This command closes the connection between the client and Exasol. After the connection is closed, it cannot be used for further interaction with Exasol.
Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "disconnect"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes to set for the connection (see Attributes)
Request JSON format
"command": "disconnect",
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- attributes (object, optional) => attributes set for the connection (see Attributes)
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Reponse JSON format
"status": <"ok" | "error">,
"attributes": {
// as defined separately
// if status is "error"
"exception": {
"text": <string>,
"sqlCode": <string>