- ⏳ Estimated completion time: 15 min
- 🙂 Minimal participation recommended: 50+ people
- 💡 Objectives: understand what the users want in a structured and organised manner, prioritise the features that are not only upvoted by the active minority, but have a need grounded in user's jobs to be done.
- 📃 Format: Formbricks / Google Forms
Hi, and thank you for participating in this study!
Your responses will help us make Formbricks even better by learning how people are using it, what they love about it, and how we can improve your experience. Your responses are completely anonymous, and we appreciate honest and upfront feedback!
This form will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Please note that the information you disclose in this form will be anonymised and published. Do not disclose any information you deem sensitive or personal in this form.
Understanding what our users do will help us better cater to their needs.
- What do you do for a living?
- How big is your company/business?
- Have you ever contributed to FOSS?
Tell us how you are using Formbricks and what you like and do not like about.
- What brought you to Formbricks in the first place?
- How are you using Formbricks today?
- Rate your experience with Formbricks from 1 to 5. Can you elaborate why you chose this rating?
- What do you like the most about Formbricks?
Let's talk about competitors.
- Have you ever used (or are using now) any similar services? Is yes, which ones?
- How are they better than Formbricks?
- Is there anything that Formbricks does better?
Tell us about the features you use the most (and the least), and what are some of the things you wish we could implement.
- What are some Formbricks features that you use the most?
- Are there any features you'd like to see Formbricks implement?