2,176,251 events, 1,402,533 push events, 1,792,090 commit messages, 91,278,705 characters
واقع لا محالة:-
الاختلاف في الرأي لا يفسد للود قضية ..تلك خرجت من الشرق الأوسط. سؤالي لك يامن تدرس اجيال هل الواقع اللذي ترسمة في ذهنية الجيل بتلك الصورة اللتي رسمت ولكن لكم واقعكم ونسعد بعيشتنا. رسم الجيل اللذي سبقكم اننا نعيش في الخيام ونربي الماشية وهيا عيشتنا اللتي جبلنا عليها فهل وجدي ذلك واقع ام مجرد أفكار توارثها الغرب الأقصى من ازل..هذا الواقع فنعيشة ونسعد بما فية أو نخلية
Inevitably reality Differences of opinion don't spoil a friend's case. That came out of the Middle East. My question to you, who are you studying for generations, is the reality that you draw in the mind of the generation in that picture that was painted, but you have your reality and we are happy with our lives. The generation that preceded you painted that we live in tents and raise livestock, and that is our living on which we were raised, is this a reality or just ideas inherited by the Far West from time to time? This reality, we live it and we are happy with what is in it or we are not
Fixed up some code.
Got printing working. That was a pain. And scary. I decided it was best if that function is unsafe.
Also realized I needed to borrow the ParserInputPosition, since it contained a pointer. That was a fun segfault to try and figure out.
Used mopa to have my own Any, so I don't need to use unbox or some other hack like that. Still need to use to_sub() until I can figure out a more clever way to accomplish that.
Made a giant mess with macros. It is technically very clean, but I'm not a fan of the fact that I can't format the code automatically.
Made the error type non_exhaustive, so we can add stuff without breaking code.
Shamelessly stole some tests from the libcypher-parser C library. I'm not done doing that, either, so I will most certainly be adding more from that as a sanity check. I plan to do that to ensure correct behavior.
oh also
they kinda hate when people make commands that are offensive or nsfw that come up on their website, i think this is more friendly
Correção das formulas de algumas magias. (#1754)
- Correção das formulas de algumas magias.
Corrigi as formulas de dano maximo e minimo de algumas magias, usando como base o Tibia Wikia. (https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Formulae) Magias Corrigidas: Healing: Light Healing Intense Healing Wound Cleasing Mass Healing Ultimate Healing Divine Healing Heal Friend
Instant Attack
Energy Beam
Great Energy Beam
Divine Caldera
Terra Wave
Energy Wave
Rage of Skies
Hell's Core
Wrath of Nature
Eternal Winter
Energy Strike
Terra Strike
Ice Strike
Physical Strike
Flame Strike
Death Strike
Divine Missile
Ice Wave
Fire Wave
Whirlwind throw
Fierce Berserk
Etheral Spear
Holy Missile
Sudden Death
Stone Shower
Great Fireball
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Change folder structure in vehicle folder
All of the TOBJs and DDSs have been moved from vehicle//upgrade/ paintjob//_/ to vehicle//upgrade/ paintjob///. This way users are never exposed to internal/ugly names when making their mods. As of now, the only snake case name they see in the mod creation process is the MAT file for the paintjob icon.
The mod manager description and image names have also been changed for the same reason, although since the image name cannot have spaces in it, they've been renamed to a single word each for consistency.
The Volvo FH16 2009 was also updated to the new cabin/accessory naming scheme, as part of testing.
I recognise that this change, as well as the change to the DDS naming scheme goes against the conventions of the games and most mods. In this case, however, I'm happy breaking convention in the name of user friendliness and accessibility - I want Paintjob Packer to be as easy to use as possible, in order to introduce more people to the world of trucksim modding. More experienced modders may be frustrated with this bucking of tradition, but I feel Paintjob Packer is made with the more casual modder in mind, especially given the changes in version 1.4.
Update various things
- Use cmd.exe again since Vundle doesn't yet work with bash
- Remove hack around sessionoptions because I think it's not necessary any more? Haven't experienced any issues with UltiSnips. Might have to revert this!
- Add convenience mappings for diary and zettelkasten
- Set diffexpr instead of using an external diff command. This might not be necessary any more; I just remember having experienced some issues with diffing. Might have to revert this!
- Remap '-' so dirvish only overrides it in dirvish buffers
Update various things
- Use cmd.exe again since Vundle doesn't yet work with bash
- Remove hack around sessionoptions because I think it's not necessary any more? Haven't experienced any issues with UltiSnips. Might have to revert this!
- Add convenience mappings for diary and zettelkasten
- Copied diffexpr from example vimrc. I remember having had some difficulties with diffing, and I used this for testing. Will see in the future again...
- Remap '-' so dirvish only overrides it in dirvish buffers
not that their happiness is first on our list but less horrible monsters would definitely return people to thinking there is a point to life and their monster children would be less.. monstrous.
and.... see what must be done to avoid getting sucked into this shit and eventually lack of social interaction with warm people results in a reduction of thought and emotion since everyone can be viewed as pointless flat masks, why would one have emotional reactions to them not related to frustration, exasperation, and in general rage ?
and term is_top_down env x =
I do not need to pass the is_top_down
. Previously, I had been doing this because I wanted to remove annotations in the top down level, but that is no longer necessary as filled did that service for me already. Now that the distinction between the top down and bottom up is removed during the prepass and partial evaluation things are much easier.
That reminds me, did I get around to removing RawReal
in fill
| RawFilledForall | RawMissingBody | RawReal | RawTypecase | RawType -> failwith "Compiler error: These cases should not appear in fill. It is intended to be called on top level statements only."
What the hell, RawReal
should not be a compiler error. Yeah, my feeling that I am careless during this stage is well founded.
I am not sure that RawType
should be an error either.
...I can't remember whether the parser puts this anywhere during the top down segment. But it is possible.
| RawType(_,x) -> ty env s x
This is what I do during type inference. Is this right? I am not sure. But maybe it should be a compiler error here.
Actually let me check RawType
occurences in the parser.
| "`" -> if d.is_top_down then Error [] else (range type_expr |>> RawType) d
| "``" -> if d.is_top_down then Error [] else (range type_expr |>> fun (r,x) -> RawOp(o +. r,TypeToVar,[RawType(r,x)])) d
Only here. Then it is fine.
| RawFilledForall -> failwith "Compiler error: Should not during type inference."
| RawType -> failwith "Compiler error: RawType should not appear in the top down segment."
| RawTypecase -> failwith "Compiler error: `typecase` should not appear in the top down segment."
Let me make these errors.
Now back to fill
and term rec_term x =
let f = term rec_term
let clauses l = List.map (fun (a, b) -> let rec_term,a = pattern rec_term a in a,term rec_term b) l
match x with
| RawFilledForall | RawMissingBody | RawTypecase | RawType -> failwith "Compiler error: These cases should not appear in fill. It is intended to be called on top level statements only."
| RawSymbolCreate | RawB | RawLit -> x
| RawReal(_,x) -> x
Let me do it like this. This is nice.
Now where was I? Let me get back to the prepass.
| TArray of Range * T
Some new cases were added.
| RawTArray(r,a) -> TArray(r,f a)
| RawTFilledNominal(r,a) -> TNominal a
| RawTLayout(r,a,b) -> TLayout(r,f a,b)
Had to add some of the newer specimens.
| RawDefaultLit(r,a) -> failwith "Compiler error: Default values should have been annotated by prepass time."
| RawAnnot(_,RawDefaultLit(r,a),b) -> EDefaultLit(r,a,ty env b)
That takes care of default values.
| RawDefaultLit(r,a) -> failwith "Compiler error: Default values should have been annotated by prepass time."
| RawAnnot(_,RawDefaultLit(r,a),b) -> EDefaultLit(r,a,ty env b) // TODO: Don't forget the rest of the annotation cases.
Let me just leave this comment here for now. I'll deal with this aspect of the prepass later.
Right now, let me just focus on dealing with the top level.
| FInl(_,(_,name),body) ->
{top_env with term = Map.add name (term env body) top_env.term}
It is time for lunch. Let me stop here for the time being.
5:50pm. Let me resume.
| FInstance(r,(_,prot_id),(_,ins_id),l,body) ->
let env = l |> List.fold (fun s x -> add_ty_var s (typevar_name x) |> snd) env
let body = term env body
{top_env with prototypes = PersistentVector.update prot_id (Map.add ins_id body top_env.prototypes.[prot_id]) top_env.prototypes}
Finally done.
6pm. Let me stop here for the day. I definitely don't feel like doing anything else.
Tomorrow, before pattern and typecase compilation, I also need to deal with annotations. I am not sure what to do about those.
Well, I'll think about that tomorrow. Right now I am in really good shape. There will be nothing to stop me from finishing the prepass by the end of the month. In fact, I should be done in a week or less. The stuff that follows from here is straightforward, and the really hairy type inference related work has been done.
It is really a pity that I cannot test the filling and the prepass right away. I have no choice, it is going to have to wait until the partial evaluator and the codegen are done.
I doubt they will be bug free, but also I doubt they will be too challenging to get to that state.
Right here, I am in familiar territory. I literally have well over a year worth of experience with dealing with partial evaluation. I will get this done to perfection.
6:10pm. The feeling is pretty good. By the end of next month, I will have something usable. My vision is clear."
Create Apex-Alpha-Builder
Only God on our acension day shall judge our words and our actions will speak for us. Were we masters of our own design in God's image and small talk or were we on the walking-path God set to come home. It's easy to lose our way when we use each other, let good advice fall on deaf ears, and speak evil and I'll will towards others. 🙈🙉🙊
Footsteps and Atmos Added
HOLY SHIT I actually coded something that WORKED The footsteps work when you're on a surface, with atmos playing in the background
The code is probably really unefficient so by all means fix it. But yeah. Woo! I'm gonna get back to making more assets lol. But at least this means I can actually program them in properly!
Fixed bugs, restructured stuff :-)
~ Orphans
Changed around how orphans are handled. Previously I had a callback that I gave to the Tracer that it used to check if orphans had been read. This feels kinda messy for various reasons and instead the reaper_thread now just calls a public function of Tracer (notify_orphan) and the tracer handles everything.
~ diagnose_wait_status
Split the code from diagnose_status in forktrace.cpp into a separate global helper function that takes a wait status and generates a string describing it. This is generally useful for generating useful debugging messages (see below).
~ BadTraceError
Reverted previous modifications to this class. Instead that error functionality is done by the diagnose_bad_event function which builds a BadTraceError object.
~ diagnose_bad_event
A helper method that builds a BadTraceError object using a wait status. Should be called when a wait status is not what was expected. The function probes around the tracee and adds a bunch of information to the message to make it more useful (including using diagnose_wait_status).
~ Multiple leaders
The Tracee class can now handle multiple leaders. Why not? There are a few things I'll need to do in the future. For now the Leader struct only has one field. This is preferred over having just a map of raw booleans since it keeps the code more readable and I probably plan on adding more fields later anyway.
~ Tracee::remove_tracee
This hack had to be there previously so that the WaitCall class was able to remove tracees from the tracer when a wait succeeded. I changed this so that the WaitCall class directly does this on the tracee (so now the WaitCall class has to be a friend, not Tracee). This removes the middle man. As a result, the Tracer::find() function is no longer needed.
~ Tracee enum
Instead of having a bunch of booleans for 'dead', 'stopped', etc. I just made an enum for it. Not an enum class cos I don't wanna be typing Tracee::Status:: all the time - just typing Tracee:: is enough for me :-(.
~ All public member functions of Tracer now use locking and are thread safe.
~ Minor refactoring
Split code out from handle_wait_notification to new function handle_stopped.
Split code out from forktrace to new function run.
~ Tracer::step() et al
Made a bunch of changes here to ensure things like deadlocks couldn't happen (e.g., by accidentally waiting when all tracees were already stopped). I also forgot to update tracee.stopped (now tracee.state) when resuming all tracees, so that is fixed.
The code actually seems to work now but I'm not entirely sure what I changed that fixed it (I should do a diff of the two commits later to check this). The code can run the full example without locking up or crashing at all.
Yeet this was a long commit message... This was fun
Not long ago you got lost in the nearby woods when walking with your friend. You managed to get out of it, but no thanks to you: your friend was the one who drew the map of the woods and managed to find a way home. That embarrassed you quite a lot, so you decided to go out there to the other woods, get lost there and make your way home without any help.
The first part of your plan went smoothly, and now you're completely lost in unknown woods. You're on your own but for the map wmap you drew, and now you simply need to make it home, preferably before it gets too dark. To make things more interesting, you decided to find something unusual about the map you drew. Since you like even numbers even more than getting lost in the woods, you want to check if the map contains cycles only of even length. You firmly believe that such woods are magical, so you'll have something to tell your friend when you make it out safely.
Given the number of meadows in the woods n and the map representing their connections wmap, check if this map contains only cycles of even length.
add dedicated README for profile avatars
"Would you like..."
She paused for a moment.
"...any vegetables on that?"
The second half of her sentence was both fainter and more forced, as though she were suddenly struggling to get the words out. Each word trembled a bit, and I wondered if she was about to cry.
Her facial expression didn't indicate that at all. She looked a little tired perhaps, maybe from not getting enough sleep, or maybe from working at Subway making sandwiches for indecisive strangers like me. But that was all.
It was while scanning her face that I noticed the scar on her neck and I understood.
"I have a vagus nerve stimulator implant, too. I know what it's like to not be able to talk or even breathe regularly.
"I've recorded my voice and listened to the difference with the implant on and off; it's night and day. I've had concerned people ask me if I'm about to cry, and I've had to patiently explain with a limited air supply that no, I'm not about to cry, I just have this stupid device in my chest that constricts my airway every other minute. That I had it surgically implanted as a last-resort treatment option a decade ago for intractable depression. That no, no I don't think it really did anything to treat the depression, it's just more a nuisance than anything.
"But, hey, I managed to meet up with a Medtronic representative about two years ago and had it turned off and I haven't looked back."
That conversation took only an instant to occur because it only occurred in my mind.
I decided not to say anything about her VNS. Maybe she wasn't comfortable talking about it. Maybe she didn't want her coworkers to know. In any event, she looked tired, patiently waiting for me to tell her what vegetables I wanted on my sandwich.
fuck you tgm you are worthless. i dont even know if this will work