This page lists the prerequisites for working with the repository. The Drasi-Core is written in Rust, and packaged as a set of libraries.
We support developing on macOS, Linux and Windows with WSL.
Contributing to Drasi requires several tools to get started.
This is the list of core dependencies to install for the most common tasks. In general we expect all contributors to have all of these tools present:
We use pre-commit hooks to catch some issues early, enable the local git hooks using the following commands
chmod +x .githooks/pre-commit
git config core.hooksPath .githooks
You can choose whichever editor you are most comfortable for working on Rust code. If you don't have a code editor set up for Rust, we recommend VS Code.
Alternatively, you can choose whichever editor you are most comfortable for working on Rust code. Feel free to skip this section if you want to make another choice.