id | title | sidebar_label |
reference-metrics |
KoP Metrics |
KoP Metrics |
KoP exposes the following metrics in Prometheus format. You can monitor your clusters with those metrics.
The following types of metrics are available:
- Counter: a cumulative metric that represents a single monotonically increasing counter. The value increases by default. You can reset the value to zero or restart your cluster.
- Gauge: a metric that represents a single numerical value that can arbitrarily go up and down.
- Histogram: a histogram samples observations (usually things like request durations or response sizes) and counts them in configurable buckets.
- Summary: similar to a histogram, a summary samples observations (usually things like request durations and response sizes). While it also provides a total count of observations and a sum of all observed values, it calculates configurable quantiles over a sliding time window.
The KoP metrics are exposed under "/metrics" at port 8000
along with Pulsar metrics. You can use a different port by configuring the stats_server_port
system property.
Name | Type | Description |
kop_server_ALIVE_CHANNEL_COUNT | Gauge | The number of alive request channel |
kop_server_ACTIVE_CHANNEL_COUNT | Gauge | The number of active request channel |
Name | Type | Description |
kop_server_REQUEST_QUEUE_SIZE | Gauge | The number of quest in kop request processing queue of total request channel. |
kop_server_REQUEST_QUEUED_LATENCY | Summary | The requests queued latency calculated in milliseconds. Available labels: request (ApiVersions, Metadata, Produce, FindCoordinator, ListOffsets, OffsetFetch, OffsetCommit, Fetch, JoinGroup, SyncGroup, Heartbeat, LeaveGroup, DescribeGroups, ListGroups, DeleteGroups, SaslHandshake, SaslAuthenticate, CreateTopics, InitProducerId, AddPartitionsToTxn, AddOffsetsToTxn, TxnOffsetCommit, EndTxn, WriteTxnMarkers, DescribeConfigs, DeleteTopics). |
kop_server_REQUEST_PARSE_LATENCY | Summary | The requests parse latency from byteBuf to MemoryRecords calculated in milliseconds. |
kop_server_REQUEST_LATENCY | Summary | The requests processing total latency for all Kafka Apis. Available labels: request (ApiVersions, Metadata, Produce, FindCoordinator, ListOffsets, OffsetFetch, OffsetCommit, Fetch, JoinGroup, SyncGroup, Heartbeat, LeaveGroup, DescribeGroups, ListGroups, DeleteGroups, SaslHandshake, SaslAuthenticate, CreateTopics, InitProducerId, AddPartitionsToTxn, AddOffsetsToTxn, TxnOffsetCommit, EndTxn, WriteTxnMarkers, DescribeConfigs, DeleteTopics). |
Name | Type | Description |
kop_server_RESPONSE_BLOCKED_TIMES | Counter | The response blocked times due to waiting for process complete |
kop_server_RESPONSE_BLOCKED_LATENCY | Summary | The response blocked latency calculated in milliseconds |
Name | Type | Description |
kop_server_PRODUCE_ENCODE | Summary | The memory record encode latency |
kop_server_MESSAGE_PUBLISH | Summary | The message publish latency to Pulsar ManagedLedger |
kop_server_MESSAGE_QUEUED_LATENCY | Summary | The message queued latency in KoP message publish queue |
kop_server_BYTES_IN | Counter | The producer bytes in stats. Available labels: topic, partition.
kop_server_MESSAGE_IN | Counter | The producer message in stats. Available labels: topic, partition.
kop_server_BATCH_COUNT_PER_MEMORYRECORDS | Gauge | The number of batches in each memory records |
kop_server_PRODUCE_MESSAGE_CONVERSIONS | Counter | The producer message conversions in stats. Available labels: topic, partition.
Name | Type | Description |
kop_server_PREPARE_METADATA | Summary | The prepare metadata latency in milliseconds before starting fetch from Pulsar ManagedLedger |
kop_server_TOTAL_MESSAGE_READ | Summary | The total message read latency in milliseconds in this fetch request |
kop_server_MESSAGE_READ | Summary | The message read latency in milliseconds for one cursor read entry request |
kop_server_FETCH_DECODE | Summary | The message decode latency in milliseconds |
kop_server_BYTES_OUT | Counter | The consumer bytes out stats. Available labels: topic, partition, group.
kop_server_MESSAGE_OUT | Counter | The consumer message out stats. Available labels: topic, partition, group.
kop_server_ENTRIES_OUT | Counter | The consumer entries out stats. Available labels: topic, partition, group.
kop_server_CONSUME_MESSAGE_CONVERSIONS | Counter | The consumer message conversions in stats. Available labels: topic, partition.
Name | Type | Description |
kop_server_KOP_EVENT_QUEUE_SIZE | Gauge | The total number of events in KoP event processing queue. |
kop_server_KOP_EVENT_QUEUED_LATENCY | Summary | The events queued latency calculated in milliseconds. Available labels: event (DeleteTopicsEvent, BrokersChangeEvent, ShutdownEventThread). |
kop_server_KOP_EVENT_LATENCY | Summary | The events processing total latency for all KoP event types. Available labels: event (DeleteTopicsEvent, BrokersChangeEvent, ShutdownEventThread). |