yii2-adldap-module is only a wrapper class. The examples below are all taken from the official documentation of the Adldap2 repository.
You can find the documentation here: https://github.com/Adldap2/Adldap2/blob/master/docs/models/model.md OR https://adldap2.github.io/Adldap2/#/searching
Don't forget, to set passwords on Active Directory users, you need a SSL/TLS connection! See /readme.md#configuration ssl/tls parameters.
Some examples (taken from testsuite /tests/InitialTest.php)
// https://github.com/Adldap2/Adldap2/blob/master/docs/models/model.md#saving
// create user
$user = \Yii::$app->ad->make()->user([
'cn' => 'Snoop Einstein',
// set attributes with set... function
$user->setDisplayName('Snoop Einstein');
$user->setUserPrincipalName('[email protected]');
$user->setInfo('Cat and dog since 06.12.2017');
// set attribute with setAttribute(..)
$user->setAttribute('initials', 'ES');
// set attribute with fill
'company' => 'Animal plc.',
'department' => 'Dept. C and D',
'description' => 'Einstein is a cat and Snoop is a dog!',
// create dn
$dn = $user->getDnBuilder();
// save an check return value
if ($user->save()) {
echo "// saved successfully.";
} else {
echo "// There was an issue saving this user.";
// Enable account (has to be an extra step!)
// https://github.com/Adldap2/Adldap2/blob/master/src/Models/Attributes/AccountControl.php
$ac = new Adldap\Models\Attributes\AccountControl();
$user->setPassword('VeryStrong123'); //Needs ssl/tls
if ($user->save()) {
echo "// saved successfully.";
} else {
echo "// There was an issue saving this user.";
// test if objects realy exists
$userObject = \Yii::$app->ad->search()->findBy('sAMAccountname', 'snoopstein');
echo $userObject->exists;
echo $userObject->getDisplayName();
echo '<pre>' . print_r($userObject,true) . '</pre>';
// Step 1: query the ldap object (via method 1 or method 2)
$ldapObject = \Yii::$app->ad->getProvider('default')->search()->findBy('sAMAccountname', 'snoopstein');
// Step 2: Update the attribute
// Further documentation:
// https://github.com/Adldap2/Adldap2/blob/master/docs/models/model.md#setting-attributes
$ldapObject->setDisplayName('Fancy New Displayname');
// .... modify other attributes ....
// Step 3: Save an check return value
if ($ldapObject->save()) {
echo "// Displayname successfully updated.";
} else {
echo "// There was an issue updating this user.";
// https://github.com/Adldap2/Adldap2/blob/master/docs/models/model.md#deleting
// check if account exists
$userObject = \Yii::$app->ad->search()->findBy('sAMAccountname', 'snoopstein');
if($userObject != null && $userObject->exists) {
// delete if exists
if ($userObject->delete()) {
echo "// deleted successfully.";
} else {
echo "// There was an issue deleting this user.";
// https://github.com/Adldap2/Adldap2/blob/master/docs/models/model.md#available-make-methods
// create the group
$group1 = \Yii::$app->ad->make()->group([
'cn' => 'Cat and Dog',
// create dn
$dn = $group1->getDnBuilder();
if ($group1->save()) {
echo "// created successfully.";
} else {
echo "// There was an issue creating this group.";
// https://github.com/Adldap2/Adldap2/blob/master/docs/models/traits/has-member-of.md#adding-a-group
// find user
$userObject = \Yii::$app->ad->search()->findBy('sAMAccountname', 'snoopstein');
// find group
$groupObject = \Yii::$app->ad->search()->findBy('cn', 'Cat and Dog');
// add group to user
if ($userObject->save()) {
echo "// added successfully.";
} else {
echo "// There was an issue adding this group.";
// https://github.com/Adldap2/Adldap2/blob/master/docs/models/model.md#deleting
// check if group exists
$groupObject = \Yii::$app->ad->search()->findBy('cn', 'Cat and Dog');
if($groupObject != null && $groupObject->exists) {
// delete if exists
if ($groupObject->delete()) {
echo "// deleted successfully.";
} else {
echo "// There was an issue deleted this group.";