diff --git a/src/modules/CSRMatrix/src/CSRMatrix_UnaryMethods.F90 b/src/modules/CSRMatrix/src/CSRMatrix_UnaryMethods.F90
index 266685d9..5321053a 100644
--- a/src/modules/CSRMatrix/src/CSRMatrix_UnaryMethods.F90
+++ b/src/modules/CSRMatrix/src/CSRMatrix_UnaryMethods.F90
@@ -13,7 +13,53 @@
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with this program. If not, see
+!> author: Vikas Sharma, Ph. D.
+! date: 22 March 2021
+! summary: UnaryMethods operator for [[SparseMaatrix_]]
+! Following subroutines are planned to include in this module
+! | subroutine | description |
+! |---|---|
+! | `SUBMAT` | extracts a submatrix from a sparse matrix |
+! | `FILTER` | filters elements from a matrix according to their magnitude |
+! | `CSORT` | sorts the elements in increasing order of columns |
+! | `CLNCSR` | clean up the CSR format matrix, remove duplicate entry, etc |
+! | `TRANSP` | in-place transposition routine |
+! | `COPMAT` | copy of a matrix into another matrix (both stored csr) |
+! | `GETELM` | returns a(i,j) for any (i,j) from a CSR-stored matrix. |
+! | `GETDIA` | extracts a specified diagonal from a matrix. |
+! | `GETL` | extracts lower triangular part |
+! | `GETU` | extracts upper triangular part |
+! | `LEVELS` | gets the level scheduling structure for lower triangular matrices |
+! | `AMASK` | extracts C = A mask M |
+! | `RPERM` | permutes the rows of a matrix (B = P A) |
+! | `CPERM` | permutes the columns of a matrix (B = A Q) |
+! | `DPERM` | permutes both the rows and columns of a matrix (B = P A Q ) |
+! | `DPERM1` | general extraction routine (extracts arbitrary rows) |
+! | `DPERM2` | general submatrix permutation/extraction routine |
+! | `DVPERM` | permutes a real vector (in-place) |
+! | `IVPERM` | permutes an integer vector (in-place) |
+! | `RETMX` | returns the max absolute value in each row of the matrix |
+! | `DIAPOS` | returns the positions of the diagonal elements in A. |
+! | `EXTBDG` | extracts the main diagonal blocks of a matrix. |
+! | `GETBWD` | returns the bandwidth information on a matrix. |
+! | `BLKFND` | finds the block-size of a matrix. |
+! | `BLKCHK` | checks whether a given integer is the block size of A. |
+! | `INFDIA` | obtains information on the diagonals of A. |
+! | `AMUBDG` | gets number of nonzeros in each row of A*B (as well as NNZ) |
+! | `APLBDG` | gets number of nonzeros in each row of A+B (as well as NNZ) |
+! | `RNRMS` | computes the norms of the rows of A |
+! | `CNRMS` | computes the norms of the columns of A |
+! | `ROSCAL` | scales the rows of a matrix by their norms. |
+! | `COSCAL` | scales the columns of a matrix by their norms. |
+! | `ADDBLK` | Adds a matrix B into a block of A. |
+! | `GET1UP` | Collects the first elements of each row of the upper triangular portion of the matrix |
+! | `XTROWS` | extracts given rows from a matrix in CSR format. |
+! | `CSRKVSTR`| Finds block row partitioning of matrix in CSR format |
+! | `CSRKVSTC`| Finds block column partitioning of matrix in CSR format |
+! | `KVSTMERGE`| Merges block partitionings, for conformal row/col pattern |
MODULE CSRMatrix_UnaryMethods
USE GlobalData, ONLY: I4B, DFP, LGT
@@ -37,6 +83,22 @@ MODULE CSRMatrix_UnaryMethods
PUBLIC :: Permute
PUBLIC :: GetSym
+! Scal@Methods
+!> author: Vikas Sharma, Ph. D.
+! date: 2023-12-17
+! summary: Scale the matrix
+ MODULE SUBROUTINE obj_Scal(obj, a)
+ TYPE(CSRMatrix_), INTENT(INOUT) :: obj
! Convert@Unary
diff --git a/src/submodules/CSRMatrix/src/CSRMatrix_UnaryMethods@Methods.F90 b/src/submodules/CSRMatrix/src/CSRMatrix_UnaryMethods@Methods.F90
index 5e945433..0b07a93f 100644
--- a/src/submodules/CSRMatrix/src/CSRMatrix_UnaryMethods@Methods.F90
+++ b/src/submodules/CSRMatrix/src/CSRMatrix_UnaryMethods@Methods.F90
@@ -15,58 +15,19 @@
! along with this program. If not, see
-!> author: Vikas Sharma, Ph. D.
-! date: 22 March 2021
-! summary: UnaryMethods operator for [[SparseMaatrix_]]
-! Following subroutines are planned to include in this module
-! | subroutine | description |
-! |---|---|
-! | `SUBMAT` | extracts a submatrix from a sparse matrix |
-! | `FILTER` | filters elements from a matrix according to their magnitude |
-! | `CSORT` | sorts the elements in increasing order of columns |
-! | `CLNCSR` | clean up the CSR format matrix, remove duplicate entry, etc |
-! | `TRANSP` | in-place transposition routine |
-! | `COPMAT` | copy of a matrix into another matrix (both stored csr) |
-! | `GETELM` | returns a(i,j) for any (i,j) from a CSR-stored matrix. |
-! | `GETDIA` | extracts a specified diagonal from a matrix. |
-! | `GETL` | extracts lower triangular part |
-! | `GETU` | extracts upper triangular part |
-! | `LEVELS` | gets the level scheduling structure for lower triangular matrices |
-! | `AMASK` | extracts C = A mask M |
-! | `RPERM` | permutes the rows of a matrix (B = P A) |
-! | `CPERM` | permutes the columns of a matrix (B = A Q) |
-! | `DPERM` | permutes both the rows and columns of a matrix (B = P A Q ) |
-! | `DPERM1` | general extraction routine (extracts arbitrary rows) |
-! | `DPERM2` | general submatrix permutation/extraction routine |
-! | `DVPERM` | permutes a real vector (in-place) |
-! | `IVPERM` | permutes an integer vector (in-place) |
-! | `RETMX` | returns the max absolute value in each row of the matrix |
-! | `DIAPOS` | returns the positions of the diagonal elements in A. |
-! | `EXTBDG` | extracts the main diagonal blocks of a matrix. |
-! | `GETBWD` | returns the bandwidth information on a matrix. |
-! | `BLKFND` | finds the block-size of a matrix. |
-! | `BLKCHK` | checks whether a given integer is the block size of A. |
-! | `INFDIA` | obtains information on the diagonals of A. |
-! | `AMUBDG` | gets number of nonzeros in each row of A*B (as well as NNZ) |
-! | `APLBDG` | gets number of nonzeros in each row of A+B (as well as NNZ) |
-! | `RNRMS` | computes the norms of the rows of A |
-! | `CNRMS` | computes the norms of the columns of A |
-! | `ROSCAL` | scales the rows of a matrix by their norms. |
-! | `COSCAL` | scales the columns of a matrix by their norms. |
-! | `ADDBLK` | Adds a matrix B into a block of A. |
-! | `GET1UP` | Collects the first elements of each row of the upper triangular portion of the matrix |
-! | `XTROWS` | extracts given rows from a matrix in CSR format. |
-! | `CSRKVSTR`| Finds block row partitioning of matrix in CSR format |
-! | `CSRKVSTC`| Finds block column partitioning of matrix in CSR format |
-! | `KVSTMERGE`| Merges block partitionings, for conformal row/col pattern |
SUBMODULE(CSRMatrix_UnaryMethods) Methods
USE BaseMethod
+! Scal
+CALL SCAL(X=obj%A, A=a)
! Convert