3,042,355 events, 1,499,337 push events, 2,313,187 commit messages, 177,389,842 characters
agi1: Refactor the app
This was too ugly and I'm kinda bored at 1am so yeah. Anyway:
-Move everything to a separate file *Make everything part of App class -Divide all functionality into few smaller functions -Remove redundant code and add neccessary comments
Signed-off-by: Zlatan Radovanovic [email protected]
Don't even try to use builtins, just make sure we have the same types.
For some reason when we try to ever use the builtins, even with the symbol there as a fallback, something goes horribly wrong somewhere around here:
| (gdb) bt | #0 strcmp (s1=0x7d492359 "MD5", s2=0x7d492359 "MD5") at include/system/string.h:57 | #1 0x000000007d460419 in getrn (lh=lh@entry=0x7e081318, data=data@entry=0x7e084398, rhash=rhash@entry=0x7f7c9268) at crypto/lhash/lhash.c:415 | #2 0x000000007d46076e in lh_insert (lh=0x7e081318, data=data@entry=0x7e084398) at crypto/lhash/lhash.c:188 | #3 0x000000007d43e027 in OBJ_NAME_add (name=name@entry=0x7d492359 "MD5", type=type@entry=1, data=data@entry=0x7d4ad3a0 <md5_md> "\004") at crypto/objects/o_names.c:202
As much as I love a Sisyphean challenge, in the interest of not having bugs or time, this patch changes it to just not use them for anything other than guaranteeing our implementations have the exact same types as you would expect.
Signed-off-by: Peter Jones [email protected]
New data: 2021-03-11: See data notes.
Revise historical data: cases (AB, BC, MB, ON, SK).
Note regarding deaths added in QC today: “15 new deaths, for a total of 10,518 deaths: 3 deaths in the last 24 hours, 9 deaths between March 4 and March 9, 2 deaths before March 4, 1 death at an unknown date.” We report deaths such that our cumulative regional totals match today’s values. This sometimes results in extra deaths with today’s date when older deaths are removed.
Recent changes:
2021-01-27: Due to the limit on file sizes in GitHub, we implemented some changes to the datasets today, mostly impacting individual-level data (cases and mortality). Changes below:
- Individual-level data (cases.csv and mortality.csv) have been moved to a new directory in the root directory entitled “individual_level”. These files have been split by calendar year and named as follows: cases_2020.csv, cases_2021.csv, mortality_2020.csv, mortality_2021.csv. The directories “other/cases_extra” and “other/mortality_extra” have been moved into the “individual_level” directory.
- Redundant datasets have been removed from the root directory. These files include: recovered_cumulative.csv, testing_cumulative.csv, vaccine_administration_cumulative.csv, vaccine_distribution_cumulative.csv, vaccine_completion_cumulative.csv. All of these datasets are currently available as time series in the directory “timeseries_prov”.
- The file codebook.csv has been moved to the directory “other”.
We appreciate your patience and hope these changes cause minimal disruption. We do not anticipate making any other breaking changes to the datasets in the near future. If you have any further questions, please open an issue on GitHub or reach out to us by email at ccodwg [at] gmail [dot] com. Thank you for using the COVID-19 Canada Open Data Working Group datasets.
- 2021-01-24: The columns "additional_info" and "additional_source" in cases.csv and mortality.csv have been abbreviated similar to "case_source" and "death_source". See note in README.md from 2021-11-27 and 2021-01-08.
Vaccine datasets:
- 2021-01-19: Fully vaccinated data have been added (vaccine_completion_cumulative.csv, timeseries_prov/vaccine_completion_timeseries_prov.csv, timeseries_canada/vaccine_completion_timeseries_canada.csv). Note that this value is not currently reported by all provinces (some provinces have all 0s).
- 2021-01-11: Our Ontario vaccine dataset has changed. Previously, we used two datasets: the MoH Daily Situation Report (https://www.oha.com/news/updates-on-the-novel-coronavirus), which is released weekdays in the evenings, and the “COVID-19 Vaccine Data in Ontario” dataset (https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/covid-19-vaccine-data-in-ontario), which is released every day in the mornings. Because the Daily Situation Report is released later in the day, it has more up-to-date numbers. However, since it is not available on weekends, this leads to an artificial “dip” in numbers on Saturday and “jump” on Monday due to the transition between data sources. We will now exclusively use the daily “COVID-19 Vaccine Data in Ontario” dataset. Although our numbers will be slightly less timely, the daily values will be consistent. We have replaced our historical dataset with “COVID-19 Vaccine Data in Ontario” as far back as they are available.
- 2020-12-17: Vaccination data have been added as time series in timeseries_prov and timeseries_hr.
- 2020-12-15: We have added two vaccine datasets to the repository, vaccine_administration_cumulative.csv and vaccine_distribution_cumulative.csv. These data should be considered preliminary and are subject to change and revision. The format of these new datasets may also change at any time as the data situation evolves.
Note about SK data: As of 2020-12-14, we are providing a daily version of the official SK dataset that is compatible with the rest of our dataset in the folder official_datasets/sk. See below for information about our regular updates.
SK transitioned to reporting according to a new, expanded set of health regions on 2020-09-14. Unfortunately, the new health regions do not correspond exactly to the old health regions. Additionally, the provided case time series using the new boundaries do not exist for dates earlier than August 4, making providing a time series using the new boundaries impossible.
For now, we are adding new cases according to the list of new cases given in the “highlights” section of the SK government website (https://dashboard.saskatchewan.ca/health-wellness/covid-19/cases). These new cases are roughly grouped according to the old boundaries. However, health region totals were redistributed when the new boundaries were instituted on 2020-09-14, so while our daily case numbers match the numbers given in this section, our cumulative totals do not. We have reached out to the SK government to determine how this issue can be resolved. We will rectify our SK health region time series as soon it becomes possible to do so.
added a now line fuck you bitch in > hello.txt file
added change_topic subscriber to really only change the last reach_search in our stack but APPARENTLY you can't pass a char into std_msgs/Char becuase i don't know? Something with the command line formatting? shit is wack yo. I just wanna go to bed and not worry about this even though I have so much other work I have to do for classes that is really putting a strain on me because I feel so stretched thin. God I wish I was more motivated. Dunkin Donuts actually has pretty good rollups like the bacon & cheese rollup that Trevor thought was bacon egg and cheese because he is dumb and cannot hear NOR spell
Created Text For URL [nation.africa/kenya/gender/i-love-this-job-says-lamu-female-painter-3319082]
tooltip works for now
doesn't actually do anything i just wanna save this please help me i've been grinding at this for three hours i have no idea what i'm doing but i am too ambitious to just give up and i didn't consume caffeine before this so i am just suffering and my eyes hurt and i'm angry and tired and sad and i just want to sleep but i also want to get this stupid fucking thing done
Random stuff from february leading up to today with a new post
- march post to the blog on my thoughts
- new build script to make my life simpler
- tune testing and get core to 100%
- promote the generate language tests to the new build script
- fix the mvn file for AdamaC and polish it up
- give the demo html some love so it doesn't look... too awful (thanks pure CSS)
- start the first tutorial based on what got done and make TODOs more thoughtful
- outline the second tutorial with TODOs
- update README
Create 236A - Boy or Girl.cpp
Those days, many boys use beautiful girls' photos as avatars in forums. So it is pretty hard to tell the gender of a user at the first glance. Last year, our hero went to a forum and had a nice chat with a beauty (he thought so). After that they talked very often and eventually they became a couple in the network.
But yesterday, he came to see "her" in the real world and found out "she" is actually a very strong man! Our hero is very sad and he is too tired to love again now. So he came up with a way to recognize users' genders by their user names.
This is his method: if the number of distinct characters in one's user name is odd, then he is a male, otherwise she is a female. You are given the string that denotes the user name, please help our hero to determine the gender of this user by his method.
Input The first line contains a non-empty string, that contains only lowercase English letters — the user name. This string contains at most 100 letters.
Output If it is a female by our hero's method, print "CHAT WITH HER!" (without the quotes), otherwise, print "IGNORE HIM!" (without the quotes).
"1:10pm. Done with breakfast and the Snk ep. Let me read a chapter of Last Boss and then I'll do the chores.
I want to get deletions done today.
1:50pm. Done with chores. It is time to do programming.
| FileDelete x -> failwith ""
Let me get started with this. I should just do it.
| FileDelete x ->
let dirty_modules = HashSet()
let dirty_packages = HashSet()
x.uris |> Array.iter (fun k ->
let k = file k
s.packages |> Map.iter (fun k' _ ->
if Path.Combine(k',"package.spiproj").StartsWith(k) then
dirty_packages.Add(k') |> ignore
let rec delete_parent (x : DirectoryInfo) =
if x = null then ()
elif Map.containsKey x.FullName s.packages then dirty_packages.Add(x.FullName) |> ignore
else delete_parent x.Parent
delete_parent (Directory.GetParent(k'))
s.modules |> Map.iter (fun k' _ ->
if k'.StartsWith(k) then dirty_modules.Add(k') |> ignore
This is wonderful.
Now I just have to delete the modules and the schemas and then revalidate them.
| FileDelete x ->
let dirty_modules = HashSet()
let dirty_packages = HashSet()
x.uris |> Array.iter (fun k ->
let k = file k
s.packages |> Map.iter (fun k' _ ->
if Path.Combine(k',"package.spiproj").StartsWith(k) then
dirty_packages.Add(k') |> ignore
let rec delete_parent (x : DirectoryInfo) =
if x = null then ()
elif Map.containsKey x.FullName s.packages then dirty_packages.Add(x.FullName) |> ignore
else delete_parent x.Parent
delete_parent (Directory.GetParent(k'))
s.modules |> Map.iter (fun k' _ ->
if k'.StartsWith(k) then dirty_modules.Add(k') |> ignore
let modules = Seq.foldBack Map.remove dirty_modules s.modules
let packages = Seq.foldBack Map.remove dirty_packages s.packages
proj_graph_update {s with modules = modules; packages = packages} dirty_packages
This is really good. Things are going incredibly smoothly this time. I am never at a loss as to what I should be doing.
2:15pm. Stop surfing /a/ me.
| ProjectFileLinks(x,res) -> failwith ""
| ProjectCodeActions(x,res) -> failwith ""
| ProjectCodeActionExecute(x,res) -> failwith ""
| FileTokenRange(x, res) -> failwith ""
| HoverAt(x,res) -> failwith ""
I am not really sure what I should be doing next. So how about I start cleaning up the loose ends? These 5, then the attention server, then comes BuildFile.
After I do this, the redesign will be complete and I will be able to move to testing.
2:20pm. There is no need to think too much about these 5. Let me just get them out of the way so I can get to the more challenging parts.
Focus me. This is my next goal.
Let me take care of the links first.
| ProjectFileLinks(x,res) ->
match Map.tryFind (dir x.uri) s.packages with
| None -> ()
| Some x ->
let mutable l = []
x.schema.packages |> List.iter (fun x ->
let r,dir = x.dir
if Map.containsKey dir s.packages then l <- (r,Utils.file_uri (Path.Combine(dir,"package.spiproj"))) :: l
let rec loop = function
| SpiProj.FileHierarchy.Directory(_,_,_,l) -> list l
| SpiProj.FileHierarchy.File(_,(r,path),_) -> if Map.containsKey path s.modules then l <- (r,path) :: l
and list l = List.iter loop l
list x.schema.modules
Hopac.start (IVar.fill res l)
Here are the project file links.
| ProjectCodeActions(x,res) -> failwith ""
The next come the code actions. Let me do it. I must keep going forward.
if Map.containsKey dir s.packages then l <- (r,Utils.file_uri (Path.Combine(dir,"package.spiproj"))) :: l
Now how did the rename and delete work again. For these parts I am going to have to use the old code as reference.
I need to switch. Let me commit here. I need to backtrack to a previous commit."
through blood, sweat, tears, and sheer fucking will brackets are now in equations (still probably buggy)
Create A. Young Physicist.cpp
A guy named Vasya attends the final grade of a high school. One day Vasya decided to watch a match of his favorite hockey team. And, as the boy loves hockey very much, even more than physics, he forgot to do the homework. Specifically, he forgot to complete his physics tasks. Next day the teacher got very angry at Vasya and decided to teach him a lesson. He gave the lazy student a seemingly easy task: You are given an idle body in space and the forces that affect it. The body can be considered as a material point with coordinates (0; 0; 0). Vasya had only to answer whether it is in equilibrium. "Piece of cake" — thought Vasya, we need only to check if the sum of all vectors is equal to 0. So, Vasya began to solve the problem. But later it turned out that there can be lots and lots of these forces, and Vasya can not cope without your help. Help him. Write a program that determines whether a body is idle or is moving by the given vectors of forces.
Input The first line contains a positive integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100), then follow n lines containing three integers each: the xi coordinate, the yi coordinate and the zi coordinate of the force vector, applied to the body ( - 100 ≤ xi, yi, zi ≤ 100).
Output Print the word "YES" if the body is in equilibrium, or the word "NO" if it is not.
my first try with github
yeah I like this fucking shit haha
Create Dubstep.py
Polycarpus works as a DJ in the best Berland nightclub, and he often uses dubstep music in his performance. Recently, he has decided to take a couple of old songs and make dubstep remixes from them.
Let's assume that a song consists of some number of words (that don't contain WUB). To make the dubstep remix of this song, Polycarpus inserts a certain number of words "WUB" before the first word of the song (the number may be zero), after the last word (the number may be zero), and between words (at least one between any pair of neighbouring words), and then the boy glues together all the words, including "WUB", in one string and plays the song at the club.
For example, a song with words "I AM X" can transform into a dubstep remix as "WUBWUBIWUBAMWUBWUBX" and cannot transform into "WUBWUBIAMWUBX".
Recently, Jonny has heard Polycarpus's new dubstep track, but since he isn't into modern music, he decided to find out what was the initial song that Polycarpus remixed. Help Jonny restore the original song.
Input The input consists of a single non-empty string, consisting only of uppercase English letters, the string's length doesn't exceed 200 characters
Output Return the words of the initial song that Polycarpus used to make a dubsteb remix. Separate the words with a space.
you'd think they'd get the fucking message. I even included just about the same email message in this god.
[CMake] For Sketch compilation, use highest C++ version supported, not compiler default
In 2021, AppleClang still defaults to C++98. Fuck you Apple.
Signed-off-by: AeroStun [email protected]
fixed that stupid fucking bug that was fucking stupid and annoying + misc improvements