For MCP45HVX1 7/8-Bit Single, +36V (±18V) Digital POT with I2C Serial Interface and Volatile Memory
This output component provides support for the MCP45HVX1 chip.
Supported Features: Wiper Read/Write.
TODO: increment/decrement command, TCON Read/Write to connect/disconnect Terminal- A,B,W from resistor network, General Call Commands
ATTENTION: There is an issue with i2c Interface on these chips. Read MCP45HVX1 Rev. A1 Silicon/Data Sheet Errata. In short: General Call commands do not properly work and can lead to failure states. Workaround: "Each MCP45HVX1 device would need to be on a unique I2C bus with no other I2C devices."
You need an i2c:
component configured.
Tested with MCP45HV51-503E/ST (50kOhms 8bit)
Example YAML configuration:
board: nodemcuv2
- source:
type: git
components: [mcp45hvx1]
sda: GPIO4
scl: GPIO5
frequency: 400kHz
scan: true
id: i2c0
- platform: mcp45hvx1
id: digipot1
i2c_id: i2c0
address: 0x3c
# Attention: There is an issue with i2c Interface on these chips. Rever to for more details.
# Workaround: "Each MCP45HVX1 device would need to be on a unique I2C bus with no other I2C devices."
# device i2c-address default is 0x3c but can be set by address-PIN A0 (5) and A1 (3) to 0x3d, 0x3e and 0x3f