A configuration file can be set to customize the header.
Inside it, you can set the following properties:
"config": {},
"menu": [],
"i18n": {}
Config can contains old tag attributes :
"config": {
"stylesheet": "https://data.lillemetropole.fr/public/georchestra.css",
"logoUrl": "https://data.lillemetropole.fr/public/logo-mel.jpg",
"hideLogin": false,
"lang": "es"
Full configuration is here.
) because this file can be used in other georchestra's apps. It will take precedence over the one set in the config file of the header.
Menu can contain three type of objects : link
(by default), separator
or dropdown
There's actually just one level of dropdowns. You cannot have a dropdown inside a dropdown.
To see the actual structure of the menu, you can check the menu interface
A decision has been made in order to have the best match between the active tab and the current page.
If two conditions can be resolved for a link to be active, the longest one will be used.
URL of tab : /mapstore/#/home
- Condition 1 : activeAppUrl /mapstore
- Condition 2 : activeAppUrl /mapstore/#/home
Condition 2 will be used because /mapstore/#/home = 16 characters.
In addition to translations set in ./src/i18n/, you can add custom translations :
"i18n": {
"en": {
"customi18nkey": "WMS/WFS service"
"fr": {
"customi18nkey": "Service WMS/WFS"
"es": {
"customi18nkey": "Servicio WMS/WFS"