2,453,420 events, 1,239,277 push events, 1,961,491 commit messages, 148,728,909 characters
Xenobiology Steroid crate (#2088)
- Creates packs.dm and adds the slime steroid crate
Xenobiologists can quickly buy slime steroids to make their life easier.
- Update includes.dm
why are the slashes FUCKING B A C K WA R D S
Adds Xenobiology Mutagen crate
time to enhance the xenobiology experience
- General fixes
Fixed the space at the end of the desc for slime steroids Re-ordered the list so it is in alphabetical order (cause i'm not a monster) Removed capitalisation in the datums
- ACCESS_TOXINS doesn't exist what am I on
ACCESS_TOX_STORAGE is the right one for me
- Removes Mutagen crate, increases steroid's price
Update social-currency-metric-system.md
I have gone through and edited where Dylan and I think elaboration may be necessary as we move the system from a "metric" to a project in the next several months.
To that end I would also like to add some additional clarification to the footnotes as the original creator of the system:
1 CHAOSS metrics historically is to create standard definitions that can be used reliably across projects to support comparisons. This metric may evolve into a project in the future. My response: What we are hoping to have evolve through this process is a "cultural universal" whereas the same sentiments feelings, and behaviors will be seen in all CHAOSS communities but that does not mean they will be seen or valued the same in every community. This can create stereotypes and biases. It's important to keep this in mind as we generalize and form a concrete codex for CHAOSS and use the rule of generalization to avoid this pitfall.
2 What metrics emerge from this description? Likely included are: 1. community trust, 2. transparency, 3. utility, 4. consistency, and 5. merit My response: I agree with defining these each as individual metrics. With this in mind the origin of these metrics is important. Social Currency Theory lists 6 "universal currencies" listed as Affiliation, Conversation, Utility, advocacy, information, and Identity." We made our metrics by focusing not on the currency used by people, but the currency a primary stakeholder, business, or community manager have direct control over. If you make a transparency focused campaign it will get comments coding for transparency back. If we are standardizing the SCMS' main categories we should consider the relationship between our currencies that a stakeholder can affect, and the general currencies identified in the general theory that people traffic in. These secondary ones are far more vague then the ones the SCMS use, but could inform the metrics development better as they already have universal research. They are just a LOT harder to measure day to day. How does one measure identity for instance.
3 Analysis of sentiment suggests that metric (6) is likely "Communications Sentiment", and the definition may need to include references to common sentiment analysis tools, sometimes called "bags of words". My response: I'm really not sure how this would count as a process metric because this is literally just "data". More explanation is needed to clarify this footnote for me.
4 Measuring how trust is instilled in community members, such that their thoughts and opinions are valued is likely metric (7) that will define a process, and perhaps is not measurable via trace data. My response: I agree. we'll need to discuss this more in-depth.
5 A substantial portion of any codex for open source software will be common across projects, and each project is likely to have a set of particular interests that are a subset of that codex. In some cases, their main interests may not be present in an established codex component. In general, the codex, like the CHAOSS project itself, is open sourced as shared metadata to ensure shared understanding across open source communities. My response: One of the reasons we are providing the SCMS for free is because the system itself is adaptable to any community. Despite it's versatility and ease in setup, however, knowing what Transparency means for your community is paramount to it's use. Finding a generalized and universal term for this will be hard and I hesitate when I hear this get generalized without the social scientific process and rule of generalization to show the work. This will likely be the lionshare of our time with the project as a result. I'm happy to review this and think it's worthwhile, but I want to be upfront in saying the generalization can't go too fast.
6 This describes the evolution of a standard codex, and its elements through the process of CHAOSS working groups and projects, characterized in the previous footnote. Likely this will be a process metric (8). no response
7 Candidate process oriented metric (9). no response
8 Examples of data coded using the open sourced codex, as it evolves, will be essential components for advancing open source software through SCMS. Implementations will require these examples, and their provision as open source assets of the CHAOSS project will return value as shared data. My response: I wholeheartedly agree for the same reasons I mention above.
9 Internal and external reputation are likely metrics (10), and (11) arising from the SCMS. My response: we use them as derived metrics. The reputation of a community or brand is the sum total of the currency garnered, while the external reputation is the amount of sum currency that carries over to cold audiences. It's better to think of one like how people view you in your own community, vs. how people view you on a resume.
M -JustDoIt-, M -SKY IVLAND-, M 4Four, M Adrenaline 2, M Adrenaline, M Aim 5.0, M Aim 6.0, M Alive, M All at the beginning, M Alone Together 1.0, M Analyzer, M Apex2, M Arabic Night, M At Night 2, M At Sundown, M Atomic, M Baguette, M Behind the Darkua, M Between the Heavens, M Big Sun, M Cemetery, M Chinatown, M Cya Nerd, M Damage, M Dark Side, M Determination, M Disco, M Don't go, M Doreos, M Elitist, M Elumite, M Epic-Fail, M External 2, M Falling Star, M Fiasko, M First Try, M Fly Around, M Fonders, M Goldfield, M Hardcore 10, M Hardcore 11, M Helena, M Hillside, M Inception, M Into the Wild, M Is it Real, M Journey, M Jungledread, M Karaboudjan, M Koule 17, M Limba, M Logics, M Lost Story 2, M Lucifer, M LuckyStrike, M M&M, M Mines of Fear, M Moonstone, M Naufrage 2, M Naufrage, M Nirvana, M NoMore! 3, M NoMore!, M Out of Castle, M P2Z_Eclipse, M Pink Sky, M Plaza, M Radiation, M Reason, M Rema, M Roaming, M Ruin, M Scabrous, M Skill Rises, M Skywalk, M Sleepy 2, M Sleepy, M SolarStrike, M Something, M Space & Time 2, M Space & Time, M Spacetic, M The Dream, M The Rapture, M The Sewer, M The Uns, M Threesome, M Tough, M Uncharted, M Underground, M Valley 2, M Valley, M Wailand, M Wasteland, M Winter Is Coming, M Yoko 1.1, M Yoko 2.1, M Yoko 3.1, M Yoko 4.1, M chiseled, M claret-blue, M likeOldschool, M mmips, M nemesis, M whitehell, M DeepDrag, M Just Rocketfly 1, M Skychase, M TomorrowLand, M Falling Down, M Generic World, M Justice, M #wontfix, M 3Play, M Awayst, M Bootcamp #1, M Brony, M Brown, M Bubbles, M Captain America, M Castle, M Caution, M Cavings I, M Challenge, M Circle, M Coffee I, M Construction I, M DarkRoad, M Dead, M Dummy 2, M Entei, M FWYS Key 1, M FastRun, M FindTheFreeze, M Fishbone, M Freeze Jungle, M Galaxy Story, M Galaxy Turn, M HeartOfMoon, M Hell 2, M HellGate 3.5, M HellGate X, M Holiday Adventure, M Hollow 2, M Hollow, M Hookthrough, M Hubbel, M Ice Cave 1, M Ice Cave 2, M Jumanji, M KeeZ, M Kopell, M LazeAround, M LazeAround2, M Level, M Limitation, M Little Adventure, M Lygerastia, M Mario_reloaded, M MiddleFinger, M Minimum, M MoonPie, M Motherlode, M MysteryCompound, M Neon 1, M Neverwhere, M New Era, M NiggoDrag, M No Merci, M Not Adrenaline 4, M One Way, M P2Z_DeadlyJungle, M P2Z_Soar, M Piranha, M Pisull, M Plan A, M Plan B, M Plan C, M Primeval Forest, M Rainbow Sunrise, M Rayquaza, M Redemption, M Rivendell, M Seduction, M Short, M SomewhereDistant, M Sonne, Mond und Sterne, M SpongeBob 3, M Spooky, M SunDay 2, M Sunrice, M Swoosh, M The Problem, M The Shire, M Top 2, M TowerOfDesperation, M Tube, M Twix, M Underwater, M WEEDS, M Weapons, M Wrong Forest, M Xabier, M [SI] AVADA, M [SI] DANICA, M [SI] INSTINCT, M [SI] KABOO, M [SI] LAVITA, M [SI] NEVERLAND, M [SI] SELEN, M [SI] VIADANTE, M [SI] YELLOW, M acan, M faye, M mainstream, M moondrag, M nameless map, M piViq, M sense, M Absurd 1, M Absurd 2, M Absurd 4, M Batman, M Careless, M Chicken Pie 2, M Chicken Pie, M DetrimentalFactor, M Dry Lagoon, M For Idiots 1, M For Idiots 2, M GeRollA, M GlassBox 2, M GlassBox 3, M GlassBox 4, M GlassBox 5, M GlassBox 6, M GlassBox 7, M GlassBox 8, M GlassBox, M Hulk, M Icebreaker, M IronMan, M Kaylite, M Killa 3, M Kindergarten, M Kobra 2, M Kobra 3, M Kobra, M Koule 1, M Koule 2, M Koule 3, M Koule 4, M Koule 5, M Light Grey, M Little Forest, M Lowcore, M MagiK, M Pados 1, M Pados 2, M Pados 3, M Planet Mars, M Planet Venus, M Senani, M Skillz 1, M Skillz 2, M Skillz 3, M Skillz 4, M Skillz 5, M Skillz 6, M Sorrow, M Teleport, M Thor, M Tiny Tandem, M Top 1, M [School] Hammer, M [School] Hook, M benrace, M hotrun, M AIB Quest 1, M AIB Quest 2, M Art of Movement, M Aufnahmetest 2, M Aufnahmetest 3, M Aufnahmetest, M Autumn Sky, M Croissant, M DayLight, M Duodecimo, M Escape, M Extension 1.0, M Extension 2.0, M Flamara, M Flappy Bird, M Fly Lessons, M Fly out of hell, M Fly to the Legends 2, M Fly to the Legends, M ForeverAlone, M HDP_Run2, M HDP_run_gay25, M Hardcore 2 Solo, M Honkstar 2, M Honkstar, M It's Time, M It'sYourDeath, M Joyride 2, M Joyride, M Jungle Run, M Just_Shotgun, M Killstreak 2, M Kobra 2 Solo, M Kobra 3 Solo, M Kobra Solo, M Lamb, M Microlity, M Mini Zero II, M Mini Zero, M MojoJump, M Movement I, M OldschoolAdventure, M PetJack 2, M PetJack, M Push it, M ROCKET-BELT, M Race_Sanktoras, M Rocket Jump, M Rollercoaster, M SL1, M Short Con, M SkyCave, M Solo_Mietzcore, M Space Climb, M SpaceIsKey, M Tee Legends 1, M Tee Legends 2, M Tee Legends 3, M The Space Station, M Triplecan 2, M Triplecan, M Verification 3.9, M Verification 7.0, M Verification 7.1, M Verification 7.2, M Verification 9.0, M Verification 9.1, M WallJump, M run_guy_25, M selfdragger
Balsa For The Three
It's well known that our friend Balsa likes the digit 3
very much. He's so obsessed with this digit that he spends time thinking about it even during holidays.
Today, Balsa invented an interesting problem: For a positive integer N , find the smallest integer greater than N such that its decimal representation contains the digit 3
at least three times.
You are given the integer N
. Please solve this problem for Balsa. Input
The first line of the input contains a single integer T
denoting the number of test cases. The description of T test cases follows. The first and only line of each test case contains a single integer N
For each test case, print a single line containing one integer — the smallest number greater than N containing the digit 3
at least three times. Constraints
Example Input
3 221 333 3002
Example Output
333 1333 3033
Update dllmain.cpp
fix your fucking whitespace holy shit.
killing dead code
- RIP the ideal waveform plot it was a good idea ahead of its time.
- RIP the rangeslider which should be built into Qt but we had to do hand to hand fucking pixelwise drawing for like a week to make. it still was sorta shitty so good riddance
- Welcome back to life tests for doubleslider
"10:50am. I am up. In contrast to the past few days, I slept well today.
I am groggy though. Since it is this late, I'll skip the morning session. Time for Dungeon Meshi.
After that, I really should check out that paper on ML type inference. Before I can start I need to tie up some loose ends. After that is done then I will simply start the redesign.
11:30am. http://okmij.org/ftp/ML/generalization.html
Let me start reading this. It is time that I slowly get back into programming. I've been brainstorming too much.
...You know what, let me get rid of ids. I think I won't be needing them after all. Reference equality should be enough for everything.
/// scope * constraints * kind * printable name
and Var = int * Constraint Set * TT * string
This is ideal.
type qname = string
type typ =
| TVar of tv ref (* type (schematic) variable *)
| QVar of qname (* quantified type variable *)
| TArrow of typ * typ
and tv = Unbound of string | Link of typ
Interesting how different the metavars are here. No scope or constraints.
let to_be_level_adjusted = ref []
let update_level : level -> typ -> unit = fun l -> function
| TVar ({contents = Unbound (n,l')} as tvr) ->
assert (not (l' = generic_level));
if l < l' then
tvr := Unbound (n,l)
| TArrow (_,_,ls) as ty ->
assert (not (ls.level_new = generic_level));
if ls.level_new = marked_level then failwith "occurs check";
if l < ls.level_new then begin
if ls.level_new = ls.level_old then
to_be_level_adjusted := ty :: !to_be_level_adjusted;
ls.level_new <- l
| _ -> assert false
Agh, what the hell is this? It keeps trying to explain generalization in terms of GC and memory management as well which is not something I am familiar with.
/// scope * constraints * kind * printable name
and Var = int * Constraint Set * TT * string
You know what, let me get rid of the name here.
/// scope * constraints * kind
and Var = int * Constraint Set * TT
Names are something I will leave a reference dictionary for. They are not worth dragging around. My main priority is to implement it correct.
12:15pm. This paper did give me some ideas.
| TyMetavar of Var * link: T option ref
| TyVar of Var
Let me change TyMetavar
| TyMetavar of Var ref
Yeah, this is perfect.
This will simplify things quite a bit. Now there isn't even a need to do path shortening.
...Ah, no wait, what did I do?
| TyMetavar of Choice<Var,T> ref
It needs to be this.
| KindMetavar of TT option ref
Then I will just make this like so.
The algorithm also avoids the occurs check on each unification with a free type variable, so that this unification takes constant time.
I need to study this. Even though I am sitting here, I am just thinking about my own stuff instead of the paper.
He also points to the view of ranks from the point of constraint-based presentation of ML type inference, explained in ``The Essence of ML Type Inference''.
I should check out that chapter in the second TAPL book again.
12:35pm. Sound lazy is too much for me right now.
Let me check out TAPL.
Ok, I found it. The chapter is 70 pages long, so I have my reading cut out for me.
12:50pm. Let me stop here for breakfast. Though the book is in front of my screen, just like for the paper, I am really going over my own model, rather than really studying it. I am going through the way unification is done in my imagination, testing the latest changes.
Right now, with constraints, scopes and kinds, things are actually rather complex. Not to mention flow sensitivity and the like. There is a lot of stuff to keep in mind. Spiral's top down type system is not your grandpa's.
There is no sense in hurrying this. I need to go at it from the top. I'll start when I am good and ready."
Created Text For URL [www.timeslive.co.za/tshisa-live/tshisa-live/2020-08-12-god-wiped-away-my-tears-gave-me-joy-in-abundance-simz-ngema-announces-pregnancy/]
"```fs | TyMetavar of Var * T option ref
Let me go back to this. Yeah, I know that the other is more succinct, but it would be a pain in the ass to pattern match on.
2:25pm. Let me finish reading the chapter of the shitty Chinese LN I am hooken on currently and I will resume the second TAPL book.
2:45pm. Ok, let me resume.
To be honest, my obsession has quieted down, and I feel like taking a nap now rather that do anything else, but let me instead go through the book. I should at least put two hours into it today.
I think tomorrow, I should get back to programming.
3pm. 418/589. Not only is this book putting me to sleep, but I am also hearing thunder outside despite the sky being clear.
I am wasting my time here.
3:10pm. No forget it. I see the book recommended often on the PL sub, but it is a pile of shit. I am actually better off just thinking about the problem and trying to solve it myself instead of trying to interpret the book.
In programming, writing the code is actually easier than the converse of it. The same goes for math.
You have a mental model, you turn it into code. The reverse is much harder.
Probably the greatest example of this is nature itself - a brainless process like it produced such marvels of engineering, but reverse engineering it is a very difficult task. Just where did the understanding go?
These math books fall into the same bucket.
Though I did not get what I want from my math studies in 2019, I did benefit greatly in that I now understand how to categorize math. I also know what proofs are.
Mathematicians are really strange beasts. In constrast to programmers whose primary concern is communicating with the machine and nature, they are more social with respect to people.
There has been a rift. I think many people who would have become great mathematicians in the past would be programmers today. It is not appreciated that this shift would change the character of the whole mathematics community itself.
3:20pm. Let me step away from the screen for a while. I'll take a nap, cultivate my desire and then just start.
It does not really matter if the TC takes a month or three. What matters is that I have confidence in my own work. 2020 is that kind of year.
I'll embrace my loneliness and have it strengthen me.
This is the final stretch. After this redesign, Spiral's type system will be complete. Not half finished like I imagined it would be originally, but completely done. I won't do this, move on the later stages, only to have to come back to put in constraints or other things.
The testing when it starts will be over the whole thing. And that is a huge benefit.
If I can grasp it, I should do so by any means possible.
I need to focus on this desire. I need to imagine how great it will be to program in Spiral v0.2."
## [andk/pause](https://github.com/andk/pause)@[67e7feb85c...](https://github.com/andk/pause/commit/67e7feb85cf2ae857f075a0b03b3d50dc1e1b698)
#### Wednesday 2020-08-12 13:30:43 by Andreas Koenig
Revert "Bump version of operating model to 3" and "Expand operating model list of prohibitions"
This reverts commit 521a092968ff8106f4d46253243247786aa9d25a and 83d65cf33cac3e2048e1a6cfeb98cc70cfc7d12a.
after having slept over it I think it wasn't a good idea to accept
this PR. Blame the weather, blame my ignorance, I don't know. I wasn't
in the best shape and decided quickly instead of thoroughly.
I think we really should kill the catch all part of the pull request.
The Operating Model at its very heart had the idea that we guarantee
our users that we do not interfere with their uploads unless in
narrowly defined special cases.
Now we had an incident that showed us we had forgotten to talk about
security matters. We should react to this incident with a new version
that introduces security matters. No more, no less. When we have
another case that shows us that we missed something, we should seek
how to codify additional rules. That's what the spirit of the
Operating Model kind of promises.
I've now reverted the last two commits and would ask for a second
attempt at a rephrasing, this time strictly limited to what the
security incident taught us.
Thanks && and sorry for my lapse
## [Cytrus-RE/cytrus-re](https://github.com/Cytrus-RE/cytrus-re)@[125853c599...](https://github.com/Cytrus-RE/cytrus-re/commit/125853c599f96b9567635959b7ed8cc9b49f8f82)
#### Wednesday 2020-08-12 13:35:09 by Odyssey346
modules/web.js: remove subgap
Keanu chungus wholesome 100 reddit moment i beat up a kid that said minecraft bad and my doggo bit him so i gave him snaccos and we watched pewdiepie together while in elon musk’s cyber truck talking about how superior reddit memers are : “haha emojis bad” i said and keanu reeves came outta nowhere and said “this is wholesome 100, updoot this wholesome boy” so i got alot of updoots and edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger. but the kind stranger revealed himself to be baby yoda eating chiccy nuggies and drinking choccy milk so we went to the cinema to see our (communism funny) favorite movies avengers endgame but then thor played fortnite and fortnite bad, so then i said “reality is often dissappointing” and then baby yoda replied r/unexpectedthanos and i replied by r/expectedthanos for balance and then danny devito came to pick us up from the cinema and all the insta normies and gay mods stood watching ,as we,superior redditors went home with danny devito to suck on his magnum dong but i said no homo and started sucking,not like those gay mods,then the next morning we woke up to MrBeast telling us to plant 69420 million trees, me, baby yoda and danny said nice, and then on our way to plant 69420 million trees (nice) we saw a kid doing a tiktok so keanu reeves appeared and said “we have a kid to burn” and i replied “you’re breathtaking” so i said “i need a weapon” and baby yoda gave me an RPG so i blew the kid (DESTRUCTION 100) and posted it on r/memes and r/dankmemes and r/pewdiepiesubmissions and got 1000000000 updoots,i’m sure pewds will give me a big pp, then we shat on emoji users and started dreaming about girls that will never like me and posted a lie on r/teenagers about how i got a GF after my doggo died by the hands of fortnite players so i exploited his death for updoots, but i watched the sunset with the wholesome gang (keanu,danny,Mrbeast, pewds, spongebob,stefan karl , bob ross, steve irwin, baby yoda and other artists that reddit exploits them) [Everyone liked that] WHOLESOME 100 REDDIT 100
## [MYLownie/PenDo-Productions](https://github.com/MYLownie/PenDo-Productions)@[abe9dc5dce...](https://github.com/MYLownie/PenDo-Productions/commit/abe9dc5dceb7a9fb73f2bbbfaa36c3d7038338a0)
#### Wednesday 2020-08-12 15:46:21 by MYLownie
Scroll Click togget
FIxed this stupid formatting so it's now actually in the Chapter navbar
it's colours are ugly and shit but it's fine I'll fix them later!!!!
sticky class got moved to the bottom of the style sheet just cause it made more sense to be under all the elements in the actual bar than smack in the middle.
## [josarv/pop-scripts](https://github.com/josarv/pop-scripts)@[d4c22584fc...](https://github.com/josarv/pop-scripts/commit/d4c22584fcba85d9cd4c8908a444ee788d3cd2a3)
#### Wednesday 2020-08-12 16:16:18 by Joseph Arvanites
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/josarv/pop-scripts
forgot to pull god fucking damn it
## [coderbirju/Budding](https://github.com/coderbirju/Budding)@[04689346c5...](https://github.com/coderbirju/Budding/commit/04689346c5a18b8e07367ce5d4779d048682f96a)
#### Wednesday 2020-08-12 16:34:16 by Shrikrishna Joisa
Merge pull request #23 from falcon-head/incomplete
Fuck you git
## [chiyokolinux/kawa](https://github.com/chiyokolinux/kawa)@[f19f40c065...](https://github.com/chiyokolinux/kawa/commit/f19f40c065f40baeacacc12815d223e784d1f094)
#### Wednesday 2020-08-12 16:52:34 by Jonas Jaguar
I want to kill myself, the creator of C, the guy who didn't invent strings for C, the guy who didn't invent returning arrays in C and just everyone else too
## [mrakgr/The-Spiral-Language](https://github.com/mrakgr/The-Spiral-Language)@[199710c3e2...](https://github.com/mrakgr/The-Spiral-Language/commit/199710c3e2d7d03680b4b017c9c7058b680fe150)
#### Wednesday 2020-08-12 18:16:14 by Marko Grdinić
"7:20pm. I've fortified my mind somewhat.
This whole lethargy feels like it is socially induced for me. It is my weakness. When my energy falls, always that injury comes to the front of my mind. It is loneliness.
On paper I have friends, but suppose I did something like write a book, or write a programming language, or figure out the meaning of life. No matter how I look at it, I cannot imagine getting any respect for it and in fact, I did not. Sure making a million dollars would impress them, but that would impress anybody. What good are 'friends' when their only talent is at irony? They are untrustworthy idiots who will look for the meaning of life at the bottom of a wine bottle until they die.
The work I am doing on Spiral here is impressive. The way I've figured out how to do type inference pretty much all on my own takes some skill. Sure, it might not impress anybody in my circle, but I can certainly imagine people in this world finding value in Spiral. Especially v0.2 when it comes out. It will be a powerful bargaining chip too.
Friendship has a purpose. In the past friends would have been hunting partners. The contexts would have been such that if one does not perform then both starve.
This is what I really crave for. I am going to finish Spiral and then use it to find friendship. The people driving the transition from personal computer to personal supercomputing will need it. It won't be close and personal, but based on the last 20 or so years, I would have been better off avoiding friendship where there are no shared interests or goals between the parties.
I want to trade. And I want to run towards the same goal with others. I want to associate with people who would prefer to elevate their intelligence rather than suppress it.
7:35pm. Consider the context. It is not whether one has social skills or does not. Despite similar outward appearance, two people can be different species after all. I can't be friendly and outgoing after the other side spends hours and hours boring me to death.
Maybe the problem is that one is simply at the wrong place and at the wrong time, amongst wrong people. When the way forward is clear, the feeling will come. I won't make this mistake again.
Spiral is going to be impressive. And I am going to find people worth impressing with it. And in the background the story will slowly move closer to the Singularity, by those who would later become the Inspired. The real ones, not just from a piece of fiction.
7:40pm. The work on Spiral is worth doing. Unless I do this, there will be shit tier languages dominating the scene until somebody comes along and does what I should have done.
I won't let it come to that. I was too late for Cuda, but I can catch the next train.
I need to get that 'friendship as power sharing' thing going on. This is not what frienship was for me and I really regret it. If it could have met this standard, I would have been a lot happier person throughout my existence.
7:45pm. I am just sad. I keep moving forward, but the rest aren't following.
Tomorrow, I will really endeavor to write some code. I've thought long and hard about what I should do, and this is an integral part of programming, but now it is time that I get some carving done as well.
I need to get into it again. Stopping for so long after doing that useless record apply thing has distrupted my moment and I need to go through it from the top.
The type inferencer is possibly one of my greatest pieces of work. Right now it is half finished, and I still feel it came out great. It is amazing how good the work is considering I barely have any experience in this subject.
The code in `pattern`, `term` and `type` will not have to go through much change at all - the real changes will all be in the unifier. I do not have that much work to go through at all.
7:50pm. There is something I regret. I bash Chinese sometimes for their ancient medicine bullshit, but apart from that, cultivators are wizards done right.
One thing I regret buying into is the short termism of the normies. When I started six months was a long time, but assuming I have my normal lifespan left to live out, that is a huge time left for me to do programming.
I should aim to become a proper wizard.
Programming is really the only avenue one can take to surpass one's natural limits in reality. I should take that thought in stride since I will be mostly doing janitorial work in the future.
7:55pm. Even after I get those chips, no doubt I will get tired of managing memory, so at that point I'll rope my sponsor into paying me to work on GC. The way I am going, everything is going to be covered until I get my true power.
But if I am going to get power, I should first get dignity. And to do that I need to get rid of the parasites squatting rent free in my mental room, and find some better tenants.
And to do that I need to start really believing in Spiral. I've always been driven by my sense of aesthetics towards it. That this is the way I see my own programming is really great. It is a lot better than it being some meaningless job. But it is possible to do even better.
Spiral should not be a power of my future, but the power of my present as well.
People go to colleges for years in order to pad their resumes.
Me, I will just point them at the typechecker and watch them stand back in awe.
8pm. Yes, I want that top down type system. But the way the typechecker itself is written is worthy of adulation.
I need to find the desire to program more. The careful, painstaking attention to detail of the past two weeks, and then the recent raging brainstorming is heroic. I should continue this kind of unrecognized heroism.
8:05pm. One day my talent will blossom, and the world will be brought to heel. If peace can only be brought through power, then truth will have to be brought through treachery. Those on the other side deserve what is coming to them...and so do we deserve what is coming to us.
I want to live in a world where effort pays off. I want to live in a world where those like me can find the power that they seek. I cannot stop. I have to act in order to fulfill that desire."
## [daniel5151/clicky](https://github.com/daniel5151/clicky)@[daea6162cd...](https://github.com/daniel5151/clicky/commit/daea6162cdef20556ac835754a03ff4c2021c308)
#### Wednesday 2020-08-12 19:34:08 by Daniel Prilik
major i2c overhaul + working RTC!
wow, this was a real yak-shave.
All I wanted to do was get the RTC working, but as it turns out, the RTC
is located on the iPod's power management controller, which is connected
via the i2c bus.
As such, I've had to un-stub the i2c controller, and actually implement
it properly. I think it turned out mostly okay, but boy-oh-boy, was
getting it working annoying:
- Translating / Logging `MemResult`s from the i2c bus is kinda janky,
and took quite a bit of experimenting to even get working.
- I haven't ever used i2c before, so I had to do a _lot_ of reading up
on how the protocol is supposed to work. From what I understand, the
core i2c protocol only supports reading/writing bytes to a device (given
by it's 7-bot address), but doesn't say anything on how to read/write
registers from individual devices. This is kinda annoying, since i've
had to include the required latching-logic on the device side...
Regardless of the rocky journey, the end result is that I now have a
clean little i2c interface implementation, and I can work on the more
interesting parts of the problem: actually implementing the devices
connected to the i2c bus.
The next order of business is stubbing out / implementing a couple more
registers on the pcf5060x device.
* * *
Additionally, I've split the clickwheel controller into a separate
device (called opto). I'm kinda confused what the hell is going on,
since from the looks of it, the opto + keypad doesn't use any of the i2c
architecture that other devices use, and kinda just does it's own
thing. I mean, I guess there's _some_ precedence for these sorts of
shenanigans (like how there are 2 separate DMA controllers on the board,
one of which is dedicated to ATA HDDs), but still, weird.
## [quietly-turning/Simply-Love-SM5](https://github.com/quietly-turning/Simply-Love-SM5)@[62513f94cc...](https://github.com/quietly-turning/Simply-Love-SM5/commit/62513f94cc873064a045eda668f8c971de019b2b)
#### Wednesday 2020-08-12 22:07:55 by quietly-turning
more consistent sizing of TitleMenu logo assets
They each have their own problems: suicidal depression, intense anxiety
manifesting as constant tremors, eating disorders, borderline, and so
on. Collectively, they are human people struggling with mental health,
and they talk about the difficulties – both day-to-day and more broadly
– during each initial check-in.
There is a break halfway through the day, and then they come back and do
an exercise or game. The game that day was charades. Check-in had been
more strained than usual, and the group leader felt something fun was
It seemed surreal to see them put aside their trouble for a moment and
play charades. They smiled and laughed and seemed to genuinely have a
good time, as though they were able to become different people. Is that
One is so anxious she has trouble controlling her hands, but she smiled
and goofed around for a few moments, acting out various scenes. Another
is so painfully thin but she got so into the moment, even gently
encouraging me to, too, not hesitating to fall on me and expect me to
catch her when the prompt was "crowd surfing."
Surreal is the only word I have, as though I were statically observing a
dynamic scene that I was supposedly part of. But I was elsewhere, far
away, not part of the play.
I must be just clinging to woe at this point.
# [<](2020-08-11.md) 2020-08-12 [>](2020-08-13.md)