Released: 2016-05-19
- Update documentation. [ypid]
- Compress Jinja statements. [ypid]
- Fix error with too many brackets. [drybjed]
Released: 2016-02-10
- Fix deprecation warnings in Ansible 2.1.0. [drybjed]
- Update all role variables to use distinct namespace. [drybjed]
Released: 2015-10-27
- Rewrite the :file:`/etc/lvm/lvm.conf` configuration. Instead of using
Ansible module to modify the original, use a normal template to generate the configuration from scratch using a base LVM configuration and modifying it by user variables. [drybjed] - Remove DebOps hooks from the role, they are not needed here. [drybjed]
Released: 2015-07-16
- Remove unnecessary comments from
. [drybjed]
Released: 2015-07-16
- Initial release. [drybjed]