diff --git a/tests/Remove-DbaDbTableData.Tests.ps1 b/tests/Remove-DbaDbTableData.Tests.ps1 index 48ba221d7e..f48237ace6 100644 --- a/tests/Remove-DbaDbTableData.Tests.ps1 +++ b/tests/Remove-DbaDbTableData.Tests.ps1 @@ -59,41 +59,46 @@ Describe "$CommandName Integration Tests" -Tags "IntegrationTests" { Context "Param validation" { It "Either -Table or -DeleteSql needs to be specified" { - $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel + $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -WarningVariable warn $result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty + $warn | Should -BeLike '*You must specify either -Table or -DeleteSql.*' - $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel -Table dbo.Test -DeleteSql "DELETE TOP (10) FROM dbo.Test" -Confirm:$false + $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel -Table dbo.Test -DeleteSql "DELETE TOP (10) FROM dbo.Test" -Confirm:$false -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -WarningVariable warn $result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty + $warn | Should -BeLike '*You must specify either -Table or -DeleteSql, but not both.*' } It "-BatchSize cannot be used when -DeleteSql is specified" { - $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel -DeleteSql "DELETE TOP (10) FROM dbo.Test" -BatchSize 10 -Confirm:$false + $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel -DeleteSql "DELETE TOP (10) FROM dbo.Test" -BatchSize 10 -Confirm:$false -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -WarningVariable warn $result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty + $warn | Should -BeLike '*When using -DeleteSql the -BatchSize param cannot be used.*' } It "Invalid -Table value is provided" { - $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel -Table InvalidTableName -Confirm:$false + $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel -Table InvalidTableName -Confirm:$false -WarningAction SilentlyContinue $result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Invalid -DeleteSql due to missing DELETE keyword (i.e. user has not passed in a DELETE statement)" { - $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel -DeleteSql "SELECT TOP (10) FROM dbo.Test" -Confirm:$false + $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel -DeleteSql "SELECT TOP (10) FROM dbo.Test" -Confirm:$false -WarningAction SilentlyContinue $result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Invalid -DeleteSql due to missing TOP (N) clause" { - $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel -DeleteSql "DELETE FROM dbo.Test" -Confirm:$false + $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel -DeleteSql "DELETE FROM dbo.Test" -Confirm:$false -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -WarningVariable warn $result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty + $warn | Should -BeLike '*To use the -DeleteSql param you must specify the TOP (N) clause in the DELETE statement.*' } It "Invalid SQL used to test the error handling and reporting" { - $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel -DeleteSql "DELETE TOP (10) FROM dbo.Test WHERE 1/0 = 1" -Confirm:$false + $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel -DeleteSql "DELETE TOP (10) FROM dbo.Test WHERE 1/0 = 1" -Confirm:$false -WarningAction SilentlyContinue $result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } It "Either -LogBackupPath or -AzureBaseUrl needs to be specified, but not both" { - $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel -Table dbo.Test -LogBackupPath $logBackupPath -AzureBaseUrl https://dbatoolsaz.blob.core.windows.net/azbackups/ + $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel -Table dbo.Test -LogBackupPath $logBackupPath -AzureBaseUrl https://dbatoolsaz.blob.core.windows.net/azbackups/ -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -WarningVariable warn $result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty + $warn | Should -BeLike '*You must specify either -LogBackupPath or -AzureBaseUrl, but not both.*' } } @@ -141,10 +146,11 @@ Describe "$CommandName Integration Tests" -Tags "IntegrationTests" { Context "Functionality with bulk_logged recovery model" { BeforeEach { - $addRowsToBulkLoggedDb = Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameBulkLoggedModel -Query $sqlAddRows + $addRowsToBulkLoggedDb = Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance $script:instance2 -Database $dbnameBulkLoggedModel -Query $sqlAddRows } It 'Removes Data for a specified database' { + $server = Connect-DbaInstance -SqlInstance $script:instance2 -Database $dbnameBulkLoggedModel -NonPooledConnection $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameBulkLoggedModel -Table dbo.Test -BatchSize 10 -LogBackupPath $logBackupPath -Confirm:$false $result.TotalIterations | Should -Be 10 $result.TotalRowsDeleted | Should -Be 100 @@ -181,7 +187,7 @@ Describe "$CommandName Integration Tests" -Tags "IntegrationTests" { } It "Test with an invalid LogBackupPath location" { - $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel -Table dbo.Test -BatchSize 10 -LogBackupPath "C:\dbatools\$(Get-Random)" -Confirm:$false + $result = Remove-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance $server -Database $dbnameFullModel -Table dbo.Test -BatchSize 10 -LogBackupPath "C:\dbatools\$(Get-Random)" -Confirm:$false -WarningAction SilentlyContinue $result | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } } diff --git a/tests/pester.groups.ps1 b/tests/pester.groups.ps1 index db2fa34755..5a373e9670 100644 --- a/tests/pester.groups.ps1 +++ b/tests/pester.groups.ps1 @@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ $TestsRunGroups = @{ 'Get-DbaHelpIndex', 'Get-DbaExternalProcess', # just fails too often - 'Remove-DbaDbTableData', 'Test-DbaMaxDop', 'Test-DbaOptimizeForAdHoc', 'New-DbaDbSnapshot'