- A desktop app that presents slideshows
- Its multi-platform because NW.js is used
- Interface is a HTML5 slideshow
- Markdown formatting to create each slide
- Syntax highlighting for code
- If you want to convince others of how powerful NW.js is to create desktop apps, presenting its advantages using its own technology is a good start.
- Embed any fancy HTML5 code inside your presentation and it will execute as it would in any browser. That's great to teach how to use Angular, React, Ember, etc.
- It can be used for any kind of presentation. If you are interested only in the HTML5 slideshow, try https://github.com/gnab/remark
- Download this git repo
- Open your command-line and browse to the folder
- Install the NW.js dependency using NPM:
> npm install
- Execute this app with:
> npm start
- Slideshows are created using Markdown formatting
- Markdown is compiled using remark
- For a remark tutorial, follow this: http://gnab.github.io/remark
- As a demo app, the following slides were created to present what is NW.js: