An esphome component for the gdoor GIRA TKS-Bus-Adapter. Based on @nholloh's gdoor esphome-component who was the first to make the gdoor firmware work in ESPHome (see more details in : gdoor issue #25).
Supported Features: read/write to GIRA bus
Tested hardware combination: Gira Wohnungsstation AP (1250 015) + gdoor Adapter 3.1-1 + ESP32 D1 Mini.
Example YAML configuration:
board: esp32dev
- source:
type: git
components: [gdoor]
refresh: 0s
id: my_gdoor # optional set your own id here
tx_pin: 25 # optional (default 25)
tx_en_pin: 27 # optional (default 27)
rx_pin: 22 # optional (default 22)
rx_thresh_pin: 26 # optional (default 26)
rx_sens: 'med' # optional if rx_pin is 22: 'low', 'med' or 'high' (default 'high')
text_sensor: # atm returns gdoor formatted strings like: {"action": "BUTTON_RING", "parameters": "0360", "source": "A286FD", "destination": "000000", "type": "OUTDOOR", "busdata": "011011A286FD0360A04A"}
- platform: gdoor
id: gdoor_bus_message
icon: "mdi:console-network-outline"
name: "GDoor Bus Message"
gdoor_id: my_gdoor
- platform: gdoor
id: gdoor_outdoor_button_ring
icon: "mdi:bell-ring-outline"
name: "GDoor Button Ring"
gdoor_id: my_gdoor
- "011011A286FD0360A04A" # example filter a short BUTTON_RING on OUTDOOR station
- "011011A286FD03A0A08A" # example filter a long BUTTON_RING on OUTDOOR station
- platform: gdoor
id: gdoor_indoor_button_light
icon: "mdi:lightbulb-on"
name: "GDoor Button Light"
gdoor_id: my_gdoor
busdata: "011041A286FD0000A18FA7" # example filter a BUTTON_LIGHT from INDOOR station
- platform: gdoor
id: gdoor_outdoor_opener
name: "GDoor Outdoor Opener"
gdoor_id: my_gdoor
# Attention: CRC check will be performed on hex-string during config validation. Only valid payloads are allowed.
payload: "0200311234560000A165432139" # example of DOOR_OPEN to open a OUTDOOR .
- platform: output
name: Outdoor Opener
id: my_opener_utton
icon: "mdi:door-open"
output: gdoor_outdoor_opener
duration: 50ms