Require slices (and segments on Shared) to have a public API definition.
According to the public API rule on slices:
Every slice (and segment on layers that don't have slices) must contain a public API definition.
Modules outside of this slice/segment can only reference the public API, not the internal file structure of the slice/segment.
Examples of project structures that pass this rule:
📂 shared
📂 ui
📄 index.ts
📂 lib
📄 index.ts
📂 entities
📂 user
📂 ui
📂 model
📄 index.ts
📂 pages
📂 home
📂 ui
📄 index.ts
Examples of project structures that fail this rule:
📂 shared
📂 ui // ❌
📄 Button.tsx
📂 lib
📄 index.ts
📂 entities
📂 user // ❌
📂 ui
📂 model
📂 pages
📂 home
📂 ui
📄 index.ts
The public API for slices exists as the only entrypoint into a slice, and that ensures that the internal structure of the slice can change freely as long as the public API stays the same. This ensures stability of the codebase during refactors. A slice that doesn't have one becomes a weak point for refactoring.