So how are the projects split or ran?
- Each developer at the moment. A couple of devs are working on many repos.
Who are the other Devs?
- 3 full timers - Flutter devs.
- 2 consultants for highly specialized stuff ( WebRTC and Ops)
Do we have a channel for general communication like slack or Telegram or is it all one on ones?
- Prefer Telegram for now.
- Will open up to slack or gitter later once we have more structure. Too early though.
What are the timelines
- There is a Roadmap here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14YX4B7fq36SJgtqvhBCaM53skarVDI7FOBfyZkJqtbk/edit
- Its very alpha and things will change !
Do we have customers/users currently giving any kind of feedback or it's not there yet?
- On the biz side we are talking to about 10,000 campaigns worldwide. The Biz team have done a good job.
- XR (Extinction Rebellion), FF (Fridays for Future 6 Greta) Greenpeace and many others are in direct communication with us.
I read about how you do remuneration, and would like a little bit more detail/updates?
- Everyone is working for free at the moment because we believe in this.
- Currently doing pitches to funders. EU Climate Foundation and many others.
- Its getting there but takes time for a philanthropic project.
What sort of issues is the app to be used to fight for ?
Climate change
Micro plastics and various pollution aspects
Universal basic income
See the getcouragenow.org web site for updates....
There is no 8 for now ...