- Windows - VS2019
- Configuration Properties - General - C++ Language Standard, configure to Preview (/std:c++latest)
- Configuration Properties - C++ - Command Line, add
- Windows - VS2022
- Configuration Properties - General - C++ Language Standard, configure to Preview (/std:c++latest)
- Configuration Properties - C++ - Command Line, add
- Linux - gcc11.2+
First install libfv
through vcpkg
vcpkg install fawdlstty-libfv
Or, use the warehouse's latest code:
vcpkg remove fawdlstty-libfv
vcpkg install asio fmt gzip-hpp nlohmann-json openssl zlib
git clone [email protected]:fawdlstty/libfv.git
// Import header file (default dependency on asio, macro need to be defined if use boost::asio)
#include <fv/fv.h>
// Main function
int main () {
// Global initialize (you can specified thread number, specify CPU thread number - 1)
fv::Tasks::Init ();
// ...
// Loop processing task (or quit when another code call `fv::Tasks::Stop ()`)
fv::Tasks::Run ();
return 0;
When an asynchronous function has called, it is added to the task pool with fv::Tasks::RunAsync
or fv::Tasks::RunMainAsync
The one without Main is the task pool wrapped by the thread pool, and the one with Main is the task pool wrapped by a single thread (the thread that calls Run). It is recommended that the service category carry Main and other categories do not carry Main.
// Asynchronous function
Task<void> async_func () {
fv::Response _r = co_await fv::Post ("https://t.cn", fv::body_kv ("a", "aaa"));
std::cout << _r.Content;
// Asynchronous function with parameter
Task<void> async_func2 (int n) {
std::cout << n << std::endl;
// To execute asynchronous functions
fv::Tasks::RunAsync (async_func);
fv::Tasks::RunMainAsync (async_func2, 5);
// Set SSL verification function (default no verification)
fv::Config::SslVerifyFunc = [] (bool preverified, fv::Ssl::verify_context &ctx) { return true; };
// Setting global TCP transmission without delay (Used in scenarios requiring high real-time performance)
fv::Config::NoDelay = true;
// Setting the global HTTP header (client)
fv::Request::SetDefaultHeader ("User-Agent", "libfv-0.0.1");
// Setting the global Websocket ping interval
fv::Config::WebsocketAutoPing = std::chrono::minutes (1);
// Set the connection pool automatic close interval
fv::Config::SessionPoolTimeout = std::chrono::minutes (1);
// Setting SSL version
fv::Config::SslClientVer = fv::Ssl::context::tls;
fv::Config::SslServerVer = fv::Ssl::context::tls;
// Setting DNS resolve function
fv::Config::DnsResolve = [] (std::string _host) -> Task<std::string> {
Tcp::resolver _resolver { Tasks::GetContext () };
auto _it = co_await _resolver.async_resolve (_host, "", UseAwaitable);
co_return _it.begin ()->endpoint ().address ().to_string ();
// Set the local client IP binding query function
fv::Config::BindClientIP = [] () -> Task<std::string> {
std::string _ip = co_await fv::Config::DnsResolve (asio::ip::host_name ());
co_return _ip;