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File metadata and controls

1406 lines (1114 loc) · 39.5 KB

FileSystem Crawler for Elasticsearch

Welcome to the FS Crawler for Elasticsearch

This crawler helps to index documents from your local file system and over SSH. It crawls your file system and index new files, update existing ones and removes old ones.

You need to install a version matching your Elasticsearch version:

Elasticsearch FS Crawler Released Docs
es-2.0 2.0.0 2015-10-30 2.0.0
1.x, 2.x, 5.x 2.1 2016-07-26 2.1
1.x, 2.x, 5.x 2.2-SNAPSHOT See below

From FS Crawler 2.1, all elasticsearch versions since 1.0 are supported.

Build Status

Thanks to Travis for the build status: Build Status

Download fscrawler

FS Crawler binary is available on Maven Central. Just download the latest release (or any other specific version you want to try).

The filename ends with .zip.

For example, if you wish to download fscrawler-2.1:


The distribution contains:

$ tree
├── bin
│   ├── fscrawler
│   └── fscrawler.bat
└── lib
    ├── ... All needed jars

Note that you can also download a SNAPSHOT version from sonatype without needing to build it by yourself.

Upgrading fscrawler

It can happen that you need to upgrade a mapping before starting fscrawler after a version upgrade. Read carefully the following update instructions.

To update fscrawler, just download the new version, unzip it in another directory and launch it as usual. It will still pick up settings from the configuration directory. Of course, you need to stop first the existing running instances.

From 2.1

  • No specific instruction

Getting Started

You need to have at least Java 1.8.

bin/fscrawler job_name

FS crawler will read a local file (default to ~/.fscrawler/{job_name}/_settings.json). If the file does not exist, FS crawler will propose to create your first job.

Once the crawler is running, it will write status information and statistics in:

  • ~/.fscrawler/{job_name}/_settings.json
  • ~/.fscrawler/{job_name}/_status.json

It means that if you stop the job at some point, FS crawler will restart it from where it stops. If needed, you can manually edit / remove those files to restart.

You can also run:


It will give you the list of existing jobs and will allow you to choose one.

FS crawler will also store default mappings for elasticsearch in ~/.fscrawler/_default/_mappings:

  • 1/doc.json: for elasticsearch 1.x series document mapping
  • 1/folder.json: for elasticsearch 1.x series folder mapping
  • 2/doc.json: for elasticsearch 2.x series document mapping
  • 2/folder.json: for elasticsearch 2.x series folder mapping
  • 5/doc.json: for elasticsearch 5.x series document mapping
  • 5/folder.json: for elasticsearch 5.x series folder mapping

Read Autogenerated mapping for more information.

Crawler options

  • --help displays help

  • --silent runs in silent mode. No output is generated.

  • --debug runs in debug mode.

  • --trace runs in trace mode (more verbose than debug).

  • --config_dir defines directory where jobs are stored instead of default ~/.fscrawler.

  • --username defines the username to use when using an secured version of elasticsearch cluster. Read Using Credentials. (From 2.2)

  • --upgrade_mapping tries to upgrade existing mappings for documents and folders. Read Upgrading an existing mapping. (From 2.2)

  • --loop x defines the number of runs we want before exiting (From 2.2):

    • X where X is a negative value means infinite, like -1 (default)
    • 0 means that we don't run FSCrawler.
    • X where X is a positive value is the number of runs before it stops.

If you want to scan your hard drive only once, run with --loop 1.

Job file specification

The job file must comply to the following json specifications:

  "name" : "job_name",
  "fs" : {
    "url" : "/path/to/data/dir",
    "update_rate" : "15m",
    "includes": [
    "excludes": [
    "json_support" : false,
    "xml_support" : false,
    "attributes_support" : false,
    "raw_metadata" : false,
    "filename_as_id" : false,
    "add_filesize" : true,
    "remove_deleted" : true,
    "store_source" : false,
    "indexed_chars" : "10000"
  "server" : {
    "hostname" : null,
    "port" : 22,
    "username" : null,
    "password" : null,
    "protocol" : "local",
    "pem_path" : null
  "elasticsearch" : {
    "nodes" : [ {
      "host" : "",
      "port" : 9200
    } ],
    "index" : "docs",
    "type" : "doc",
    "bulk_size" : 100,
    "flush_interval" : "5s",
    "username" : "username",
    "password" : "password"

Settings list

Here is a full list of existing settings:

Name Default value Documentation
name the job name (mandatory field)
fs.url "/tmp/es" Root directory
fs.update_rate "15m" Update Rate
fs.includes null Includes and Excludes
fs.excludes null Includes and Excludes
fs.json_support false Indexing JSon docs
fs.xml_support false Indexing XML docs (from 2.2)
fs.attributes_support false Adding file attributes
fs.raw_metadata true Disabling raw metadata
fs.filename_as_id false Using Filename as _id
fs.add_filesize true Disabling file size field
fs.remove_deleted true Ignore deleted files
fs.store_source false Storing binary source document
fs.indexed_chars 0.0 Extracted characters
fs.checksum null File signature
server.hostname null Indexing using SSH
server.port 22 Indexing using SSH
server.username null Indexing using SSH
server.password null Indexing using SSH
server.protocol "local" Indexing using SSH
server.pem_path null Using Username / PEM file
elasticsearch.index job name Index Name
elasticsearch.type "doc" Type Name
elasticsearch.bulk_size 100 Bulk settings
elasticsearch.flush_interval "5s" Bulk settings
elasticsearch.nodes Node settings
elasticsearch.username null Credentials (from 2.2)
elasticsearch.password null Credentials (from 2.2)

The most simple crawler

You can define the most simple crawler job by writing a ~/.fscrawler/test/_settings.json file as follow:

  "name" : "test"

This will scan every 15 minutes all documents available in /tmp/es dir and will index them into test index with doc type. It will connect to an elasticsearch cluster running on, port 9200.

Note: name is a mandatory field.

Root directory

Define fs.url property in your ~/.fscrawler/test/_settings.json file:

  "name" : "test",
  "fs" : {
    "url" : "/path/to/data/dir"

For Windows users, use a form like c:/tmp or c:\\tmp.

Includes and excludes

Let's say you want to index only docs like *.doc and *.pdf but resume*. So resume_david.pdf won't be indexed.

Define fs.includes and fs.excludes properties in your ~/.fscrawler/test/_settings.json file:

  "name" : "test",
  "fs": {
    "includes": [
    "excludes": [

It also applies to directory names. So if you want to ignore .ignore dir, just add .ignore as an excluded name. Note that includes does not apply to directory names but only to filenames.

Update rate

By default, update_rate is set to 15m. You can modify this value using any compatible time unit.

For example, here is a 15 minutes update rate:

  "name": "test",
  "fs": {
    "update_rate": "15m"

Or a 3 hours update rate:

  "name": "test",
  "fs": {
    "update_rate": "3h"

update_rate is the pause duration between the last time we read the file system and another run. Which means that if you set it to 15m, the next scan will happen on 15 minutes after the end of the current scan, whatever its duration.

Indexing using SSH

You can index files remotely using SSH.

Username / Password

Let's say you want to index from a remote server using SSH:

  • FS URL: /path/to/data/dir/on/server
  • Server:
  • Username: username
  • Password: password
  • Protocol: ssh (default to local)
  • Port: 22 (default to 22)
  "name" : "test",
  "fs" : {
    "url" : "/path/to/data/dir/on/server"
  "server" : {
    "hostname" : "",
    "port" : 22,
    "username" : "username",
    "password" : "password",
    "protocol" : "ssh"

Using Username / PEM file

Let's say you want to index from a remote server using SSH:

  • FS URL: /path/to/data/dir/on/server
  • Server:
  • Username: username
  • PEM File: /path/to/private_key.pem
  • Protocol: ssh (default to local)
  • Port: 22 (default to 22)
  "name" : "test",
  "fs" : {
    "url" : "/path/to/data/dir/on/server"
  "server" : {
    "hostname" : "",
    "port" : 22,
    "username" : "username",
    "protocol" : "ssh",
	"pem_path": "/path/to/private_key.pem"

Indexing on HDFS

There is no specific support for HDFS in FS crawler. But you can mount your HDFS on your machine and run FS crawler on this mount point. You can also read details about HDFS NFS Gateway.

Searching for docs

This is a common use case in elasticsearch, we want to search for something! ;-)

GET docs/doc/_search
  "query" : {
    "match" : {
        "_all" : "I am searching for something !"

Indexing JSon docs

If you want to index JSon files directly without parsing with Tika, you can set json_support to true.

  "name" : "test",
  "fs" : {
    "json_support" : true

Of course, if you did not define a mapping before launching the crawler, Elasticsearch will auto guess the mapping.

Indexing XML docs

If you want to index XML files and convert them to JSON, you can set xml_support to true.

  "name" : "test",
  "fs" : {
    "xml_support" : true

Of course, if you did not define a mapping before launching the crawler, Elasticsearch will auto guess the mapping.

Dealing with multiple types and multiple dirs

If you have more than one type, create as many crawlers as types:


  "name": "test_type1",
  "fs": {
	"url": "/tmp/type1",
	"json_support" : true
  "elasticsearch": {
    "index": "mydocs",
    "type": "type1"


  "name": "test_type2",
  "fs": {
	"url": "/tmp/type2",
	"json_support" : true
  "elasticsearch": {
    "index": "mydocs",
    "type": "type2"


  "name": "test_type3",
  "fs": {
	"url": "/tmp/type3",
	"xml_support" : true
  "elasticsearch": {
    "index": "mydocs",
    "type": "type3"

Dealing with multiple types within the same dir

You can also index many types from one single dir using two crawlers scanning the same dir and by setting includes parameter:


  "name": "test_type1",
  "fs": {
	"url": "/tmp",
    "includes": [ "type1*.json" ],
	"json_support" : true
  "elasticsearch": {
    "index": "mydocs",
    "type": "type1"


  "name": "test_type2",
  "fs": {
	"url": "/tmp",
    "includes": [ "type2*.json" ],
	"json_support" : true
  "elasticsearch": {
    "index": "mydocs",
    "type": "type2"


  "name": "test_type3",
  "fs": {
	"url": "/tmp",
    "includes": [ "*.xml" ],
	"xml_support" : true
  "elasticsearch": {
    "index": "mydocs",
    "type": "type3"

Using filename as elasticsearch _id

Please note that the document _id is always generated (hash value) from the JSon filename to avoid issues with special characters in filename. You can force to use the _id to be the filename using filename_as_id attribute:

  "name" : "test",
  "fs" : {
    "json_support" : true,
    "filename_as_id" : true

This option can also be used with XML files when you set xml_support to true.

Adding file attributes

If you want to add file attributes such as attributes.owner and, you can set attributes_support to true.

  "name" : "test",
  "fs" : {
    "attributes_support" : true

Disabling raw metadata

By default, FS Crawler will extract all found metadata within meta.raw object. If you want to disable this feature, you can set raw_metadata to false.

  "name" : "test",
  "fs" : {
    "raw_metadata" : false

Generated raw metadata depends on the file format itself.

For example, a PDF document could generate:

  • "date" : "2016-07-07T08:37:42Z"
  • "pdf:PDFVersion" : "1.5"
  • "xmp:CreatorTool" : "Microsoft Word"
  • "Keywords" : "keyword1, keyword2"
  • "access_permission:modify_annotations" : "true"
  • "access_permission:can_print_degraded" : "true"
  • "subject" : "Test Tika Object"
  • "dc:creator" : "David Pilato"
  • "dcterms:created" : "2016-07-07T08:37:42Z"
  • "Last-Modified" : "2016-07-07T08:37:42Z"
  • "dcterms:modified" : "2016-07-07T08:37:42Z"
  • "dc:format" : "application/pdf; version=1.5"
  • "title" : "Test Tika title"
  • "Last-Save-Date" : "2016-07-07T08:37:42Z"
  • "access_permission:fill_in_form" : "true"
  • "meta:save-date" : "2016-07-07T08:37:42Z"
  • "pdf:encrypted" : "false"
  • "dc:title" : "Test Tika title"
  • "modified" : "2016-07-07T08:37:42Z"
  • "cp:subject" : "Test Tika Object"
  • "Content-Type" : "application/pdf"
  • "X-Parsed-By" : "org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser"
  • "creator" : "David Pilato"
  • "meta:author" : "David Pilato"
  • "dc:subject" : "keyword1, keyword2"
  • "meta:creation-date" : "2016-07-07T08:37:42Z"
  • "created" : "Thu Jul 07 10:37:42 CEST 2016"
  • "access_permission:extract_for_accessibility" : "true"
  • "access_permission:assemble_document" : "true"
  • "xmpTPg:NPages" : "2"
  • "Creation-Date" : "2016-07-07T08:37:42Z"
  • "access_permission:extract_content" : "true"
  • "access_permission:can_print" : "true"
  • "meta:keyword" : "keyword1, keyword2"
  • "Author" : "David Pilato"
  • "access_permission:can_modify" : "true"

Where a MP3 file would generate:

  • "xmpDM:genre" : "Vocal"
  • "X-Parsed-By" : "org.apache.tika.parser.DefaultParser"
  • "creator" : "David Pilato"
  • "xmpDM:album" : "FS Crawler"
  • "xmpDM:trackNumber" : "1"
  • "xmpDM:releaseDate" : "2016"
  • "meta:author" : "David Pilato"
  • "xmpDM:artist" : "David Pilato"
  • "dc:creator" : "David Pilato"
  • "xmpDM:audioCompressor" : "MP3"
  • "title" : "Test Tika"
  • "xmpDM:audioChannelType" : "Stereo"
  • "version" : "MPEG 3 Layer III Version 1"
  • "xmpDM:logComment" : "Hello but reverted"
  • "xmpDM:audioSampleRate" : "44100"
  • "channels" : "2"
  • "dc:title" : "Test Tika"
  • "Author" : "David Pilato"
  • "xmpDM:duration" : "1018.775146484375"
  • "Content-Type" : "audio/mpeg"
  • "samplerate" : "44100"

As elasticsearch will by default to automatically guess the type, you could end up having conflicts between metadata raw fields: a field which is first detected as a date but is getting for another document a value like "in the seventies". In such a case, you could imagine forcing the mapping or defining an index mapping template.

Disabling file size field

By default, FS crawler will create a field to store the original file size in octets. You can disable it using `add_filesize' option:

  "name" : "test",
  "fs" : {
    "add_filesize" : false

Ignore deleted files

If you don't want to remove indexed documents when you remove a file or a directory, you can set remove_deleted to false (default to true):

  "name" : "test",
  "fs" : {
    "remove_deleted" : false

Ignore content

If you don't want to extract file content but only index filesystem metadata such as filename, date, size and path, you can set index_content to false (default to true):

  "name" : "test",
  "fs" : {
    "index_content" : false


JVM Settings

If you want to provide JVM settings, like defining memory allocated to FS Crawler, you can define a system property named FS_JAVA_OPTS:

FS_JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx521m -Xms521m" bin/fscrawler

Autogenerated mapping

When the FS crawler detects a new type, it creates automatically a mapping for this type. The default mapping is read from ~/.fscrawler/_default/2/doc.json which you can read from the source.

You can also display the index mapping being used with Kibana

GET docs/doc/_mapping

or fall back to the command line

curl 'http://localhost:9200/docs/_mapping?pretty'

Creating your own mapping (analyzers)

If you want to define your own mapping to set analyzers for example, you can either push the mapping or define a ~/.fscrawler/_default/5/doc.json document which contains the mapping you wish before starting the FS crawler.

The following example uses a french analyzer to index the content field.

  "_source" : {
    "excludes" : [
  "properties" : {
    "attachment" : {
      "type" : "binary",
      "store" : true
    "attributes" : {
      "properties" : {
        "group" : {
          "type" : "keyword",
          "store" : true
        "owner" : {
          "type" : "keyword",
          "store" : true
    "content" : {
      "type" : "text",
      "analyzer" : "french",
      "store" : true
    "file" : {
      "properties" : {
        "content_type" : {
          "type" : "keyword",
          "store" : true
        "filename" : {
          "type" : "keyword",
          "store" : true
        "extension" : {
          "type" : "keyword",
          "store" : true
        "filesize" : {
          "type" : "long",
          "store" : true
        "indexed_chars" : {
          "type" : "long",
          "store" : true
        "indexing_date" : {
          "type" : "date",
          "store" : true,
          "format" : "dateOptionalTime"
        "last_modified" : {
          "type" : "date",
          "store" : true,
          "format" : "dateOptionalTime"
        "checksum": {
          "type": "keyword",
          "store": true
        "url" : {
          "type" : "keyword",
          "index" : false,
          "store" : true
    "meta" : {
      "properties" : {
        "author" : {
          "type" : "text",
          "store" : true
        "date" : {
          "type" : "date",
          "store" : true,
          "format" : "dateOptionalTime"
        "keywords" : {
          "type" : "text",
          "store" : true
        "title" : {
          "type" : "text",
          "store" : true
    "path" : {
      "properties" : {
        "encoded" : {
          "type" : "keyword",
          "store" : true
        "real" : {
          "type" : "keyword",
          "store" : true
        "root" : {
          "type" : "keyword",
          "store" : true
        "virtual" : {
          "type" : "keyword",
          "store" : true

Note that if you want to push manually the mapping to elasticsearch you can use the classic REST calls:

# Create index
PUT docs

# Create the mapping
PUT docs/doc/_mapping
  // Same mapping as previously seen

Define an explicit mapping per job

Let's say you created a job named job_name and you are sending documents against an elasticsearch cluster running version 5.x.

If you create the following files, they will be picked up at job start time instead of the default ones:

  • ~/.fscrawler/{job_name}/_mappings/5/doc.json
  • ~/.fscrawler/{job_name}/_mappings/5/folder.json

You can do the same for other elasticsearch versions with:

  • ~/.fscrawler/{job_name}/_mappings/1/doc.json for 1.x series
  • ~/.fscrawler/{job_name}/_mappings/1/folder.json for 1.x series
  • ~/.fscrawler/{job_name}/_mappings/2/doc.json for 2.x series
  • ~/.fscrawler/{job_name}/_mappings/2/folder.json for 2.x series

Replace existing mapping

Unfortunately you can not change the mapping on existing data. Therefore, you'll need first to remove existing index, which means remove all existing data, and then restart FS crawler with the new mapping.

You might to try elasticsearch Reindex API though.

Upgrading an existing mapping

It could happen that you would like to add new sub fields or are upgrading from a previous version of FS crawler which requires that you upgrade the mapping before sending the first documents.

The --upgrade_mapping option will help you.

The following command will upgrade the mappings related to the job_name job and then will run normally:

bin/fscrawler job_name --upgrade_mapping

If you just want to upgrade the mapping without launching the job itself, you can use the loop option:

bin/fscrawler job_name --upgrade_mapping --loop 0

Generated fields

FS crawler creates the following fields :

Field Description Example
content Extracted content "This is my text!"
attachment BASE64 encoded binary file BASE64 Encoded document Author if any in document metadata "David Pilato"
meta.title Title if any in document metadata "My document title" Document date if any in document metadata "2013-04-04T15:21:35"
meta.keywords Keywords if any in document metadata ["river","fs","elasticsearch"]
file.content_type Content Type "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text"
file.last_modified Last modification date 1386855978000
file.indexing_date Indexing date "2013-12-12T13:50:58.758Z"
file.filesize File size in bytes 1256362
file.indexed_chars Extracted chars if fs.indexed_chars > 0 100000
file.filename Original file name "mydocument.pdf"
file.extension Original file name extension (from 2.2) "pdf"
file.url Original file url "file://tmp/mydir/otherdir/mydocument.pdf"
file.checksum Checksum if fs.checksum set "c32eafae2587bef4b3b32f73743c3c61"
path.encoded MD5 encoded file path (for internal use) "112aed83738239dbfe4485f024cd4ce1"
path.virtual Relative path from root path "mydir/otherdir"
path.root MD5 encoded root path (for internal use) "112aed83738239dbfe4485f024cd4ce1"
path.real Actual real path name "/tmp/mydir/otherdir/mydocument.pdf"
attributes.owner Owner name "david" Group name "staff"

Here is a typical JSON document generated by the crawler:

   "attributes": {
      "owner": "david",
      "group": "staff"
      "author":"David Pilato",
      "title":"Mon titre",
   "content":"Bonjour David\n\n\n"

Simple Search

You can use the content field to perform full-text search on

GET docs/doc/_search
  "query" : {
    "match" : {
        "content" : "the quick brown fox"

Advanced search

You can use meta fields to perform search on.

GET docs/doc/_search
  "query" : {
    "term" : {
        "file.filename" : "mydocument.pdf"

Or run some aggregations on top of them, like:

GET docs/doc/_search { "size": 0, "aggs": { "by_extension": { "terms": { "field": "file.extension" } } } }

Storing binary source document (BASE64 encoded)

You can store in elasticsearch itself the binary document using store_source option:

  "name" : "test",
  "fs" : {
    "store_source" : true

In that case, a new stored field named attachment is added to the generated JSon document. If you let FS crawler generates the mapping, FS crawler will exclude attachment field from _source to save some disk space.

That means you need to ask for field attachment when querying:

GET mydocs/doc/_search
  "fields" : ["attachment", "_source"],
    "match_all" : {}

Default generated mapping in this case is:

  "doc" : {
    "_source" : {
      "excludes" : [ "attachment" ]
    "properties" : {
      "attachment" : {
        "type" : "binary"
      // ... Other properties here

You can force not to store attachment field and keep attachment in _source:

# Create index
PUT docs

# Create the mapping
PUT docs/doc/_mapping
  "doc" : {
    "properties" : {
      "attachment" : {
        "type" : "binary",
        "store" : "no"
      // ... Other properties here

Extracted characters

By default FS crawler will extract only the first 100 000 characters. But, you can set indexed_chars to 5000 in FS crawler settings in order to overwrite this default settings.

  "name": "test",
  "fs": {
    "indexed_chars": "5000"

This number can be either a fixed size, number of characters that is, or a percent using % sign. The percentage value will be applied to the filesize to determine the number of character the crawler needs to extract.

If you want to index only 80% of filesize, define indexed_chars to "80%". Of course, if you want to index the full document, you can set this property to "100%". Double values are also supported so "0.01%" is also a correct value.

Compressed files: If your file is compressed, you might need to increase indexed_chars to more than "100%". For example, "150%".

If you want to extract the full content, define indexed_chars to "-1".

Note: Tika requires to allocate in memory a data structure to extract text. Setting indexed_chars to a high number will require more memory!

File checksum

If you want FS crawler to generate a checksum for each file, set checksum to the algorithm you wish to use to compute the checksum, such as MD5 or SHA-1.

  "name": "test",
  "fs": {
    "checksum": "MD5"

Elasticsearch settings

You can change elasticsearch settings within elasticsearch settings object.

Index name

By default, FS crawler will index your data in an index which name is the same as the crawler name (name property). You can change it by setting index field:

  "name" : "test",
  "elasticsearch" : {
    "index" : "docs"

Type name

By default, FS crawler will index your data using doc as the type name. You can change it by setting type field:

  "name" : "test",
  "elasticsearch" : {
    "type" : "mydocument"

Bulk settings

FS crawler is using bulks to send data to elasticsearch. By default the bulk is executed every 100 operations or every 5 seconds. You can change default settings using bulk_size and flush_interval:

  "name" : "test",
  "elasticsearch" : {
    "bulk_size" : 1000,
    "flush_interval" : "2s"

Node settings

FS crawler is using elasticsearch REST layer to send data to your running cluster. By default, it connects to on port 9200 which are the default settings when running a local node on your machine.

Of course, in production, you would probably change this and connect to a production cluster:

  "name" : "test",
  "elasticsearch" : {
    "nodes" : [
      { "host" : "", "port" : 9200 }

You can define multiple nodes:

  "name" : "test",
  "elasticsearch" : {
    "nodes" : [
      { "host" : "", "port" : 9200 },
      { "host" : "", "port" : 9200 },
      { "host" : "", "port" : 9200 }

Using Credentials

If you secured your elasticsearch cluster with X-Pack, you can provide username and password to FS crawler:

  "name" : "test",
  "elasticsearch" : {
    "username" : "elastic",
    "password" : "changeme"

WARNING: note that for the current version, the elasticsearch password is stored in plain text in your job setting file.

A better practice is to only set the username or pass it with --username elastic option when starting FS Crawler.

If the password is not defined, you will be prompted when starting the job:

22:46:42,528 INFO  [f.p.e.c.f.FsCrawler] Password for elastic:

OCR integration (using Tika and Tesseract)

To deal with images containing text, just install Tesseract. Tesseract will be auto-detected by Tika. Then add an image (png, jpg, ...) into your Fscrawler root directory. After the next index update, the text will be indexed and placed in "_source.content".

Developing on FS Crawler project

If you are thinking of contributing on the project, which is highly appreciated, here are some tricks which might help.


The project is built using Apache Maven. It needs Java >= 1.8.

To build it, just run:

git clone
cd fscrawler
mvn clean install

You can also skip running tests with:

mvn clean install -DskipTests


Tests are now separated between unit tests and integration tests:

Integration tests

Integration tests only run when an elasticsearch cluster is running at When running with maven, an elasticsearch instance is automatically downloaded from maven central, installed and launched before integration tests start and stopped after integration tests.

This local test instance is installed under target/integration-tests/run. If you have any trouble, you can stop any running instance, then run mvn clean to clean all left data.

Note that a PID file is generated in target/integration-tests/run/

For debugging purpose, you can still run integration tests from your IDE. Just download any version of elasticsearch you wish, and launch it with:

# elasticsearch 1.x
bin/elasticsearch -Des.http.port=9400
# elasticsearch 2.x
bin/elasticsearch -Des.http.port=9400
# elasticsearch 5.x
bin/elasticsearch -Ehttp.port=9400

Integration tests will detect the running instance and will not ignore anymore those tests.

You can also tell maven to run integration tests by deploying another version of elasticsearch:

# For elasticsearch 1.x series
mvn install -Pes-1x
mvn install -Pes-2x

By default, it will run integration tests against elasticsearch 5.x series cluster.

Randomized testing

FS Crawler uses Randomized testing framework. In case of failure, it will print a line like:

mvn test -Dtests.seed=AC6992149EB4B547 -Dtests.class=fr.pilato.elasticsearch.crawler.fs.test.unit.tika.TikaDocParserTest -Dtests.method="testExtractFromRtf" -Dtests.locale=ga-IE -Dtests.timezone=Canada/Saskatchewan

It also exposes some parameters you can use at build time:

  • tests.output: display test output. For example:
mvn install -Dtests.output=always
mvn install -Dtests.output=onError
  • tests.locale: run the tests using a given Locale. For example:
mvn install -Dtests.locale=random
mvn install -Dtests.locale=fr-FR
  • tests.timezone: run the tests using a given Timezone. For example:
mvn install -Dtests.timezone=random
mvn install -Dtests.timezone=CEST
mvn install -Dtests.timezone=-0200
  • tests.verbose: adds running tests details while executing tests
mvn install -Dtests.verbose
  • tests.parallelism: number of JVMs to start to run tests
mvn install -Dtests.parallelism=auto
mvn install -Dtests.parallelism=max
mvn install -Dtests.parallelism=1
  • tests.seed: specify the seed to use to run the test suite if you need to reproduce a failure given a specific test context.
mvn test -Dtests.seed=E776CE45185A6E7A
  • tests.leaveTemporary: leave temporary files on disk
mvn test -Dtests.leaveTemporary


To release a version, just run:


The release script will:

  • Create a release branch
  • Replace SNAPSHOT version by the final version number
  • Commit the change
  • Run tests against elasticsearch 1.x series
  • Run tests against elasticsearch 2.x series
  • Run tests against elasticsearch 5.x series
  • Build the final artifacts using release profile (signing artifacts and generating all needed files)
  • Tag the version
  • Prepare the announcement email
  • Deploy to
  • Prepare the next SNAPSHOT version
  • Commit the change
  • Release the Sonatype staging repository
  • Merge the release branch to the branch we started from
  • Push the changes to origin
  • Announce the version on

You will be guided through all the steps.


This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.

Copyright 2011-2016 David Pilato

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License.