Here are some notes to install and run VMs on KVM and Mint.
First to build the packer stuff, we need to install these packes:
$ sudo apt-get install qemu-system qemu-utils libvirt-bin virt-manager python-spice-client-gtk virt-viewer
Make and load the boxes you want (note that rake load will build the boxes as needed):
$ rake build:kvm:all
$ rake load:kvm:all
Then, make sure to run the latest vagrant, at least 1.7.2, and install the necessary plugin:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
you will need the following packages to use synced folders:
$ sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
Test your new VMs:
$ rake up:kvm:windows-2012R2-full-standard-eval
$ cd spec && BOX=windows-2012R2-full-standard-eval vagrant up --provider=libvirt
And you are good to go!