1,637,941 events, 854,672 push events, 1,293,512 commit messages, 92,661,761 characters
Forbidden taboo videos of little girls fucking in their own home with daddy and brother and sister and all the other people daddy wants to fuck me!
Initial version of gui package
Infernio: Had to squash a whole bunch of these together in order to have the resulting commit not break dev. Introduces a decent first design for the GUI package featuring layouts, buttons and some text components.
Move layouts to new gui package with fully wrapped classes
The goal is to replace balt with this, fully encapsulating the wx classes inside.
Add regular buttons to new gui package
The onButClickEventful argument is not yet implemented, but it's only used in one class (the ColorPicker dialog) so it isn't a massive concern. It's waiting for better event handling before it can be implemented.
Add ToggleButton and CheckBox to gui, plus more
The main widget API now uses properties instead of getters and setters.
Add text edit fields to gui
Still to do: * styles (no border, sunken border) * fonts (mostly monospace) * event binding (on_lose_focus) * a lot of documentation
WIP - Add labels to gui
again, this is not even close to done. barely more than a stash
Cleanup some leftovers from nycz's initial work
Rename abstract classes to fit WB style
We use 'A' instead of 'Abstract'. Also renamed Widget to _AWidget since instantiating that class doesn't seem useful.
Import directly in balt
Leads to slightly cleaner looking code. Also deleted the remnants of the StaticText class.
Create gui.DeselectAllButton
Make TextCtrl wrappers more consistent
There is no reason for anything but TextArea to ever have a 'wrap' parameter. However, the 'modified' property is useful for both TextAreas and TextFields, so let's move it to the abstract class.
Remnants of balt.StaticText -> gui.Label transition
Rename abstract classes in layouts.py to fit
Carry over wx3 SendSizeEventToParent edit
Was the only actually needed one from the wx3 TEMP commit
layouts: Use SetSizer by default
Fixes dialogs opening way too small and not remembering their size
Add docstrings and typing
Also removed some obsolete labels in patcher_dialog.py.
Rename 'text' and 'name', both forbidden names
Get rid of all 'text' usages in the new GUI code
Forbidden name, see wiki.
Get rid of all 'name' usages in the new GUI code
Fobidden name, see wiki. I almost definitely missed some here.
Rename some setter parameters
To avoid forbidden names etc.
Reintroduce support for some missing features
- Hiding text input borders
Also turns the INI details name back into a read-only text area again (works better for small screens).
- StaticText.Rewrap (now Label.rewrap)
Cut out some parts of this that I don't think are needed, but we'll have to see.
Drop noAutoResize
When in doubt, leave it out - can't find any breakage from not supporting this, so dropping it.
Remove HideNativeCaret() usage
Doesn't even seem to work, and why are we even doing this in the first place??
Split into modules earlier
gui/init.py should become a central import point, will significantly reduce commit noise and simplify the API usage (in exchange for a very painful conflict resolution that I'll now have to slug through...).
Notes for these squashed modules:
Move text-related classes into gui/text_components.py
gui/init.py is starting to become pretty large and there's no reason to limit ourselves to one file anyways.
Also randomly noticed that the copyright dates were still from 2015 here.
Move button classes into gui/buttons.py
Since these are going to expand soon (BitmapButton), now felt like a good time to do it.
Some minor improvements to layouts.py
Fix 'Modified' field not being editable
Got the incorrect assignment (False instead of True), but I dropped the entire assignment instead. Don't know why it was there in the first place.
Co-authored-by: Infernio [email protected]
• Almost finished custom edit box but realizing I need to really customize it and stop inheriting from annoying rich text box! => I'll inherit from whatever the fuck I need to capture key events and paint the control myself!
Includes today's 50k more or less.
I accidentally cut the lower first half of the course short by about 2 miles. However, on the second half, I deliberately ran east toward the mountains in a place where I was pretty sure I should have been running north, parallel to them. My reasoning was if I was running the wrong way it would help make up the distance I inadvertently cut earlier and if I was running the right way, well, I should be running that way.
Unfortunately, when I was in navigation mode on my Ambit 3 I accidentally stopped and discarded my tracks. I'm not at all happy with the UI that led me to do that, although part of the issue is I'm too vain/lazy/forgetful to have reading glasses with me and I pushed the wrong button. However, I NEVER want my sports watch to throw away data like that and I only went in to navigation mode to see if I was on the trail (by that time I had already headed back west and had indeed gotten back on the trail).
So, my numbers for today's run are approximations. Of the 50k finishers, I came in 4th out of 5. Jason, who came in 5th, definitely did the whole course, so perhaps he beat me, although I do suspect that I went off course (uphill!) for at least three quarters of a mile, perhaps more, and did about the same amount coming back.
Oh well, there's always next year.
Oh, and I'm still recovering from flu and that kicked me in the ass pretty hard. I simply couldn't cough out all the junk that was collecting in my lungs as I ran, so eventually I did a bunch of walking just so my lungs would feel better.
Fixes from A Golden Gun: Technology now provides more sensible benefits and has fixed localization. Dreadnought stat boosts are still fiddly, but I'll work on that.
- Traits have been cleaned up and brought up to par with updates where needed. Zealous and Cynical have been removed (and painstakingly gutted from the code.) due to redundancy with Spiritual/Skeptic and Radical/Pragmatic.
- Flags now display as intended. Turns out having missing flags mucks up the flag assignment for everything else.
- Some minor localization fixes
- Building lists have cleaned up and localized.
- Hospital buildings were moved to the 'Medicine' category.
- I think I fixed one of the lover events. I can't recall which.
- Astrist, Bio-Directionist, Neo-Feudalist, Space Pirate, and Terran Imperialist now have five holy/historic sites.
- Redundant or unfitting laws have been dummied out. The Coalition-Unitary law track now provides an increase to demesne size.
- I am aware that the Feudal Obligations law has unfitting localization. I just have no idea where its localization even is, so I can't fix it.
Fixes from Zombaxx: Enabled building new holdings. -various localization and GFX updates
All sorts of refactoring!
There are some pretty cool changes here. First, I went all out on pattern synonyms and view patterns. Previously, you had to manage the Fix/unfix functions all over the code. Now, the Tiler constructors are smart and automatically apply Fix or unfix as needed. Sometimes I still find myself coercing but it's a lot better than it was before.
Also, there's some Template Haskell in the project now. Those smart constructors would have been tedius to right by hand so I wasted a few hours learning how to automate creating them.
In theory, you can use Complete pragmas to control the exhaustiveness checker. This lets pattern synonyms act closer to real patterns. Those pragmas work great in the Tiler.hs file but cause the compiler to panic in the Actions.hs and Core.hs files. I think this bug is fixed in a later version of GHC but that version hasn't been released yet.
Also, GHC 8.8.1 uses up all of my laptop's memory trying to compile Base.hs so that's kind of scary. Maybe I should split that module up. For now I just use 8.6.5 and deal with the lack of Complete pragmas.
Create Hacking_the_fender
The Fender, a notorious computer hacker and general villain of the people, has compromised several top-secret passwords including your own. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is threefold. You must acquire access to The Fender‘s systems, you must update his "passwords.txt" file to scramble the secret data. The last thing you need to do is add the signature of Slash Null, a different hacker whose nefarious deeds could be very conveniently halted by The Fender if they viewed Slash Null as a threat.
Use your knowledge of working with Python files to retrieve, manipulate, obscure, and create data in your quest for justice. Work with CSV files and other text files in this exploration of the strength of Python file programming.
If you get stuck during this project, check out the project walkthrough video which can be found at the bottom of the page after the final step of the project.
Tasks 20/20Complete Mark the tasks as complete by checking them off Reading In The Passwords 1. Are you there? We’ve opened up a communications link to The Fender‘s secret computer. We need you to write a program that will read in the compromised usernames and passwords that are stored in a file called "passwords.csv".
First import the CSV module, since we’ll be needing it to parse the data.
We need to create a list of users whose passwords have been compromised, create a new list and save it to the variable compromised_users.
Next we’ll need you to open up the file itself. Store it in a file object called password_file.
Pass the password_file object holder to our CSV reader for parsing. Save the parsed csv.DictReader object as password_csv.
Now we’ll want to iterate through each of the lines in the CSV.
Create a for loop and save each row of the CSV into the temporary variable password_row.
Inside your for loop, print out password_row['Username']. This is the username of the person whose password was compromised.
Run your code, do you see a list of usernames?
Remove the print statement. We want to add each username to the list of compromised_users. Use the list’s .append() method to add the username to compromised_users instead of printing them.
Exit out of your with block for "passwords.csv". We have all the data we need from that file.
Start a new with block, opening a file called compromised_users.txt. Open this file in write-mode, saving the file object as compromised_user_file.
Inside the new context-managed block opened by the with statement start a new for loop.
Iterate over each of your compromised_users.
Write the username of each compromised_user in compromised_users to compromised_user_file.
Exit out of that with block. You’re doing great so far! We’ve got the data we need to employ as insurance against The Fender.
Notifying the Boss 12. Your boss needs to know that you were successful in retrieving that compromised data. We’ll need to send him an encoded message over the internet. Let’s use JSON to do that.
First we’ll need to import the json module.
Open a new JSON file in write-mode called boss_message.json. Save the file object to the variable boss_message.
Create a Python dictionary object within your with statement that relays a boss message. Call this boss_message_dict.
Give it a "recipient" key with a value "The Boss".
Also give it a "message" key with the value "Mission Success".
Write out boss_message_dict to boss_message using json.dump().
Scrambling the Password 16. Now that we’ve safely recovered the compromised users we’ll want to remove the "passwords.csv" file completely.
Create a new with block and open "new_passwords.csv" in write-mode. Save the file object to a variable called new_passwords_obj.
Enemy of the people, Slash Null, is who we want The Fender to think was behind this attack. He has a signature, whenever he hacks someone he adds this signature to one of the files he touches. Here is the signature:
/ )( \ / ) / ( )
) / ( ( ( ( O ) )(
_/ _/ __/ (__)
/ )( \ / \ / )( / )( )( \
) __ (/ ( ( ) ( ) ) ) D (
_)(/_/_/ _)(___)()(/
____ __ __ ____ _ _
___ / )( ) / \ / )/ )(
() _ / (// \_ ) __ (
( ( / )( ( ) ( )
/ /) / (/ (// (/\
Save that as a multiline string to the variable slash_null_sig.
Write slash_null_sig to new_passwords_obj. Now we have the file to replace passwords.csv with!
What an incredible success! We’ll take care of moving the new passwords file over the old one in case you want to practice hacking The Fender in the future.
Thank you for your service, programmer.
I hate myself, but this commit enables VP9 SVC in Chrome >= 74 and it's a horrible hack
Added a lot of shit
Holiday's fucking sucked harder that a hoover
I'm legitimately, honestly, and truly floored at the absolute minimal amount of effort required to just absolutely fucking destroy this game holy shit
Fuck python for making my life miserable
Jk, love you Python community, its just hard to sandbox python code.
18.2.Activating Timestampable{The TimestampableEntity Trait}
The TimestampableEntity Trait I love Timestampable. Heck, I put it everywhere. And, fortunately, there is a shortcut! Yea, we did way too much work. Check it out: completely delete the createdAt and updatedAt fields that we so-carefully added. And, remove the getter and setter methods at the bottom too. But now, all the way on top, add use TimestampableEntity. Yea! Hold Command or Ctrl and click to see that. Awesome: this contains the exact same code that we had before! If you want Timestampable, just use this trait, generate a migration and... done! And, talking about migrations, there could be some slight column differences between these columns and the original ones we created. Let's check that. Run:
php bin/console make:migration No database changes were detected
Cool! The fields in the trait are identical to what we had before. That means that we can already test things with:
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load Thank you TimestampableEntity!
Up Next: Relations! Ok guys! I hope you are loving Doctrine! We just got a lot of functionality fast. We have magic - like Timestampable & Sluggable - rich data fixtures, and a rocking migration system. One thing that we have not talked about yet is production config. And... that's because it's already setup. The Doctrine recipe came with its own config/packages/prod/doctrine.yaml config file, which makes sure that anything that can be cached easily, is cached:
32 lines config/packages/prod/doctrine.yaml doctrine: orm: metadata_cache_driver: type: service id: doctrine.system_cache_provider query_cache_driver: type: service id: doctrine.system_cache_provider result_cache_driver: type: service id: doctrine.result_cache_provider services: doctrine.result_cache_provider: class: Symfony\Component\Cache\DoctrineProvider public: false arguments: - '@doctrine.result_cache_pool' doctrine.system_cache_provider: class: Symfony\Component\Cache\DoctrineProvider public: false arguments: - '@doctrine.system_cache_pool' framework: cache: pools: doctrine.result_cache_pool: adapter: cache.app doctrine.system_cache_pool: adapter: cache.system This means you get nice performance, out-of-the-box. The other huge topic that we have not talked about yet is Doctrine relations. But, we should totally talk about those - they're awesome! So let's do that in our next tutorial, with foreign keys, join queries and high-fives so that we can create a really rich database.
16.1.Sluggable & other Wonderful Behaviors
We're using Faker to generate a random slug for each dummy article. Thanks to this, back on the homepage, look at the URLs: they're truly random slugs: they have no relation to the title. But, really, shouldn't the slug be generated from the title? What I mean is, if I set the Article's title, something should automatically convert that into a slug and make sure it's unique in the database. We shouldn't need to worry about doing that manually. And... yea! There's a really cool library that can do this, and a bunch of other magic! Google for 'gedmo doctrine', and then click into its documentation. Ok, let me explain something: there is a normal, PHP library called DoctrineExtension, which can add a lot of different behaviors to your entities, like sluggable, where you automatically generate the slug from another field. Other behaviors include Loggable, where each change to an entity is tracked, or Blameable, where the user who created or updated an entity is automatically recorded.
Create Flower.java
We saw the little game Marmot made for Mole's lunch. Now it's Marmot's dinner time and, as we all know, Marmot eats flowers. At every dinner he eats some red and white flowers. Therefore a dinner can be represented as a sequence of several flowers, some of them white and some of them red.
But, for a dinner to be tasty, there is a rule: Marmot wants to eat white flowers only in groups of size k.
Now Marmot wonders in how many ways he can eat between a and b flowers. As the number of ways could be very large, print it modulo 1000000007 (109 + 7). Input
Input contains several test cases.
The first line contains two integers t and k (1 ≤ t, k ≤ 105), where t represents the number of test cases.
The next t lines contain two integers ai and bi (1 ≤ ai ≤ bi ≤ 105), describing the i-th test. Output
Print t lines to the standard output. The i-th line should contain the number of ways in which Marmot can eat between ai and bi flowers at dinner modulo 1000000007 (109 + 7). Examples Input Copy
3 2 1 3 2 3 4 4
Output Copy
6 5 5
"12:50pm. Done with breakfast and chores. Let me slack a bit more and then I will resume.
For 2020 and 2021, I do not want to behave the same as in the last 5 years. I am tired of the stress and the chasing of impossible goals. I just want to waste time and let the things come to me on their own terms.
I did well enough given the capabilities I had. I have no shame over the last 5 years. Mistakes were made and they were learned from.
All the stupid worries...just why did I try so hard at trading and now programming?
I could have just dedicated myself to this scientist life. Let the other people think about the world.
I will just think about Spiral.
12:55pm. Let me finish the chapter I am reading and then I will start.
1:05pm. Whatever. Let me slack for a while longer.
1:30pm. That was satisfying. Now let me start for real.
I mean who could be enthusiastic about redoing the damn parser for the 100th time. How many times did I do this back in 2017?
Way too many.
Yet, I must do this.
I am not mathematician so I can't just come up with a design, write a glossy paper and call it a day. I have to roll up my sleeves and get dirty. I am a real programmer. Not some poseur that did not get the memo that computation is the essence of proof.
let pat_type pattern = pattern .>>. opt (colon >>. (pat_expr <|> (lit_ |>> lit))) |>> function a,Some b as x-> PatTypeEq(a,b) | a, None -> a
I am thinking about this.
Though I removed the regular type_eq
and made the restriction that only variables can have type annotations, I can still do the whole fragments using (a : int, b : int) & (_ : int * int)
So it is not a big deal.
What is a big is deciding whether to box or not. Also...
int * int
How am I going to parse this? Even before I can parse the patterns, I need a parser for type expressions.
1:45pm. Type expressions have their own precedence for operators. I cannot treat them like a normal thing.
That was not the case in the previous versions of Spiral.
So type expressions is where I in fact need to start.
1:50pm. Ok, before I do that, let me take a break. I want this orange.
After that I will finally do some novel coding. Hopefully that will get me into the swing of things."
i've finish dealing with the fucking bomb bug, which took me about three days, holly shit, and wish me luck on my final.
lib/list_sort: Optimize number of calls to comparison function
CONFIG_RETPOLINE has severely degraded indirect function call performance, so it's worth putting some effort into reducing the number of times cmp() is called.
This patch avoids badly unbalanced merges on unlucky input sizes. It slightly increases the code size, but saves an average of 0.2*n calls to cmp().
x86-64 code size 739 -> 803 bytes (+64)
Unfortunately, there's not a lot of low-hanging fruit in a merge sort; it already performs only nlog2(n) - Kn + O(1) compares. The leading coefficient is already at the theoretical limit (log2(n!) corresponds to K=1.4427), so we're fighting over the linear term, and the best mergesort can do is K=1.2645, achieved when n is a power of 2.
The differences between mergesort variants appear when n is not a power of 2; K is a function of the fractional part of log2(n). Top-down mergesort does best of all, achieving a minimum K=1.2408, and an average (over all sizes) K=1.248. However, that requires knowing the number of entries to be sorted ahead of time, and making a full pass over the input to count it conflicts with a second performance goal, which is cache blocking.
Obviously, we have to read the entire list into L1 cache at some point, and performance is best if it fits. But if it doesn't fit, each full pass over the input causes a cache miss per element, which is undesirable.
While textbooks explain bottom-up mergesort as a succession of merging passes, practical implementations do merging in depth-first order: as soon as two lists of the same size are available, they are merged. This allows as many merge passes as possible to fit into L1; only the final few merges force cache misses.
This cache-friendly depth-first merge order depends on us merging the beginning of the input as much as possible before we've even seen the end of the input (and thus know its size).
The simple eager merge pattern causes bad performance when n is just over a power of 2. If n=1028, the final merge is between 1024- and 4-element lists, which is wasteful of comparisons. (This is actually worse on average than n=1025, because a 1204:1 merge will, on average, end after 512 compares, while 1024:4 will walk 4/5 of the list.)
Because of this, bottom-up mergesort achieves K < 0.5 for such sizes, and has an average (over all sizes) K of around 1. (My experiments show K=1.01, while theory predicts K=0.965.)
There are "worst-case optimal" variants of bottom-up mergesort which avoid this bad performance, but the algorithms given in the literature, such as queue-mergesort and boustrodephonic mergesort, depend on the breadth-first multi-pass structure that we are trying to avoid.
This implementation is as eager as possible while ensuring that all merge passes are at worst 1:2 unbalanced. This achieves the same average K=1.207 as queue-mergesort, which is 0.2n better then bottom-up, and only 0.04n behind top-down mergesort.
Specifically, defers merging two lists of size 2^k until it is known that there are 2^k additional inputs following. This ensures that the final uneven merges triggered by reaching the end of the input will be at worst 2:1. This will avoid cache misses as long as 3*2^k elements fit into the cache.
(I confess to being more than a little bit proud of how clean this code turned out. It took a lot of thinking, but the resultant inner loop is very simple and efficient.)
Refs: Bottom-up Mergesort: A Detailed Analysis Wolfgang Panny, Helmut Prodinger Algorithmica 14(4):340--354, October 1995 https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01294131 https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
The cost distribution of queue-mergesort, optimal mergesorts, and power-of-two rules Wei-Mei Chen, Hsien-Kuei Hwang, Gen-Huey Chen Journal of Algorithms 30(2); Pages 423--448, February 1999 https://doi.org/10.1006/jagm.1998.0986 https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
Queue-Mergesort Mordecai J. Golin, Robert Sedgewick Information Processing Letters, 48(5):253--259, 10 December 1993 https://doi.org/10.1016/0020-0190(93)90088-q https://sci-hub.tw/10.1016/0020-0190(93)90088-Q
Feedback from Rasmus Villemoes [email protected].
Change-Id: Iade41c4a3d9c67485907b9eaf9568652b9db5f79 Link: http://lkml.kernel.org/r/fd560853cc4dca0d0f02184ffa888b4c1be89abc.1552704200.git.lkml@sdf.org Signed-off-by: George Spelvin [email protected] Acked-by: Andrey Abramov [email protected] Acked-by: Rasmus Villemoes [email protected] Reviewed-by: Andy Shevchenko [email protected] Cc: Daniel Wagner [email protected] Cc: Dave Chinner [email protected] Cc: Don Mullis [email protected] Cc: Geert Uytterhoeven [email protected] Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton [email protected] Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds [email protected]
Update to NetHack 3.6.3.
From https://www.nethack.org/v363/release.html :
NetHack 3.6.3 is the official release of NetHack that follows NetHack 3.6.2. Here's a synopsis of over 190 bug fixes and over 22 game enhancements and community contributions made since the release of 3.6.2 in May 2019:
Fixed stale 'thrownobj' pointer for returning thrown aklys while engulfed
Fixed uarmh null pointer dereference if a helm of opposite alignment came off due to being polymorphed
Fixed 'object lost' panic when attempting to crawl of of the water during emergency disrobing/dropping
Running now stops when moving over engravings so you can tell where they are
Fixed detection of unseen/secret doors which failed to find monsters hiding under objects and failed to find monsters hiding at trap locations
Ensured fatal status conditions made it to disclosure and/or dumplog
Fixed "Bad fruit #N" warnings when saving bones with 'perm_invent' On
Fixed it so yellow dragons don't have green breath
Added several grammar corrections
Improved recognition of deafness for several situations including the playing of musical instruments and bribing negotiations with demon lords
Fixed ignoring of god's wrath when hero injured himself during altar kick
Fixed several cases where persistent inventory window was not updated
Fixed temple priests or shopkeepers moving over other monsters
Fixed a crash-causing bug when putting on levitation boots over a sink
Ensured that thrown or kicked objects will end up in bones
Made water go all the way to the edges of level on the Plane of Water
Made clouds disrupt line of sight along the edges of the Plane of Air
Improved and expanded usage of status highlighting percentage rules
Added more than 15 improvements and fixes to the curses window port
Added and documented significant changes to default directory choices for the Windows platform
Improved the layout and display of the player selection dialog used on the Windows graphical implementation
Improved performance of some tty versions by reducing the number of function calls made from mapglyph
Allowed the msdos implementation to build with curses and PDCurses
Over 100 other fixes and improvements
All of the fixes have been incrementally published on the public Git repository for the game. A more complete list can be found in the game's sources in doc/fixes36.3. As usual, a warning that some entries in that file may also be "spoilers".
As with all releases of the game, we appreciate your feedback. Please submit any bugs using the problem report form. Also, please check the "known bugs" list before you log a problem - somebody else may have already found it.
Happy NetHacking!
Depends on inf-wx-begone, rewrites most of the GUI to use the wrappers instead. Drops a whole bunch of wx usages, which is nice. RadioButton needs wrapping, see all the ugly hacks at the bottom of gui_fomod. Also, the design that uses dict of wx objects to store group objects has to go, it's fundamentally hacky and very fragile - e.g. imagine if the wx guys decided to add slots to their objects.
Also contains a bunch of fixes and misc improvements, e.g. user-facing strings have been made translatable, some bugs that were carried over from belt have been fixed, and the 'Back' button no longer works on the first page.
Note the glaring TODOs - this is a straight up port of the original GUI, but we currently don't have a way to change fonts, which the original GUI relied on to differentiate its components. I added some HBoxedLayouts as an alternative, which works fine for the main FOMOD dialog and may even be an improvement in terms of visual clarity, but doesn't help at all with the results screen, which is now an unreadable mess.
Automated database update Changes: Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_ink_sack to 32439, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_ink_sack to 32439, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_end_stone to 351, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_end_stone to 351, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 1071692, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 1071692, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of chestplate_of_growth to 580330, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of chestplate_of_growth to 580330, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of snow_suit_chestplate to 82293, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of snow_suit_chestplate to 82293, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of red_claw_talisman to 5209, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of red_claw_talisman to 5209, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of cubism_v to 9969, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of cubism_v to 9969, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of impaling_iii to 5088, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of impaling_iii to 5088, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 421203, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 421203, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 6047924, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 6047924, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 112761, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 112761, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 624692, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 624692, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 512537, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 512537, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 338952, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 338952, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of wood_singularity to 3430000, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of wood_singularity to 3430000, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of green_candy to 773, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of green_candy to 773, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of wise_dragon_leggings to 428585, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of wise_dragon_leggings to 428585, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_leggings to 9783996, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_leggings to 9783996, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 529476, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 529476, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of bat_person_helmet to 1223480, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of bat_person_helmet to 1223480, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of young_dragon_leggings to 452102, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of young_dragon_leggings to 452102, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of golden_tooth to 112117, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of golden_tooth to 112117, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of bait_ring to 12715000, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of bait_ring to 12715000, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of jungle_axe to 4423, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of jungle_axe to 4423, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_pumpkin to 642, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_pumpkin to 642, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_chestplate to 689569, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_chestplate to 689569, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 610133, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 610133, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 327925, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 327925, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 544721, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 544721, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of crystal_fragment to 11878, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of crystal_fragment to 11878, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 131984, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 131984, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1923338, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1923338, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 1031359, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 1031359, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 1061807, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 1061807, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1707216, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1707216, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 21756, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 21756, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of green_candy to 767, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of green_candy to 767, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1907601, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1907601, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of vampirism_vi to 1859133, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of vampirism_vi to 1859133, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 318001, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 318001, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 597030, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 597030, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of young_dragon_leggings to 443117, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of young_dragon_leggings to 443117, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 1052910, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 1052910, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5957541, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5957541, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of scythe_blade to 37652911, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of scythe_blade to 37652911, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of teleport_pad to 3675, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of teleport_pad to 3675, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_string to 1324, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_string to 1324, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of crystal_fragment to 11908, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of crystal_fragment to 11908, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of green_candy to 762, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of green_candy to 762, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1676132, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1676132, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of protector_dragon_boots to 94107, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of protector_dragon_boots to 94107, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of protector_dragon_leggings to 99754, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of protector_dragon_leggings to 99754, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of protector_dragon_helmet to 112547, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of protector_dragon_helmet to 112547, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 1011796, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 1011796, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1892838, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1892838, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1648156, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1648156, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of vampire_mask to 3606975, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of vampire_mask to 3606975, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 1044903, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 1044903, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_string to 1300, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_string to 1300, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 112947, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 112947, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5878807, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5878807, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of titanic_experience_bottle to 185268, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of titanic_experience_bottle to 185268, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 313316, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of super_compactor_3000 to 313316, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 238336, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 238336, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_boots to 5569795, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_boots to 5569795, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_hopper to 725046, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_hopper to 725046, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of wood_singularity to 3547000, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of wood_singularity to 3547000, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of golden_powder to 184702, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of golden_powder to 184702, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 414767, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 414767, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 307311, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 307311, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of solar_panel to 230605, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of solar_panel to 230605, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 558442, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 558442, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1879551, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1879551, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1622978, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1622978, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of leaping_sword to 1944365, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of leaping_sword to 1944365, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of young_dragon_chestplate to 768461, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of young_dragon_chestplate to 768461, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of purple_candy to 8110, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of purple_candy to 8110, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_obsidian to 1886, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_obsidian to 1886, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of critical_vi to 826383, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of critical_vi to 826383, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of spooky_shard to 93232, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of spooky_shard to 93232, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of spooky_shard to 90821, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of spooky_shard to 90821, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of young_dragon_chestplate to 740076, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of young_dragon_chestplate to 740076, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of tarantula_boots to 1638588, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of tarantula_boots to 1638588, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 112180, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 112180, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of explosive_bow to 581500, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of explosive_bow to 581500, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of bat_person_chestplate to 1459894, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of bat_person_chestplate to 1459894, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of purple_candy to 7872, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of purple_candy to 7872, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of candy_artifact to 461581, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of candy_artifact to 461581, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of revenant_viscera to 68759, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of revenant_viscera to 68759, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_baked_potato to 81408, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_baked_potato to 81408, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of explosive_bow to 569350, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of explosive_bow to 569350, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 67735, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 67735, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_helmet to 6558970, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_helmet to 6558970, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of golden_tooth to 112324, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of golden_tooth to 112324, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of first_strike_iv to 18047, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of first_strike_iv to 18047, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of giant_killer_vi to 3638597, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of giant_killer_vi to 3638597, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of looting_iii to 525, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of looting_iii to 525, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_rabbit_foot to 2050, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_rabbit_foot to 2050, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of tarantula_boots to 1625729, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of tarantula_boots to 1625729, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of reaper_falchion to 4551068, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of reaper_falchion to 4551068, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of young_dragon_chestplate to 714530, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of young_dragon_chestplate to 714530, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of young_dragon_chestplate to 691538, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of young_dragon_chestplate to 691538, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of explosive_bow to 558415, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of explosive_bow to 558415, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_rabbit_foot to 2180, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_rabbit_foot to 2180, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of minion_expander to 31808, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of minion_expander to 31808, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of compactor to 3341, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of compactor to 3341, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_helmet to 6506480, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_helmet to 6506480, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of wolf_tooth to 527, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of wolf_tooth to 527, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of revenant_flesh to 343, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of revenant_flesh to 343, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of ender_chestplate to 6939, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of ender_chestplate to 6939, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of ender_chestplate to 7314, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of ender_chestplate to 7314, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of crystal_leggings to 70555, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of crystal_leggings to 70555, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 594883, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 594883, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 65825, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 65825, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of critical_vi to 801245, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of critical_vi to 801245, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_ghast_tear to 230, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_ghast_tear to 230, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of ember_rod to 14812, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of ember_rod to 14812, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of looting_iii to 548, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of looting_iii to 548, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 6538, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 6538, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of haste_ring to 197227, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of haste_ring to 197227, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of ender_chestplate to 7651, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of ender_chestplate to 7651, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 6430, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 6430, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 1062704, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 1062704, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of first_strike_iv to 17616, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of first_strike_iv to 17616, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_eye_of_ender to 5076, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_eye_of_ender to 5076, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of compactor to 3319, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of compactor to 3319, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of stonk to 415995, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of stonk to 415995, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of hurricane_bow to 177500, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of hurricane_bow to 177500, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of end_stone_bow to 5246, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of end_stone_bow to 5246, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1898229, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1898229, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_ghast_tear to 221, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_ghast_tear to 221, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of candy_artifact to 465048, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of candy_artifact to 465048, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of stereo_pants to 31842, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of stereo_pants to 31842, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1645348, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1645348, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of revenant_viscera to 68720, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of revenant_viscera to 68720, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_blaze_rod to 308541, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_blaze_rod to 308541, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 592951, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 592951, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1915039, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1915039, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1665481, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1665481, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_chestplate to 663703, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_chestplate to 663703, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of golden_powder to 196882, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of golden_powder to 196882, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 131767, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 131767, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of hamster_wheel to 18406, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of hamster_wheel to 18406, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 6332, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 6332, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5846134, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5846134, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of purple_candy to 7658, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of purple_candy to 7658, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of medium_storage to 7633, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of medium_storage to 7633, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 239095, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 239095, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of teleport_pad to 3674, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of teleport_pad to 3674, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of raider_axe to 109940, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of raider_axe to 109940, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of minion_expander to 31521, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of minion_expander to 31521, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of purple_candy to 7460, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of purple_candy to 7460, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 111490, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 111490, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5816728, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5816728, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_chestplate to 640423, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_chestplate to 640423, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of wolf_tooth to 515, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of wolf_tooth to 515, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of old_dragon_chestplate to 122534, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of old_dragon_chestplate to 122534, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_ghast_tear to 213, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_ghast_tear to 213, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 131572, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 131572, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_diamond_block to 204200, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_diamond_block to 204200, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of ender_helmet to 7483, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of ender_helmet to 7483, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 591212, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 591212, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of silver_fang to 2999, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of silver_fang to 2999, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 414597, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 414597, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 21763, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 21763, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of ender_bow to 4385, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of ender_bow to 4385, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 131454, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 131454, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of bat_person_chestplate to 1436335, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of bat_person_chestplate to 1436335, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of spooky_shard to 88651, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of spooky_shard to 88651, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_end_stone to 353, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_end_stone to 353, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of ender_helmet to 7186, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of ender_helmet to 7186, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of ender_chestplate to 7955, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of ender_chestplate to 7955, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of ender_leggings to 8184, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of ender_leggings to 8184, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5789650, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5789650, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_leather to 10198, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_leather to 10198, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of end_stone_bow to 5046, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of end_stone_bow to 5046, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of bait_ring to 12593500, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of bait_ring to 12593500, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1924510, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1924510, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1686124, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1686124, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 1026663, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 1026663, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 1039005, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 1039005, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 589647, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 589647, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_chestplate to 614722, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_chestplate to 614722, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 576742, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 576742, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 294416, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 294416, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 110869, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 110869, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of farmer_boots to 144802, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of farmer_boots to 144802, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 6199, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 6199, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1934439, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1934439, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1704703, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1704703, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5765280, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5765280, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 21725, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 21725, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of purple_candy to 7302, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of purple_candy to 7302, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of spooky_helmet to 962130, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of spooky_helmet to 962130, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_grilled_pork to 159542, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_grilled_pork to 159542, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of spooky_chestplate to 775161, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of spooky_chestplate to 775161, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of explosive_bow to 548574, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of explosive_bow to 548574, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of emerald_blade to 325796, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of emerald_blade to 325796, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 6079, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 6079, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 588238, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 588238, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 237598, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 237598, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 1001854, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 1001854, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5743347, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5743347, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of bait_ring to 12484150, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of bait_ring to 12484150, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of spooky_shard to 85756, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of spooky_shard to 85756, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 63796, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 63796, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_boots to 5608584, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_boots to 5608584, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_leggings to 9910942, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_leggings to 9910942, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_chestplate to 11235732, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_chestplate to 11235732, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 1017676, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 1017676, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_helmet to 6459239, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_helmet to 6459239, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 414342, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 414342, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 979526, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 979526, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1721424, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1721424, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1940312, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1940312, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of bat_person_chestplate to 1415132, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of bat_person_chestplate to 1415132, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of magical_mushroom_soup to 43, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of magical_mushroom_soup to 43, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of magical_mushroom_soup to 43, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of magical_mushroom_soup to 43, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of bait_ring to 12385735, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of bait_ring to 12385735, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5971, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5971, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5719418, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5719418, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 998480, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 998480, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of tarantula_boots to 1614156, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of tarantula_boots to 1614156, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_grilled_pork to 158824, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_grilled_pork to 158824, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of golden_tooth to 110438, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of golden_tooth to 110438, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of stereo_pants to 30550, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of stereo_pants to 30550, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_grilled_pork to 158178, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_grilled_pork to 158178, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5697882, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5697882, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 982690, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 982690, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1945597, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1945597, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1736473, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1736473, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 959431, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 959431, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_helmet to 6416722, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_helmet to 6416722, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_chestplate to 11284251, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_chestplate to 11284251, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_leggings to 10025193, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_leggings to 10025193, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_boots to 5643494, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_boots to 5643494, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 131295, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 131295, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of boots_of_growth to 331021, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of boots_of_growth to 331021, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of boots_of_growth to 338169, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of boots_of_growth to 338169, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 968478, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 968478, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1950354, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1950354, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1750017, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1750017, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 941345, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 941345, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 593212, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 593212, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of farmer_boots to 144984, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of farmer_boots to 144984, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of leaping_sword to 1990541, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of leaping_sword to 1990541, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 586970, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 586970, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 585829, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 585829, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 282811, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 282811, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5848, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5848, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 272366, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 272366, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5737, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5737, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 414282, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 414282, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_boots to 5674913, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_boots to 5674913, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_leggings to 10128019, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_leggings to 10128019, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of giant_killer_vi to 3731000, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of giant_killer_vi to 3731000, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_chestplate to 11327918, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_chestplate to 11327918, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of vampirism_vi to 1894958, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of vampirism_vi to 1894958, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_helmet to 6421753, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_helmet to 6421753, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of hot_potato_book to 61970, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of hot_potato_book to 61970, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 955688, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 955688, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_grilled_pork to 157596, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_grilled_pork to 157596, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of farmer_boots to 145130, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of farmer_boots to 145130, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of greater_backpack to 416615, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of greater_backpack to 416615, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 608035, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 608035, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5678499, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5678499, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of vampire_mask to 3682944, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of vampire_mask to 3682944, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1762206, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1762206, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 108668, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 108668, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5637, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5637, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of tarantula_boots to 1603740, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of tarantula_boots to 1603740, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of large_backpack to 171669, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of large_backpack to 171669, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1954635, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1954635, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 944177, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 944177, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 925068, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 925068, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of hamster_wheel to 18593, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of hamster_wheel to 18593, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of ember_rod to 14331, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of ember_rod to 14331, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 262966, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 262966, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 621375, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 621375, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 584802, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 584802, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 106687, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_end to 106687, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1958488, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1958488, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1773176, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1773176, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5535, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5535, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of looting_iii to 568, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of looting_iii to 568, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of large_backpack to 164502, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of large_backpack to 164502, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 633381, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_leggings to 633381, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5432, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5432, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 131109, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_fragment to 131109, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 583878, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_helmet to 583878, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lapis_block to 43549, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lapis_block to 43549, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 235231, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lava_bucket to 235231, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 933817, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 933817, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1944479, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1944479, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1783049, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1783049, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 910418, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 910418, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_lapis_block to 42886, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_lapis_block to 42886, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5661055, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of aspect_of_the_dragons to 5661055, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 21594, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 21594, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of spooky_shard to 83151, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of spooky_shard to 83151, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5339, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5339, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_helmet to 6426281, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_helmet to 6426281, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_chestplate to 11382754, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_chestplate to 11382754, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_leggings to 10220562, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_leggings to 10220562, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_boots to 5703190, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_boots to 5703190, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 21402, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 21402, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of tarantula_boots to 1594366, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of tarantula_boots to 1594366, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_pumpkin to 637, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_pumpkin to 637, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of tarantula_boots to 1585929, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of tarantula_boots to 1585929, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_helmet to 6430356, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_helmet to 6430356, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5245, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5245, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1791935, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1791935, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5160, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_fragment to 5160, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 21229, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 21229, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 254506, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 254506, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 897233, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 897233, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1931871, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1931871, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1799933, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_leggings to 1799933, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 880330, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_boots to 880330, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 910484, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_helmet to 910484, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_blaze_powder to 3303, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_blaze_powder to 3303, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of superior_dragon_helmet to 6434024, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of superior_dragon_helmet to 6434024, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of sharpness_vi to 5884511, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of sharpness_vi to 5884511, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 246892, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of unstable_dragon_boots to 246892, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 21038, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 21038, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of summoning_eye to 413177, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of summoning_eye to 413177, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1920524, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_chestplate to 1920524, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of enchanted_diamond to 1057, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of enchanted_diamond to 1057, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 20872, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the upper bound price of strong_dragon_fragment to 20872, responsible user: Automated Change Changed the lower bound price of 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MFC r354247, r355349: lualoader try_include improvement
r354247: lualoader: rewrite try_include using lfs + dofile
Actual modules get require()'d in, rather than try_include(). All instances of try_include should be provided with proper hooks/API in the rest of loader to do the work they need to do, since we can't rely on them to exist. Convert this now to lfs + dofile since we won't really be treating them as modules.
lfs is required because dofile will properly throw an error if the file doesn't exist, which is not in the spirit of 'optionally included'.
Getting out of the pcall game allows us to provide a loader.exit() style call that backs out to the common bits of loader (autoboot sequence unless disabled with a loader.setenv("autoboot_delay", "NO")). The most ideal way identified so far to implement loader.exit() is to throw a special abort-style error that indicates to the caller in interp_lua that we've not actually errored out, just continue execution. Otherwise, we have to hack in logic to bubble up and return from loader.lua without continuing further, which gets kind of ugly depending on the context in which we're aborting.
A compat shim is provided temporarily in case the executing loader doesn't yet have loader.lua_path, which was just added in r354246.
r355349: lualoader: correct a typo from r354247
r354247 converted try_include to lfs + dofile with the loader.lua_path added just before. Fortunately, there was a hardcoded /boot/lua fallback in case loader.lua_path wasn't being set yet- I typo'd it as loader.lua_paths.
Fix the typo.