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403 lines (263 loc) · 30.8 KB

< 2020-02-29 >

2,097,681 events, 813,974 push events, 1,205,779 commit messages, 77,210,208 characters

Saturday 2020-02-29 00:32:45 by NewsTools

Created Text For URL []

Saturday 2020-02-29 03:19:19 by Matt Maker

fixed the god damn motherfucking styles again. the problem was the missing "." for the css class ".fancy" fuck.

Saturday 2020-02-29 03:49:00 by NewsTools

Created Text For URL []

Saturday 2020-02-29 03:53:04 by Yoruio

holy shit just kill me i swear to god this faculty doesnt know what they're doing

Saturday 2020-02-29 04:06:34 by ayesha2222

[email protected]:kasodaby [email protected]:dubai [email protected]:visuqigu [email protected]:kayoken [email protected]:cabr0n [email protected]:guwuvabi [email protected]:cotiwyxi [email protected]:qakofody [email protected]:jadytoqo [email protected]:mydybaze [email protected]:zusajuvi [email protected]:fazizapu [email protected]:15041986 [email protected]:qibyguca [email protected]:bohufeve [email protected]:wewaxyzo [email protected]:1monaro [email protected]:vitalebu [email protected]:we4322 [email protected]:bubuhobi [email protected]:hasan2 [email protected]:fixamogo [email protected]:qehonaqi [email protected]:fubiceme [email protected]:koduvovo [email protected]:mati1992 [email protected]:zaba15 [email protected]:jMB23 [email protected]:kemufulo [email protected]:vedyfany [email protected]:sipedoma [email protected]:jusilesa [email protected]:xenybapu [email protected]:hypawoja [email protected]:basem22 [email protected]:m9325m [email protected]:mezaquro [email protected]:godapifi [email protected]:cyfuvati [email protected]:dupcia [email protected]:kyvetidu [email protected]:debogufo [email protected]:dropsiu1 [email protected]:bipypebe [email protected]:dragao79 [email protected]:xopewyja [email protected]:zutuwufu [email protected]:mesivafy [email protected]:popydosa [email protected]:qeruluro [email protected]:smccaule [email protected]:102030 [email protected]:desire [email protected]:tysotise [email protected]:pylypezi [email protected]:lastzz2 [email protected]:eldorado [email protected]:Gibson [email protected]:femikozi [email protected]:madzia [email protected]:mehari [email protected]:hibypyja [email protected]:radepezo [email protected]:rakutisy [email protected]:menazawu [email protected]:zosasomi [email protected]:vodovebo [email protected]:am2901 [email protected]:quviweru [email protected]:borahiju [email protected]:dymecezi [email protected]:jabolona [email protected]:asss21 [email protected]:1hunter [email protected]:123456 [email protected]:sobocanu [email protected]:dyfapiwo [email protected]:mari9pim [email protected]:zijogymo [email protected]:pagefesi [email protected]:tuleweja [email protected]:gydygafi [email protected]:I8steak [email protected]:kurehonu [email protected]:morphe [email protected]:oqyzazew [email protected]:vesoxyko [email protected]:bicodimu [email protected]:wegalicu [email protected]:111990 [email protected]:modozako [email protected]:barmat [email protected]:7105102 [email protected]:masupyri [email protected]:zyrufuno [email protected]:marana [email protected]:bajepuzy [email protected]:puberta [email protected]:wyhypive [email protected]:rodogaze [email protected]:sikezaho [email protected]:vovugijy [email protected]:larebany [email protected]:wenyjyna [email protected]:191982 [email protected]:kidivyny [email protected]:minetitu [email protected]:buzehene [email protected]:sukcesus123 [email protected]:nadese34 [email protected]:lupo00 [email protected]:1kegger2 [email protected]:mavagose [email protected]:jacyhyna [email protected]:manuxiwa [email protected]:and1991 [email protected]:saboo6 [email protected]:tejyviru [email protected]:pezedibe [email protected]:xivofepy [email protected]:kedylyho [email protected]:26793 [email protected]:fytybiry [email protected]:sedapodi [email protected]:gumofixu [email protected]:bemodydy [email protected]:gonewuge [email protected]:qynojipo [email protected]:cafemoxu [email protected]:kill684 [email protected]:bedacyja [email protected]:dazuwity [email protected]:qahisego [email protected]:nonocyto [email protected]:xahiqata [email protected]:sokuwehi [email protected]:wodelupo [email protected]:papupabu [email protected]:jazisiwi [email protected]:mexohuji [email protected]:jensen [email protected]:margo [email protected]:axepahom [email protected]:bitiseqe [email protected]:sygohica [email protected]:kaczor44 [email protected]:safuduve [email protected]:999666 [email protected]:myxacika [email protected]:qygijity [email protected]:xuxadyja [email protected]:bihijeha [email protected]:femyputi [email protected]:alii01 [email protected]:zufozije [email protected]:sedaguhi [email protected]:tatobupi [email protected]:magdalena123 [email protected]:mariens1 [email protected]:nosozuwy [email protected]:pobihuny [email protected]:maribo [email protected]:vyzudeqy [email protected]:tokina50 [email protected]:tupuhaqi [email protected]:97426 [email protected]:dylyceve [email protected]:lecce [email protected]:boxyfuti [email protected]:lymezego [email protected]:mathis [email protected]:Rzeczyn [email protected]:puvahole [email protected]:gagyqejo [email protected]:lijymufy [email protected]:nosafydo [email protected]:tokabado [email protected]:redurasi [email protected]:xusoheca [email protected]:zufapigo [email protected]:zuxituta [email protected]:sajekeda [email protected]:syditevo [email protected]:kusawoda [email protected]:nytitybi [email protected]:badegozi [email protected]:qyladase [email protected]:kasper [email protected]:davegywi [email protected]:lobytuxi [email protected]:ronuvete [email protected]:coturiqu [email protected]:kaczka23 [email protected]:donjuan [email protected]:biquzowi [email protected]:dreams1 [email protected]:saluki [email protected]:losojita [email protected]:noparery [email protected]:hytumavy [email protected]:gaxaqido [email protected]:fykazova [email protected]:muvinako [email protected]:zyxenafi [email protected]:kubus77 [email protected]:texifofe [email protected]:miky22 [email protected]:tebessa [email protected]:djsnhau [email protected]:butorowy [email protected]:vabupiri [email protected]:woheneta [email protected]:blabla [email protected]:leganydo [email protected]:jiqarava [email protected]:qerineze [email protected]:kazebugo [email protected]:godibomy [email protected]:d000101 [email protected]:rorububi [email protected]:hyraqehe [email protected]:tawenage [email protected]:rozycire [email protected]:xosupeva [email protected]:pegyduro [email protected]:jumps1 [email protected]:fyfecapi [email protected]:zuvesitu [email protected]:muxujymy [email protected]:cybinuna [email protected]:jalywedu [email protected]:caqehamy [email protected]:241887 [email protected]:senizuwu [email protected]:ruxawosa [email protected]:nyzyqepu [email protected]:420m2x [email protected]:Tonyna [email protected]:babycare [email protected]:cooter01 [email protected]:jm6266 [email protected]:shannon [email protected]:viana [email protected]:bogota [email protected]:toridala [email protected]:cocepawa [email protected]:xybuzaky [email protected]:qihidywa [email protected]:coducygu [email protected]:cetanapi [email protected]:jexifawy [email protected]:gucefise [email protected]:sycozyse [email protected]:password2 [email protected]:aaron [email protected]:620405 [email protected]:sacycita [email protected]:pussy69 [email protected]:bhallafer [email protected]:cecujyqo [email protected]:kijuzecy [email protected]:hexidexy [email protected]:mapyzelu [email protected]:podaxire [email protected]:xosehofu [email protected]:qexojoga [email protected]:niqoxozo [email protected]:zoxugalo [email protected]:goquvixe [email protected]:6attpzto [email protected]:bixufive [email protected]:qohadasa [email protected]:getepudu [email protected]:nigosazy [email protected]:stellina [email protected]:qelokuxo [email protected]:qedewapa [email protected]:zyxusema [email protected]:gosuhacu [email protected]:dumafuwi [email protected]:jewetadu [email protected]:pogeqeme [email protected]:zicesado [email protected]:cubeloto [email protected]:loxenece [email protected]:jozewemo [email protected]:fubiqole [email protected]:johyjequ [email protected]:Spedycja1 [email protected]:zawiqoqi [email protected]:milena [email protected]:sozuxalo [email protected]:xulexaja [email protected]:karate [email protected]:bomygaqu [email protected]:allah622 [email protected]:razilunu [email protected]:196969 [email protected]:vazuxizy [email protected]:magazyn [email protected]:liwyzuci [email protected]:fapyvesa [email protected]:maxik82 [email protected]:siria [email protected]:gbpsgrm [email protected]:a950615 [email protected]:ciqahefo [email protected]:hallo [email protected]:mumacoca [email protected]:chechi [email protected]:daribyji [email protected]:laxomiti [email protected]:pyjasosy [email protected]:bywedozo [email protected]:loveme1 [email protected]:04051982 [email protected]:moximo [email protected]:xyhogyhu [email protected]:pecutegi [email protected]:323232 [email protected]:broker [email protected]:151166M [email protected]:gehiwyfo [email protected]:xeliveje [email protected]:delykocy [email protected]:jyvodixa [email protected]:dofihaqi [email protected]:gebezide [email protected]:kuxupewe [email protected]:tester [email protected]:xupehabu [email protected]:jyzudoma [email protected]:rygoxehu [email protected]:nojeteca [email protected]:dybumeju [email protected]:kydyfudi [email protected]:123456 [email protected]:thugg007 [email protected]:watty41 [email protected]:miri10 [email protected]:zamegivi [email protected]:xyhenohy [email protected]:runyrani [email protected]:xigahyti [email protected]:111111 [email protected]:yrazygon [email protected]:kulapaki [email protected]:hegeraka [email protected]:mortal [email protected]:pufefexi [email protected]:qepijyry [email protected]:gunner [email protected]:jybuvewi [email protected]:jezevoji [email protected]:hunafyze [email protected]:bella [email protected]:qewewyqo [email protected]:tugivepy [email protected]:samydeho [email protected]:wegunify [email protected]:poules [email protected]:rybycky [email protected]:mixokopi [email protected]:pevigote [email protected]:mukydelo [email protected]:varevida [email protected]:juliribi [email protected]:wynyzuwa [email protected]:djpwgtam [email protected]:doudou 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[email protected]:gawron [email protected]:hicyrybi [email protected]:beurette [email protected]:test01 [email protected]:mapesaky [email protected]:tanohymu [email protected]:secubuwo [email protected]:dimitri [email protected]:boodoo [email protected]:xezijuqe [email protected]:jaryjuro [email protected]:280259 [email protected]:sniper [email protected]:mergesor [email protected]:camaron [email protected]:tebumany [email protected]:689031 [email protected]:cycuxoky [email protected]:lotopogy [email protected]:great1 [email protected]:021283 [email protected]:sepehr [email protected]:adastra [email protected]:23051970 [email protected]:fimujoki [email protected]:oliwka [email protected]:nocodomy [email protected]:elioelio [email protected]:pilajopu [email protected]:wolyvade [email protected]:bubeloky [email protected]:hiqixume [email protected]:tyjakeli [email protected]:gersab [email protected]:worawubi [email protected]:qawyvixy [email protected]:cakagepy [email protected]:mageqyvo [email protected]:xuticaje [email protected]:orchard [email protected]:rymojoni [email protected]:vebufagy [email protected]:ruravimi [email protected]:xybabade [email protected]:hufolaly [email protected]:hisynari [email protected]:lirefene [email protected]:duxydyto [email protected]:xuqizuqu [email protected]:paxutumy [email protected]:lovekoh [email protected]:bumyhury [email protected]:qazelisu [email protected]:123456 [email protected]:tozokahy [email protected]:football [email protected]:434343 [email protected]:nemofoto [email protected]:deeb4l [email protected]:horacy [email protected]:wamytese [email protected]:mabapode [email protected]:vulobola [email protected]:wuwinozy [email protected]:zukokuxa [email protected]:qewepyto [email protected]:vifyfiqo [email protected]:gypybido [email protected]:malopyfe [email protected]:podehake [email protected]:fidetate [email protected]:wiwukica [email protected]:jucolohy [email protected]:jah33ce [email protected]:zelyjiri [email protected]:qixafybe [email protected]:liviwypo [email protected]:vojuxeby [email protected]:bysuniki [email protected]:yreroxom [email protected]:cheer72 [email protected]:nirohecu [email protected]:xpqp4xpqp4 [email protected]:cihybewu [email protected]:babyk214 [email protected]:saxoligy [email protected]:honajuro [email protected]:1216dadd [email protected]:egepaduw [email protected]:xicygaxu [email protected]:cosajebu [email protected]:kuryragu [email protected]:jagojiro [email protected]:mike

Saturday 2020-02-29 05:36:45 by Irradiation

Renamed every instance of "plastique" (c4 explosives) to "c4" (#25924)

  • Renamed every instance of "plastique" (c4 explosives) to "c4"

This is in the name of every admin out here and anybody doing testing. Fuck you old c*ders.

  • fuck you plosky and old test map nobody uses


Saturday 2020-02-29 06:11:22 by Ragolution

Adds new audio file to defines in ticker for round-end sounds.

hello ticker my old friend ive come to fuck with you again the memes to my mind, slowly creeping shitposts when i should probably be sleeping

and the question that was planted in my brain still remains

why the fuck is this in the /ticker/

Saturday 2020-02-29 06:53:19 by Anshul Rai

Add auralshin.png

@Hackclubnmit I hate drawing but I love stickers so yeah , had to do it

Saturday 2020-02-29 06:54:57 by Astrid Augusta Yu

Guuder tunings

In THEORY it works. But integration sucks, so life sucks game sucks 3/10 too much shit

Saturday 2020-02-29 09:50:23 by Brimmigrant

Create <6 kyu> Dubstep

Polycarpus works as a DJ in the best Berland nightclub, and he often uses dubstep music in his performance. Recently, he has decided to take a couple of old songs and make dubstep remixes from them.

Let's assume that a song consists of some number of words (that don't contain WUB). To make the dubstep remix of this song, Polycarpus inserts a certain number of words "WUB" before the first word of the song (the number may be zero), after the last word (the number may be zero), and between words (at least one between any pair of neighbouring words), and then the boy glues together all the words, including "WUB", in one string and plays the song at the club.

For example, a song with words "I AM X" can transform into a dubstep remix as "WUBWUBIWUBAMWUBWUBX" and cannot transform into "WUBWUBIAMWUBX".

Recently, Jonny has heard Polycarpus's new dubstep track, but since he isn't into modern music, he decided to find out what was the initial song that Polycarpus remixed. Help Jonny restore the original song. Input

The input consists of a single non-empty string, consisting only of uppercase English letters, the string's length doesn't exceed 200 characters Output

Return the words of the initial song that Polycarpus used to make a dubsteb remix. Separate the words with a space. Examples



Saturday 2020-02-29 09:51:15 by ilammy

shut up gcc

fuck you GCC with your warnings

no shit, sir, very important changes

Saturday 2020-02-29 09:51:15 by ilammy

disable maccatalyst support, fuck you apple with you xcode, i'm not updating to 10.15 to disable that

Saturday 2020-02-29 10:29:49 by SandwichHorror

Big Charm Changes, BetterAnimals Taming, Aether Spawn Nerfs

  • enabled Ender Sight, which is very thematic, can be used for set bonuses attracts endermen and gives faint audible indication of stronghold

Increased damage a cursed Harming tool does on a bad hit Haunting curse now mainly spawns incorporeal or traditionally "spoopy" mobs to prevent quite as braindead XP farming and keep with the theme

  • Enabled No Friendly Fire for pets - one small step for wolves, one giant leap for summoner/beastmaster playstyles

  • enabled rare illusioner spawn in roofed forest

  • actually enabled totem of returning and shielding (I had tips about this for 3 updates and it was TURNED OFF?!!?)

  • reduced chance of abandoned crate generation

  • removed Armor Stands from village houses to prevent that EZ loot, and apparently fixing/mitigating a dupe bug

  • Enabled golems to generate in villages again (these are the DE FACTO protectors from vanilla and are in many ways more reliable than Toroquest grunts, why were they gone???)

Villages have 100% chance to have torches and lanterns within the territory, reducing the chance of nasty monsters spawning within the village border and annihilating the population within the very first night

  • Severely reduced the rate of giant mushrooms spawning in villages. this is fine as a rare thing but why TF are giant mushrooms growing in the middle of plains next to every village? looks pretty unfitting imho

  • Reduced chance of valuable items and blocks appearing in the villages.

  • coyote & fox can be tamed with items appropriate to their real-world diets

  • direwolf has more flavor text and tamable items

  • removed most tamable mobs from Epic Siege Mod, fixing a bug where they just sat uselessly on the ground and did not follow

  • skulls and mimicrab do not show the Neat healthbar

  • more lore and helpful JEI descriptions

  • removed weird-ass orange "goggle" eyes from coyotes and direwolves

Saturday 2020-02-29 11:19:06 by Athanatos

I'm unable to do more work today

Seriously fck real life, I can't do shit when I want to.

Anyway here's what I've done: --Improvised Camera Editor (works pretty well now) -- Some work on the ExitFade object --Added some useless debug string in the editor.

Saturday 2020-02-29 17:00:17 by advil

Disallow evoking lamp/phial while confused

These two are almost the last remaining holdover of evocables that could be used while confused. (I notice that tremorstones also work.) These silently applied target fuzzing (see 657136525ae) in this case; if these were to be usable while confused in modern crawl, I think they would need to indicate to the player somehow what might happen. I ran across this in a crash where an extremely desparate player was constricted and chain-confused by golden eyes tried to target the constricting naga with the phial, and fuzzing cause the wave to go the other direction and hit a friendly demon. Luckily for this player, the game crashed during knockback on the demon.

See cccf84277269a for wands, and 6178f7666a6f for rods. Unlike these cases, I do think it's possible that lamp/phial might not be completely useless with fuzzed targeting, so I wouldn't be opposed to bringing this back if someone can solve the UI problem.

Saturday 2020-02-29 17:56:59 by Marko Grdinić

"1:05pm. Done with breakfast. Le me chill for a bit more, then come chores. Then I'll finally finish the CSS course. I'll think of what comes after that.

1:40pm. Done with chores. Let me resume. It is time to finish the lecture. Then I'll think of what comes next.

3:15pm. Finally done. I wasn't even slacking that much. It seems that following even a simple tutorial is simply this intense.

3:20pm. I definitely learned a ton though.

Right now I am thinking of what comes next.

I really should watch more of this guy's videos. Front End, Back End & Full Stack Web Development

Let me take a look at this. I think what my next target should be is the JS crash course.

I sort of know JS, but no doubt the video itself will have it manipulating the DOM and I want to learn more about that.

3:40pm. Done with the break. Let me resume. Let me take a look at the JS video. If it looks like it ties into the previous videos, I will watch it. If not, I'll move to the Node.js. Maybe I'll take a look at the framework videos as well.


Agh, he says he is using live server. That means rather than covering the language in isolation, he will no doubt have some good examples.

4:10pm. Had to take a break. I've been doing that on and off for the past hour.

I am thinking what I want to do next.

I said ASP.NET, but I really should just play along with this guy for a while. I really should go through all the 3 framework videos and the Nodejs one. Plus there is a bunch on the libraries.

I know that I am not going to be doing much JS, but I need to attain a basic level of familiarity.

There is no need to hurry this. ASP.NET will come when it wants to come.

4:15pm. Let me go through the JS crash course. I do not care about JS itself in particular, but I want to see how it can be used to do DOM manipulation. And rather than raw JS, I think as an exercise I'll translate it into TS.


As it turns out apart from some trivia I did not know, I can mostly skim this. Let me quickly go to the DOM segments. That is what I am really interested in.


Here is the DOM.

I'll go through this and then call it a day. No doubt 30m of this will take me an hour to go through.


Here he mentions that he has a bunch of videos just on the DOM.

I'll have to go through those.


const x = document.getElementById("my-form")!;

And then I opened this in Chrome dev tools. I am really impressed how good the webdev tooling actually is. The closest I've gotten to this experience was Pharo.

I should be definitely working in this.

6:45pm. Done with lunch. There are only two minutes left in that video so let me finally finish it.

...Done. And with this I am finally done for the day.

6:50pm. Tomorrow, I'll go through the DOM videos. Since this stuff was easy enough to follow, I'll just continue doing this until I have a good grasp of what all of this is about.

I'll forget about Spiral for a while just as it should be. But when it is time to start, I'll start with some new weapons on my back. This time, I will definitely do it properly.

I am going to get some new skills that integrate well with my old ones and that will serve as a multiplier on my efforts. Once I get my hands on those chips, I am going to crush poker.

In retrospect, GPUs were worse than CPUs for this sort of thing, but something like Loihi I would be able to use to its full power."

Saturday 2020-02-29 18:02:47 by Maku

Holy fucking shit. I hate this. Database seems to be working decently now tho.

Saturday 2020-02-29 18:03:22 by zenAndroid

This is irritating. I hate myself. Why am i like this ?

fuck this shit man, why am i like this Everything lloks good, but i need to unwrap the expressions inside of the body ...

Saturday 2020-02-29 18:03:22 by zenAndroid


AND WHY THE HELL DID THEHY USE CONS INSTEAD OF LIST ? oh god now I'm gonna have to review everything up until now to check if I am understanding this correctly...


but still I guess this is progress, by the way this version of the code is still not complete I just realized that if I kept only pushing correct stuff its not gonna be much of learning tbh.

Saturday 2020-02-29 21:02:28 by Clifford T. Matthews

Includes through today's lunch

Today I did my normal La Luz taper pack run in the early morning and then ran two laps (with a significant rest in between) with Team RWB in the late morning. That threw off my normal eating schedule, but I am getting enough protein, I think, so I should recover fine.

Saturday 2020-02-29 21:09:00 by wm4

player: add optional separate video decoding thread

See manpage additions. This has been a topic in MPlayer/mplayer2/mpv since forever. But since libavcodec multi-threaded decoding was added, I've always considered this pointless. libavcodec requires you to "preload" it with packets, and then you can pretty much avoid blocking on it, if decoding is fast enough.

But in some cases, a decoupled decoder thread might help. Users have for example come up with cases where decoding video in a separate process and piping it as raw video to mpv helped. (Or my memory is false, and it was about vapoursynth filtering, who knows.) So let's just see whether this helps with anything.

Note that this would have been much easier if libavcodec had an asynchronous (or rather, non-blocking) API. It could probably have easily gained that with a small change to its multi-threading code and a small extension to its API, but I guess not.

Unfortunately, this uglifies f_decoder_wrapper quite a lot. Part of this is due to annoying corner cases like legacy frame dropping and hardware decoder state. These could probably be prettified later on.

There is also a change in playloop.c: this is because there is a need to coordinate playback resets between demuxer thread, decoder thread, and playback logic. I think this SEEK_BLOCK idea worked out reasonably well.

There are still a number of problems. For example, if the demuxer cache is full, the decoder thread will simply block hard until the output queue is full, which interferes with seeking. Could also be improved later. Hardware decoding will probably die in a fire, because it will run out of surfaces quickly. We could reduce the queue to size 1... maybe later. We could update the queue options at runtime easily, but currently I'm not going to bother.

I could only have put the lavc wrapper itself on a separate thread. But there is some annoying interaction with EDL and backward playback shit, and also you would have had to loop demuxer packets through the playloop, so this sounded less annoying.

The food my mother made for us today was delicious.

Because audio uses the same code, also for audio (even if completely pointless).

Fixes: #6926

Saturday 2020-02-29 22:04:55 by Zee

Remove resque in favor of sidekiq (#21)

Most of the projects I maintain rely on SideKiq and ActiveJob, as they are both pretty lightweight and fully featured. Since I'll be the one getting paged when the shit hits the fan, I would prefer to rely on the libraries I'm comfortable with for background queue processing.

Also, we can use Heroku Scheduler to run jobs on a particular schedule without requiring a full dyno purely to enqueue the job.

  • Migrate database before releasing to prevent downtime The Heroku Release Phase is a great tool for ensuring the database is up to date or performing any other pre-work when doing a deploy.

  • For some reason, Heroku fails if we don't have coffeescript I would love to purge us of sprockets and webpacker entirely at some point; but I do not have the bandwidth today.

Saturday 2020-02-29 22:59:39 by PhasChris

My girlfriend destroyed her beautiful brown hair and now she looks like Jupiter

< 2020-02-29 >