DataTables enhances the popular DataTables.js library to allow viewing and querying tables of data.
- Run DataHub
- Select a repo
- Select a table to browse
- The table of data should be shown on the page
- Sort: Click a column to sort (click again to toggle ascending/descending). Shift-click to sort by multiple columns.
- Show/Hide Columns: Click the blue "Show/hide columns" button and select (or deselect) the columns you want to show (or hide).
- Rearrange Columns: Click and drag a column to rearrange the order of columns
- Paginate: Click the desired page number (or arrow) below bottom right of table
- Number of Records: Click the dropdown menu above top-left of table and select the number of records to display
- Aggregates: Click the blue "Aggregate" button, select a function (ex. min, max) and a column to compute the aggregate.
Filters allow querying the table to display the rows which satisfy some condition.
- Add Filter: Flick the blue "New Filter" button, it will add a row (i.e. the filter) to the bottom of the table
- Filter on Column: A filter has one textbox for each column. Enter text to filter on that column
- Change Column Filter Operator: By default, each column of the filter checks for equality (i.e. only show rows which have col = "my value"). You can click the button next to each textbox in the filter to change the operator.
- Multiple Filters: If you have one filter, a row must satisfy every condition in the filter in order to appear in the table. If you have two filters (call them A and B), a row must satisfy all the conditions in filter A OR all the conditions in filter B OR both in order to appear in the table.
You can Invert Filter by clicking the button (i.e. any row that was in the table will be gone, and any row that wasn't in the table will be shown).