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Como - a Titanium Appcelerator MVC Framework

Just another approach to simplify Titanium Appcelerator app development, integrated with joli.js to persist data model using local DB and underscore.js as utility.

Please check the demo project for a sample como project.



Getting Started


The simplest way to start using Como is just copy app & lib directory and also app.js into your titanium project, if you would like to use the localization feature then you also have to copy the i18n directory.

DO NOT modify /Resources/app.js, please modify /Resources/app/main.js instead to change application bootstrap.

Directory Structure

The directory structure of common Como application is as follows:

    |- i18n                 <- Localization sources
    |- Resources
        |- app
        |   |- config       <- Configuration sources
        |   |- controllers  <- Controller sources
        |   |- models       <- Model sources
        |   |- views        <- View sources
        |   |- main.js      <- Como bootstrap
        |- lib
        |   |- Como         <- Core Como Library
        |   |- Joli         <- Joli ORM Library
        |   |- Underscore   <- Underscore js-utility-belt Library
        |- app.js           <- Appcelerator bootstrap

Writing Views

The main view required by main.js is /app/views/MainWindow.js so we will need this view as our main window. We need this MainWindow defined as CommonJS module. The directory for views is /app/views please create one if not exists.

// file: /app/views/MainWindow.js
module.exports = function (Como) {

    var UI = Como.loadUI();

    var self = new{
        fullscreen : true,
        backgroundColor : '#bada55',
        title : 'Main Window',
        navBarHidden : false,
        exitOnClose : true

    return self;

To create a Window we can use UIShortcut object factory from Como.loadUI() that will return the UIShortcut factory. Other components also available such as Ti.UI.ScrollView, Ti.UI.Button, Ti.UI.Label, etc.. Please refer lib/Como/UIShortcut.js.

Using Localization/Internationalization

To be able to localize messages we need to define the messages for each language inside /i18n directory under the project root. Inside this folder, you will have folders for each of the supported languages in your application, named according to the ISO 639-1 standard. For example, en for English, is the default. Each language contains a single XML Formatted file called string.xml which contains all the messages in that language.

please refer Internationalization Guide

Create a custom UI Definition as extension to UIShortcut.js

To be able to put your UI definition inside of the UI Factory object coming from Como.loadUI() you can create a config file in CommonJS module pattern in /app/config/UIConfig.js and it will be automatically included upon Como.loadUI() invocation.

The skeleton of the config is as follows:

// file: /app/config/UIConfig.js
var myUIFactory = function (opt) {
    // UI Creation here and return the UI object
    // You CANNOT use Como.loadUI(); you have to use the native Titanium API to create UI.

// all your factories definition
var factories = [
        // the name of the factory method
        // make sure no conflicts with existing ones
        name: 'myui',

        // the factory function
        fn: myUIFactory, // if you put in 'String' Como will try to execute Ti.UI.createString

        // callback before the factory executed; this reference will be user's options
        before: function () {
            // do before ui creation activity such as modifying user's options

        // callback after the factory executed; this reference will be the ui object
        after: function () {
            // do after ui creation activity such as add child elements

// export it as factories attribute of the module
exports.factories = factories;

And next time you execute var UI = Como.loadUI(); you'll be able to access var customUI = new UI.myui(opts);.

Writing Controllers

To create a controller just add a .js in /app/controllers. The directory for controller is /app/controllers please create one if not exists. Components created using UIShortcut factory are action aware. It means that we can straight pass action expression like this:

win.on('click', 'Controller/action', param1, 'param2');

To define a Controller we need to use CommonJS module. We will pass Como in Constructor function and we will return the public API

// file: /app/controllers/Test.js
module.exports = function (Como) {

    var doBtnClick = function (p) {

        // get the source of the event
        var source = this;

        alert('It\'s Clicked! p is ' + p + ' & xyz is ' +;

    // Public API
    return {
        doBtnClick : doBtnClick

We can then use the public API of our Action in Controller to act as event handler of our view. We can also pass parameters both via action parameters and component custom attributes.

UI created using UIShortcut.js which is accessed either via Como.loadUI() or require('/lib/Como/UIShortcut') will have method on(*event name*, *action/function*, *parameters*) which is act as alias of method addEventListener with action aware ability.

So you won't likely need to use addEventListener anymore, unless to listen to Application Level Events (using Ti.App.addEventListener).

var btn = new UI.button({
    backgroundColor: '#272e12',
    color: '#fff',
    title: 'Click Me'
    width: '100dp',
    height: '40dp',
    bottom: '20dp',
    xyz: 'abc'          // custom attribute

// set click to doBtnClick action which expects a String paramter
btn.on('click', 'Test/doBtnClick', 'xxx');

Use Action with my own custom events ?

Yes it is possible to use action API with custom events such as your own trigger custom events. Como has an API to get the Controller Action using Como.applyAction() this function will return the actual Action function.

var handler = Como.applyAction('Test/doFlash', 'params');

btn.on('flash', handler);
// or btn.on('flash', 'Test/doFlash', 'params');

Custom Events added by UIShortcut

These events are added by UIShortcut so all components created using UIShortcut Factory will have these custom events. Also available UI methods with the same name as these custom event name.

  1. tap the same as touchend in native appcelerator event.
  2. taphod the same as longpress in native appcelerator event.

You can listen to above events with the following syntax:

var btn = new UI.button({ ... });

// inline function
btn.tap(function(e) { ... });

// or use action path
btn.taphold('Controller/action', 'params');

Writing Models

Models or Data Models are table representatives in local DB, since Como is using joli as ORM Library, Como has a namespace for joli which is Como.db, it is a joli object. The directory for model is /app/models please create one if not exists.

To configure your database name you can set it in /app/config/app.js

module.exports = {

    /** db name **/
    db: 'tiapp-como',


To create a new joli model you can use the following pattern

// file: /app/models/User.js
module.exports = function (Como) {

    // define your data model
    var m = {
        /* the table name */
        table : 'user',

        /* the table columns */
        columns : {
            id:     'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY',
            nick:   'TEXT',
            name:   'TEXT'

        /* declare Table based method(s) here */
        methods: {
            info: function() {
      'Table name is: ' + this.table);
            /* more methods here */

        /* declare Record based method(s) here */
        objectMethods: {
            details: function() {
      'record id is: ' +;
      'record nick is: ' + this.nick);
      'record name is: ' +;
            /* more methods here */

    // transform it into joli model
    return new Como.db.model(m);

DO NOT forget to add your models to configuration /app/config/app.js in models property, put your model filename WITHOUT .js in the Array.

module.exports = {

    /** Models to load **/
    models: [ 'User' ],


And to use it you can do the followings:

// get the model, notice the parameter used is the TABLE NAME of the Model.
var User = Como.db.models.get('user');

// setup a record
var aUser = {
    id: 1,
    nick: 'geekzy',
    name: 'Imam Kurniawan'

// create the record and insert into table

// select all
var users = User.all();

// select with criteria
var users = User.all({
    where : {
        'name like ?': 'Imam%'

// fetch by primary key
var user = User.findOneById(1);

// invoke table methods;
// output: Table name is: user

// invoke record methods
// output:
//   record id is: 1
//   record nick is: geekzy
//   record name is: Imam Kurniawan

Change Log

Please click here to view Change Log.

Como is Copyright © 2012 by GeekZy.Net - Lead Developer: Imam <[email protected]>

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Appcelerator, Appcelerator Titanium and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Appcelerator, Inc.

Titanium is Copyright © 2008-2012 by Appcelerator, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Titanium is licensed under the Apache Public License (Version 2). Please see the LICENSE file for the full license.