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Malte Brunnlieb edited this page Jul 15, 2015 · 14 revisions

General use cases

In addition to the selection of CobiGen applications introduced before, this chapter provides a more detailed overview about the currently implemented and maintained general use cases. These can be used by any project following a supported reference architecture as e.g. the OASP or Register Factory.

Open Application Standard Platform

With our templates for OASP, you can generate a whole CRUD application from a single Entity class. You save the effort for creating, DAOs, Transfer Objects, simple CRUD use cases with REST services and even the client application can be generated.

CRUD server application for OASP4J

For the server, the required files for all architectural layers (Data access, logic, and service layer) can be created based on your Entity class. After the generation, you have CRUD functionality for the entity from bottom to top which can be accessed via a RESTful web service. Details are provided in the Devon wiki.

CRUD client application for OASP4JS

Based on the REST services on the server, you can also generate an Angular client based on OASP4JS. With the help of Node.js, you have a working client application for displaying your entities within minutes!

Testdata Builder for OASP4J

Generating a builder pattern for POJOs to easily create test data in your tests.

Builder pattern example
Person person = new PersonBuilder()
                    new PersonDescriptionBuilder().eyecolor("brown")
                    new PersonBuilder()[...].createNew()).createNew();

Register Factory

CRUD server application

Generates a CRUD application with persistence entites as inputs. This includes DAOs, TOs, use cases, as well as a CRUD JSF user interface if needed.

Testdata Builder

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