ui workflow for tests
- social-media-card: add france culture logo
- social-media: capitalize social media type in selector
- social-media-card: capitalize mediaName
- admin panel: typos
- gouvernance: Delete Référent MESR from person page
- social-media-card: add france culture logo
- social-media: capitalize social media type in selector
- social-media-card: capitalize mediaName
- import: persons: add checker for persons
- bulk-imports: headersmappings birthdate update
- bulk-import: persons warning message updated
- bulk-imports: nameChecker for persons update
- bulk-import: add mapping to persons
- workflow: delete feature/bulk-import from workflow
- bulk-import: add categorieschecker
- bulk-import: delete categories for persons and add researchgate to mapping
- bulk-import: add genderChecker function for persons
- bulk-import: update genderChecker function
- bulk-import: delete categories and publicsearch from parsing function
- bulk-import: add website checker function to structures
- bulk-import: add id format checker for persons
- bulk-import: add id format checker for structures and legalcategory checker
- bulk-import: add parsingfunction of iso3 to get them in uppercase
- bulk-import: xlsx file changed for structure and persons and delete gouvernance and laureat sidemenu
- workflow: update workflow running command and fix capitalize unit test
- workflow: update workflow running command and fix capitalize unit test
- projet et equipe: typo
- jobs: try fixing rendering
- jobs: try fixing rendering
- jobs: try fixing rendering
- jobs: try fixing rendering
- jobs: try fixing rendering
- jobs: try fixing rendering
- jobs: try fixing rendering
- jobs: try fixing rendering
- jobs: try fixing rendering
- jobs: final ! hopefully.
- bulk-import: typo and update idchecker
- homepage: Set category link as internal instead of external
🪚 Réamenagement de code
- regexp: move regexp for identifiers in utils and add orcid regexp
🐛 Réparation de bug
- gouvernance: Delete Référent MESR from person page
🎉 Nouvelle fonctionalité
- administration: Detailed journal rows and admin dashboard
🐛 Réparation de bug
- identifier: Correct wikidata regex
- identifiers: change error message display for wikidata
- admin panel: typos