diff --git a/rel/files/mongooseim.cfg b/rel/files/mongooseim.cfg
index ebeb90dd926..215207e3642 100755
--- a/rel/files/mongooseim.cfg
+++ b/rel/files/mongooseim.cfg
@@ -640,7 +640,7 @@
{service_admin_extra, [{submods, [node, accounts, sessions, vcard, gdpr, upload,
- roster, last, private, stanza, stats]}]},
+ roster, last, private, stanza, stats, migration]}]},
{service_mongoose_system_metrics, [{initial_report, 300000},
{periodic_report, 10800000}]}
diff --git a/src/admin_extra/service_admin_extra_migration.erl b/src/admin_extra/service_admin_extra_migration.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..41372a970f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/admin_extra/service_admin_extra_migration.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+%%% ==================================================================
+%%% @doc
+%%% MongooseIM migration
+%%% @end
+%%% ==================================================================
+-export([commands/0, migrate/3, get_data/2]).
+ migrate_pubsub_nodes/1,
+ migrate_pubsub_affiliations/1,
+ migrate_pubsub_subscriptions/1,
+ migrate_pubsub_items/1,
+ migrate_vcard/1,
+ migrate_vcard_search/1,
+ migrate_users/1,
+ migrate_event_pusher_push_subscription/1,
+ migrate_rosterusers/1,
+ migrate_roster_version/1,
+ migrate_rostergroups/1,
+ migrate_last/1,
+ migrate_private_storage/1,
+ migrate_offline_message/1,
+ migrate_muc_light_rooms/1
+%%% ==================================================================
+%%% Includes
+%%% ==================================================================
+%%% ==================================================================
+%%% API
+%%% ==================================================================
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @doc
+%% Commands of migration CTL
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec commands() -> [ejabberd_commands:cmd()].
+commands() ->
+ [#ejabberd_commands{
+ name = migrate,
+ tags = [migration],
+ desc = "Migration from Mnesia to MySQL",
+ module = ?MODULE,
+ function = migrate,
+ args = [{from, binary}, {to, binary}, {act, binary}],
+ result = {res, restuple}
+ }].
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @doc
+%% Migrate from DB to DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate(From :: binary(), To :: binary(), Act :: binary()) -> Result :: tuple().
+migrate(<<"mnesia">>, <<"rdbms">>, Act) when is_binary(Act) ->
+ OP = ejabberd_config:get_local_option_or_default(outgoing_pools, []),
+ case [X || {X, _, _, _, _} <- OP, X =:= rdbms] of
+ [rdbms] ->
+ case try_migrate(Act) of
+ {ok, Resp} ->
+ {ok, Resp};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {exists, Reason}
+ end;
+ [rdbms|_] ->
+ {exists, "Detected multi 'rdbms' configuration. Need to use one 'rdbms' configuration for correct migration"};
+ _ ->
+ {exists, "Looks like that the MySQL is not configured. Check 'mongooseim.cfg'"}
+ end;
+migrate(From, To, _) ->
+ {exists, io_lib:format("Migration from '~s' to '~s' is not supported", [From, To])}.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @doc
+%% @private
+%% Trying do migrate from DB to DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec try_migrate(Act :: binary() | tuple()) -> Result :: tuple().
+try_migrate(Act) when is_binary(Act) ->
+ case Act of
+ <<"all">> ->
+ Acts = [<<"pubsub_nodes">>, <<"pubsub_affiliations">>, <<"pubsub_subscriptions">>, <<"pubsub_items">>,
+ <<"vcard">>, <<"vcard_search">>, <<"users">>, <<"event_pusher_push_subscription">>,
+ <<"rosterusers">>, <<"roster_version">>, <<"rostergroups">>, <<"last">>, <<"private_storage">>,
+ <<"offline_message">>, <<"muc_light_rooms">>],
+ _ = [try_migrate(X) || X <- Acts],
+ {ok, io_lib:format("Completed the migration of the tables: ~p", [Acts])};
+ <<"pubsub_nodes">> ->
+ try_migrate({Act, pubsub_node});
+ Act when Act =:= <<"pubsub_affiliations">>; Act =:= <<"pubsub_subscriptions">> ->
+ try_migrate({Act, pubsub_state});
+ <<"pubsub_items">> ->
+ try_migrate({Act, pubsub_item});
+ <<"vcard">> ->
+ try_migrate({Act, vcard});
+ <<"vcard_search">> ->
+ try_migrate({Act, vcard_search});
+ <<"users">> ->
+ try_migrate({Act, passwd});
+ <<"event_pusher_push_subscription">> ->
+ try_migrate({Act, push_subscription});
+ Act when Act =:= <<"rosterusers">>; Act =:= <<"rostergroups">> ->
+ try_migrate({Act, roster});
+ <<"roster_version">> ->
+ try_migrate({Act, roster_version});
+ <<"last">> ->
+ try_migrate({Act, last_activity});
+ <<"private_storage">> ->
+ try_migrate({Act, private_storage});
+ <<"offline_message">> ->
+ try_migrate({Act, offline_msg});
+ <<"muc_light_rooms">> ->
+ try_migrate({Act, muc_light_room});
+ Act ->
+ {error, io_lib:format("Migrate dont support act: ~p", [binary_to_list(Act)])}
+ end;
+try_migrate({Act, Table}) when is_atom(Table) ->
+ try_migrate({Act, Table, get_data(first, Table)});
+try_migrate({Act, Table, TableData}) ->
+ case TableData of
+ {ok, _, '$end_of_table'} ->
+ {ok, io_lib:format("Completed the migration of the table: '~s'", [Act])};
+ {ok, Data, NextKey} ->
+ ?MODULE:(list_to_existing_atom("migrate_" ++ binary_to_list(Act)))(Data),
+ try_migrate({Act, Table, get_data(next, {Table, NextKey})});
+ Error ->
+ Error
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Helper for migrate "pubsub_node" from Mnesia to SQL DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate_pubsub_nodes(Data :: list()) -> Result :: ok.
+migrate_pubsub_nodes([]) ->
+ ok;
+migrate_pubsub_nodes([H|_]) ->
+ {Host, ID} = H#pubsub_node.nodeid,
+ Owners = jiffy:encode([jid:to_binary(O) || O <- H#pubsub_node.owners]),
+ Ops = jiffy:encode({H#pubsub_node.options}),
+ Cols = ["nidx", "p_key", "name", "type", "owners", "options"],
+ Vals = [H#pubsub_node.id, Host, ID, H#pubsub_node.type, Owners, Ops],
+ Q = ["INSERT INTO pubsub_nodes ", expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals), ";"],
+ case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, Q) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("The SQL for 'pubsub_node' has error: ~p for values ~p", [Reason, Vals]);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Helper for migrate "pubsub_affiliations" from Mnesia to SQL DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate_pubsub_affiliations(Data :: list()) -> Result :: ok.
+migrate_pubsub_affiliations([]) ->
+ ok;
+migrate_pubsub_affiliations([H|_]) ->
+ {SJID, Nidx} = H#pubsub_state.stateid,
+ JidBIn = jid:to_binary(SJID),
+ JID = jid:from_binary(JidBIn),
+ case {JID#jid.luser, H#pubsub_state.affiliation} of
+ {Luser, Aff} when Aff =:= none; Luser =:= <<>> ->
+ ok;
+ _ ->
+ JidBIn = jid:to_binary(SJID),
+ JID = jid:from_binary(JidBIn),
+ Cols = ["nidx", "luser", "lserver", "aff"],
+ Vals = [Nidx, JID#jid.luser, JID#jid.lserver, mod_pubsub_db_rdbms:aff2int(H#pubsub_state.affiliation)],
+ Q = ["INSERT INTO pubsub_affiliations ", expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals), ";"],
+ case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, Q) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("The SQL for 'pubsub_affiliations' has error: ~p for values ~p", [Reason, Vals]);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Helper for migrate "pubsub_subscriptions" from Mnesia to SQL DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate_pubsub_subscriptions(Data :: list()) -> Result :: ok.
+migrate_pubsub_subscriptions([]) ->
+ ok;
+migrate_pubsub_subscriptions([H|_]) ->
+ case H#pubsub_state.subscriptions of
+ [{Type, SubID}] when Type =:= none; Type =:= pending; Type =:= subscribed ->
+ {SJID, Nidx} = H#pubsub_state.stateid,
+ JidBIn = jid:to_binary(SJID),
+ JID = jid:from_binary(JidBIn),
+ Cols = ["nidx", "luser", "lserver", "lresource", "type", "sub_id", "options"],
+ Vals = [Nidx, JID#jid.luser, JID#jid.lserver, JID#jid.lresource,
+ escape(mod_pubsub_db_rdbms:sub2int(Type)), SubID, "\"{}\""],
+ Q = ["INSERT INTO pubsub_subscriptions ", expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals), ";"],
+ case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, Q) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("The SQL for 'pubsub_subscriptions' has error: ~p for values ~p", [Reason, Vals]);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Helper for migrate "pubsub_items" from Mnesia to SQL DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate_pubsub_items(Data :: list()) -> Result :: ok.
+migrate_pubsub_items([]) ->
+ ok;
+migrate_pubsub_items([H|_]) ->
+ {IID, NodeIdx} = H#pubsub_item.itemid,
+ {CTime, CJID} = H#pubsub_item.creation,
+ [Payload] = H#pubsub_item.payload,
+ CT = to_unixtime(CTime),
+ JidBIn = jid:to_binary(CJID),
+ JID = jid:from_binary(JidBIn),
+ XMLB = <<"- ", (exml:to_binary(Payload))/binary, "
+ Cols = ["nidx", "itemid", "created_luser", "created_lserver", "created_at",
+ "modified_luser", "modified_lserver", "modified_lresource", "modified_at", "payload"],
+ Vals = [NodeIdx, IID, JID#jid.luser, JID#jid.lserver, CT, JID#jid.lserver,
+ JID#jid.lserver, JID#jid.lresource, CT, XMLB],
+ Q = ["INSERT INTO pubsub_items ", expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals), ";"],
+ case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, Q) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("The SQL for 'pubsub_items' has error: ~p for values ~p", [Reason, Vals]);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Helper for migrate "vcard" from Mnesia to SQL DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate_vcard(Data :: list()) -> Result :: ok.
+migrate_vcard([]) ->
+ ok;
+migrate_vcard([H|_]) ->
+ {Luser, Lserver} = H#vcard.us,
+ Cols = ["username", "server", "vcard"],
+ Vals = [Luser, Lserver, exml:to_binary(H#vcard.vcard)],
+ Q = ["INSERT INTO vcard ", expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals), ";"],
+ case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, Q) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("The SQL for 'vcard' has error: ~p for values ~p", [Reason, Vals]);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Helper for migrate "vcard_search" from Mnesia to SQL DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate_vcard_search(Data :: list()) -> Result :: ok.
+migrate_vcard_search([]) ->
+ ok;
+migrate_vcard_search([H|_]) ->
+ {Luser, Lserver} = H#vcard_search.us,
+ Cols = ["username", "lusername", "server", "fn", "lfn", "family", "lfamily", "given",
+ "lgiven", "middle", "lmiddle", "nickname", "lnickname", "bday", "lbday", "ctry",
+ "lctry", "locality", "llocality", "email", "lemail", "orgname", "lorgname", "orgunit",
+ "lorgunit"],
+ Vals = [Luser, H#vcard_search.luser, Lserver, H#vcard_search.fn, H#vcard_search.lfn,
+ H#vcard_search.family, H#vcard_search.lfamily, H#vcard_search.given, H#vcard_search.lgiven,
+ H#vcard_search.middle, H#vcard_search.lmiddle, H#vcard_search.nickname, H#vcard_search.lnickname,
+ H#vcard_search.bday, H#vcard_search.lbday, H#vcard_search.ctry, H#vcard_search.lctry,
+ H#vcard_search.locality, H#vcard_search.llocality, H#vcard_search.email, H#vcard_search.lemail,
+ H#vcard_search.orgname, H#vcard_search.lorgname, H#vcard_search.orgunit, H#vcard_search.lorgunit],
+ Q = ["INSERT INTO vcard_search ", expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals), ";"],
+ case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, Q) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("The SQL for 'vcard_search' has error: ~p for values ~p", [Reason, Vals]);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Helper for migrate "users" from Mnesia to SQL DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate_users(Data :: list()) -> Result :: ok.
+migrate_users([]) ->
+ ok;
+migrate_users([H|_]) ->
+ Password = case ejabberd_auth_internal:get_password(H) of
+ P when is_binary(P) ->
+ P;
+ P ->
+ mongoose_scram:serialize(P)
+ end,
+ {Luser, _} = ejabberd_auth_internal:get_us(H),
+ Cols = ["username", "password"],
+ Vals = [Luser, Password],
+ Q = ["INSERT INTO users ", expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals), ";"],
+ case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, Q) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("The SQL for 'users' has error: ~p for values ~p", [Reason, Vals]);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Helper for migrate "event_pusher_push_subscription;" from Mnesia to SQL DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate_event_pusher_push_subscription(Data :: list()) -> Result :: ok.
+migrate_event_pusher_push_subscription([]) ->
+ ok;
+migrate_event_pusher_push_subscription([H|_]) ->
+ {Luser, Lserver} = mod_event_pusher_push_mnesia:get_user_jid(H),
+ Cols = ["owner_jid", "node", "pubsub_jid", "form", "created_at"],
+ Vals = [<>, mod_event_pusher_push_mnesia:get_pubsub_node(H),
+ jid:to_binary(mod_event_pusher_push_mnesia:get_pubsub_jid(H)),
+ jiffy:encode({mod_event_pusher_push_mnesia:get_form(H)}),
+ integer_to_binary(os:system_time(micro_seconds))],
+ Q = ["INSERT INTO event_pusher_push_subscription ", expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals), ";"],
+ case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, Q) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("The SQL for 'event_pusher_push_subscription' has error: ~p for values ~p", [Reason, Vals]);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Helper for migrate "rosterusers" from Mnesia to SQL DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate_rosterusers(Data :: list()) -> Result :: ok.
+migrate_rosterusers([]) ->
+ ok;
+migrate_rosterusers([H|_]) ->
+ {Luser, _} = H#roster.us,
+ Cols = ["username", "jid", "nick", "askmessage", "subscription", "ask", "server", "subscribe", "type"],
+ Vals = [Luser, jid:to_binary(H#roster.jid), H#roster.name, H#roster.askmessage,
+ subscription_to_char(H#roster.subscription), ask_to_char(H#roster.ask),
+ "", "", "item"], % @TODO what should be "server" - char(1)??? and what should be "subscribe" and "type"
+ Q = ["INSERT INTO rosterusers ", expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals), ";"],
+ case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, Q) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("The SQL for 'rosterusers' has error: ~p for values ~p", [Reason, Vals]);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Helper for migrate "roster_version" from Mnesia to SQL DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate_roster_version(Data :: list()) -> Result :: ok.
+migrate_roster_version([]) ->
+ ok;
+migrate_roster_version([H|_]) ->
+ {Luser, _} = H#roster_version.us,
+ Cols = ["username", "version"],
+ Vals = [Luser, H#roster_version.version],
+ Q = ["INSERT INTO roster_version ", expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals), ";"],
+ case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, Q) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("The SQL for 'roster_version' has error: ~p for values ~p", [Reason, Vals]);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Helper for migrate "rostergroups" from Mnesia to SQL DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate_rostergroups(Data :: list()) -> Result :: ok.
+migrate_rostergroups([]) ->
+ ok;
+migrate_rostergroups([H|_]) ->
+ {Luser, _} = H#roster.us,
+ Cols = ["username", "jid", "grp"],
+ Vals = [Luser, jid:to_binary(H#roster.jid)],
+ _ = [begin
+ Q = ["INSERT INTO rostergroups ", expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals ++ [Group]), ";"],
+ case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, Q) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("The SQL for 'rostergroups' has error: ~p for values ~p", [Reason, Vals ++ Group]);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end || Group <- H#roster.groups],
+ ok.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Helper for migrate "last" from Mnesia to SQL DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate_last(Data :: list()) -> Result :: ok.
+migrate_last([]) ->
+ ok;
+migrate_last([H|_]) ->
+ {Luser, _} = H#last_activity.us,
+ Cols = ["username", "seconds", "state"],
+ Vals = [Luser, H#last_activity.timestamp, H#last_activity.status],
+ Q = ["INSERT INTO last ", expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals), ";"],
+ case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, Q) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("The SQL for 'last' has error: ~p for values ~p", [Reason, Vals]);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Helper for migrate "private_storage" from Mnesia to SQL DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate_private_storage(Data :: list()) -> Result :: ok.
+migrate_private_storage([]) ->
+ ok;
+migrate_private_storage([H|_]) ->
+ {LUser, _, NS} = mod_private_mnesia:get_usns(H),
+ Cols = ["username", "namespace", "data"],
+ Vals = [LUser, NS, exml:to_binary(mod_private_mnesia:get_xml(H))],
+ Q = ["INSERT INTO private_storage ", expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals), ";"],
+ case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, Q) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("The SQL for 'private_storage' has error: ~p for values ~p", [Reason, Vals]);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Helper for migrate "offline_message" from Mnesia to SQL DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate_offline_message(Data :: list()) -> Result :: ok.
+migrate_offline_message([]) ->
+ ok;
+migrate_offline_message([H|_]) ->
+ {LUser, LServer} = H#offline_msg.us,
+ Cols = ["timestamp", "server", "username", "from_jid", "packet"],
+ Vals = [integer_to_binary(to_unixtime(H#offline_msg.timestamp)), LServer,
+ LUser, jid:to_binary(H#offline_msg.from), exml:to_binary(H#offline_msg.packet)],
+ Q = ["INSERT INTO offline_message ", expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals), ";"],
+ case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, Q) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("The SQL for 'offline_message' has error: ~p for values ~p", [Reason, Vals]);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Helper for migrate "muc_light_rooms" from Mnesia to SQL DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate_muc_light_rooms(Data :: list()) -> Result :: ok.
+migrate_muc_light_rooms([]) ->
+ ok;
+migrate_muc_light_rooms([H|_]) ->
+ {LUser, LServer} = mod_muc_light_db_mnesia:get_room(H),
+ ID = case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, "SELECT MAX(ID) from muc_light_rooms;") of
+ {selected, [{null}]} ->
+ 1;
+ {selected, [{N}]} when is_integer(N) ->
+ N + 1
+ end,
+ Cols = ["id", "luser", "lserver", "version"],
+ Vals = [ID, LUser, LServer, mod_muc_light_db_mnesia:get_room_version(H)],
+ Q = ["INSERT INTO muc_light_rooms ", expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals), ";"],
+ case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, Q) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("The SQL for 'muc_light_rooms' has error: ~p for values ~p", [Reason, Vals]);
+ _ ->
+ migrate_muc_light_config(mod_muc_light_db_mnesia:get_room_config(H), ID),
+ _ = [migrate_muc_light_occupants(ID, U, S, Aff) || {{U, S}, Aff} <- mod_muc_light_db_mnesia:get_room_aff_users(H)],
+ ok
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Helper for migrate "muc_light_config" from Mnesia to SQL DB
+%% For "muc_light_config" need to know "room_id", by this reason this function used inside of migrate_muc_light_rooms/1
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate_muc_light_config(Data :: list(), RoomID :: integer()) -> ok.
+migrate_muc_light_config([{_, Name}, {_, Subject}], RoomID) ->
+ Cols = ["room_id", "opt", "val"],
+ Vals = [RoomID, Name, Subject],
+ Q = ["INSERT INTO muc_light_config ", expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals), ";"],
+ case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, Q) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("The SQL for 'muc_light_config' has error: ~p for values ~p", [Reason, Vals]);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Helper for migrate "muc_light_occupants" from Mnesia to SQL DB
+%% For "muc_light_occupants" need to know "room_id", by this reason this function used inside of migrate_muc_light_rooms/1
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec migrate_muc_light_occupants(ID :: integer(), U :: binary(), S :: binary(), A :: atom()) -> ok.
+migrate_muc_light_occupants(ID, LUser, LServer, Aff) ->
+ AffDB = case Aff of
+ owner ->
+ 1;
+ member ->
+ 2;
+ _ ->
+ 0
+ end,
+ case AffDB of
+ 0 ->
+ ok;
+ AffDB ->
+ Cols = ["room_id", "luser", "lserver", "aff"],
+ Vals = [ID, LUser, LServer, AffDB],
+ Q = ["INSERT INTO muc_light_occupants ", expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals), ";"],
+ case mongoose_rdbms:sql_query(?MYNAME, Q) of
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ ?WARNING_MSG("The SQL for 'migrate_muc_light_occupants' has error: ~p for values ~p", [Reason, Vals]);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% convert time for DB
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec to_unixtime(Data :: tuple()) -> Result :: integer().
+to_unixtime({Mega, Sec, Micro}) ->
+ Mega * 1000000 * 1000000 + Sec * 1000000 + Micro.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Getting data from table of Mnesia by table name
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec get_data(Step :: atom(), Name :: atom() | tuple()) -> Result :: {ok, any(), any()} | {error, list()}.
+get_data(first, Name) ->
+ try
+ Key = mnesia:dirty_first(Name),
+ {ok, mnesia:dirty_read(Name, Key), mnesia:dirty_next(Name, Key)}
+ catch Class:Exception ->
+ {error, io_lib:format("Migration call: [~p:~p/1] catched ~p:~p", [?MODULE, get_data, Class, Exception])}
+ end;
+get_data(next, {Name, Key}) ->
+ {ok, mnesia:dirty_read(Name, Key), mnesia:dirty_next(Name, Key)}.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Generate SQL values: "(field_1, field_1) VALUES ('bear', 'one')"
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec expand_sql_vals(Cols :: list(), Vals :: list()) -> Q :: list().
+expand_sql_vals(Cols, Vals) ->
+ EVals = [escape(V) || V <- Vals],
+ ["(", join(Cols, ", "), ") VALUES (", join(EVals, ", "), ")"].
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Join lists by separator
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec join(list(), list()) -> list().
+join([], _Sep) ->
+ [];
+join([H|T], Sep) ->
+ [H, [[Sep, X] || X <- T]].
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% escape helper
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec escape(Data :: any()) -> Res :: binary() | list() | any().
+escape(Data) when is_integer(Data) ->
+ integer_to_binary(Data);
+escape(Data) when is_binary(Data); is_list(Data) ->
+ [$', mongoose_rdbms:escape_characters(Data), $'];
+escape(Data) ->
+ Data.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Subscription to char
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec subscription_to_char(Data :: atom()) -> Result :: binary().
+subscription_to_char(Subs) ->
+ case Subs of
+ both ->
+ <<"B">>;
+ to ->
+ <<"T">>;
+ from ->
+ <<"F">>;
+ remove ->
+ <<"R">>;
+ none ->
+ <<"N">>
+ end.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% @private
+%% @doc
+%% Ask to char
+%% @end
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+-spec ask_to_char(Data :: atom()) -> Result :: binary().
+ask_to_char(Ask) ->
+ case Ask of
+ subscribe ->
+ <<"S">>;
+ unsubscribe ->
+ <<"U">>;
+ both ->
+ <<"B">>;
+ out ->
+ <<"O">>;
+ in ->
+ <<"I">>;
+ _ ->
+ <<"N">>
+ end.
diff --git a/src/auth/ejabberd_auth_internal.erl b/src/auth/ejabberd_auth_internal.erl
index 0e947618c56..ec8460fa7af 100644
--- a/src/auth/ejabberd_auth_internal.erl
+++ b/src/auth/ejabberd_auth_internal.erl
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@
+-export([get_us/1, get_password/1]).
@@ -359,3 +361,11 @@ get_vh_registered_users_within_interval(Users, Limit, Offset) ->
Length = length(Set),
Start = min(1, max(Offset, Length)),
lists:sublist(Set, Start, Limit).
+-spec get_us(Data :: passwd()) -> tuple().
+get_us(#passwd{us = US}) ->
+ US.
+-spec get_password(Data :: passwd()) -> tuple() | binary().
+get_password(#passwd{password = Pass}) ->
+ Pass.
diff --git a/src/event_pusher/mod_event_pusher_push_mnesia.erl b/src/event_pusher/mod_event_pusher_push_mnesia.erl
index 6d270972b35..d5146262f15 100644
--- a/src/event_pusher/mod_event_pusher_push_mnesia.erl
+++ b/src/event_pusher/mod_event_pusher_push_mnesia.erl
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
-export([enable/4, disable/3, get_publish_services/1]).
+-export([get_user_jid/1, get_pubsub_jid/1, get_pubsub_node/1, get_form/1]).
%% Definitions
@@ -148,3 +149,19 @@ make_record(UserJID, PubsubJID, Node, Form) ->
-spec key(jid:jid()) -> key().
key(JID) ->
+-spec get_user_jid(Data :: tuple()) -> Result :: key() | undefined.
+get_user_jid(#push_subscription{user_jid = UserJid}) ->
+ UserJid.
+-spec get_pubsub_jid(Data :: tuple()) -> Result :: jid:jid().
+get_pubsub_jid(#push_subscription{pubsub_jid = PubsubJid}) ->
+ PubsubJid.
+-spec get_pubsub_node(Data :: tuple()) -> Result :: mod_event_pusher_push:pubsub_node().
+get_pubsub_node(#push_subscription{pubsub_node = PubsubNode}) ->
+ PubsubNode.
+-spec get_form(Data :: tuple()) -> Result :: mod_event_pusher_push:form().
+get_form(#push_subscription{form = Form}) ->
+ Form.
diff --git a/src/mod_private_mnesia.erl b/src/mod_private_mnesia.erl
index ba76c990114..a26bc2a4ac0 100644
--- a/src/mod_private_mnesia.erl
+++ b/src/mod_private_mnesia.erl
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
+-export([get_usns/1, get_xml/1]).
@@ -98,3 +100,9 @@ select_namespaces_t(LUser, LServer) ->
delete_record_t(LUser, LServer, NS) ->
mnesia:delete({private_storage, {LUser, LServer, NS}}).
+get_usns(#private_storage{usns = USNS}) ->
+get_xml(#private_storage{xml = XML}) ->
+ XML.
diff --git a/src/muc_light/mod_muc_light_db_mnesia.erl b/src/muc_light/mod_muc_light_db_mnesia.erl
index 09eb86122cd..17bf0223b1c 100644
--- a/src/muc_light/mod_muc_light_db_mnesia.erl
+++ b/src/muc_light/mod_muc_light_db_mnesia.erl
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
+-export([get_room/1, get_room_config/1, get_room_aff_users/1, get_room_version/1]).
@@ -414,3 +416,18 @@ update_users_rooms(RoomUS, [], [User | RLeavingUsers]) ->
update_users_rooms(_RoomUS, [], []) ->
+-spec get_room(Data :: muc_light_room()) -> jid:simple_bare_jid().
+get_room(#muc_light_room{room = Room}) ->
+ Room.
+-spec get_room_config(Data :: muc_light_room()) -> [{atom(), term()}].
+get_room_config(#muc_light_room{config = Config}) ->
+ Config.
+-spec get_room_aff_users(Data :: muc_light_room()) -> aff_users().
+get_room_aff_users(#muc_light_room{aff_users = AffUsers}) ->
+ AffUsers.
+-spec get_room_version(Data :: muc_light_room()) -> binary().
+get_room_version(#muc_light_room{version = Version}) ->
+ Version.
diff --git a/src/rdbms/mongoose_rdbms.erl b/src/rdbms/mongoose_rdbms.erl
index 4a461b8a2a5..3e2e4e215ff 100644
--- a/src/rdbms/mongoose_rdbms.erl
+++ b/src/rdbms/mongoose_rdbms.erl
@@ -88,7 +88,8 @@
%% Unicode escaping
- use_escaped_string/1]).
+ use_escaped_string/1,
+ escape_characters/1]).
%% Integer escaping