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easyaspi314 (Devin) edited this page Nov 8, 2015 · 1 revision

####Question: How do I build this? ####Answer: Very carefully. :trollface:
Import the project to AS, and add your XposedBridgeApi.jar to the classpath (NOT A DEPENDENCY!!!!).
If you want to use AIDE, download the XposedBridgeApi.jar you want, unzip it, unzip /sdcard/.aide/android.jar and merge the files. Re-zip it (Don't zip the enclosing folder. select all the files and compress from there), rename it to (anything).jar, copy the full path, go to AIDE settings, Build Path, and paste the path of the jar.

####Question: I'm not seeing any effect. ####Answer:

  1. Did you open the settings? Until you open the settings and select a value, this module does nothing.
  2. The last preference tells you the current value. If you change the value, force stop the module in app info, and you see the same thing, the default is true.
  3. If you do not have a KitKat or above device, results will be drastically less. And, by the way, setting it to This is NOT a low-RAM device will do nothing because by default, ActivityManagerCompat.isLowRamDevice() is always false for you. Also, not all developers will call that on older versions of Android.

####Question: Why are there only two questions? ####Answer: There are actually three. All joking aside, ask more questions in the issues. I will try and answer. 👍

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