Presta ships with a simple CLI that supports most configuration options. To view
the help docs, run presta -h
in your terminal. It will print the following:
$ presta <command> [options]
Available Commands
build Build project to output directory.
dev Watch project and build to output directory.
serve Serve built files, lambdas, and static assets.
For more info, run any command with the `--help` flag
$ presta build --help
$ presta dev --help
-c, --config Path to a config file. (default presta.config.js)
--staticOutputDir Specify output directory for built static files. (default ./.presta/static/)
--functionsOutputDir Specify output directory for built serverless functions. (default ./.presta/functions/)
-a, --assets Specify static asset directory. (default ./public)
-d, --debug Enable debug mode (prints more logs)
-v, --version Displays current version
-h, --help Displays this message
$ presta dev index.jsx -o dist
$ presta dev 'pages/*.tsx' -o static
$ presta 'pages/*.tsx'
$ presta -c site.json
$ presta serve -p 8080