- Starts with "Hi!"
- Makes an introduction
- Asks an open-ended question
Exercise: Introduce yourself to at least 3 people using a Hi IQ Intro
CFU: Mention someone who introduced themselves to you, what they told you about themselves, and what question they asked you
Give them one of these prompts:
- I’m a recent graduate of GA and I’m having trouble getting job interviews
- I’m the founder of a small startup, and I’m struggling to hire devops people
- I’m a mid-level dev and I’m happy at my job, but I’m really curious about
Their response should include a reasonable way that they could help this person.
Exercise: As time allows, role play a networking conversation with the above prompts
CFU: Interesting ideas for helping that person
Their response should:
- Express gratitude for their time
- Commit to an action
Exercise: Go through all three steps of a good networking conversation with someone you haven't talked to yet
CFU: What actionable close you found with your partner(s) and how you would follow up on that after the event