2,593,252 events, 1,241,085 push events, 2,039,242 commit messages, 152,046,937 characters
Added Cyclic for ROTN 2.77.5
What's new: -Scaffolding!: These are pretty useful for building or moving around without leaving a mess behind. Even the Undead love them! so much that they will now use them to pillar up without leaving those pesky nerdpoles behind! -Conveyor belt: An horizontally placed powered ladder basically; it moves things on top of it around and it's somewhat slow -Fluid pumps and cables: These can extract and transport ANY liquid from any container to another. (their recipe may be changed in the future to be more expensive if Ceramics get added) -XP Pylon!: A mid-late game machination that can store and deposit XP into bottles -Special Hawthorns: You know those berries that spawn all around, are pointy and don't taste that good? well horses love them! so amass a lot of these and get to cooking some horse upgrades! -Wands: There are a few new wands that can occur as loot or be crafted, including the Spirit Seeker, Evoker Fang and Engraved Thunder. -Merchant Almanac: A super useful trinket that will grant you the knowledge of and let you trade with all villagers in near vicinity, stonks! -Big button: It's a button, but big. -Doorbell: Turns out that by expertly sawing a note block into smaller blocks is the perfect way to get notified of visitors to your door -Dice: Using the power of RNG and Chaos, we've come up with a block that will randomly output a number from 1 to 6 when right-clicked (other notations not included) -Deadhorse Delight: Why keep flogging a dead horse when you can become friends with it? this nasty treat will ensure you become bbf's for the afterlife -Stirrups: Horses are not your thing? (even with all those upgrades? smh) using this new and durable device you will be able to mount whatever your wish... don't expect collaboration though. -Carbon Paper: An item that may be used to copy what's written on a sign and paste elsewhere -Prospecting Set!: The tools of an expert, these will let you know if there's a cave behind, below, above or in front of you by analizing the block blocking your path. -Ore Prospector Rod: The bigger cousin to the prospecting set, this delicate and expensive device will let you know what ores reside behind those walls. -Obsidian Shears: Volcanic glass is very sharp you know -Block Locator: A weird spinning doo-dah that will store the exact coordinates of whatever block it interacts with and display an outline of it no matter how far you are -Merchant's Cure: Ye old remedy for any villager, on top of curing zombie villagers it will restock their trades if they run out! Now where did I leave those ancient coins? -Water Candle: You know the drill, 4 is a bad number for your Feng Shui, so just throw 44 souls at an unsuspecting candle to turn it into a mob atracting machination, hostile mob spawn will increase with it. -Climbing Gloves: Last but not least! a sturdy, lightweight and extremely useful device (they are actually very comfortable for a Bauble). Now you can stop placing ugly dirt on mountain sides to get up those two blocks.
yah boy tired. It's kinda late. I have school tomorrow. Code no work. This is a cry for help.
THis is for the stream so fuck you
Changed default split seed from 3 to 2124
The reason why is actually a very interesting story. It was a dark and stormy night, and i had an epiphany. I had dreamt of a seed which would let us achieve the astounding performances of iCaRL's paper. I looked at my Rebuffi poster and shouted "EUREKA"! I rushed to my desk, frantically opened Atom, and shed tears of joy as i changed the random seed from 3 to 2124. That was it. I had won. Knowledge, wisdom, the power of incremental learning, i was clutching them all in my hands. The future was bright. (actually it was just 21:24 when i needed to change seed)
"8:20am. Tonight's sleep was heavy on the dreams, but it was restful in the end. The way one sleeps is definitely related to how stress gets worked off, and this kind of sleep is good for that.
8:55am. Enough of the /a/ threads. Let me catch up with FLFO and then I'll start. New OPM chapter is up too.
9:55am. Let me finally start.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiIjNgNFzmg Gearman and ZeroMQ, two different animals by Jachim Coudenys
Yesterday this video caught my attention so I'll watch it. First time hearing about Gearman.
10am. https://www.nginx.com/resources/glossary/round-robin-load-balancing/
I've been wondering about how dealer and push sockets do load balancing and the guide says they use round robin. So it is the simple possible scheme and does not do any explicit sensing of whether the server is free.
I am going to have to go with the request server + explicit load balancing like in the example then.
10:20am. Forget this video. I need to move to the guide. Let me pry myself off from the KB thread and I'll do it properly. I want to go trough at least two examples today.
let balancer (log : string -> unit) (poller : NetMQPoller) =
init RouterSocket poller (bind uri_frontend) <| fun frontend ->
init RouterSocket poller (bind uri_backend) <| fun backend ->
let workers = Queue()
let clients = Queue()
let queue_try_work () =
if clients.Count > 0 && workers.Count > 0 then
let client : NetMQMessage = clients.Dequeue()
let worker : NetMQFrame = workers.Dequeue()
use __ = frontend.ReceiveReady.Subscribe(fun x ->
let msg = x.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage()
use __ = backend.ReceiveReady.Subscribe(fun x ->
let msg = x.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage()
let address = msg.Pop()
msg.Pop() |> ignore
match msg.FrameCount / 2 with
| 0 -> () // ready
| _ -> frontend.SendMultipartMessage(msg) // local message
This should do it for the balancer. Now let me do the worker, and after that I'll do the client.
let worker (log : string -> unit) (poller : NetMQPoller) =
init RequestSocket poller (connect uri_backend) <| fun worker ->
log "Ready"
let rnd = Random()
use __ = worker.ReceiveReady.Subscribe(fun _ ->
let msg = worker.ReceiveMultipartMessage()
log "Done."
This should do it for the worker.
module SimplePirate =
let uri x = sprintf "ipc://simple_pirate/%s" x
let uri_frontend = uri "frontend"
let uri_backend = uri "backend"
let task_id = let x = ref 0 in fun () -> Interlocked.Add(x,1)
let timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds 0.5
let num_requests = 20
let num_retries = 6
let client (log : string -> unit) (poller : NetMQPoller) =
let rec loop_req i =
let id = task_id()
let rec loop_retry retries =
let is_succ =
init RequestSocket poller (connect uri_backend) <| fun req ->
req.SendFrame(sprintf "task %i" id)
let mutable s = null
if req.TryReceiveFrameString(timeout,&s) then log <| sprintf "Received: %s" s; true
else log <| sprintf "Task %i timed out." id; false
if is_succ then loop_req (i+1)
elif retries > 0 then log "Retrying..."; loop_retry (retries-1)
else log "Aborting."
if i < num_requests then loop_retry num_retries
else log "Done."
loop_req 0
let worker (log : string -> unit) (poller : NetMQPoller) =
init RequestSocket poller (connect uri_backend) <| fun worker ->
log "Ready"
let rnd = Random()
use __ = worker.ReceiveReady.Subscribe(fun _ ->
let msg = worker.ReceiveMultipartMessage()
log "Done."
open System.Collections.Generic
let balancer (log : string -> unit) (poller : NetMQPoller) =
init RouterSocket poller (bind uri_frontend) <| fun frontend ->
init RouterSocket poller (bind uri_backend) <| fun backend ->
let workers = Queue()
let clients = Queue()
let queue_try_work () =
if clients.Count > 0 && workers.Count > 0 then
let client : NetMQMessage = clients.Dequeue()
let worker : NetMQFrame = workers.Dequeue()
use __ = frontend.ReceiveReady.Subscribe(fun x ->
let msg = x.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage()
use __ = backend.ReceiveReady.Subscribe(fun x ->
let msg = x.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage()
let address = msg.Pop()
msg.Pop() |> ignore
match msg.FrameCount / 2 with
| 0 -> () // ready
| _ -> frontend.SendMultipartMessage(msg) // local message
Let me plug this into the UI and then I'll look at the book code to see what sort failures might happen on the server side.
10:50am. Had to take a little break. Let me resume.
10:55am. It is not working for some reason. I'll have to figure out why.
init RequestSocket poller (connect uri_backend) <| fun req ->
It is connecting to the wrong thing.
Ok, now it works. Let me check out the guide code.
It uses the same worker as in the lazy example. Ok...
let worker (log : string -> unit) (poller : NetMQPoller) =
init RequestSocket poller (connect uri_backend) <| fun res ->
log "Ready"
let rnd = Random()
let rec loop i =
let msg = res.ReceiveMultipartMessage()
let tired = 2 < i
//if tired && rnd.Next(8) = 0 then log "Simulating a crash." else
if tired && rnd.Next(3) = 0 then log "Simulating an overload."; Thread.Sleep(timeout)
log <| sprintf "Got: %s" (msg.Last.ConvertToString())
loop (i+1)
loop 0
This is not good. For some reason timeouts cause the whole thing to die.
I do not get it. Even when I increase the number of retries to 15 it still fails. Why are overloads so troublesome?
11:10am. Ah, I get it. The reason has be because even though the request gets cancelled, there are still stale requests in the queue.
11:15am. Fuck.
I have no choice at this point. I have to ask how to do ZeroMQ style pooling in NetMQ. This is ridiculous.
Ah, there is something here.
That guy is not reading my issues at all.
He does not even do pooling here. Agh...
I am going to have to ask.
There is something here.
while (true)
if (workerQueue.Count > 0)
This is how it implements the loop?
Seriously, how does poller run work? This library is ridiculous.
11:45am. Now I am looking at NetMQ library. I've decided - I really do not like this library. It is causing me so much annoyance with the way it does polling. Based on the sample code, the author of it is a somewhat mediocre programmer with no sense for good design. He should not have deviated from the original design of ZeroMQ. The way ZeroMQ does polling is a variant of the MVU pattern, but what NetMQ does is starkly inferior to that.
11:50am. I have chores waiting for me, so I am really feeling pressured by this. I can't believe I am still stuck on this shit. I've done several variants of load balancing by now and none of them are good.
12:25pm. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62149865/is-there-a-way-to-do-zeromq-style-polling-in-netmq
I asked this question. An idea is coming to me though. I hadn't planned on doing this, but why don't I ditch the NetMQ library since it is giving me all this trouble and switch to the ZeroMQ bindings one?
12:35pm. Let me stop here as I need to do the chores and have breakfast."
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/bertearazvan/friends_and_posts_react_node commit message fuck this shit
fixed a few bugs
~ total servers are not re-counted every time the bot leaves/joins a server ~ removing multiple spaces actually works now ~ fixed an issue with the new prefix system ~ channels shouldn't get replaced when a ping is in the same phrase ~ removed support discord fuck you public bot sites you suck and i hate you smelly :(
Final revision of scheduler algorithm kernel: rewritten scheduler from scratch (hate my life), proper round-robin is now a thing kernel: implemented priority queues and O(1) scheduler kernel: everything now uses doubly linked lists
Merge pull request #3 from Codehoff/fuck-you-SCHEMA
fuck you schemaaa
Welcome! 👋 Thanks for checking out this front-end coding challenge.
Frontend Mentor challenges allow you to improve your skills in a real-life workflow.
To do this challenge, you need a basic understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
The challenge Your challenge is to build out this Coming Soon page and get it looking as close to the design as possible.
You can use any tools you like to help you complete the challenge. So if you've got something you'd like to practice, feel free to give it a go.
Your users should be able to:
View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size See hover states for all interactive elements on the page Submit their email address using an input field Receive an error message when the form is submitted if: The input field is empty. The message for this error should say "Whoops! It looks like you forgot to add your email" The email address is not formatted correctly (i.e. a correct email address should have this structure: [email protected]). The message for this error should say "Please provide a valid email address" Want some support on the challenge? Join our Slack community and ask questions in the #help channel.
Where to find everything Your task is to build out the project to the designs inside the /design folder. You will find both a mobile and a desktop version of the design to work to.
The designs are in JPG static format. This will mean that you'll need to use your best judgment for styles such as font-size, padding and margin. This should help train your eye to perceive differences in spacings and sizes.
If you would like the Sketch file in order to see sizes etc, it is available to download from the challenge page.
You will find all the required assets in the /images folder. The assets are already optimized.
There is also a style-guide.md file, which contains the information you'll need, such as color palette and fonts.
Building your project Feel free to use any workflow that you feel comfortable with. Below is a suggested process, but do not feel like you need to follow these steps:
Initialize your project as a public repository on GitHub. This will make it easier to share your code with the community if you need some help. If you're not sure how to do this, have a read through of this Try Git resource. Configure your repository to publish your code to a URL. This will also be useful if you need some help during a challenge as you can share the URL for your project with your repo URL. There are a number of ways to do this, but we recommend using Vercel. We've got more information about deploying your project with Vercel below. Look through the designs to start planning out how you'll tackle the project. This step is crucial to help you think ahead for CSS classes that you could create to make reusable styles. Before adding any styles, structure your content with HTML. Writing your HTML first can help focus your attention on creating well-structured content. Write out the base styles for your project, including general content styles, such as font-family and font-size. Start adding styles to the top of the page and work down. Only move on to the next section once you're happy you've completed the area you're working on. If you'd like to try making your project fully responsive, we'd recommend checking out Sizzy. It's a great browser that makes it easy to view your site across multiple devices. Deploying your project As mentioned above, there are a number of ways to host your project for free. We recommend using Vercel as it's an amazing service and extremely simple to get set up with. If you'd like to use Vercel, here are some steps to follow to get started:
Sign up to Vercel and go through the onboarding flow, ensuring your GitHub account is connected by using their Vercel for GitHub integration. Connect your project to Vercel from the "Import project" page, using the "From Git Repository" button and selecting the project you want to deploy. Once connected, every time you git push, Vercel will create a new deployment and the deployment URL will be shown on your Dashboard. You will also receive an email for each deployment with the URL. Sharing your solution There are multiple places you can share your solution:
Submit it on the platform so that other users will see your solution on the site. Here's our "Complete guide to submitting solutions" to help you do that. Share your solution page in the #finished-projects channel of the Slack community. Tweet @frontendmentor and mention @frontendmentor including the repo and live URLs in the tweet. We'd love to take a look at what you've built and help share it around. Giving feedback Feedback is always welcome, so if you have any to give on this challenge please email hi[at]frontendmentor[dot]io.
This challenge is completely free. Please share it with anyone who will find it useful for practice.
Have fun building! 🚀
Community Sponsors A massive thank you to our community sponsors!
Vercel offers an amazing website hosting service, which is super simple to set up. Just connect your GitHub account, point to a repo and your site will be deployed. Perfect for your website and frontend hosting needs - especially since it's free to get started! Sizzy is an extremely useful browser designed specifically to improve a developer's workflow when building websites. You can fire up multiple device emulators and run them all in sync while building out your web pages. Perfect for helping build fully responsive websites! Dracula PRO is a beautiful dark theme to help keep you focused and productive while you code. The theme isn't just for your editor either. You can also apply it to your most-used apps like your terminal and even Slack!
Waffle may 5 (#1271)
last batch of things
Many things
Fix missing stats radola gadja as marshal fix decision where USA could annex SOV and force peace on the eastern front through the friendship of magic taken from ponnies Added game rule to give agencies to everybody Unique name for Austrian agency Russian female names Some details about intervention in spain for France Fixing graphism of Austrian heavy fightter bomber
Makes yugoslavia pick between allies and axis a bit better.
Some spying events and effects related to game rules
slavic female names
debug my earlier changes
"7:05pm. I am done with lunch and while it is still raining outside, the thunder seems to have gone.
Let me do more programming.
Let me do this like so.
Yeah, the reason everything is broken is because I completely forgot the protocol.
frontend.ReceiveMultipartMessage() |> frontend.SendMultipartMessage
I forgot that the address is needed to send the message back.
Now let me see if this handshake changes things. If the client literally starts waiting once the message is sent then no wonder things are broken.
7:10pm. Now things are more stable, but the workers get empty frames sometimes. I know why that is. Crap.
in' frontend (fun _ ->
frontend.ReceiveMultipartMessage() |> frontend.SendMultipartMessage
let msg = frontend.ReceiveMultipartMessage()
There is nothing to guarantee that the second message received here will be from the same user.
...This really is a large problem.
You know what, let me change to the dealer socket. Because this is ridiculous.
init DealerSocket poller (connect uri_frontend) <| fun req ->
req.SendFrame(sprintf "task %i" id)
let mutable s = null
if req.TryReceiveFrameString(timeout,&s) then log <| sprintf "Received: %s" s; true
else log <| sprintf "Task %i timed out." id; false
Let me try something like this. Actually, I need to see what gets printed. For some reason the dealer sockets get that empty frame first. That confused me in the previous example and I did not look into it too much.
let msg = req.ReceiveMultipartMessage()
NetMQMessage.show msg |> log
No it does not seem like I get an extra empty frame. That was only when I set the identity on the dealer and sent a message directly.
7:20pm. Ok, I've got it.
init DealerSocket poller (connect uri_frontend) <| fun req ->
req.SendFrame(sprintf "task %i" id)
let mutable s = null
if req.TryReceiveFrameString(timeout,&s) then log <| sprintf "Received: %s" s; true
else log <| sprintf "Task %i timed out." id; false
in' frontend (fun _ ->
let msg = frontend.ReceiveMultipartMessage()
Since I've added this handshaking things are much more stable now. Let me add that timeout.
7:20pm. Yeah, it is super stable, even with overloads.
frontend.SendFrame(msg.First.Buffer,true); frontend.SendFrameEmpty()
Let me reply without any message.
frontend.SendFrame(msg.First.Buffer,true); frontend.SendFrameEmpty()
It works, but do I even need that last empty delimiter?
Let me try just this.
Nope. It needs empty delimiter after all.
req.SendFrame(sprintf "task %i" id)
req.SkipMultipartMessage() // I am doing a little trick to make the send synchronous.
Is there no way to make the send to a router socket synchronous.
if req.TrySendFrame(timeout,sprintf "task %i" id) then
let mutable s = null
if req.TryReceiveFrameString(timeout,&s) then log <| sprintf "Received: %s" s; true
else log <| sprintf "Task %i timed out." id; false
else log <| sprintf "Task's send %i timed out." id;false
Let me try this though I doubt it will work.
if req.TrySkipMultipartMessage(timeout) then // I am doing a little trick to make the send synchronous.
let mutable s = null
if req.TryReceiveFrameString(timeout,&s) then log <| sprintf "Received: %s" s; true
else log <| sprintf "Task %i timed out." id; false
else log <| sprintf "Task send %i timed out." id; false
It did not work. Let me try this out and then I will call it a day. I am tired of experimenting.
if req.TrySkipMultipartMessage(timeout*3.0) then // I am doing a little trick to make the send synchronous.
let mutable s = null
if req.TryReceiveFrameString(timeout,&s) then log <| sprintf "Received: %s" s; true
else log <| sprintf "Task %i timed out." id; false
else log <| sprintf "Task send %i timed out." id; false
This works, but now I am just fiddling with settings.
init DealerSocket poller (connect uri_frontend) <| fun req ->
req.SendFrame(sprintf "task %i" id)
if req.TrySkipMultipartMessage(timeout*3.0) then // I am doing a little trick to make the send synchronous.
let mutable s = null
if req.TryReceiveFrameString(timeout,&s) then log <| sprintf "Received: %s" s; true
else log <| sprintf "Task %i's work timed out." id; false
else log <| sprintf "Task %i's send timed out." id; false
Let me go with this. Damn, I am beat from this today. As it turns out the two queue thing had nothing to do with the problem - even though the way I am doing polling now is undoubtedly simpler.
let uri_frontend = "ipc://simple_pirate"
let uri_backend = "inproc://simple_pirate"
Let me use inproc
for workers.
8:10pm. 172/515. Made the Lithe commit. I ended up writing quite a bit in it.
Let me close the day here for real. I really did have enough for today.
Hopefully tomorrow things will go faster, but often those hopes end up being dashed when going through the ZeroMQ guide.
Nothing in it goes against common sense - expect the polling thing which I've resolved, but it really is taking me long to learn this. I have no idea when I started this anymore."
Update README.md
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MiniSalsa Performance Improvements
This PR contains various constant-factor performance improvements to the MiniSalsa package.
The main conceptual improvements are the following:
- Miscellaneous improvements to the MiniSalsa package that bring it up to feature parity with Salsa: debugging / tracing / etc.
- We reduced allocations by sharing the vectors for tracing a functions dependencies in a "trace pool" and a freelist. This is needed because each derived function needs its own vector to track dependencies, and vectors have to be heap allocated, but allocs are expensive. We can avoid them by sharing them in a pool with a freelist.
- We reduced allocations by making the new Salsa Tracing Runtime isbits. We need to generate a new _TracingRuntime per derived function call to support multithreaded task parallelism, so that different derived functions can each have their own vectors in which to record their dependencies, without clobbering each other.
- To make them isbits, we have to remove the reference to the trace arrays. To do this, we use an integer index to refer to the trace vector (the int indexes into the pool, and is pushed and popped from the freelist).
- Also, to make them isbits, we had to remove the pointer to the Storage, since the Storage object itself is mutable. To do this, we (in an ugly hack) just keep a
to the storage, since we know that the storage will always survive past the lifetime of the derived functions (since it's referenced by the _TopLevelRuntime).
- We made some other minor julia-related changes that made small allocations reductions, such as:
- Removing return type annotations. E.g. removing
made it 10x faster in a microbenchmark. - Changing from
lock(l) do ... end
lambdas to manuallock(l) try ... finally unlock(l) end
blocks. Our best guess is that if the lambda is capturing local mutable variables in a closure, the lambda object ends up on the heap. Unsure why that isn't getting compiled away.
- Removing return type annotations. E.g. removing
- We realized that DerivedValues were not isbits since they contain an array, so we made reverted this back to what it was in old Salsa: we them mutable and now we edit them in-place, rather than constructing a new one for every derived function.
- I can no longer remember if this was helpful or not... I think it should be fine either way, so it maybe makes sense to leave this how it was in old salsa, as we can always re-evaluate it in the future?
Co-Authored-By: @comnik
Upstreamed from RelationalAI
Make Docker Build the fucking different environments. Still Buggy so don't merge or use this code unless you are willing to spend another 6 hours fixing bullshit bugs.
diff: discard blob data from stat-unmatched pairs
When performing a tree-level diff against the working tree, we may find that our index stat information is dirty, so we queue a filepair to be examined later. If the actual content hasn't changed, we call this a stat-unmatch; the stat information was out of date, but there's no actual diff. Normally diffcore_std() would detect and remove these identical filepairs via diffcore_skip_stat_unmatch(). However, when "--quiet" is used, we want to stop the diff as soon as we see any changes, so we check for stat-unmatches immediately in diff_change().
That check may require us to actually load the file contents into the pair of diff_filespecs. If we find that the pair isn't a stat-unmatch, then no big deal; we'd likely load the contents later anyway to generate a patch, do rename detection, etc, so we want to hold on to it. But if it is a stat-unmatch, then we have no more use for that data; the whole point is that we're going discard the pair. However, we never free the allocated diff_filespec data.
In most cases, keeping that data isn't a problem. We don't expect a lot of stat-unmatch entries, and since we're using --quiet, we'd quit as soon as we saw such a real change anyway. However, there are extreme cases where it makes a big difference:
We'd generally mmap() the working tree half of the pair. And since the OS may limit the total number of maps, we can run afoul of this in large repositories. E.g.:
$ cd linux $ git ls-files | wc -l 67959 $ sysctl vm.max_map_count vm.max_map_count = 65530 $ git ls-files | xargs touch ;# everything is stat-dirty! $ git diff --quiet fatal: mmap failed: Cannot allocate memory
It should be unusual to have so many files stat-dirty, but it's possible if you've just run a script like "sed -i" or similar.
After this patch, the above correctly exits with code 0.
Even if you don't hit mmap limits, the index half of the pair will have been pulled from the object database into heap memory. Again in a clone of linux.git, running:
$ git ls-files | head -n 10000 | xargs touch $ git diff --quiet
peaks at 145MB heap before this patch, and 94MB after.
This patch solves the problem by freeing any diff_filespec data we picked up during the "--quiet" stat-unmatch check in diff_changes. Nobody is going to need that data later, so there's no point holding on to it. There are a few things to note:
we could skip queueing the pair entirely, which could in theory save a little work. But there's not much to save, as we need a diff_filepair to feed to diff_filespec_check_stat_unmatch() anyway. And since we cache the result of the stat-unmatch checks, a later call to diffcore_skip_stat_unmatch() call will quickly skip over them. The diffcore code also counts up the number of stat-unmatched pairs as it removes them. It's doubtful any callers would care about that in combination with --quiet, but we'd have to reimplement the logic here to be on the safe side. So it's not really worth the trouble.
I didn't write a test, because we always produce the correct output unless we run up against system mmap limits, which are both unportable and expensive to test against. Measuring peak heap would be interesting, but our perf suite isn't yet capable of that.
note that diff without "--quiet" does not suffer from the same problem. In diffcore_skip_stat_unmatch(), we detect the stat-unmatch entries and drop them immediately, so we're not carrying their data around.
you can still trigger the mmap limit problem if you truly have that many files with actual changes. But it's rather unlikely. The stat-unmatch check avoids loading the file contents if the sizes don't match, so you'd need a pretty trivial change in every single file. Likewise, inexact rename detection might load the data for many files all at once. But you'd need not just 64k changes, but that many deletions and additions. The most likely candidate is perhaps break-detection, which would load the data for all pairs and keep it around for the content-level diff. But again, you'd need 64k actually changed files in the first place.
So it's still possible to trigger this case, but it seems like "I accidentally made all my files stat-dirty" is the most likely case in the real world.
Reported-by: Jan Christoph Uhde [email protected] Signed-off-by: Jeff King [email protected] Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano [email protected]
fuck joe jonas
he's insane
made anarchist temporarily use resmod values fixed weirdness with charon and hoxton slight loud detection tweaks made enemies' reaction times EVIL >:)