There are several small command line tools for working with a flink device.
Lists all subdevices of a flink device.
Example: lsflink -d /dev/flink0 -v
Option | Description |
-d file | specify device file |
-v | verbose mode |
Prints the description string of the info subdevice.
Example: flinkinfo -d /dev/flink0 -s 0
Option | Description |
-d file | specify device file |
-s id | select subdevice by id |
Control a flink digital I/O subdevice.
Example: flinkdio -d /dev/flink0 -s 2 -c 0 -w -h
Option | Description |
-d file | specify device file |
-s id | select subdevice by id |
-c channel | channel to use |
-r | read from input |
-w | write to output |
-h | set output HIGH |
-l | set output LOW |
Control a flink PWM subdevice.
Example: flinkpwm -d /dev/flink0 -s 3 -c 0 -f 1000 -h 50
Option | Description |
-d file | specify device file |
-s id | select subdevice by id |
-c channel | channel to use |
-f frequency | PWM frequency (in Hz) |
-h dutycycle | PWM duty cycle in % |
-v | verbose output |
Read a flink PPWA subdevice.
Example: flinkppwa -d /dev/flink0 -s 3 -c 0
Option | Description |
-d file | specify device file |
-s id | select subdevice by id |
-c channel | channel to use |
-v | verbose output |
Read a flink counter subdevice.
Example: flinkcounter -d /dev/flink0 -s 1 -c 0 -n 100 -t 100
Option | Description |
-d file | specify device file |
-s id | select subdevice by id |
-c channel | channel to use |
-n repeats | number of repeats |
-t time | time in ms between counter reads |
Read a flink analog input subdevice.
Example: flinkanaloginput -d /dev/flink0 -s 4 -c 0
Option | Description |
-d file | specify device file |
-s id | select subdevice by id |
-c channel | channel to use |
-v | verbose output |
Control a flink analog output subdevice.
Example: flinkanalogoutput -d /dev/flink0 -s 4 -c 0 -o 38000
Option | Description |
-d file | specify device file |
-s id | select subdevice by id |
-c channel | channel to use |
-o value | output value |
-v | verbose output |
Control a flink watchdog device. The watchdog is n times retriggered after 80% of the timeout is expired.
Example: flinkwd -d /dev/flink0 -s 2 -n 20 -t 200
Option | Description |
-d file | specify device file |
-s id | select subdevice by id |
-n repeats | number of repeats |
-t timeout | watchdog timeout |
-r | real time |
-v | verbose output |
Control a stepper motor.
Defaults: File(/dev/flink0), Cannel(0), CW, Full Steps, Two Phase, Freerunning(30sec), Start Speed(10), Top Speed(100), Acceleration(10)
Example: flinksteppermotor -s 1
Option | Description |
-d file | specify device file |
-s id | select subdevice by id |
-c channel | channel to use |
-f direction | direction: 1->CW 0->CCW |
-h stepmode | stepmode: 1->full 0->half |
-p phasemode | phasemode: 1->both 0->single |
-m runmode | mode: 1->freerun 0->stepping |
-g start | start speed [steps/s] |
-t top | top speed [steps/s] |
-a acceleration | acceleration [stepps between start & top] |
-n stepps | Stepps to do in stepping mode |
-x time | time for freerun mode |
-v | verbose output |
Read a flink reflective light sensor subdevice.
Example: flinkreflectivesensoren -d /dev/flink0 -s 4 -c 0
Option | Description |
-d file | specify device file |
-s id | select subdevice by id |
-c channel | channel to use |
-v | verbose output |
Provides IRQ sink. Print a string when an interrupt occurs.
Example: flinkinterrupthandler -d /dev/flink0 -i 0
Option | Description |
-d file | specify device file |
-s id | select subdevice by id |
-i IRQ | System IRQ source Nr. |
-v | verbose output |
Connects a flink IRQ signal coming from a flink device to a system IRQ.
Example: flinkinterruptmultiplexer -d /dev/flink0 -s 4 -i 0 -f 10
Option | Description |
-d file | specify device file |
-s id | select subdevice by id |
-i IRQ | System IRQ source Nr. |
-f flink IRQ | flink IRQ Nr. |
-v | verbose output |