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SQL DSL for Kotlin

KDBC provides type safe SQL queries for Kotlin. Features:

  • 100% control of executed SQL
  • Column selections and joins can be easily reused in multiple queries
  • Explicit, but convenient O/R mapping
  • Optional DDL generation


Until this is released on Maven Central, you can use JitPack to build a snapshot as a dependency using Gradle or Maven:


repositories {
     maven { url '' }
dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.edvin:kdbc:master-SNAPSHOT'





To query or update a table you need a Table object that represents the database table.

class CUSTOMER : Table() {
    val id = column<Int>("id)
    val name = column<String>("name)
    val zip = column<String>("zip)
    val city = column<String>("city")

You will probably also have a corresponding domain object:

data class Customer(
    var id: Int,
    var name: String,
    var zip: String,
    var city: String

A Query is encapsulated in a class. Every table you mention in the query needs an alias, defined by instantiating one or more Table instances.

You override the get function to tell the query how to turn a result set into your domain object. You don't need to work with the ResultSet directly, the table aliases can be used to extract the sql column values in a type safe manner.

class SelectCustomer : Query<Customer> {
    val c = CUSTOMER()

    init {

    override fun get() = Customer(,,,

Notice how we call alias.columnName() to extract the value for the current column for the current row.

To execute the query you instantiate the query class and call one of the execute actions first(), firstOrNull(), list().

val allCustomers = SelectCustomer().list()

The query code we wrote in the init block can be reused for multiple queries. Let's add a byId() function to our SelectCustomer query class:

fun byId(id: Int) = first {
    where { `=` id

We use the table alias c to construct the SQL WHERE = :id in a type safe manner. We can now get a specific customer:

val customer = SelectCustomer().byId(42)

Insert and Update

These query classes normally takes one or more input parameters, and can extend Insert, Update or Delete instead of Query. There really isn't much of a difference, expect that the three first doesn't require a type parameter, like Query does.

The following InsertCustomer query takes a customer as a parameter, sets up a customer table alias and sets the name column to the name property of the input Customer object.

class InsertCustomer(customer: Customer) : Insert() {
    val c = CUSTOMER()

    init {
        insert(c) {
        generatedKeys {
   = getInt(1)

The insert returns a generated key for the id column. This is the first and only generated key, and we assign it to the id property of the input Customer object inside the generatedKeys block. This block is consulted after the insert is executed:



Let's do a join! We'll introduce a STATE table and State domain object:

class STATE : Table() {
    val id = column<UUID>("id)
    val code = column<String>("code")
    val name = column<String>("name)

data class State(
    var id: UUID,
    var code: String,
    var name: String

We modify our Customer to include a state:

data class Customer(
    var id: Int,
    var name: String,
    var zip: String,
    var city: String,
    var state: State

class CUSTOMER : Table() {
    val id = column<Int>("id")
    val name = column<String>("name")
    val zip = column<String>("zip")
    val city = column<String>("city")
    val state = column<UUID>("state")

Let's modify our SelectCustomer query so it joins State and populates the complete Customer together with the State. Notice that since we want all columns in both tables, we just mention the alias once instead of mentioning all the columns.

class SelectCustomer : Query<Customer> {
    val c = CUSTOMER()
    val s = STATE()

    init {
        select(c, s)
        join (s) on {
   `=` c.state

    override fun get() {
        val state = State(, s.code(),
        return Customer(,,,, state)

If you use State and/or Customer from other queries as well, consider creating a secondary constructor that accepts the table object. That way the get mapper function would look like:

override fun get() = Customer(c, State(s))

This example showcases some of the corner stones of KDBC:

You are 100% in control of what is fetched from your database, and you construct your domain objects explicitly.

Custom column definitions

Let's revisit the first column we made, the ID property of our CUSTOMER table object:

class CUSTOMER : Table() {
    val id = column<Int>("id")

getString() operates on a ResultSet and it represents the column name. When you don't supply a getter function, KDBC tries to do the right thing by using the getXXX function of the ResultSet class, based on the type of the column. For example, a column<Int>() will do getInt(it) and a column<String>() will do getString(it). There are defaults for all known SQL data types, but you can easily call any function on the ResultSet object if you have a custom requirement.

Dynamic queries

Some times you want to pass multiple parameters to a search function and some of them might be nullable.

Consider the following function that can search for customers with a certain name, and optionally of atleast a given age.

fun search(name: String, minAge: Int?) = list {
    where {
        upper( like upper("%$name%")
        if (minAge != null) {
            and {
                c.age gte minAge

Yes, name is parameterized in the underlying prepared statement. SQL injection is not welcome here! :)


The column() delegate also takes an optional ddl parameter. This is a string that can be used to generate DDL, which can be automatically executed to create your database table.

The following example is taken from the test suite of KDBC:

class CUSTOMER : Table() {
    val id = column<Int>("id", "integer not null primary key auto_increment")
    val name = column<String>("name", "text")

Customer definition with DDL

The DDL is then used when the test suite fires up:

val dataSource = JdbcDataSource()

A DataSource is generated and configured as the default data source via KDBC.setDataSource(). Then we call CUSTOMER().create(), which generates the DDL and executes it to construct our table.

Connection handling

For simple use against a single database, calling KDBC.setDataSource might be fine. There are more advanced strategies for choosing the connection on a per query basis as well.


Every Query instance has a setter called connection(connection) which will configure the connection to be used for the query.


Specify connection explicitly per query

Query also takes an optional connection parameter in its constructor as an alternative:

InsertCustomer(connection, customer).execute()

Connection specified in query constructor

Connection factory

The connection factory is in charge of supplying a connection to any Query that hasn't been assigned a connection as execution time. KDBC.setDataSource() actually calls KDBC.setConnectionFactory under the covers. It's implementation is simple:

fun setDataSource(dataSource: DataSource) {
    setConnectionFactory { dataSource.connection }

The function passed to setConnectionFactory receives the query as it's single argument and is required to return a connection. The following implementation inspects an annotation set on each query and assigns a connection based on that:

annotation class Database(val pool: String)

KDBC.setConnectionFactory { query ->
    val db = query.javaClass.getAnnotation(
    when (db.pool) {
        "pool1" -> pool1.connection
        "pool2" -> pool2.connection
        else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Don't know how to create connection for pool ${db.pool}")

This is merely a suggestion and you can use whatever strategy you like, for example by inspecting the package the Query is in or even the presence of an interface etc.


If the current connection has autoCommit = true, each query will be committed upon completion. This is the default for a manually created java.sql.Connection. A connection pool may change this behavior. For example, a JavaEE application will control transactions according to the JavaEE life cycle.

KDBC has means to manually control the transaction context as well. To run multiple queries in the same transactions, wrap them in a transaction block:

transaction {

To create a new connection that will participate in the same transaction, nest another transaction block inside the existing one.

The transaction block takes an optional transactionType parameter.

This is by default set to TransactionType.REQUIRED which indicates that the transaction can participate in an already active transaction or create it's own if no transaction is active.

Changing to TransactionType.REQUIRES_NEW will temporarily suspend any active transactions and resume them after the code inside the transaction block completes.

If no connection is specified for the queries inside the block, the connection retrieved for the first query executed inside the transaction block will be used for all subsequent queries.

Batch statements

If your database supports it, you can do batch updates or inserts just by wrapping the code in batch and give it a list of objects to iterate over as it's single argument:

class InsertCustomersInBatch(customers: List<Customer>) : Insert() {
    val c = CUSTOMER()

    init {
        batch(customers) { customer ->
            insert(c) {
            // If database supports generated keys, retrieve them here
            generatedKeys {
       = getInt(1)

Textual SQL

If you come across an unsupported native SQL command or for some other reason need to enter arbitrary SQL, you can use the append call or simply +:

+ "custom sql here"

Adding native support for new syntax

It is pretty easy to extend the framework to support custom native SQL commands. There are two steps to it:

  1. Extend the Expr class
  2. Define a function to create the Expr class

Take a look in expression.kt to see how the existing expressions are implemented.

Pull requests for native functions for all popular databases are welcome!