1,060,241 events, 596,439 push events, 923,556 commit messages, 75,932,546 characters
Update README.md
This is a solution to the Order summary card challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Note: Delete this note and update the table of contents based on what sections you keep.
Users should be able to:
- See hover states for interactive elements
Add a screenshot of your solution. The easiest way to do this is to use Firefox to view your project, right-click the page and select "Take a Screenshot". You can choose either a full-height screenshot or a cropped one based on how long the page is. If it's very long, it might be best to crop it.
Alternatively, you can use a tool like FireShot to take the screenshot. FireShot has a free option, so you don't need to purchase it.
Then crop/optimize/edit your image however you like, add it to your project, and update the file path in the image above.
Note: Delete this note and the paragraphs above when you add your screenshot. If you prefer not to add a screenshot, feel free to remove this entire section.
- Solution URL: Add solution URL here
- Live Site URL: Add live site URL here
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- Mobile-first workflow
- React - JS library
- Next.js - React framework
- Styled Components - For styles
Note: These are just examples. Delete this note and replace the list above with your own choices
Use this section to recap over some of your major learnings while working through this project. Writing these out and providing code samples of areas you want to highlight is a great way to reinforce your own knowledge.
To see how you can add code snippets, see below:
<h1>Some HTML code I'm proud of</h1>
.proud-of-this-css {
color: papayawhip;
const proudOfThisFunc = () => {
If you want more help with writing markdown, we'd recommend checking out The Markdown Guide to learn more.
Note: Delete this note and the content within this section and replace with your own learnings.
Use this section to outline areas that you want to continue focusing on in future projects. These could be concepts you're still not completely comfortable with or techniques you found useful that you want to refine and perfect.
Note: Delete this note and the content within this section and replace with your own plans for continued development.
- Example resource 1 - This helped me for XYZ reason. I really liked this pattern and will use it going forward.
- Example resource 2 - This is an amazing article which helped me finally understand XYZ. I'd recommend it to anyone still learning this concept.
Note: Delete this note and replace the list above with resources that helped you during the challenge. These could come in handy for anyone viewing your solution or for yourself when you look back on this project in the future.
- Website - Add your name here
- Frontend Mentor - @yourusername
- Twitter - @yourusername
Note: Delete this note and add/remove/edit lines above based on what links you'd like to share.
This is where you can give a hat tip to anyone who helped you out on this project. Perhaps you worked in a team or got some inspiration from someone else's solution. This is the perfect place to give them some credit.
Note: Delete this note and edit this section's content as necessary. If you completed this challenge by yourself, feel free to delete this section entirely.
New working software list additions (apple2gs_flop_clcracked.xml) (#8712)
- New working software list additions (apple2gs_flop_clcracked.xml)
Aesop's Fables (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] All About America (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Ancient Land of Ys (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Arkanoid (Version 12-Jan-89) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Arkanoid II: Revenge of Doh (Version 29-Aug-89) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Arkanoid II: Revenge of Doh (Version 18-Jul-89) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Battle Chess (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Block Out (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Bubble Ghost (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Bubble Ghost - Hard Drive compatible (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Calendar Crafter (Version 1.2) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] California Games (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Captain Blood (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Cavern Cobra (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Club Backgammon (Version 2.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Club Backgammon (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Cribbage King / Gin King (Version 1.01) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Defender of the Crown (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Déjà Vu (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Déjà Vu II: Lost in Las Vegas (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Designer Prints (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Designer Puzzles (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Destroyer (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Downhill Challenge (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Fantavision (Version 2.1) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Fantavision (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Fast Break (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Final Assault (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Gauntlet (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Geometry (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Gnarly Golf (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Grand Prix Circuit (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Great Western Shootout (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Hacker II: The Doomsday Papers (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Hardball! (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Hostage: Rescue Mission (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Impossible Mission II (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Jigsaw (Version 1.4 - 022988) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] King's Quest - Quest for the Crown (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] King's Quest II - Romancing The Throne (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] King's Quest III - To Hier is Human (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] LaserForce (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Magical Myths (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Mancala (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Marble Madness (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Math Blaster Plus! (Version 1.1) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Math Blaster Plus! (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Math Wizard (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing (Version 1.8 21-Dec-88) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing (Version 1.2 16-Nov-87) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Mean 18 (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Mercury (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Music Construction Set (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Neuromancer (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Paperboy (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Pipe Dream (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Qix (Version 1.4? 16-Jan-90) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Read and Rhyme (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Read-a-Rama (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Reader Rabbit (Version 2.3) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Reader Rabbit (Version 2.2) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Reading and Me (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Sea Strike (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Serve and Volley (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Shanghai (Version 15-Sep-87) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Shanghai (Version 20-Jan-87) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] ShowOff (Version 1.1) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Silent Service (Version 925.01) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Silpheed - Super Dogfighter (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Skate or Die (Version 1.1 07-Oct-88) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Skate or Die (Version 1.0 12-Aug-88) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Space Quest - The Sarien Encounter (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Space Quest II - Vohual's Revenge (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Spirit of Excalibur (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Storybook Weaver (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Storybook Weaver - World of Adventure (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Storybook Weaver - World of Make-Believe (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Street Sports Soccer (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Superstar Ice Hockey (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Tales From The Arabian Nights (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Task Force (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Tetris (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] The Adventures of Sinbad (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] The Duel: Test Drive II (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] The Fidelity Chessmaster 2100 (Version 1.1 17-Nov-88) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] The Fidelity Chessmaster 2100 (Version 1.01 28-Sep-88) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] The Graphics Studio (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] The Immortal (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] The King of Chicago (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] The Last Ninja (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] The Logic Master (Version 1.5) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] The Print Shop (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] The Third Courier (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] The Tower of Myraglen (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] The Wonders of the Animal Kingdom (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] The Word Master (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Thexder (Version 2.7) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Topdraw (Version 1.00A) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] TrianGo (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Uninvited (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Vegas Craps (Version 1.0) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Vegas Gambler (Version 1.1 25-Jul-88) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Vegas Gambler (Version 1.0 07-Jun-88) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] War in Middle Earth (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego? (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Winter Games (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] World Games (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] World Tour Golf (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Writer's Choice Elite (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Xenocide (Version 25-Sep-89) (unprotected) [Brian Troha] Xenocide (Version 11-Aug-89) (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha] Zany Golf (cleanly cracked) [Brian Troha]
Update magic.cpp (#151)
- Update magic.cpp
Added message for if already affected by spell to: iridescent aura resist acid stone skin resist fire resist magic resist cold resist energy camouflague farsight freefloat insomnia shadowslip staunchblood vampiric aura protection from good protection from evil
Added cases for scroll and wand to: harm
Added case for scroll to: power harm heal remove poison power heal
Added case for wand to: remove curse resist acid haste
Added case for potion to: know alignment debility attrition
Added cases for wand and potion to: infravision
Added cases for potion, scroll, wand and staff to: lighted path
Added cases for scroll, wand and staff to: bee swarm entangle eyes of the owl frost shield solidity stability
- Update magic.cpp
Try #2! I think there are still some things I will need to fix...
Update magic.cpp
Update magic.cpp
Update magic.cpp
Detach firecracker process
This rabbit hole was deep, very deep.
Where to start. I tried to fix the Zombie process issue. It was clear,
it's resolvable only if the process is detached, because we don't want
to create a huge memory pool with the list of processes we created and
set up a hook to clean up on various events. Some of the events are not
even in our control, like the MicroVM dies, in this case we end up with
a Zombie process and (later) reconcile()
will start a new one and if
it dies, we have two zombie processes.
The solution is to start the Firecracker process detached from the main process.
== Step 1
Set the SysProcAttr
of the subprocess to Setsid: true
, that should
tell the system, if the parent process is terminated, let the subprocess
live alone.
At this point the subprocess is still monitored and managed by the main
process. We can tell the main process to let the child go with
, but to do that, we have to wait for the
process with cmd.Process.Wait()
. To be honest, I don't know why this
call is required, maybe it can't release if the process is not ready to
be released yet, like it was not loaded in the memory yet or something,
really I have no idea. Wait can be dangerous and can block the flow,
running it in a go routine, we can ignore this issue. As soon as parent
could release the child, this go routine end.
This should be enough, but NOPE. Actually, it's working if the main process did not get a SIGINT. If it was killed with SIGKILL or simply crashed, the subprocess can live alone.
== Step 2
We pass all the way down a context and the subprocess gets the same
context. If the context is cancelled, it will kill the subprocess. So
resolve this issue, we have to create a new independent context for
by replacing Build(ctx)
. Maybe TODO
is not the right answer, but that
indicates we may have to revisit this later, and it makes my life easier
when I search with aq todo
to list all the places we potentially have
to go back.
Now, this should be enough, but still NOPE. Actually, it's working, even
if the main process gets a SIGINT from an external source like kill -u SIGINT
the subprocess is not terminated, but if we press ^C
on the main
process, the subprocess will be terminated too.
== Step 3
The only difference between an external SIGINT signal and ^C
, yes it's
. Reading Firecracker go sdk and Go source code, the subprocess
should not get the stdin
from the main process if it's not specified,
but somehow it does. As soon as the stdin
on the command is set to
, it's working. The subprocess will not get the SIGINT
from ^C
. I don't know why, I have no idea how the subprocess could
catch the ^C
interrupt event.
This should be enough, and it is enough.
This patch resolves two issues:
- Run MicroVMs detached (they don't die with reignited)
- When a MicroVM is deleted, the process does not stay there as a zombie.
Major change: no more RunDetached flag
Fixes #139
Assignment Three ( October 19, 2021)
Starz College of Science and Technology Second Semester 2020 Graded Home Exercise 1 – Digital Media I (ART 277) Section: 3, 4 & 6 Due: Tuesday, October 19, 2021 @11:59pm Marks: 100pts Instructions: Using your same GitHub account and repository named Art277, upload your finished work and submit the link using Google Classroom. Create a valid single page HTML document that matches exactly what is given on the following pages. Your HTML document should meets the following requirements: o Include a well-written HTML syntax o Include the below four (4) nested list within four (4) separate well styled div. Each list within its own div o Include comments in your source code o Include at least three (3) meta tags o Ensure that each list item is properly marked/numbered with the rightful type attribute value. Does everything else on the page appears to be where it belongs Failure to submit independent work is considered at act of dishonesty according to the Student Handbook. Submit this assignment early. Even though the assignment’s completion day is specified, try to complete it 1 or 2 days early. Hello Reading Books Watching Movies Programming Language o Orange o Green o White Four things to expect in life: Love I. Happiness II. Emotions Hate I. Fear II. Shame Work I. Jobs II. Careers Play I. Retirement II. Recreation List of Items Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 o Sub-item 1 o Sub-item 2 o Sub-item 3 Sub-sub-item 1 Sub-sub-item 2 Sub-sub-item 3 Sub-sub-sub-item 1 Sub-sub-sub-item 2 Sub-sub-sub-item 3 Sub-sub-sub-item 4 Sub-sub-item 4 o Sub-item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Aircraft Types General Aviation (Piston-driven engines)
- Single-Engine Aircraft I. Tail wheel II. Tricycle
- Dual-Engine Aircraft A. Wing-mounted engines B. Push-pull fuselage-mounted engines Commercial Aviation (jet engines)
- Dual-Engine a. Wing-mounted engines b. Fuselage-mounted engines
- Tri-Engine i. Third engine in vertical stabilizer ii. Third engine in fuselage
Update SCP-173.dm with Neck_Snap2 and flavor text
Changes 'A statue, constructed from concrete and rebar with traces of Krylon brand spray paint' to 'A statue, constructed from concrete and rebar with spray paint coating the top portion. You can see faint blood stains coating it.'
Changes '(SCP-173) snaps (Victim)'s neck!' to '(SCP-173) appears at (Victim)'s location, their neck violently twisting with a loud crack by an unseen force!'
Changes 'Shit on Floor' to 'Defecate'