For getting started to build an application like ct drive you need to have some knowledge regarding the google oauth web services.
This is the ct drive repository that has code for the existing application Link.
You can clone this repository and run it in your local.
For running this application you need to add the following credentials to the file .env.production
To add these credentials you can go through the following website link Using OAuth 2.0 for Web Server Applications | Authorization | Google for Developers
In this website you can find an option of create authorization credentials and once you click on the link you will landed to console.google.cloud.com page where you can create a project and from there you can get the VITE_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID.
For the second credential you can add the id of the main folder that you wanted to open once you run the project.
To run the project you have to initially run 2 commands
- yarn install - this will install all the dependencies required for the project to run.
- yarn run dev - this will run the code
By default the project will be opened in Link
- React :
- React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, commonly used for creating single-page applications.
- It allows developers to create reusable UI components that manage their own state, making it easier to build complex UIs.
- For further reference : React
- Typescript :
- TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing to the language.
- It helps catch errors early in the development process and improves code readability and maintainability.
- For further reference : TypeScript
- Zustand :
- Zustand is a small, fast, and scalable state management library for React applications.
- It provides a simple API for managing state in React components without the need for additional dependencies like Redux.
- Zustand is used for state management.
- For further reference : GitHub - pmndrs/zustand: 🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React
- Ant Design :
- Ant Design is a React UI library with a set of high-quality components and design principles.
- It helps developers build beautiful and accessible user interfaces quickly and easily.
- For further reference : Ant Design
- Tailwind CSS :
- Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that allows you to build custom designs without having to write traditional CSS.
- It provides a set of utility classes that you can use to style your components, resulting in a more maintainable and consistent codebase.
- For further reference : Tailwind CSS
- Vite :
- Vite is a build tool for modern web development that focuses on speed and simplicity.
- It leverages ES modules to provide fast, hot module replacement during development and optimized production builds.
- For further reference : Vite
- Google OAuth / Google Drive APIs :
- Google OAuth allows you to authenticate users and access google APIs on their behalf successfully.
- Google Drive API enables developers to interact with files and folders stored in google drive programmatically.
- For further reference :
- Google OAuth : Using OAuth 2.0 to Access Google APIs | Authorization
- Google Drive : Google Drive
- GAPI :
- GAPI is Google’s client library for browser-side JavaScript. It’s used in Google Sign-in, Google Drive, and thousands of internal and external web pages for easily connecting with Google APIs.
- Initially define a script to create the gapi object in index.html file.
- Load the client using api call - window.gapi.load
- Once loaded initialize the google client using the api call - window.gapi.client.init which accepts the params client id(VITE_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID), scope,discovery docs and plugin name.
- Login :
- For login we use the api call window?.gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance();
- gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance() returns a Google Auth object. This object is used to call the sign-in method.
- On success we will get the user details and display the information.
- Get :
- To get the details of any file/folder we will use the api call window.gapi.client.drive.files.get
- We will pass the params folder Id and required fields for getting information.
- List :
- To get the list of files or folders present in a directory we use window.gapi.client.drive.files.list
- This method returns all the files in a list which will be mapped to show
- This method accepts different parameters like query,order by,fields,pageSize based on which it returns the list of files/folders
- Create :
- To create a new file/folder we will use window.gapi.client.drive.files.create
- This method accepts params like mimeType,parentId,name,fields
- This method creates a new file/folder based on the params given
- Update :
- To update the name or status of file/folder we use window.gapi.client.drive.files.update
- This method updates the required field keeping all the other fields same
- Delete :
- To permanently delete a file/folder we use window.gapi.client.drive.files.delete
- This method deletes the file/folder which cannot be restored later
- Permissions :
- To create/update permissions we use window.gapi.client.drive.permissions.create / window.gapi.client.drive.permissions.update
- This method is majorly used to share the file/folder with people or update the permissions
- People Search:
- To search people for sharing the file we are using window.gapi.client?.people?.people?.searchDirectoryPeople, window?.gapi?.client?.people.otherContacts.search
- This method accepts the params query,readMask,sources,pageSize
- This method gives a list of contacts based on our params