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Caching JWKS using Redis with Django

Do you want to know about Caching JWKS using Redis with Django? Look at this project 👀!

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If you just want to run all the tests with Compose, then you should be good with:

docker-compose up tests

Exploring Redis

First, fire up the Redis service:

docker-compose up -d redis

To enter in redis service:

docker-compose run redis sh. 

If it's ready to accept connections, you can connect to it using redis-cli:

redis-cli -h redis -p 6379 -a "this-is-your-admin-password"

Being connected, you can retrieve all existing keys:

redis:6379> KEYS *

Let's retrieve the value for :1:MY_APP_NAME_JWKS key:

redis:6379> GET ":1:MY_APP_NAME_JWKS"